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McMinn's Color Atlas of Lower Limb Anatomy E-Book

McMinn's Color Atlas of Lower Limb Anatomy E-Book

Bari M. Logan | David Bowden | Ralph T. Hutchings


Additional Information


  • All new and expanded ‘Imaging’ chapter to reflect what is seen in current teaching and practice
  • Revised section on regional anaesthesia of the lower limb, to improve layout and reflect practice updates

Table of Contents

Section Title Page Action Price
Front Cover cover
McMinn's Color Atlas of Lower Limb Anatomy i
Copyright Page iv
Table Of Contents v
Dedication vii
Preface viii
Professor R. M. H. McMinn, MD (Glas), PhD (Sheff), FRCS (Eng) [b. Sept 23, 1923 – d. July 11, 2012, aged 88] viii
McMinn’s Legacy of Illustrated Anatomy Books ix
Acknowledgements xii
Terminology xiii
Preservation of Cadavers xiii
Safety Footnote xiii
Orientation Guides xiv
1 Lower limb, pelvis and hip 1
Lower limb survey 2
Bones, muscles and surface landmarks of the left lower limb, from the front 2
Bones, muscles and surface landmarks of the left lower limb, from behind 4
Bones, muscles and surface landmarks of the left lower limb, from the medial side 6
Bones, muscles and surface landmarks of the left lower limb, from the lateral side 8
Male pelvic viscera and vessels 10
Seen on the right side in a sagittal section, after removal of most of the peritoneum (serous membrane) 10
Female pelvic viscera and vessels 12
Seen on the right side in a sagittal section, after removal of most of the peritoneum (serous membrane) 12
Gluteal region 14
Sciatic nerve and other gluteal structures of the right side 14
Surface features of the right gluteal region 15
Left gluteal region and ischio-anal region, with gluteus maximus and gluteus medius cut through and portions reflected laterally 16
Right gluteal region and ischio-anal region, with most of gluteus maximus removed 17
Hip joint 18
Left hip bone and femur, with sacrum and coccyx 18
Axial section through the left hip joint at the level of the last, fifth segment of the sacrum, from below 20
2 Thigh, knee and leg 23
Thigh 24
Front of the right thigh (female), superficial structures of the femoral triangle 24
Back of the right thigh (female) and gluteal region 25
Front of the right upper thigh (female) 26
Front of the right upper thigh (male) 27
Lower right thigh, medial side 28
Axial section through lower right thigh 29
Knee joint 30
Left knee joint 30
Left knee joint 32
Coronal section through the left knee joint (male), from the front 34
Sagittal section I through the left knee joint (female), from the left 35
Sagittal section II through the left knee joint (female), from the left 36
Sagittal section III through the left knee joint (female), from the left 37
Popliteal fossa and back of the knee 38
Popliteal fossa and back of the knee 39
Leg and foot survey 40
Muscles and superficial vessels and nerves of the left leg and foot 40
3 Foot 43
Surface landmarks of the foot 44
Surface landmarks of the left foot 44
Surface landmarks of the left foot 46
Skeleton of the foot 48
Bones of the left foot, from above 48
Articulated bones of the left foot 50
Attachments of muscles and major ligaments to the bones of the left foot 52
Sesamoid and accessory bones 53
Articulated bones of the left foot 54
Bones of the left longitudinal arches, transverse tarsal joint and other joints 56
Foot bones 58
Left talus 58
Left talus and the lower ends of the tibia and fibula 60
Left talus and the lower ends of the tibia and fibula, with ligamentous attachments in the ankle region 62
Left talus and the lower ends of the tibia and fibula 64
Left talus and the lower ends of the tibia and fibula, with ligamentous attachments in the ankle region 66
Left calcaneus 68
Left navicular bone 70
Left cuboid bone 70
Articulated left cuneiform bones (medial, intermediate and lateral) 71
Left medial cuneiform bone 71
Left intermediate cuneiform bone 71
Left lateral cuneiform bone 71
Lower leg and foot 74
Deep fascia of the foot 78
Deep fascia of the right lower leg and foot, from the front and the right 78
Dorsum and back of the foot 80
Dorsum and sides of the foot 82
Deep nerves and vessels of the right foot, from the front and right 84
Deep dissection of the dorsum 86
Joints beneath the talus of the left foot 86
Sole of the foot 88
Plantar aponeurosis of the left foot 88
First layer structures 90
Lower leg and sole of foot 91
Deep medial structures and second layer from the right and slightly below 91
Ligaments of the foot 96
Ligaments of the right foot 96
Sections of the foot 100
Sagittal sections of the right foot 100
Sagittal sections of the right foot 102
Axial sections and images of the right lower leg and foot 104
