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Teaching Social Skills to Children with Autism Using Minecraft®

Teaching Social Skills to Children with Autism Using Minecraft®

Raelene Dundon | Chloe-Amber Scott



This comprehensive and accessible guide contains everything that needs to be known in order to set up and run a Minecraft® Social Group for children with autism spectrum disorders.

Minecraft®, often described as 'digital Lego', provides an ideal forum to help children with autism and related conditions to develop social and communication skills. This book offers guidance on how to use the game to support the learning of social and emotional concepts such as having a conversation, showing interest in others and understanding another person's point of view.

With over 100 pages of photocopiable and downloadable session plans, visuals and handouts, this manual is essential reading for professionals working with autism who are interested in introducing Minecraft® to support social skill development in their students.

Raelene Dundon is a registered psychologist and the Director of Okey Dokey Childhood Psychology. She is a mother of three children, two of whom have autism, and is based in Melbourne, Australia.

Table of Contents

Section Title Page Action Price
Teaching Social Skills to Children with Autism Using Minecraft: A Step by Step Guide by Raelene Dundon 3
Acknowledgements 9
Introduction 10
Part 1. Social Skills and Minecraft® 13
Chapter 1. What Are Social Skills? 15
Chapter 2. How Are Social Skills Impaired in Children with Autism? 20
Chapter 3. How Can Group Programmes Support Children with Autism to Develop Social Skills? 25
Chapter 4. What Is Minecraft®? 31
Chapter 5. Why Use Minecraft® to Teach Social Skills? 36
Part 2. Putting It All Together 41
Chapter 6. Getting Set Up 43
Chapter 7. Running the Programme 48
Chapter 8. Session Plans and Handouts 56
Part 3. Resources 209
Minecraft® Dollars 211
Minecraft® Snakes and Ladders 212
Minecraft® Certificates 213
Helpful Websites 216
Bibliography 217