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The Clinician's Handbook of Natural Medicine E-Book

The Clinician's Handbook of Natural Medicine E-Book

Joseph E. Pizzorno | Michael T. Murray | Herb Joiner-Bey


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Book Details


Written by leading authorities in complementary and integrative medicine, this convenient, quick-reference handbook provides clear and rational directives on diagnosing and treating specific diseases and disorders with natural medicine. You'll get concise summaries of diagnostic procedures, general considerations, therapeutic considerations, and therapeutic approaches for 84 of the most commonly seen conditions, 12 of which are new to this edition, plus naturopathic treatment methods and easy-to-follow condition flowcharts. Based on Pizzorno's trusted Textbook of Natural Medicine and the most current evidence available, it's your key to accessing reliable, natural diagnosis and treatment options in any setting.

  • Expert authorship lends credibility to information.
  • Scientifically verified content assures the most reliable coverage of diagnostic and natural treatment methods.
  • Over 80 algorithms synthesize therapeutic content and provide support for your clinical judgment with a conceptual overview of case management.
  • The book's compact size makes it portable for easy reference in any setting.
  • A consistent organization saves you time and helps you make fast, accurate diagnoses.
  • 12 NEW chapters enhance your treatment knowledge and understanding with information on important and newly emerging treatments and areas of interest, including:
    • Cancer
    • Endometriosis
    • Fibromyalgia
    • Hair Loss in Women
    • Hyperventilation Syndrome
    • Infectious Diarrhea
    • Intestinal Protozoan Infestation
    • Lichen Planus
    • Parkinson's Disease
    • Porphyrias
    • Proctological Conditions
    • Uterine Fibroids
  • Each chapter is fully updated to reflect the content of the latest edition of Pizzorno's Textbook of Natural Medicine and keep you current on the safest and most effective natural interventions.

Table of Contents

Section Title Page Action Price
Front Cover Cover
The clinician’s handbook of natural medicine iii
Copyright page iv
Dedication v
Preface vi
Acknowledgments ix
Table of contents xi
How to use xi
1 Acne vulgaris and acne conglobata 1
Diagnostic summary 1
General considerations 1
Therapeutic considerations 3
Nutrition 3
Topical treatments 5
Procedural treatments 5
Other considerations 5
Therapeutic approach 6
2 Affective disorders 8
Diagnostic summary 8
Depression 8
General considerations 8
Therapeutic considerations 12
Hormonal factors 14
Environmental toxins 15
Lifestyle factors 16
Nutrition 17
Monoamine metabolism and precursor therapy 20
Botanical medicines 22
Therapeutic approach 23
Bipolar (manic) depression and hypomania 24
Diagnostic summary 24
General considerations 25
Therapeutic considerations 25
Therapeutic approach 25
Seasonal affective disorder 27
General considerations 27
Therapeutic considerations 27
Therapeutic approach 27
3 Alcohol dependence 28
Diagnostic summary 28
General considerations 28
Intoxication and withdrawal 31
Metabolic effects of alcohol and alcohol dependence 31
Therapeutic considerations 32
Nutrition 32
Psychosocial aspects 35
Miscellaneous factors 36
Therapeutic approach 37
4 Alzheimers disease 39
Diagnostic summary 39
General considerations 39
Neuropathology 39
Etiology 39
Diagnostic considerations 44
Therapeutic considerations 46
Diet 46
Estrogen 47
Aluminum 47
Nutrition 47
Other therapies 50
Botanical medicines 50
Therapeutic approach 52
5 Angina pectoris 53
Diagnostic summary 53
General considerations 53
Diagnostic considerations 53
Therapeutic considerations 55
Nutritional supplements 55
Botanical medicines 57
Other therapies 58
Therapeutic approach 59
6 Aphthous stomatitis (aphthous ulcer/canker sore/ulcerative stomatitis) 60
Diagnostic summary 60
General considerations 60
Therapeutic considerations 62
Therapeutic approach 64
7 Asthma 65
Diagnostic summary 65
General considerations 65
Diagnostic considerations 67
Causes 68
Therapeutic considerations 70
General 70
Diet 72
Nutrition 74
Botanical medicines 77
Acupuncture and acupressure 79
Therapeutic approach 80
8 Atherosclerosis 82
Diagnostic summary 82
General considerations 82
Understanding atherosclerosis 82
Structure of an artery 82
Process of atherosclerosis 84
Causative factors 84
Determining a patient‘s risk 85
Clinical evaluation 87
Risk factors 87
Smoking 87
Elevated blood cholesterol levels 88
Further refinement of determining risk 88
Elevations of triglycerides 89
Inherited elevations of cholesterol and triglycerides 90
Diabetes 90
High blood pressure 91
Physical inactivity 91
Other risk factors 91
Therapeutic considerations—general guidelines 91
Diet—general guidelines 92
Olive oil and omega-3 fatty acids 92
Nuts and seeds 93
Vegetables, fruits, and red wine 93
Therapeutic considerations—lowering cholesterol 95
Importance of soluble dietary fiber in lowering cholesterol 95
Natural products to lower cholesterol levels 96
Niacin 96
Side effects of niacin 97
Plant sterols and stanols 98
Pantethine 99
Garlic (allium sativum) and onion (allium cepa) 99
Comparing natural cholesterol-lowering agents 100
Therapeutic considerations—antioxidant status 100
