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Man Up, Man Down

Man Up, Man Down

Paul McGregor


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What does it do to you when someone you love tries to end their life?

Paul McGregor’s dad tried to kill himself, but survived. He went into hospital, came home, and got better. Or at last that’s what people thought. A few months later, Paul’s dad threw himself in front of a lorry. This time, he died instantly.

You're a young man, and your dad is dead. What do you do with all of that pain? You lock it away and you man-up. You chase money, status, success, and you wonder why none of it helps. And then you start feeling like you want to kill yourself too …

Man Up Man Down is Paul’s tale of recovery. It also explores what it means to be a man in today's society. How do you cry, how do you express emotion, and how do you admit you're struggling, when everything you've been taught tells you to "man up" and get on with it?
Trigger are proud to announce Theinspirationalseries partner to their innovative Pullingthetriggerrange. Theinspirationalseries promotes the idea that mental illness should be talked about freely and without fear. Find out more at