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Examination Medicine - E-Book epub

Examination Medicine - E-Book epub

Nicholas J Talley | Simon O’Connor


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Book Details


Preparation is the key to success!
Now in its eighth edition, Examination Medicine: a guide to physician training, has prepared generations of physician trainees and medical students for their clinical examinations.
Instructive, informative and aligned with current practice, this new edition gives you an overview of what to expect, what is expected of you and how to develop a mature clinical approach to complex medical problems.
Talley and O’Connor share their valuable advice on how to prepare for the examinations, use your time to best effect and avoid common pitfalls to ensure you give your best possible performance in your examinations and beyond.

  • Video tutorials of long and short cases included on ExpertConsult
  • Clinical photographs of signs and conditions
  • 50 long cases including history, examination, investigations, treatment and possible lines of questioning
  • Sample long cases from the examiner’s perspective including discussion points and clinical traps
  • 30 short cases including guidance for ‘spot diagnosis’  and ‘common stems’
  • Hint boxes highlighting common pitfalls and useful tips

Table of Contents

Section Title Page Action Price
Front Cover cover
Inside Front Cover ifc1
Examination Medicine i
Copyright Page iv
Table Of Contents v
Foreword by Professor Geoffrey Metz ix
Foreword by Professor John Kolbe xi
Preface to the 8th edition xiii
Authors’ statement xiv
Acknowledgements xv
Reviewers xvi
Abbreviations xvii
1 Basic physician training 1
Historical note 2
Basic training 2
Fees 4
The written examination 4
The clinical examination 4
The short case 4
The long case 5
Passing the exam 5
Rationale for the FRACP exam 6
Basic training units 7
2 The written examination 9
The examination format 9
Paper 1 9
Paper 2 9
Extended matching questions 9
Organisation 10
Examples of extended matching questions 10
Exam timing and make-up 12
Marking 13
Approaching multiple-choice questions 13
Preparation for the written examination 13
Reading 13
Practising exam questions 14
Trial examinations 14
Exam courses 14
Listening 15
General advice 15
3 The clinical examination 16
The examination format 16
On the exam day 17
The long case 18
The short case (Fig 3.1) 18
The marking system 19
The mini-CEX 21
Preparation for the clinical examination 21
4 The long case 27
The history-taking and physical examination 28
The presentation 31
The long-case rationale 33
Long-case marking 36
Types of long case 37
5 The cardiovascular long case 39
Ischaemic heart disease 39
The history 40
The examination 42
Management 42
Investigations 43
Long-term treatment 43
Secondary prevention 43
Revascularisation 44
The history 44
The examination 44
Management 44
Surgery 44
Angioplasty 45
Frequent trial 46
Infective endocarditis 46
The history 47
The examination 47
Investigations 49
Notes 49
Organisms 49
Causes of culture-negative endocarditis 51
Post-valve surgery endocarditis 51
Diagnosis 51
Major criteria 51
Minor criteria 51
Treatment 52
Factors suggesting a poorer prognosis 52
Differential diagnosis 52
Prognosis 52
Prophylaxis 52
Congestive cardiac failure 53
The history 53
The examination 55
Investigations 55
Treatment 58
Diastolic heart failure (heart failure with preserved ejection fraction) 61
Hyperlipidaemia 61
The history 62
The examination 63
Investigations 65
Management 65
Hypertension 67
The history 67
The examination 68
Investigations 68
Treatment 69
Blood pressure reduction without drugs 70
Drug treatment 70
Uncontrolled hypertension 72
Renal artery denervation 72
Heart transplantation 72
The history 73
The examination 75
Investigations 75
Management 76
Cardiac arrhythmias 77
The history 77
The examination 82
Investigations 82
Management 83
The particular management problems of atrial fibrillation 87
The problem of AF and renal failure 90
6 The respiratory long case 91
Bronchiectasis 91
The history 91
The examination 92
