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Peter Bloom


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Book Details


Our contemporary age is confronted by a profound contradiction: on the one hand, our lives as workers, consumers and citizens have become ever more monitored by new technologies. On the other, big business and finance become increasingly less regulated and controllable.

What does this technocratic ideology and surveillance-heavy culture reveal about the deeper reality of modern society? Monitored investigates the history and implications of this modern accountability paradox. Peter Bloom reveals pervasive monitoring practices which mask how at its heart, the elite remains socially and ethically out of control.

Challenging their exploitive 'accounting power', Bloom demands that the systems that administer our lives are oriented to social liberation and new ways of being in the world.
'A brisk and insightful guide to our world of increasingly ubiquitous surveillance that poses challenging questions about who is surveilled, who has privacy, and how we are being sold the chains to our own imprisonment'
Nick Srnicek, King's College London
'Essential reading for those who wish to identify, resist and challenge the surveillance consequences of big data for the individual, for democracy and for society'
Kirstie Ball, University of St Andrews
'The non-fiction equivalent of Orwell's '1984'. In a terrifying account of the new age of surveillance, Bloom demonstrates how Big Brother is actually Big Data'
Simon Springer, author of 'The Discourse of Neoliberalism' and 'The Anarchist Roots of Geography'

Table of Contents

Section Title Page Action Price
Cover Cover
Contents v
Acknowledgements vi
Preface: Completely Monitored vii
1. Monitored Subjects, Unaccountable Capitalism 1
2. The Growing Threat of Digital Control 27
3. Surveilling Ourselves 51
4. Smart Realities 86
5. Digital Salvation 112
6. Planning Your Life at the End of History 138
7. Totalitarianism 4.0 162
8. The Revolution Will Not Be Monitored 186
Notes 203
Index 245