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Communication and Discourse Theory

Communication and Discourse Theory

Leen Van Brussel | Nico Carpentier | Benjamin de Cleen


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This volume gathers the work of the Brussels group of critical media and communication scholars that deploy discourse theory as theoretical backbone and analytical research perspective. The book seeks to show the value and applicability of discourse-theoretical analysis (DTA) within the field of media and communication studies, through a variety of case studies that highlight both the radical contingent nature and the hegemonic workings of media and communication practices.
Leen Van Brussel is a staff member of the Flemish Institute of Healthy Living (Vlaams Instituut Gezond Leven), where she works on health promotion ethics and health communication. Nico Carpentier is associate professor in media and communication studies at the Department of Media Studies of Charles University in Prague. Benjamin De Cleen is assistant professor at the Communication Studies Department of the Vrije Universiteit Brussel (VUB-Free University of Brussels) where he is the coordinator of the English-language master’s on journalism and media in Europe.

Table of Contents

Section Title Page Action Price
Cover Cover
Half Title i
Title iii
Copyright iv
Contents v
Introduction: Discourse Theory, Media and Communication, and the Work of the Brussels Discourse Theory Group 1
Section 1: Political Ideologies 33
Chapter 1: Crisis, Austerity, and Opposition in Mainstream Media Discourses in Greece 35
Chapter 2: (Re)Articulating Feminism: A Discourse Analysis of Sweden’s Feminist Initiative Election Campaign 57
Chapter 3: The Stage as an Arena of Politics: The Struggle between the Vlaams Blok/Belang and the Flemish City Theaters 79
Section 2: The Politics of Everyday Life 93
Chapter 4: A Discourse-Theoretical Approach to Death and Dying 95
Chapter 5: Putting Your Relationship to the Test: Constructions of Fidelity, Seduction, and Participation in Temptation Island 113
Section 3: Production 137
Chapter 6: The Postmodern Challenge to Journalism: Strategies for Constructing a Trustworthy Identity 139
Chapter 7: The Particularity of Objectivity: A Poststructuralist and Psychoanalytical Reading of the Gap between Objectivity-as-a-Value and Objectivity-as-a-Practice in the 2003 Iraqi War Coverage 157
Section 4: Audiences and Participation 177
Chapter 8: The Articulation of “Audience” in Chinese Communication Research 179
Chapter 9: Articulating the Visitor in Public Knowledge Institutions 201
Chapter 10: To be a Common Hero: The Uneasy Balance between the Ordinary and Ordinariness in the Subject Position of Mediated Ordinary People in the Talk Show Jan Publiek 225
Section 5: Activism and Resistance 245
Chapter 11: Online Barter and Counter-Hegemonic Resistance 247
Chapter 12: Activist Fantasies on ICT-Related Social Change in Istanbul 265
Chapter 13: Contesting the Populist Claim on “The People” through Popular Culture: The 0110 Concerts versus the Vlaams Belang 281
Biographies 307
Previous Publications 311
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