Investigations 93
Treatment 94
Lung carcinoma 95
The history 96
The examination 97
Investigations 97
Treatment 100
Small cell carcinomas 100
Non-small cell carcinomas 101
Chronic obstructive pulmonary disease 101
The history 102
The examination 103
Investigations 103
Differential diagnosis 105
Treatment 106
Sleep apnoea 108
The history 108
The examination 109
Investigations 110
Treatment 110
Interstitial lung disease, including idiopathic pulmonary fibrosis 111
The history 111
The examination 114
Investigations 114
Treatment 116
Pulmonary hypertension 118
The history 118
The examination 120
Investigations 120
Treatment 123
Idiopathic (primary) pulmonary hypertension 124
Sarcoidosis 124
The history 125
The examination 126
Investigations 127
Treatment 128
Cystic fibrosis 129
The history 129
The examination 131
Investigations 132
Management 133
Tuberculosis 133
The history 134
The examination 135
Investigations 135
Treatment 136
Lung transplantation 139
The history 139
The examination 141
Management 141
7 The gastrointestinal long case 142
Irritable bowel syndrome (IBS) 142
The history 142
The diagnosis 143
The examination 143
Investigations 143
Management 143
Peptic ulceration 144
The history 144
The examination 145
Investigations 145
Treatment 146
Malabsorption and chronic diarrhoea 147
The history 147
The examination 148
Investigations (Table 7.2) 149
Treatment 151
Management of coeliac disease 151
Inflammatory bowel disease 152
The history 152
The examination 155
Investigations 155
Treatment 156
Ulcerative colitis 156
Crohn’s disease 157
Colon cancer 159
The history 159
The examination 161
Investigations 162
Treatment 163
Chronic liver disease (CLD) 163
The history 163
The examination 164
Investigations 167
Treatment 169
Hepatocellular failure 170
8 The haematological long case 181
Haemolytic anaemia 181
The history 181
The examination 183
Investigations 183
Treatment 187
Thrombophilia 188
The history 188
The examination 190
Investigations 190
Management 192
Polycythaemia 193
The history 193
The examination 195
Investigations 196
Treatment 196
Idiopathic myelofibrosis 197
The examination 198
Investigations 198
Treatment 198
Essential thrombocythaemia 199
Investigations 199
Treatment 199
Notes on haematological malignancies 199
Chronic myeloid leukaemia (CML) 200
Investigations 200
Treatment 200
Lymphomas 201
The history 203
The examination 204
Investigations 204
Treatment 205
Hodgkin lymphoma (85% of patients are curable) 205
Salvage treatment 206
Prognosis 206
Complications of treatment 206
Non-hodgkin lymphoma 207
Treatment protocols: WHO classification 208
Bone marrow transplant 210
Multiple myeloma (myeloma) 210
The history 210
The examination 211
Investigations 211
Treatment 213
Differential diagnosis 215
Monoclonal gammopathy of undetermined significance 215
Waldenström’s macroglobulinaemia 215
Localised myeloma 216
POEMS syndrome 216
Bone marrow (haematopoietic cell) transplantation 216
The history 217
The examination 218
Management 218
9 The rheumatological long case 221
Notes on the rheumatology long case 221
Ask: 221
Examine: 221
Rheumatoid arthritis (RA) 222
The history 223
The examination (Table 9.2) 226
Differential diagnosis 227
Investigations 227
Treatment 228
The TNF inhibitors 232
The non-TNF inhibitors 233
Pregnancy and rheumatoid arthritis 234
Osteoarthritis 235
The history 236
The examination 236
Management 236
Non-pharmacological 236
Drug treatment 236
Surgery 237
Complementary medicines 237
Ankylosing spondylitis (spondyloarthritis, SPA) 237
The history 238
Diagnosis 239
The examination 239
Management 239
Systemic lupus erythematosus 240
The history 240
The examination (Table 9.14) 242
Investigations 244
Treatment 246
Systemic vasculitis 248
The history 248
The examination 249
Investigations 250
Treatment 252
Antiphospholipid antibody syndrome 253
The history 253
The examination 254
Investigations (see also pp. 190–2) 254
Treatment 254
Systemic sclerosis (scleroderma) 255
Definitions 255
The history 255
The examination (see Table 9.19) 256
Investigations 258
Treatment 259
10 The endocrine long case 261
Osteoporosis (and osteomalacia) 261