Vitamin E, coenzyme q10, and selenium 101
Vitamin C 103
Grapeseed and pine bark extracts 103
Therapeutic considerations—miscellaneous risk factors 103
Platelet aggregation 103
Fibrinogen 104
Homocysteine 104
“type a” personality 105
Other nutritional factors 106
Magnesium and potassium 106
Vitamin D deficiency 107
Therapeutic considerations—preventing recurrent heart attack 107
Aspirin 107
Dietary alternatives to aspirin 108
Preventing a subsequent stroke 108
Other considerations 109
Angiography, coronary artery bypass surgery, or angioplasty 109
Intravenous chelation therapy 109
Earlobe crease 109
Therapeutic approach 109
Dietary recommendations 110
Lifestyle recommendations 111
Supplements 111
9 Atopic dermatitis (eczema) 112
Diagnostic summary 112
General considerations 112
Filaggrin and epidermal barrier dysfunction 112
Immune dysregulation, thymic stromal lymphopoietin, and allergic inflammation 114
Environmental factors: Atopic dermatitis and allergy 114
Predictors of severity 115
Therapeutic considerations 115
Food allergy, gut permeability, and candidal overgrowth 115
Candida albicans 116
Nutritional supplements 117
Probiotics 117
Essential fatty acids 117
Vitamin E 117
Botanical medicines 117
Other therapeutic considerations 118
Endocrine factors 118
Scratching cessation 118
Psychological approach 118
Environmental considerations 118
Dust mite exposure 118
Microwave exposure 119
Therapeutic approach 119
Diet 119
Supplements 119
Topical treatments 119
Psychological approach 120
10 Attention deficit hyperactivity disorder 121
Diagnostic summary 121
General considerations 121
Etiology 124
Therapeutic considerations 124
Environmental neurotoxins 125
Food additives, sugar, and the feingold hypothesis 125
Essential fatty acids 126
Individual nutrients and attention deficit hyperactivity disorder 126
Food allergy 127
Obstructive sleep apnea 127
Dysbiosis, gastrointestinal permeability, and intestinal parasites 128
Immune system impairment 128
Cognitive behavioral therapies 128
Neurofeedback (electroencephalographic biofeedback) 129
Botanical medicines 129
Procyanidolic oligomers 129
Ginkgo biloba extract 129
L-theanine 129
Therapeutic approach 130
Step 1 130
Step 2 130
Step 3 130
Step 4 131
11 Bacterial sinusitis 132
Diagnostic summary 132
General considerations 132
Therapeutic considerations 134
Pelargonium sidoides (south african geranium) 135
Therapeutic approach 135
12 Benign prostatic hyperplasia 137
Diagnostic summary 137
General considerations 137
Hormones and benign prostatic hyperplasia 137
Diagnostic considerations 139
International prostate symptom score 139
Physical examination 139
Urine and blood tests 140
Prostate-specific antigen 140
Prostate-specific antigen and benign prostatic hyperplasia 140
Therapeutic considerations 141
Lifestyle and exercise 141
Dietary and nutritional factors 141
High-protein diet 142
Zinc 142
Alcohol 142
Amino acids 142
Cholesterol 143
Beta-sitosterol 143
Vitamin D 143
Cadmium 143
Botanical medicines 143
Serenoa repens (saw palmetto) 144
Cernilton 144
Pygeum africanum 145
Urtica dioica (stinging nettle) 145
Therapeutic approach 145
Therapeutic goals for benign prostatic hyperplasia 145
Lifestyle 146
Diet 146
Supplements 146
Botanicals 146
13 Bronchitis and pneumonia 147
Diagnostic summary: Bronchitis 147
Diagnostic summary: Pneumonia 147
Special considerations with pneumonia 149
Viral pneumonia 149
Clinical summary for viral pneumonia 149
Mycoplasmal pneumonia 149
Clinical summary for mycoplasmal pneumonia 150
Pneumococcal pneumonia 150
Clinical summary for pneumococcal pneumonia 150
General considerations 150
Therapeutic considerations 151
Expectorants 151
Pelargonium sidoides (south african geranium) 152
Hedera helix (ivy) 152
Mucolytics 153
N-acetylcysteine (nac) 153
Bromelain 153
Vitamin C 153
Vitamin a 154
Vitamin E 154
Garlic (allium sativum) 154
Bottle blowing and salt pipes 154
Therapeutic approach 155
Expectorants 155
Lobelia inflata 155
Glycyrrhiza glabra 156
Pelargonium sidoides 156
Hedera helix 156
Mucolytics 156
Guaifenesin 156
N-acetylcysteine 156
Bromelain 156
Supplements 157
Additional recommendations for pneumococcal pneumonia 157
Garlic 157
Hydrastis canadensis 157
14 Cancer: Integrated naturopathic support 158
Diagnostic summary 158
General considerations 158
The role of naturopathic medicine 158
Stages of cancer development 160
Cell cycle 161
Chemotherapy agent efficacy according to cell cycle phase 161
Types of cancer 161
Staging 162
Complete staging description 162
Tumor markers 162
Performance indexes 163
Tumor response criteria and terminology 163
Therapeutic considerations 164
Goals of naturopathic oncology support during active treatment 164
Stages of clinical care 164
Goals of natural therapies 165
Natural medicine support for surgery 165
Preoperative nutritional support 165
Postoperative nutrition 166
Chemotherapy and targeted biologic response agents 167
Actions of chemotherapeutic drugs 167
Families of chemotherapy drugs 167
Targeted biologic agents 168
Side effects of chemotherapy 169
Chemotherapy resistance testing 169
General recommendations for chemotherapy 169
To improve effectiveness 169
To reduce side effects of chemotherapy 170
Recommendations for specific individual chemotherapy agents 171
Radiation therapy 174
Types of radiation therapy 174