Coronal sections of the left ankle joint and foot (in plantarflexion) 106
Oblique axial sections of the left foot 109
Coronal sections of the tarsus of the right foot 110
Coronal sections of the right metatarsus 111
Great toe 112
The dorsum, nail and sections of the great toe 112
4 Imaging of the lower limb 115
Lumbar spine 116
Plain radiographic and CT anatomy 116
MRI anatomy—sagittal 117
MRI anatomy—axial 118
Pelvis 119
Plain radiographic anatomy 119
Male and female pelvis, sacrum 120
Developmental changes within the pelvis 121
MRI anatomy of the pelvis 122
MRI anatomy of the hip 123
Arterial anatomy 124
MRA angiographic anatomy of the pelvis and leg 124
Arterial anatomy of the hip 125
Thigh 126
MRI anatomy of the thigh—coronal 126
MRI anatomy of the thigh—axial 127
Knee 128
Plain radiographic anatomy 128
MRI anatomy of the knee—sagittal 129
MRI anatomy of the knee—coronal and axial 130
Arterial anatomy of the knee—DSA, CT 131
Arterial anatomy of the knee—CT, MRI 132
Lower leg 133
MRI anatomy of the lower leg—coronal 133
MRI anatomy of the lower leg—axial 134
Ankle 135
Plain radiographic anatomy 135
MRI anatomy of the ankle—sagittal 136
MRI anatomy of the ankle—axial 137
MRI anatomy of the ankle—coronal and ultrasound anatomy 138
Foot 139
Plain radiographic anatomy 139
MRI anatomy of the foot—coronal 140
MRI anatomy of the foot—axial and sagittal 141
Vascular anatomy of the foot and ankle 142
Paediatric anatomy 144
Skin 146
Muscles 146
Muscles of the gluteal region 146
Gluteus maximus 146
Gluteus medius 146
Gluteus minimus 146
Piriformis 147
Quadratus femoris 147
Obturator internus 147
Gemellus superior and inferior 147
Obturator externus 147
Muscles of the front of the thigh 147
Iliacus 147
Psoas major 147
Tensor fasciae latae 147
Sartorius 147
Rectus femoris 147
Vastus lateralis 147
Vastus medialis 148
Vastus intermedius 148
Articularis genus 148
Muscles of the medial side of the thigh 148
Pectineus 148
Gracilis 148
Adductor brevis 148
Adductor longus 148
Adductor magnus 148
Muscles of the back of the thigh 148
Biceps femoris 148
Semitendinosus 148
Semimembranosus 148
Muscles of the front of the leg 149
Tibialis anterior 149
Extensor hallucis longus 149
Extensor digitorum longus 149
Fibularis (peroneus) tertius 149
Muscle of the dorsum of the foot 149
Extensor digitorum brevis 149
Muscles of the lateral side of the leg 149
Fibularis (peroneus) longus 149
Fibularis (peroneus) brevis 149
Muscles of the back of the leg 149
Gastrocnemius 149
Soleus 149
Plantaris 149
Popliteus 149
Tibialis posterior 149
Flexor hallucis longus 149
Flexor digitorum longus 149
Muscles of the sole of the foot 150
First layer (Fig. 4) 150
Abductor hallucis 150
Flexor digitorum brevis 150
Abductor digiti minimi 150
Second layer (Fig. 5) 150
Quadratus plantae (flexor accessorius) 150
Lumbricals 150
Third layer (Fig. 6) 151
Flexor hallucis brevis 151
Adductor hallucis 151
Flexor digiti minimi brevis 151
Fourth layer (Fig. 7) 151
Dorsal interosseous (four) 151
Plantar interosseous (three) 151
Nerves 152
Branches of the lumbar plexus (Fig. 8) 152
Branches of the sacral plexus 152
Branches of the tibial nerve L4, L5, S1, S2, S3 (Fig. 9) 152
Branches of the common fibular (peroneal) nerve L4, L5, S1, S2 152
Branches of the medial plantar nerve L4, L5, S1 153
Branches of the lateral plantar nerve S1, S2 153
Regional anaesthesia for foot and ankle 155
Popliteal block 156
Indications 156
Contraindications 156
Precautions 156
Anatomy 156
(1) Nerve stimulator-guided technique 156
Equipment and drugs 156
Procedure (Fig. 10) 156
Complications 156
(2) Ultrasound technique 157
Equipment and drugs 157
Procedure (Figs 11 and 12) 157
Ankle block 158
Indications 158
Contraindications 158
Anatomy 158
Equipment and drugs 158
Procedure 158
Complications 158
Midfoot field block 160
Indications 160
Contraindications 160
Anatomy 160
Equipment and drugs 160
Procedure 160
Complications 160
The common digital block 162
Indications 162
Contraindications 162
Equipment and drugs 162
Procedure (Fig. 21) 162
Complications 162
Bibliography 162
The lymphatic system 165
General key points 165
Lower limb lymphatics—key points 166
1 Lateral caval nodes 169
2 Common iliac nodes 169
3 Internal iliac nodes 169
4 Gluteal nodes 169
5 External iliac nodes 169
6 Deep inguinal nodes 169
7 Popliteal nodes 169
8 Superficial inguinal nodes 169
Arteries 170
Branches of the Femoral Artery 170
Branches of the Popliteal Artery 170
Branches of the Dorsalis Pedis Artery (Fig. 28) 170
Branches of the Medial Plantar Artery 171
Branches of the Lateral Plantar Artery (Fig. 29) 171
Index 172
A 172
B 172
C 172
D 173
E 173
F 173
G 173
H 173
I 173
J 174
K 174
L 174
M 174
N 175
O 176
P 176
Q 176
R 176
S 176
T 177
U 177
V 177
W 178
Z 178