The history 261
The examination 263
Investigations 264
Treatment 266
Antiresorptive therapy 266
Bone formation therapy 267
Hypercalcaemia 268
The history 268
The examination 269
Investigations 269
Treatment 270
Paget’s disease of the bone (osteitis deformans) 271
The history 271
The examination (Table 10.7) 272
Investigations 274
Treatment 275
Acromegaly 276
The history 276
The examination 277
Investigations 277
Treatment 277
Surgery 279
Medical treatment – patients not cured by surgery 279
Radiotherapy 279
Screen for complications 279
Types 1 and 2 diabetes mellitus 280
The history 281
The examination 283
Management 283
The newly diagnosed patient with diabetes 283
Insulin therapy 287
Diabetes education 289
Management of chronic complications 289
The pregnant patient with diabetes 291
11 The renal long case 292
Chronic kidney disease (chronic renal failure) 292
Fast facts on the eGFR 292
The history 293
Questions regarding symptoms, diagnosis and aetiology 293
Questions regarding management (Table 11.7) 298
Questions regarding complications 300
The examination (see Table 11.10) 303
Investigations 304
Treatment 306
Dialysis 308
Anticoagulation 309
Renal transplantation 309
The history 310
The examination 310
Investigations 311
Management 311
12 The neurological long case 314
Multiple sclerosis 314
The history 315
The examination 316
Investigations 316
Treatment 319
Relapses 321
Myasthenia gravis 321
The history 321
The examination 322
Investigations 322
Differential diagnosis 323
Treatment 323
Symptomatic 324
Disease-suppressing 324
Guillain–Barré syndrome 325
The history 325
The examination 325
Investigations 325
Differential diagnosis 326
Treatment 326
Syncope, seizures and ‘funny turns’ 327
The history 327
The examination 330
Investigations 330
Management 331
TIA and stroke 332
The history 332
The examination 333
Investigations 333
Treatment 336
13 Other important long cases 338
Pyrexia of unknown origin 338
The history 338
The examination 340
Investigations 341
Treatment 342
HIV / AIDS 342
The history 342
The examination 347
Investigations 347
Baseline 348
Monitoring 350
Treatment 350
Falls and the risk of falls 352
The history 352
The examination 353
Investigations 353
Management 353
The obese patient 354
The history 354
The examination 355
Management 355
The preoperative assessment 356
The history 356
Management 357
Carcinoma of the breast 359
The history 359
The examination 360
Treatment 360
14 Think like a physician, think like an examiner – an approach with long-case examples 364
Long-case videos 379
First case 379
Examiners’ problem list 380
Second case 380
Examiners’ problem list 381
Third case 381
Examiner’s problem list 382
15 The short case 383
The stem 383
Timing 384
Marking 384
Hand washing 384
Starting off 384
Approach to the patient 385
Blood pressure 385
Performance 385
Presentation 386
Understanding the role of the examiners 387
Investigations 388
Short-case selection 388
Understanding the examiners’ thinking 388
16 Common short cases 389
The cardiovascular system 390
The cardiovascular examination 390
Method (Table 16.1) 390
Notes 400
Notes on valve diseases 400
Mitral stenosis 401
Causes 401
Clinical signs of severity 401
Results of investigations 401
Echocardiograph (M mode, two-dimensional (2D) Doppler and colour flow mapping) 402
Indications for surgery 402
Mitral regurgitation 402
Causes – chronic 402
Causes – acute 402
Clinical signs of severity 403
Results of investigations 403
Indications for surgery 403
Mitral valve prolapse (systolic click–murmur syndrome) 403
Dynamic auscultation 405
Echocardiography 405
Associations 405
Complications (more common for men with mitral valve prolapse) 405
Aortic regurgitation 405
Causes of chronic aortic regurgitation 405
Valvular 405
Aortic root (murmur may be maximal at the right sternal border) 405
Causes of acute aortic regurgitation 405
Clinical signs of severity in chronic aortic regurgitation 405
Results of investigations 406
Index 553
A 553
B 555
C 555
D 558
E 558
F 559
G 560
H 560
I 562
J 563
K 563
L 563
M 564
N 566
O 567
P 567
R 569
S 570
T 572
U 573
V 573
W 573
X 574
Z 574