Side effects of radiation therapy 175
Naturopathic support during radiation therapy 175
Goals 175
Radiopotentiation 175
Radioprotection 176
Antioxidants during chemotherapy and radiation 177
Drug-nutrient interactions 177
Diet for cancer patients 178
Secondary prevention 178
15 Carpal tunnel syndrome 180
Diagnostic summary 180
General considerations 180
Etiology 180
Risk factors and frequency of occurrence 182
Diagnostic considerations 182
History 182
Physical examination 182
Other diagnostic tests 183
Differential diagnosis 183
Therapeutic considerations 183
Physical medicine 184
Splinting 184
Therapeutic ultrasound 184
Yoga and stretching 184
Manual manipulation 184
Low-level laser therapy 185
Hydrotherapy 185
Acupuncture 185
Erognomics 185
Nutrition 185
Vitamin b supplementation 185
Medications 186
Surgery 186
Therapeutic approach for mild to moderate idiopathic carpal tunnel syndrome 186
Physical medicine 186
Diet 187
Supplements 187
16 Celiac disease 188
Diagnostic summary 188
General considerations 190
Diagnosis 191
Therapeutic considerations 191
Therapeutic approach 192
Patient resources 193
17 Cervical dysplasia 194
Diagnostic summary 194
General considerations 194
Human papillomavirus 196
Risk factors 197
Therapeutic considerations 197
Dietary factors 198
Nutritional botanical supplements 198
Miscellaneous considerations 202
Therapeutic approach 202
Protocols for natural treatment 202
Botanical medicine 202
Sample treatment protocols 205
A typical cells of undetermined significance 205
Low-grade squamous intraepithelial lesions 205
High-grade squamous intraepithelial lesions 205
18 Chronic candidiasis 206
Diagnostic summary 206
General considerations 206
Diagnosis 208
Therapeutic considerations 209
Diet 209
Hypochlorhydria 209
Enhancing immunity 210
Promoting detoxification 210
Probiotics 211
Natural antiyeast agents 211
Therapeutic approach 211
19 Chronic fatigue syndrome 213
Diagnostic summary 213
Etiology 213
Diagnosis 216
Therapeutic considerations 217
Diet 221
Nutritional supplements 221
Other therapies 222
Botanical medicines 222
Therapeutic approach 223
20 Congestive heart failure 225
Diagnostic summary 225
General considerations 227
Diagnostic considerations 227
Therapeutic considerations 227
Nutritional supplements 228
Botanical medicines 230
Therapeutic approach 231
21 Cystitis 232
Diagnostic summary 232
General considerations 232
Diagnosis 234
Collection of urine specimen for culture 235
Examining collected urine 235
Coexisting conditions and differential diagnosis 237
Therapeutic considerations 238
Treatment 238
Increase urine flow 238
Chronic interstitial cystitis 238
Alternative treatments 239
Herbs and supplements 240
L-arginine 240
Quercetin 240
General measures 240
Nutritional supplements 242
Botanical medicines 242
Therapeutic approach 243
22 Dermatitis herpetiformis 245
Diagnostic summary 245
General considerations 245
Therapeutic considerations 247
Therapeutic approach 248
23 Diabetes mellitus 249
Diagnostic summary 249
General considerations 249
Classification 249
Prediabetes and metabolic syndrome 253
Diagnosis 254
Causes of diabetes 255
Risk factors for type 1 diabetes mellitus 255
Early treatment and possible reversal of type 1 diabetes mellitus 257
Risk factors for type 2 diabetes mellitus 258
Monitoring the diabetic patient 261
Complications of diabetes 266
Acute complications 266
Long-term complications 268
Specific complications 269
Contributors to long-term complications of diabetes 270
Therapeutic considerations 272
Nutritional and herbal supplements 273
Improve insulin function and sensitivity 278
Preventing nutritional and oxidative stress 280
Recommendations for specific long-term complications 281
Therapeutic approach 283
Supplementation for type 1 diabetes 283
Recently diagnosed type 1 diabetes mellitus 284
Supplementation for type 2 diabetes 284
Additional supplements for the prevention and treatment of diabetic complications 285
For high cholesterol and other cardiovascular risk factors 285
For hypertension 285
For diabetic retinopathy 286
For diabetic neuropathy 286
For diabetic nephropathy 286
For poor wound healing 286
For diabetic foot ulcers 286
24 Endometriosis 287
Diagnostic summary 287
General considerations 287
Diagnostic considerations 289
Therapeutic considerations 290
Diet 290
Nutritional supplements 291
Botanical medicines 292
Other considerations 293
Therapeutic approach 293
Diet 293
Supplements 293
Botanical medicines 294
25 Epilepsy 295
Diagnostic summary 295
General considerations 295
Common causes of seizures 297
Classification 297
Partial (focal, local) seizures 297
Generalized seizures (convulsive or nonconvulsive) 298
Diagnosis 298
Diagnostic workup 298
Pathophysiology 299
Therapeutic considerations 299
Environmental toxins 299
Dietary considerations 300
Leptin 301
Mitochondrial adenosine triphosphate 303
Nutritional considerations 303
Botanical medicines 307
Yoga and meditation 308
Trigeminal nerve stimulation 308
Exercise 308
Therapeutic approach 309
26 Erythema multiforme 310
Diagnostic summary 310
General considerations 310
Therapeutic considerations 312
Therapeutic approach 312
27 Fibrocystic breast disease 313
Diagnostic summary 313
General considerations 313
Differential diagnosis 315
Therapeutic considerations 315
Dietary considerations 315
Nutritional supplements 316
Herbal supplements 317
