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Apprenticeship Team Leader / Supervisor Level 3 Handbook + ActiveBook

Apprenticeship Team Leader / Supervisor Level 3 Handbook + ActiveBook

Julie Smith


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Book Details


An ideal companion to support apprentices throughout their on-programme learning of Team Leader/Supervisor Level 3 Apprenticeship Standard 


Apprenticeship Handbook for Team Leader/Supervisor Level 3 provides apprentices with all the support they will need throughout the on-programme component of the Team Leader/Supervisor Level 3 apprenticeship Standard. It is a course companion that includes all the knowledge required by the apprenticeship Standard and set out in the Pearson EPA specification, as well as providing opportunities for skills development and an appreciation of appropriate behaviours in the workplace.


Table of Contents

Section Title Page Action Price
Front Cover Front Cover
Contents iii
About this book iv
Topics 1
Chapter 1: Leadership styles 1
The four leadership styles 2
The autocratic leader 3
The paternalistic leader 4
The democratic leader 5
The laissez-faire leader 6
Adjusting leadership styles 6
Be aware of the business environment 7
Leading with empathy 7
Leading through correction and refl ection 7
Creating win-win situations 7
Benefits of coaching 8
How does coaching benefit team members? 8
GROW model 9
CLEAR model 10
FUEL model 10
Planning coaching sessions 11
The coaching plan 11
Giving feedback 12
Individual learning styles 12
Managing change through coaching 13
Organisational cultures 14
Internal influences 14
Primary function 14
External influences 16
Handy’s types of organisational culture 17
Techniques to use in influencing a team culture 19
Equality and diversity 20
Forms of discrimination and harassment 22
Employer responsibilities and liabilities 23
Your own personal behaviour 24
Chapter 2: People and team management 27
Belbin’s nine team roles 28
The nine team roles 29
Tuckman’s four stages of team development 30
Actions a team leader can take to promote effective team dynamics 31
Theories and models of motivation 32
The stages of Maslow explained 33
How is Maslow applied in the workplace? 33
Herzberg’s two-factor theory 34
Human resources 36
Human resources (HR) functions 36
The relationship between the team leader role and HR 37
Legal requirements in HR 38
Working Time Regulations 1998 38
Employment Rights Act 1996 38
Flexible Working Regulations 2014 39
Health and Safety at Work Act 1974 39
The impact of legal requirements 39
Performance goals and objectives 41
Role 41
Reasons 41
Approach 41
Requirements in HR 42
Measuring performance 42
Techniques for measuring performance 43
Identifying improvements needed 43
Role of feedback 44
Performance review meetings 45
Best practice in conducting performance reviews 46
Managing absence 47
Factors that can impact on performance 47
Disciplinary and grievance 48
Chapter 3: The project life cycle 51
Emotional intelligence 52
Using emotional intelligence effectively in the workplace 53
Personal skills 54
Social skills 56
Negotiation 58
Negotiation strategies 58
Components of a negotiation strategy 60
Negotiation techniques 62
Pre-negotiation 62
During negotiation 62
Consequences of negotiation 63
Conflict 64
Potential consequences of conflict 64
Bell and Hart’s eight causes of conflict 65
Non-compliance with rules and policies 67
Misunderstandings 68
Competition/rivalry 68
Techniques to manage conflict 69
Facilitating cross team relationships 71
Collaboration 71
Need for collaboration 72
Features of effective collaboration 73
Potential implications of ineffective collaboration 73
Managing knowledge when collaborating with other departments 75
Chapter 4: Communication 79
Methods of communication 80
Verbal communication 80
Body language 81
Communication process 82
Communication needs and requirements 82
Communication channels 83
Communication formats 84
Factors that affect the choice of communication media 84
Barriers to communication 85
Methods to overcome barriers to communication 87
Seven Cs of communication 88
Impacts of ineffective communication 88
Organising and chairing meetings 90
Preparation 90
Techniques to facilitate meetings 91
Organising the agenda 92
During the meeting 92
Holding difficult conversations and knowing when to raise concerns 94
Holding challenging conversations 94
Raising concerns and whistleblowing 95
Chapter 5: Operational management 99
Development of organisational strategy 100
Strategic plans 100
Strategic management responsibility 100
Developing an organisational strategy 100
