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Carmen Martín Gaite

Carmen Martín Gaite

Ester Bautista Botello


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Book Details


This book reconstructs the poetics of Carmen Martín Gaite by viewing the concept of journey as a fundamental principle upon which she bases and elaborates her narrative writing of the 1990s. Five novels published in this period receive critical attention, all of which coincide with the last trips taken by the writer to New York: Caperucita en Manhattan (1990), Nubosidad variable (1992), La reina de las nieves (1994), Lo raro es vivir (1996) and Irse de casa (1998). To the extent that the journey is the essence of the narrative under consideration, the concept is analysed as an aesthetic practice and an attempt to identify a series of actions, which allow us to link the writer’s novels with two areas that have previously received only scant critical scrutiny: geography and the visual dimension. This book presents a comparative and interdisciplinary analysis of space in Martín Gaite’s narrative as well as in her collages, drawings and paintings.

Table of Contents

Section Title Page Action Price
Cover i
Title Page iv
Copyright v
Contents vi
Series Editors' Foreword viii
List of Figures x
Acknowledgements xii
Introduction 1
1: The Historical, Narrative and Poetic Path of Carmen Martín Gaite 5
2: The Poetics of Carmen Martín Gaite 49
3: The Construction of Space 86
4: Visual Elements in the Narrative of Martín Gaite 140
Conclusions 177
Notes 186
Bibliography 202
Index 217
Back Cover 222