Other considerations 317
Therapeutic approach 318
28 Fibromyalgia syndrome 320
Diagnostic summary 320
Diagnosis 320
Differential diagnosis 320
General considerations 322
Current focus of conventional research 322
Other metabolism-regulating therapies 324
Therapeutic considerations 325
Laboratory testing for thyroid status 325
Thyroid function tests 325
Thyroid antibodies 325
Thyroid hormone therapy based on initial thyroid status 326
Dosage adjustments 326
Rehabilitation model: Data-driven clinical decisions 327
Objective assessment of patient status 327
Integrated metabolic therapies essential for all fibromyalgia syndrome patients 328
Additional factors needed for some patients 329
Therapeutic approach 330
Assess fibromyalgia syndrome status 330
Patient safety 330
Thyroid hormone therapy 330
Wholesome diet 331
Nutritional supplements 331
Abstention from metabolism-impairing medicines 331
29 Gallstones 332
Diagnostic summary 332
General considerations 332
Pathogenesis 332
Three steps of pathogenesis 332
Risk factors for cholesterol and mixed stones 334
Therapeutic considerations 335
Diet 335
Nutritional factors 337
Chemical dissolution of gallstones 338
Lifestyle 338
Therapeutic approach 339
30 Glaucoma: Acute (angle-closure) and chronic (open-angle) 340
Diagnostic summary 340
Acute glaucoma 340
Chronic glaucoma 340
Normotensive glaucoma 340
General considerations 342
Diagnosis 342
Therapeutic considerations 342
Nutrition 343
Other recommendations 344
Therapeutic approach 346
31 Gout 347
Diagnostic summary 347
General considerations 347
Causes of gout 349
Signs and symptoms 349
Therapeutic considerations 350
Dietary guidelines 351
Nutritional supplements 352
Botanical medicines 352
Therapeutic approach 352
Botanical medicines 353
Causes of hyperuricemia 353
Metabolic causes 353
Renal causes 354
32 Hair loss in women 355
Diagnostic summary 355
General considerations 355
Physiology of the hair cycle 355
Hair-pull test 355
Differential diagnosis 357
Therapeutic considerations 358
Causes of hair loss in women 358
Androgenic female pattern hair loss 358
Side effect of drugs 358
Nutritional deficiency 359
Hypothyroidism 360
Antigliadin antibodies 360
Key diagnostic features of celiac disease 360
33 Hepatitis, viral 361
General considerations 361
Defining terms 361
Viral hepatitis 361
Symptoms and signs 363
Diagnostic considerations 363
Prevention 363
Therapeutic considerations 365
Conventional therapies 365
Lifestyle recommendations 366
Sleep 366
Exercise 366
Diet 367
Fruit and hepatitis C 367
Caffeine and hepatitis C 367
Whey protein 368
Nutrient therapeutics 368
Vitamins c and e 368
Zinc and hepatitis C 368
Vitamin D and hepatitis C 368
Selenium 369
S-adenosylmethionine (sam) and hepatitis C 369
Liver extracts 369
Thymus extracts 369
Botanical medicines 369
Glycyrrhiza glabra (licorice root) 369
Silybum marianum (milk thistle) 370
Phyllanthus amarus 371
Berkson combination approach with antioxidant and botanical therapy 371
Acupuncture and chinese medicine herbs 372
Sho-saiko-to or xiao chai hu tang 372
Hepatotoxic supplements 372
Hepatotoxic botanicals 373
Therapeutic approach 373
Lifestyle 373
Diet 374
Nutritional supplements 374
Botanical medicines 374
Berkson combination antioxidant approach 374
34 Herpes simplex 375
Diagnostic summary 375
General considerations 375
Diagnosis 377
Therapeutic considerations 378
Topical preparations 378
Therapeutic approach 379
35 HIV/AIDS: Naturopathic medical principles and practice 381
Diagnostic summary 381
General considerations 383
Clinical progression to AIDS 383
Centers for disease control and prevention defining guidelines 383
Diagnosis and workup 385
Diagnostic testing 385
Medical history 387
Laboratory assessment and monitoring 388
Therapeutic considerations 388
Medical management of HIV and AIDS 388
Naturopathic management of HIV and AIDS 389
Enhance integration with primary care physicians and build a caregiving team 390
Complement and enhance positive effects of conventional treatment and minimize negative effects 390
Establish a foundation of health and wellness on the basis of naturopathic principles 391
Establish a core nutrient protocol 392
Replace known nutrient deficiencies caused by HIV 392
Provide other nutrients to support optimal immune function 395
Provide therapies to address constitutional symptoms, medication side effects, and symptoms of immunosuppression 396
Candida albicans and oral thrush. 396
Cardiovascular disease. 396
Diarrhea. 397
Herpes simplex virus, herpes zoster, shingles. 397
Kaposi’s sarcoma. 398
Lipodystrophy. 398
Macrocytic anemia. 400
Neuropathy. 400
Psychological conditions. 401
Wasting. 401
Provide specific antiviral therapy and immunomodulation using other nondrug treatments 403
Botanical medicines. 403
Homeopathy. 404
Physical medicine and acupuncture. 404
Provide education and guidance to patients seeking alternatives to conventional treatment 405
Therapeutic summary 406
Diet 406
Lifestyle 406
Nutritional supplements 406
36 Hypertension 408
Diagnostic summary 408
General considerations 408
Therapeutic considerations 411
Current pharmacotherapy 411
Lifestyle and dietary factors 411
Dash diet (dietary approaches to stop hypertension) 415
Botanical medicines 418
Therapeutic approach 419
Borderline hypertension 419
Stage 1 hypertension 420
Stage 2 hypertension 420
37 Hyperthyroidism 421
