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The Good Brexiteers Guide to English Lit

The Good Brexiteers Guide to English Lit

John Sutherland | John Crace


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What is Nigel Farage’s favorite novel? Why do Brexiteers love Sherlock Holmes? Is Philip Larkin the best Brexit poet ever? Through the politically relevant sideroad of English Literature, writ large, John Sutherland quarries the great literary minds of English history to assemble the ultimate reading list for Brexiteers.

Brexit shook Britain to its roots and sent shockwaves across the world. But despite the referendum victory, Brexit is peculiarly hollow. It is an idea without political apparatus, without sustaining history, without field-tested ideology. As Sutherland argues: it is without thinkers—like Frankenstein waiting for the lightning bolt. In this irreverent, entertaining, and utterly tongue-in-cheek new guide, Sutherland suggests some stuffing for the ideological vacuity at the heart of the Brexit cause. He looks for meaning in the works of William Shakespeare, Jane Austen, and Thomas Hardy; in modern classics like The Queen and I and London Fields; and in the British national anthem, school songs, and poetry.

Exploring what Britain meant, means, and will mean, Sutherland subtly shows how great literary works have a shaping influence on the world. Witty and insightful, and with a preface by Guardian columnist and critic John Crace, this book belongs on the shelves of anyone seeking to understand the bragging Brexiteers (and the many diehard Remoaners, too).
"The Good Brexiteer’s Guide to English Lit . . . goes some way to explaining why Brexit can make fools of the cleverest people—as well as making fools of fools. Sutherland argues that Brexit is essentially hollow: an idea without political apparatus, without sustaining history and without field-tested ideology. Rather, it was an atavistic set of competing interests. Some wanted to get rid of immigrants; some wanted to restore British sovereignty; some just wanted to give the political elites a kicking. A diehard remainer, Sutherland has performed the ultimate sacrifice. He has given the Brexiters something they were never able to give themselves: a cultural and literary hinterland around which they can unite, and against which Brexit can be better understood." — John Crace, Guardian
"Sutherland brings the entire literary canon into orbit around the political black hole. Is Blake's 'Jerusalem' Brexity? (Sort of.) Is Kipling? (Not quite.) 'Brexit' itself is an ugly word, especially when you hear it several times on every page, but since the rest of public life is lost in its vortex, why not literature too?" — Daily Telegraph
John Sutherland is the Lord Northcliffe Professor of Modern English Literature emeritus at University College London. He is the author of many books, including A Little History of Literature, How to Be Well Read, and, most recently, Orwell’s Nose: A Pathological Biography, also published by Reaktion Books.

Table of Contents

Section Title Page Action Price
Cover Cover
Title Page 3
Imprint Page 4
Contents 7
Preface by John Crace 11
Introduction 17
The Battle of Maldon 21
Domesday Book 26
The Tattooed Heart 30
Malory and King Arthur: The Literary Invention of England 32
The Literature of the People 41
The Bloudie Crosse 48
The Brexit Boadicea 49
Boadicea in Stone 56
Enter the Maybot, Clanking 58
Fee-Fi-Fo-Fum: I Smell the Blood of an Englishman! 59
Shakespeare: ‘This England’ 70
The Oxford Book of English Verse 76
School Songsters 82
Brexiteers, Buccaneers, Musketeers; or, ‘Up Yours, Señors!’ 86
Dickens, Anti-Brexiteer Extraordinaire 91
Our National Anthem 93
Gibbon: The Congenital British Non Serviam 97
Ivanhoe and the Norman Yoke 100
Jane Austen’s ‘England’ 104
W. E. Henley 107
Rivers of Blood Wash over Our Green and Pleasant Land 111
Brexit’s Green and Pleasant Land 118
A. E. Housman and Thomas Hardy 121
Land of Hope and Glory 131
Orwell: Quarter-French, Wholly English 134
Rhodes Must Fall. Kipling Must Go. Buchan Goes On and On 137
Kipling Again 145
Nigel Farage’s Favourite Novel 148
King Solomon’s (Not Africa’s) Mines 152
Lady Chatterley’s Lover: ‘Old England’ is Gone Forever 154
The Amis Objection 160
Philip Larkin: The Greatest English Poet of Our Time 162
Why the Brexiteer Loves Sherlock 166
Mad Dogs and Englishmen (and Jeeves) 169
The End of Jeeves 173
Invasion by Immigration – From Calais, Mars or Wherever 175
Dracula: Illegal Immigrant 180
God Loves England (Does He Not?) 185
Flashman 191
Goldfinger 196
The Poison Cabinet 201
Lost Englands 205
Virginia Woolf’s Farewell to England (and the World) 206
The Queen and I 211
The Children of Men 213
London Fields 214
England, England 216
Take to the Boats! 218
McEwan’s Objection 222
Hail Hilary! 223
The Satanic Verses: ‘Not English!’ 227
Epilogue 231
References 233
Acknowledgements 240