Framework and basis for lower-level planning 101
External influences 102
Benchmarking 102
SWOT analysis 102
Demographic influences 102
Organisational culture and values 102
Implementing an operational or team plan 103
Performance objectives 104
Managing resources 106
Managing staffing 107
Monitoring resources 108
Staffing 110
Operational constraints 110
Approaches to managing change within the team 112
Types of change 112
Change management models 112
The role of stakeholders during change 115
Risks associated with change 116
Managing the risk associated with change 117
Contingency planning 117
Data management 117
Validity and reliability of data 119
Issues relating to the analysis of data 120
Organisational procedures relating to data handling 121
Following data protection principles 121
Chapter 6: What is project management? 125
The project life cycle 126
Project initiation 126
Project planning 127
Execution 127
Closure and evaluation 129
Common roles and responsibilities within project teams 130
Project management tools and techniques 131
Project management key tools and documents 131
Project management tools and techniques 133
Techniques and methods used in project monitoring 133
Management of project progress 134
Identifying problems related to project progress 136
Chapter 7: Finance 139
Compliance requirements 140
External requirements 140
Internal requirements 141
Purpose of business accounting 142
Types, uses, management and limitations of budgets 144
Types of budgets 144
Uses of budgets 146
How to manage a budget 147
Limitations of budgets 149
Financial terminology 150
Managing cost in the workplace 152
Categories of cost 152
Controlling material costs 153
Controlling labour costs 154
Chapter 8: Self-awareness 157
Using self-assessment tools 158
Learning styles 159
Reflecting on outcomes of self-assessment activities 160
Identifying sources of feedback 162
Types of feedback sought 164
Using the feedback received 165
Making timely changes 166
Applying learning 166
Demonstrating appropriate behaviours 167
Chapter 9: Management of self 171
Producing a personal development plan 172
Identifying learning and development goals and objectives 172
Identifying action points 173
Identifying learning and development activities 173
Identifying persons responsible 173
Identifying resources required 173
Agreeing timescales for achievement 173
Learning and development objectives 174
Learning and development goals 175
Monitoring a personal development plan 176
Set review dates 176
Recording achievement 176
Recording feedback from appraisals and personal reviews 176
Reviewing and revising objectives 177
Tracking against targets (milestones, completion) 177
Identifying reasons for deviations from plan 177
Identifying exploitable or corrective actions 177
Managing workload 178
Prioritising tasks according to situation 179
Appropriate behaviours 180
Using time management tools 181
Calendars 181
Schedules 181
Diary 181
‘To do’ list 181
Chapter 10: Decision-making 185
Problem-solving techniques 186
Brainstorming 186
Workshops 186
SWOT analysis 186
PESTLE analysis 187
Risk analysis 187
Root cause analysis (RCA) 187
Pareto principle 187
PDCA 188
5 Whys analysis 188
Using problem-solving techniques 189
Analysis customer feedback 189
Monitoring data 189
Benchmarking 189
Service level agreements (SLAs) and identifying service failures 190
Auditing of the supply chain 190
Using information from the team and others to inform decision‑making 190
Obtaining sufficient information from reliable sources 190
Validating the information received 190
Decision-making steps 191
Identifying the problem 191
Considering options and solutions 192
Implementing the decision 192
Monitoring and seeking feedback on the outcomes 193
Escalating problems 194
Follow escalation procedures 194
Communicating with more senior colleagues 194
Explaining the problem 194
Seeking guidance or decisions 194
Acknowledging levels of authority in the organisation 194
Acknowledging limits of own authority 195
Limits of knowledge 195
Handing over control of the situation 196
Level and speed of progress 196
Chapter 11: Continuous professional development (CPD) 199
SMART objectives 200
Recording your CPD 200
Types of CPD activity 202
Appropriate range of learning activities 203
Making the right choice 204
Identifying what you have learned from your CPD activities 204
Effectiveness of your CPD activities 205
Applying your new knowledge, skills and behaviours and the impact on your everyday work practice 206
Glossary 211
Index 214
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