Diagnostic summary 421
General considerations 421
Disease risk 421
Diagnosis 424
Clinical presentation 424
Differential diagnosis of hyperthyroidism 425
Laboratory diagnosis 425
Therapeutic considerations 426
Comorbidities 426
Treatment of hyperthyroidism 426
Diet 427
Nutritional supplements 428
Botanical medicines 429
Lycopus species, lithospermum officinale, and melissa officinalis 429
Therapeutic approach 430
38 Hyperventilation syndrome/breathing pattern disorders 431
Diagnostic summary 431
Hyperventilation syndrome/breathing pattern disorders defined 431
Gender 431
Normal breathing pattern 433
Benefits of normal respiratory function 433
The carbon dioxide–oxygen balancing act 433
Respiratory homeostasis 433
Pathophysiology 434
Physiologic and pathophysiologic causes of altered patterns of breathing 434
Categorization of causes 435
The hydrogen ion factor 435
The carbon dioxide–hydrogen ion connection 435
The bicarbonate buffer 435
Oxygen delivery and smooth muscle constriction 436
Psychology and hyperventilation syndrome/breathing pattern disorders 436
Influence of emotion on breathing 437
Diagnostic considerations 437
Symptoms 437
Metabolic disturbances and hyperventilation syndrome 439
Acute hyperventilation progression 439
Chronic hyperventilation 440
Laboratory and office tests for hyperventilation syndrome/breathing pattern disorders 440
Caution 442
The nijmegen questionnaire 442
Biomechanical (structural) considerations 443
The structure-function continuum 443
The muscles of breathing 443
Neural regulation of breathing 443
Chemical control of breathing 444
Voluntary control of breathing 444
Therapeutic considerations and therapeutic approach 445
Treatment and rehabilitation of hyperventilation syndrome/breathing pattern disorders 445
Osteopathic and naturopathic protocol for care of patients with hyperventilation syndrome/breathing pattern disorders 445
Breathing rehabilitation exercises 445
39 Hypoglycemia 448
Diagnostic summary 448
General considerations 448
Diagnostic considerations 450
Health impact of hypoglycemia 451
Therapeutic considerations 453
Dietary factors 453
Lifestyle factors 455
Therapeutic approach 455
Oral hypoglycemic drugs 457
40 Hypothyroidism 458
Diagnostic summary 458
General considerations 458
Causes of hypothyroidism 460
Hashimoto’s thyroiditis 461
Diagnostic considerations 462
Clinical symptomatology 462
Diagnostic considerations 463
Clinical assessment 464
Laboratory evaluation 465
Laboratory findings in thyroid disease 465
Therapeutic considerations 466
Diet and food allergy 466
Physiologic and hormonal considerations 466
Nutritional considerations 468
Exercise 469
Thyroid hormone replacement 469
Therapeutic approach 470
Treatments for autoimmune hypothyroidism (hashimoto’s disease) 470
Treatments for nonautoimmune overt or subclinical hypothyroid disorder 471
41 Infectious diarrhea 473
Diagnostic summary 473
General considerations 473
Infectious agents and symptoms 473
Viral agents 475
Bacterial agents 475
Parasitic agents 477
Laboratory diagnosis 477
Therapeutic considerations 478
Conventional medicines 478
Underlying and predisposing factors 478
Hydration and electrolyte balance 479
Diet 479
Supplements 480
Probiotics: lactobacillus and saccharomyces 481
Botanical medicines 482
Berberine-containing plants 482
Potentilla tormentilla (tormentil root) 483
Allium sativum (garlic) 483
Other antiparasitic botanicals 483
Therapeutic approach 483
Nutritional supplements 484
Botanicals 484
42 Infertility, female 485
Diagnostic summary 485
General considerations 485
Integrative infertility treatment 488
Assisted reproductive technologies and naturopathy 488
Optimizing natural fertility 488
Diagnostic considerations 490
Female reproductive assessment 490
Complications 495
Therapeutic considerations 503
Supporting female fertility 503
Naturopathic preconception treatment 503
Fertility-damaging factors 504
Age 504
Weight balance 505
Immunologic considerations 506
Nutritional considerations 507
The fertility diet 507
Arginine 508
Carnitine 508
Antioxidants 509
Botanical medicines 515
Therapeutic approach 517
General measures 517
Diet 517
Nutritional supplements 518
Botanical medicines 519
43 Infertility, male 521
Diagnostic summary 521
General considerations 521
Diagnostic considerations 523
Andrology assessments 523
Male reproductive assessment 525
Therapeutic considerations 529
Possible causes of falling sperm counts 530
Causes of temporary low sperm count 530
Therapeutic considerations 532
Improving sperm-controlling and sperm-damaging factors 532
Scrotal temperature 533
Genitourinary infections 533
Avoiding estrogens 533
Environmental toxins 534
Exposure route 535
Toxicity assessment 535
Heavy metals 536
Radiation: Cell phones 536
Cigarettes, alcohol, and illicit drugs 536
Obesity 537
Infections and infertility 537
Diet 537
Nutritional supplements 538
Botanical medicines 543
Therapeutic approach 545
44 Inflammatory bowel disease 547
Diagnostic summary 547
Crohn’s disease 547
Ulcerative colitis 547
General considerations 549
Definition 549
Etiology 550
Therapeutic considerations 551
Control of causative factors 551
Extraintestinal manifestations 553
Malnutrition 554
Causes of malnutrition in inflammatory bowel disease 554
Nutritional consequences of chronic inflammatory and/or infectious disease 555
