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The Straightforward Guide to Safeguarding Adults

The Straightforward Guide to Safeguarding Adults

Deborah Barnett


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This new manual provides a clear, comprehensive overview of the responsibilities of professionals in relation to safeguarding adults, and how to implement these principles in frontline practice.

The Care Act 2014 sets out a legal framework for how local authorities should protect adults at risk of abuse and neglect. However, the law can be complex and difficult to interpret. This straightforward manual aims to help managers, practitioners and trainers to work through the whole safeguarding process, from the very basics to the complexities of multi-agency collaboration and criminal investigation.

It offers a step-by-step guide to safeguarding adults, including case studies to recognise how to put specific safeguarding principles into practice, tools for assessing risk, and tips for implementing person-centred and strength-based practice.

Deborah Barnett is a qualified social worker with experience across all aspects of adult services. Deborah has been a member of the Safeguarding Adults Board within her local authority of Durham and runs a successful training and consultancy business, T-ASC (Training, advice, solutions & consultancy)

Table of Contents

Section Title Page Action Price
The Straightforward Guide to Safeguarding Adults by Deborah Barnett Cover
Preface 9
Who should read this book and how to use the information 9
The author 10
Safeguarding and safety 11
My philosophy of the learning process in safeguarding 14
The ethos of safeguarding practice 15
How much knowledge is enough in safeguarding adults? 16
How much legislation do I need to know? 17
The academics of safeguarding 18
The psychology of safeguarding 20
The sociology of safeguarding 23
The criminology of safeguarding 25
The law in safeguarding decision making 27
How do we make decisions as practitioners? 30
Ch 1. Introduction – An Overview of the Process 33
Ch 2. The History – From No Secrets to the Care Act 2014 43
The role of safeguarding defined by the consequentialist nature of the Care Act 2014 47
Strategic safeguarding structures 48
The operational safeguarding team/practitioners acting within a multi-agency dynamic 49
Ch 3. Indicators of Abuse and Neglect, Including Indicators of Trauma 51
The impact of abuse or neglect: trauma 51
Financial abuse 56
Physical abuse 61
Domestic abuse 63
Self-neglect and hoarding 73
Homelessness and safeguarding considerations in relation to trauma 87
Sexual abuse and sexual exploitation 88
Psychological abuse 93
Modern slavery 95
Discriminatory abuse 98
Organisational abuse (formerly known as institutional abuse) 100
Neglect and acts of omission 101
Ch 4. Capacity, Consent and Information Sharing 102
Can I make a safeguarding referral when the person is capacitated and does not consent? 102
Ch 5. Safeguarding Eligibility Criteria 116
The three-part test 116
Who meets these eligibility criteria? 117
Eligibility criteria case examples 120
Responsibility for safeguarding adults, application of eligibility criteria, risk assessment and response to enquiries 127
Ch 6. How Do We Respond to Increasing Safeguarding Demands? 145
Journey of support – not eligible for local authority services 150
Journey of support – eligible for local authority services 152
Social work intervention models 153
Ch 7. Making Safeguarding Personal 162
Equitable access to services, equitable treatment and reasonable adjustments 163
Increasing communication and involvement 169
‘Making safeguarding personal’ throughout the process 173
Increasing the economic, social, political, spiritual, psychological and physiological strength of a person, as an individual, within their family and within their community 184
Example of a person-centred safety plan 185
Maintaining human rights, including the right to private life (autonomy) 189
Equitable access to criminal justice 196
Ch 8. Working with the Police 201
Police powers of arrest 202
Points to prove and safeguarding support in preserving evidence 206
Competence, giving evidence and special measures 211
Capacity and credibility 212
Witness support, preparation and profiling (based on the Liverpool model) 215
Ch 9. Special and Additional Measures 222
The use of screens 225
Live links 225
To dispense with the wearing of wigs and gowns 227
Video-recorded evidence-in-chief 227
Video-recorded cross-examination 228
The use of intermediaries 229
Witness profiling 229
Witness support, preparation and profiling considerations 236
Ch 10. How Do I Manage Cases of Escalating Risk or Multiple Abuse? 243
The executive strategy process 247
Ch 11. Safeguarding Adults Reviews 251
The purpose of a safeguarding adults review 251
Referral process and decision-making panel/process 253
Focus on victim, family and friends 253
Proportionality in a safeguarding adults review 253
Links and interfaces with other reviews 254
The scope of the review 277
How to choose the appropriate person to conduct the review 278
Making the safeguarding adults review/domestic homicide review process personal 280
Joint commissioning of reviews 283
Ch 12. Conclusion 285
Moving forward 294
References 297
Index 303