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Communication Skills for Effective Dementia Care

Communication Skills for Effective Dementia Care

Ian Andrew James | Laura Gibbons


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Book Details


Effective communication is critical for everyone, and this insightful book teaches the skills needed by healthcare staff in their day-to-day interactions with people with dementia and their families. Often when people with dementia exhibit behaviour that challenges, it is an indication that their needs are not being met. The authors illustrate the key aspects of communication for the development of a skilled and confident workforce, capable of providing thoroughly effective care that reduces levels of agitation in people with dementia.

The first six chapters describe the CAIT (Communication and Interaction Training) framework established by the authors. This is followed by chapters contributed by experts on the Positive Care Approach™, appropriate touch and communication with people in the late stages of dementia. Accessible and practical, it will help caregivers develop and articulate existing skills as well as gain new ones, allowing them to overcome the challenges faced when caring for people with dementia.

Ian Andrew James is Lead for the Behaviour Support Services in Northumberland Tyne and Wear NHS FT, Consultant Clinical Psychologist at the Campus for Ageing and Vitality, and Honorary Professor at University of Bradford, UK.

Laura Gibbons is the Principal Coordinator and Trainer for the CAIT project in Northumberland Tyne and Wear NHS FT, and an Occupational Therapist working at the Campus for Ageing and Vitality, Newcastle upon Tyne.

Table of Contents

Section Title Page Action Price
Communication Skills for Effective Dementia Care: A Practical Guide to Communication and Interaction Training (CAIT) 3
Preface 9
Part I 11
1. Introduction to CAIT 13
2. Understanding People’s Needs 18
3. General Communication: Inner Hub 27
4. Dementia Specific Communication: Outer Hub 34
5. Activities of Daily Living (ADL) and Levels of Functioning: Spokes 50
6. Formulation-Led Approaches: Rim 64
References: Chapters 1–6 82
Part II 87
7. Enhancing Care-Givers’ Communication Skills: Teepa Snow’s Positive Approach to Care™ (PAC™) and GEMS™ by Susannah Thwaites 89
8. Promoting Consent to Touch During Personal Care by Luke Tanner 107
9. Adaptive Interaction: Facilitating Communication in Advanced Dementia by Maggie Ellis and Arlene Astell 119
10. What We Have Communicated and What Next! 129
Subject Index 140
Author Index 143
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