Prevalence of nutritional deficiencies 555
Minerals 556
Vitamins 557
Botanical medicines 559
Composition of bastyr’s formula 561
Butyrate enemas in ulcerative colitis 561
Prebiotics 561
Probiotics in crohn’s disease 562
Therapeutic monitoring and evaluation 562
Monitoring of the pediatric patient with inflammatory bowel disease 563
History 563
3-day diet diary 563
Physical examination 563
Laboratory tests 563
Therapeutic approach 563
45 Insomnia 565
Diagnostic summary 565
General considerations 565
Sleep apnea 567
Normal sleep patterns 568
Importance of adequate sleep 569
Therapeutic considerations 569
Serotonin precursor and cofactor therapy 570
Restless legs syndrome and nocturnal myoclonus 571
Botanicals with sedative properties 572
Therapeutic approach 572
46 Intestinal protozoan infestation and systemic illness 574
General considerations 574
Protozoa 574
Giardia species 574
Entamoeba histolytica 576
Diagnostic considerations 577
Therapeutic considerations 577
Artemisia annua (sweet annie or qinghao) 577
Berberine 578
Allium sativum and juglans nigra 578
Intestinal bacterial milieu 578
47 Irritable bowel syndrome 579
Diagnostic summary 579
General considerations 579
Conditions that can mimic irritable bowel syndrome 581
Therapeutic considerations 581
Nutritional supplements 584
Botanical medicines 585
Miscellaneous considerations 585
Therapeutic approach 586
48 Kidney stones 588
Diagnostic summary 588
General considerations 588
Diagnostic considerations 590
Therapeutic considerations 592
Dietary factors 592
Dietary recommendations for patients with high urine oxalate 593
Nutrients 594
Botanicals 596
Lifestyle 597
Miscellaneous 597
Therapeutic approach 598
Acute obstruction 598
Calcium stones 598
Uric acid stones 599
Magnesium ammonium phosphate stones 599
Cystine stones 599
Brushite and struvite stones 599
49 Leukoplakia 600
Diagnostic summary 600
General considerations 600
Therapeutic considerations 600
Therapeutic approach 602
Supplements 603
50 Lichen planus 604
Diagnostic summary 604
General considerations 606
Therapeutic considerations 607
Supplements and botanical medicines 608
Vitamin a and beta-carotene 608
Synthetic retinoids 609
Glycyrrhizin 609
Aloe vera 609
Hyaluronic acid 609
Purslane 609
Therapeutic approach 609
Supplements 610
Topical treatments 610
Oral treatments 610
Intravenous treatments (lichen planus with hepatitis C) 610
51 Macular degeneration 611
Diagnostic summary 611
General considerations 611
Types of age-related macular degeneration 611
Therapeutic considerations 613
Reducing and preventing atherosclerosis 614
Therapeutic approach 616
52 Maldigestion 618
Therapeutic considerations 618
Indigestion 618
Reflux esophagitis 618
Hypochlorhydria (insufficient gastric acid) 620
Etiology 621
Pancreatic insufficiency 622
Pancreatic enzyme supplements 623
53 Menopause 624
Diagnostic summary 624
Baseline evaluation of menopausal woman 624
General considerations 626
Estrogen replacement therapy 626
Benefits and risks of conventional hormone replacement therapy and natural hormone replacement therapy 627
Risks 628
Coronary heart disease. 628
Stroke. 629
Gallstones. 629
Areas of uncertainty 629
Key clinically relevant issues from women’s health initiative estrogen replacement study 630
Natural hormones 631
Major symptoms of perimenopause and menopause 632
Therapeutic considerations 632
Treatment overview 632
Nutrition 632
Exercise 634
Stress management 634
Nutritional supplements 635
Botanical medicines 635
Hormone therapy 635
North american menopause society recommended terminology for describing hormone therapy for menopause 639
Additional terms (not north american menopause society) distinguishing hormone regimens 639
Bioidentical or natural hormones 640
Bioidentical estrogens 640
Progesterone 641
Progesterone cream 641
Testosterone 642
Dehydroepiandrosterone (dhea) 642
Nonbioidentical hormones 643
Additional medications 643
Perimenopause-menopause evaluation 644
Lifestyle factors 645
Therapeutic approach 646
Diet 646
Supplements 646
Botanical medicines 646
Lifestyle 647
54 Menorrhagia 648
Diagnostic summary 648
General considerations 648
Etiology 650
Estimating menstrual blood loss 651
Pathologic causes of menorrhagia 651
Therapeutic considerations 652
Botanicals 654
Bioidentical hormones 656
Therapeutic approach 656
Botanical medicines 657
Chronic recurring menorrhagia 657
Bioidentical hormones 657
55 Migraine headache 658
Diagnostic summary 658
General considerations 658
Classification and diagnosis 660
Types of chronic daily headache 660
Pathophysiology 661
Therapeutic considerations 664
Drug reactions 664
Diet 665
Nutritional supplements 667
Botanical medicines 670
Hormones 671
Manual medicine 672
Acupuncture 673
Biofeedback 673
Therapeutic approach 674
Hormonal therapies 675
Botanical medicines 675
Physical medicine 676
Factors involved with histamine-induced headaches 677
56 Multiple sclerosis 678
Diagnostic summary 678
General considerations 678
Epidemiology 680
Pathogenesis 681
Role of free radicals 681
Etiology 681
Genes 682
Viruses 682
Environment: Geographic and seasonal influences 682
Diet 682
Diagnostic considerations 683
Therapeutic considerations 683
Conventional treatments 683
Natural medicine 684
Diet therapy 684
Dr. roy swank low-saturated-fat diet 684
Nutritional supplements 684
Omega-3 fatty acids 684
Omega-6 fatty acids 686
Vitamin D 686
