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Human Acceleration of the Nitrogen Cycle

Human Acceleration of the Nitrogen Cycle


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This publication examines the risks associated with the release of excessive nitrogen into the environment (climate change, depletion of the ozone layer, air pollution, water pollution, loss of biodiversity, deterioration of soil quality). The report also examines the uncertainty associated with the ability of nitrogen to move from one ecosystem to another and cause "cascading effects". In addition to better management of nitrogen risks at the local level, there is a need to consider the global risks associated with the continued increase in nitrous oxide concentrations and to prevent excess nitrogen in all its forms by developing cost-effective strategies for all its sources. Other than the reduction of nitrogen pollution, this report provides guidance on the use of nitrogen policy instruments and how to ensure coherence with objectives such as food security, energy security and environmental objectives.

Table of Contents

Section Title Page Action Price
Cover Cover
Table of contents 7
Abbreviations 13
Executive summary 17
Chapter 1. Why does nitrogen matter? 19
1.1 A doubling of global nitrogen fixation since pre-industrial time 20
1.2 An essential nutrient, but a potential pollutant 21
1.3 Nitrogen has multiple sources 22
1.4 ...multiple pathways 24
1.4.1 Air 24
1.4.2 Greenhouse balance and ozone layer 25
1.4.3 Water 26
1.4.4 Ecosystems and biodiversity 28
1.4.5 Soil 29
1.5 ...and multiple impacts 30
1.5.1 Air quality 30
1.5.2 Greenhouse balance and ozone layer 31
1.5.3 Water quality 31
1.5.4 Ecosystems and biodiversity 32
1.5.5 Soil quality 33
1.6 The “nitrogen cascade” 33
Notes 36
References 38
Chapter 2. Proposed approach to address nitrogen pollution 41
2.1 The risk approach 43
2.1.1 The different nitrogen risks 43
2.1.2 Deepening pathway analysis to better manage risks of nitrogen pollution 44
2.1.3 Feasibility of the risk approach 54
2.1.4 The case of nitrous oxide (N2O) 55
2.2 The “precautionary” approach 56
Notes 65
References 67
Chapter 3. Examples of impact-pathway analysis and its translation into policy-making 71
3.1 Case study 1: Impact-Pathway Analysis (IPA) and air pollution 72
3.1.1 Urban air pollution 72
3.1.2 Eutrophication of terrestrial ecosystems 74
3.1.3 Policy relevance of IPA for air pollution risk management 75
Nitrogen dioxide (NO2) 75
Nitrogen aerosols 76
Ground-level ozone (GLO) 78
3.2 Case study 2: Impact-Pathway Analysis (IPA) and water pollution 80
3.2.1 Coastal water pollution 80
3.2.2 Lake water pollution 83
3.2.3 Groundwater contamination 85
3.2.4 Policy relevance of IPA for water pollution risk management 88
Notes 92
References 94
Chapter 4. The unintended consequences on the nitrogen cycle of conservation practises in agriculture 97
4.1 Managing nitrogen for agriculture and the environment 98
4.2 Nitrogen pathways in crop production 99
4.3 Nitrogen pathways in animal production 100
4.4 Conservation practices and the nitrogen cycle 101
4.4.1 Nutrient management 102
4.4.2 Tillage 103
4.4.3 Cover crops 104
4.4.4 Filter strips 104
4.4.5 Restored wetlands 104
4.4.6 Field drainage 104
4.4.7 Chemical additions to manure 105
4.4.8 Tank covers 105
4.4.9 Slurry lagoon covers 105
4.4.10 Manure incorporation and injection 105
4.5 Changing nutrient management on cropland may result in environmental trade-offs 106
4.5.1 NRCS Conservation Effects Assessment Project 107
4.6 Water-air trade-offs in manure management 108
4.7 Nitrous oxide (N2O) management practices 109
4.8 Summary, conclusions and areas for further analysis 110
Notes 112
References 113
Chapter 5. Criteria to guide nitrogen policy making 119
5.1 Policy coherence 120
5.2 The effectiveness, efficiency and feasibility of policy instruments 124
5.2.1 A typology of policy instruments 124
5.2.2 Effectiveness, efficiency and feasibility criteria 126
5.3 Unintended effects related to the nitrogen cascade 129
Notes 132
References 133
Chapter 6. An assessment of the effectiveness, efficiency and feasibility of nitrogen policy instruments 137
6.1 Key findings 138
6.2 Case studies of policy instruments 146
6.2.1 The Swedish refund emission payment for nitrogen oxides (NOx): a combination of environmentally related tax and public financial\r\nsupport (PFS) 146
6.2.2 Selected instrument combinations of relevance to nitrogen pollution 147
6.2.3 The Greater Miami Watershed Trading Programme: an example of tradable permit system (TPS) 151
6.2.4 Japan’s automobile ‘nitrogen oxides (NOx) law’: an example of direct environmental regulation (DER) 152
6.2.5 Pennsylvania’s Resource Enhancement and Protection Programme: an example of public financial support (PFS) 154
6.2.6 The Agriculture and Environment Programme for Vittel area: an example of payment for ecosystem services (PES) 154
6.2.7 Australia’s ‘FERTCARE’: an example of information measure 155
6.2.8 Chesapeake 2000 Programme: an example of voluntary scheme 157
Notes 159
References 161
Annex A. Basic facts on nitrogen 165
A.1 The nitrogen cycle 165
A.2 The nitrogen problem in brief 166
A.3 Supplementary information on nitrogen impacts 167
A.3.1 Air quality 167
A.3.2 Greenhouse balance 169
A.3.3 Water quality 169
A.3.4 Ecosystems and biodiversity 170
Notes 172
References 173