Antioxidants 687
Botanical medicines 687
Other considerations 688
Therapeutic approach 689
Diet 689
Nutritional supplements 689
Botanical medicine 690
Exercise and stress management 690
57 Obesity 691
Diagnostic summary 691
General considerations 691
Morbidity associated with increased risk from obesity 691
Prevalence 693
Measurement of body density 694
Types of obesity 695
Causes of obesity 695
Physiologic factors 696
Diet-induced thermogenesis 698
Low serotonin theory 699
Environmental toxin theory 699
Therapeutic considerations 700
Behavioral therapy 700
Dietary strategies 701
Water 701
Atkins diet 701
Natural weight loss AIDS 702
Therapeutic approach 704
Supplements 705
Botanical medicines 705
Indirect methods of analyzing body fat composition 705
58 Osteoarthritis 706
Diagnostic summary 706
General considerations 706
Diagnosis 708
Causes of misdiagnosis of osteoarthritis 708
Therapeutic considerations 709
Conventional pharmacologic treatment 710
Physical therapy 710
Dietary and exercise considerations 711
Nutritional supplements 711
Physical therapy 715
Magnetic therapies 716
Relaxation 716
Botanical medicines 716
Additional therapeutic considerations 718
Topical analgesics 718
Proteolytic enzymes 718
Acupuncture 718
Therapeutic approach 719
59 Osteoporosis 721
Diagnostic summary 721
General considerations 721
Pathophysiology 723
Risk factors 723
Hormonal factors 725
Additional factors 725
Diagnostic considerations 726
Bone mineral density testing 727
Laboratory tests of bone metabolism 727
Therapeutic considerations 728
Drug therapy 729
Lifestyle factors 732
General dietary factors 732
Nutritional supplements 734
Botanical medicine 738
Therapeutic approach 739
Supplements 739
Botanical medicine 740
60 Otitis media 741
Diagnostic summary 741
Acute otitis media 741
Chronic or serous otitis media 741
General considerations 741
Standard medical treatment 743
Causes 743
Therapeutic considerations 744
Therapeutic approach 747
61 Parkinsons disease 749
Diagnostic summary 749
Neuropsychiatry 749
General considerations 751
Epidemiology 751
Pathophysiology 751
Substantia nigra cell death 752
Oxidative stress and glutathione deficiency 752
Environmental exposures 753
Detoxification dysfunction 754
Diagnostic considerations 755
Therapeutic considerations 756
Conventional medicine 756
Nutritional considerations 757
Diet 757
Food sources of levodopa 757
Calorie restriction 757
Low-protein diet 758
Nutritional supplements 758
Antioxidants 758
Glutathione 759
Vitamin D 759
Coenzyme q10 759
Melatonin 760
Reduced nicotinamide adenine dinucleotide 760
Creatine 761
Botanical medicines 761
Camellia sinensis (green tea) 761
Ginkgo biloba 761
Mucuna pruriens 761
Piper methysticum (kava kava) 762
Other therapeutic considerations 762
Smoking 762
Estrogen 763
Homeopathy 763
Acupuncture and tui na 763
Therapeutic approach 764
Dietary recommendations 764
Lifestyle recommendations 764
Nutritional supplementation 764
Botanical medicines 765
Acupuncture 765
62 Pelvic inflammatory disease 766
Diagnostic summary 766
General considerations 766
Etiology 768
Complications 769
Risk factors 769
Pathogen access to upper female tract 770
Diagnosis 770
Differential diagnosis of pelvic inflammatory disease 771
Empiric treatment of pelvic inflammatory disease 772
Therapeutic considerations 772
Recommended antibiotic regimen 772
Recommended parenteral regimen a 772
Recommended parenteral regimen b 772
Physical medicine 774
Nutritional supplements 774
Botanical medicines 775
Prevention 776
Therapeutic approach 777
63 Peptic ulcers 779
Diagnostic summary 779
General considerations 779
Helicobacter pylori 781
Aspirin and other non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs 781
Therapeutic considerations 782
Lifestyle factors 782
Nutritional factors 782
Miscellaneous 784
Botanical medicines 784
Therapeutic approach 786
64 Periodontal disease 787
Diagnostic summary 787
General considerations 787
Pathophysiology 789
Therapeutic considerations 791
Botanical medicines 794
Therapeutic approach 794
65 Porphyrias 796
Diagnostic summary 796
General considerations 796
Classifications of porphyria 796
Signs and symptoms of hepatic porphyrias 798
Biochemistry 798
Heme formation 799
Porphyria manifestation 799
Etiologic agents 800
Laboratory diagnosis 801
Therapeutic considerations 802
Toxins known to cause or exacerbate porphyria 802
Nutritional therapies 803
Therapeutic approach 806
66 Pregnancy health and primary prevention of adult disease 807
Overview 807
Preconception work 807
Pregnancy death rates and premature births 807
Weight gain 807
Obesity in pregnancy 808
Thyroid 808
Flu shots and vaccines 809
Lifestyle factors 810
Hydration 810
Energy needs and diet 811
Undernutrition and overnutrition 811
Healthy foods 812
Fruits and vegetables 812
Folic acid−containing foods 812
Apples 812
Vegetarian diets 812
Soy 812
Fish 813
Mercury 813
Dioxins 814
Polychlorinated biphenyls 814
Flaxseed 814
Caffeine 814
Cocoa and theobromines 815
Stevia 815
Peanuts 815
Sleep 815
Exercise 815
Alcohol 817
Smoking 817
Cannabis 817
Betel nut 818
Stress and mind-body modalities 818
Sunlight 818
Environmental toxins 819
Phthalates and bisphenol a 819
Perchlorates 819
Arsenic 819
Lead 820
Air pollution 820
Cell phone radiation 820
General supplementation 821
Multivitamins and folic acid 821
Essential fatty acids 822
Evening primrose oil 822
Vitamin D 822
Magnesium 823
Vitamin a 823
Antioxidants 824
Iron 825
Probiotics 825
Choline 826
Carnitine 826
Botanicals 827
Raspberry leaf (rubus idaeus) 827
Glycyrrhiza glabra (licorice) 827
Gingko biloba 827
Scutellaria (scutellaria baicalensis) 828
Bitter melon (momordica charantia) 828
Podophyllum 828
Therapeutic approach 828
Support 828
Foods 828
Sleep 828
Exercise 828
Lifestyle 828
Nutritional supplementation 829
Botanical medicine 829
67 Premenstrual syndrome 830
Diagnostic summary 830
General considerations 830
Diagnosis and classifications 832
Therapeutic considerations 833
Estrogen metabolism 833
Estrogen impairs vitamin b6 function 833
Dietary considerations 833
Vegetarian diet and estrogen metabolism 834
Fat intake and estrogen metabolism 834
Sugar 834
Caffeine 835
Salt 835
Lifestyle choices 835
Hormone therapy 835
Thyroid function 835
Stress, coping style, and depression 835
Exercise 836
Nutritional supplements 836
Vitamin b6 836
Magnesium 837
Calcium 838
Zinc 838
Vitamin E 838
Essential fatty acids 838
Multiple vitamin-mineral supplements 839
L-tryptophan 839
Botanical medicines 839
Vitex agnus-castus (chaste tree) 839
Ginkgo biloba extract 840
Hypericum perforatum (ST. john’s wort) 840
Saffron (crocus sativus l.) 841
Bioidentical progesterone therapy 841
Therapeutic approach 842
Nutritional supplements 842
Botanical medicines 842
68 Proctologic conditions 843
Anorectal anatomy 843
Anal diseases 849
Anal fistula and anal abscess 849
Anal cryptitis 850
Anal fissure 850
Hemorrhoids 852
Internal hemorrhoids 853
Treatment 853
External hemorrhoids 856
Perianal dermatologic disorders 857
Condylomata acuminata 857
Condylomata lata 857
Lymphogranuloma venereum 857
Herpes 858
Pilonidal sinus 858
Proctalgia fugax 859
Proctitis 859
Pruritus ani 860
Botanicals for anorectal diseases 861
Treatment summary for hemorrhoids 862
69 Psoriasis 864
Diagnostic summary 864
General considerations 864
Therapeutic considerations 867
Gastrointestinal function 867
Incomplete protein digestion 867
Bowel toxemia 868
Liver function 868
Bile deficiencies 868
Nutrition 869
Individual nutrients 870
Psychological aspects 872
Physical therapeutics 872
Topical treatments 873
Therapeutic approach 874
70 Rheumatoid arthritis 875
Diagnostic summary 875
General considerations 875
Pathogenesis 877
Diagnosis 882
Laboratory findings 882
Therapeutic considerations 883
Diet 883
Adverse food reactions 883
Therapeutic fasting 884
Vegetarian diet 884
The mediterranean diet 884
Dietary antioxidants 884
Nutritional supplements 885
Multivitamin and multimineral supplementation 886
Botanical medicines 888
Physical medicine 890
Psychological aspects 891
Therapeutic approach 891
71 Rosacea 894
Diagnostic summary 894
General considerations 894
Etiology 896
Therapeutic considerations 897
Therapeutic approach 898
72 Seborrheic dermatitis 900
Diagnostic summary 900
General considerations 900
Therapeutic considerations 902
Nutrition 902
Botanical medicine 903
Homeopathic therapy 903
Therapeutic approach 903
73 Senile (aging-related) cataracts 904
Diagnostic summary 904
General considerations 904
Therapeutic considerations 906
Antioxidants 906
Other nutritional factors 908
Diet 909
Toxic metals 909
Botanical medicines 909
Therapeutic approach 910
74 Streptococcal pharyngitis 911
Diagnostic summary 911
General considerations 911
Therapeutic considerations 913
Therapeutic approach 914
75 Trichomoniasis 916
Diagnostic summary 916
General considerations 916
Diagnosis 918
Trichomonal vaginitis 919
Trichomonas in the male 919
Therapeutic considerations 919
Nutritional supplements 920
Topical trichomonacides 921
Therapeutic approach 921
76 Urticaria 923
Diagnostic summary 923
Pathophysiology 925
Causes of urticaria 925
Physical urticaria 925
Cholinergic (heat reflex) urticaria 926
Cold urticaria 927
Autoimmune urticaria 927
Drug-induced urticaria 927
Food-related causes 928
Food colorants 929
Food flavorings 929
Food preservatives 930
Food emulsifiers and stabilizers 930
Infections 930
Therapeutic considerations 931
Diagnosis 932
Physical evaluation and history 932
Laboratory testing 932
Supplements 933
Therapeutic approach 934
Physical medicine 935
Traditional chinese medicine: Acupuncture 935
77 Uterine fibroids 936
Diagnostic summary 936
General considerations 936
Diagnosis 938
Therapeutic considerations 938
Diet 939
Nutritional supplements 940
Botanical medicines 940
Traditional herbs 940
Topical applications 941
Herbal phytoestrogens 941
Natural progesterone 942
Therapeutic approach 943
Nutritional supplements 943
Herbal medicines 943
Topical 944
Conventional medicine therapies 944
78 Vaginitis 945
Diagnostic summary 945
General considerations 945
Types of vaginitis 947
Therapeutic considerations 952
Dietary considerations 952
Nutritional supplements 952
Botanical medicines 953
Other agents 954
Diagnostic approach 956
Therapeutic approach 957
Other botanicals 958
General recommendations 958
Specific recommendations and treatments 958
79 Varicose veins 960
Diagnostic summary 960
General discussion 960
Etiology 962
Therapeutic considerations 962
Dietary factors 962
Botanical medicines 963
Therapeutic approach 965
Index 967
A 967
B 969
C 971
D 973
E 975
F 976
G 977
H 978
I 980
J 981
K 981
L 982
M 983
N 984
O 984
P 985
Q 987
R 987
S 988
T 990
U 991
V 991
W 992
X 992
Y 992
Z 992