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Gartsman's Shoulder Arthroscopy E-Book

Gartsman's Shoulder Arthroscopy E-Book

Hussein Elkousy | T. Bradley Edwards


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Book Details


Covering the entire spectrum of operative shoulder arthroscopy, including both routine and complex shoulder procedures, Gartsman’s Shoulder Arthroscopy, 3rd Edition, provides a straightforward, "classroom" approach that walks you through each step of these challenging surgeries. Two master surgeons in the field, Drs. Hussein Elkousy and T. Bradley Edwards, present clear explanations of the standard approach to each procedure, plus variations and complications that frequently arise. Focused, concise coverage includes review of anatomy, indications and contraindications, non-operative options, pre-operative assessment and imaging, and more.

Table of Contents

Section Title Page Action Price
Front Cover cover
Inside Front Cover ifc1
Gartsman's Shoulder Arthroscopy i
Copyright Page ii
Dedication iii
Preface v
Table Of Contents vii
Video Contents ix
Full_page_Edwards_Ad x
One The Basics 1
1 Shoulder Arthroscopy Concepts and Tools 1
Abstract 1.e1
Keywords 1.e1
Arthroscopy Versus Open Repair 1
Technical Skills 2
Suture Anchors 4
Sutures Through Tendon 5
Suture Management 5
Arthroscopic Knot Tying (Video 1.1) 22
Knot-Tying Concepts 22
Knot Types 22
Knot-Tying Steps 24
Intellectual Skills 35
The Gradual Transition 35
Stage 1 35
Stage 2 35
Stage 3 35
Stage 4 36
Stage 5 36
Instrument Handling 36
Arthroscope 36
Needle-Passing Device 36
Shuttle Suture Passer 36
Knot Pusher 37
2 Operating Room Setup 38
Abstract 38.e1
Keywords 38.e1
Clinical Data 38
Setup and Preparation 38
Anesthesia 42
Patient Positioning 42
Lateral Decubitus Position 43
Sitting Position 43
Equipment 44
Arthroscope 44
Suture Passers 46
Soft Tissue Management 48
Suture Management 49
Sutures 53
Power Instruments 53
Cannulas 53
Thermal Instruments 55
Fluid Management 56
Transfer Rods 56
Anchors 56
Photography and Video Recording 56
Dedicated Team 57
3 Diagnostic Arthroscopy and Normal Anatomy 58
Abstract 58.e1
Keywords 58.e1
Diagnostic Glenohumeral Arthroscopy 58
Posterior Portals 58
Lateral Portals 59
Anterior Portals 60
Physical Examination 61
Arthroscopic Procedure (Videos 3.1 and 3.2) 61
Diagnostic Subacromial Space Arthroscopy 77
Two Glenohumeral Joint Surgery 89
4 Glenohumeral Instability 89
Abstract 89.e1
Keywords 89.e1
Literature Review 89
Diagnosis 92
Patient History 92
Physical Examination 92
Radiographs 94
Nonoperative Treatment 96
Operative Treatment 96
Indications 96
Contraindications 97
Operative Approach 98
Operative Rationale 98
Intraoperative Decision Making and Indications 100
Débridement 100
Labrum Repair 100
Capsular Tensioning 101
Rotator Interval 101
Operative Technique 101
Posterior Repair (Videos 4.2–4.6) 105
Portal Placement 108
Scapular Neck and Tissue Preparation 108
Drill Holes 108
Suture Passing 109
Anterior-Inferior Repair (Videos 4.7–4.11) 110
Débridement 110
Insertion Tears 110
Bankart, Bone Fragment 110
Anterior Scapular Neck Preparation 111
Drill Holes 112
Anchor Insertion 112
Suture Passing 112
Shuttling the Suture 114
Knot Tying 114
Superior Labrum Repair (Video 4.12) 115
Capsular Shift (Videos 4.13–4.15) 115
Mutlidirectional Instability (MDI) Videos 116
Rotator Interval Repair (Video 4.16) 116
Rotator Cuff Lesions 118
Postoperative Management 121
Results 121
Operative Repair 121
Postoperative Scores and Shoulder Rating Systems 121
Range of Motion 121
Return to Sports Participation 122
Ligament Laxity 123
Complications 123
Latarjet (Videos 4.17 and 4.18) 123
Discussion 129
Bibliography 130
5 Biceps Tendon Lesions 133
Abstract 133.e1
Keywords 133.e1
Superior Labrum Anterior-to-Posterior Lesions 133
Anatomy 133
Making the Diagnosis 135
Management of SLAP Tears 137
Nonsurgical Treatment 137
Surgical Treatment 137
Type 1 Superior Labrum Anterior-to-Posterior Lesion 137
Type 2 Superior Labrum Anterior-to-Posterior Lesions 137
Type 3 Superior Labrum Anterior-to-Posterior Lesions 141
Type 4 Superior Labrum Anterior-to-Posterior Lesions 141
Operative Technique (Video 5.2) 141
Type 1 Superior Labrum Anterior-to-Posterior Lesions 144
Type 2 Superior Labrum Anterior-to-Posterior Lesions 144
Type 3 Superior Labrum Anterior-to-Posterior Lesions 150
Type 4 Superior Labrum Anterior-to-Posterior Lesions 150
Postoperative Treatment 150
Biceps Lesions Distal to the SLAP Lesion 150
Literature Review 150
Diagnosis 152
Indications for Treatment 153
Operative Technique 154
Soft Tissue Biceps Tenodesis Technique (Video 5.3) 154
Subacromial Techniques 157
Biceps Tenodesis—Suture Anchor Technique (Video 5.5). 158
Biceps Tenodesis—Interference Screw Technique (Figs. 5.118–5.123). 162
Tenotomy 164
Postoperative Treatment 164
Discussion 164
Bibliography 164
6 Stiffness 167
Abstract 167.e1
Keywords 167.e1
Literature Review 167
Clinical Presentation 167
Diagnosis 167
Indications for Surgery 168
Limitations of Arthroscopic Surgery 169
Operative Technique (Video 6.1) 169
Examination Under Anesthesia 169
Manipulation 169
Joint Entry 171
Rotator Interval 171
Anterior Capsule 172
Subacromial Space 174
Postoperative Care 177
7 Arthrosis 178
Abstract 178.e1
Keywords 178.e1
Diagnosis 178
Nonoperative Treatment 178
Indications for Surgery 178
Contraindications to Surgery 178
Osteoarthritis 179
Rheumatoid Arthritis 184
Avascular Necrosis 187
Chondrolysis 187
8 Periarticular Cysts and Suprascapular Nerve Compression 190
Abstract 190.e1
Keywords 190.e1
Literature Review 190
Diagnosis 190
Nonoperative Treatment 190
Indications for Surgery 191
Operative Technique 193
Suprascapular Nerve Decompression at the Suprascapular Notch (Lafosse Technique) 193
Variations of Technique 195
Postoperative Care 195
Suprascapular Nerve Decompression at the Spinoglenoid Ligament (Video 8.3) 195
Bibliography 196
9 Sepsis or Infection 197
Abstract 197.e1
Keywords 197.e1
Literature Review 197
Diagnosis 197
Operative Technique 197
Bibliography 200
Three Subacromial Space Surgery 203
10 Impingement Syndrome 203
Abstract 203.e1
Keywords 203.e1
Diagnosis 203
Differential Diagnosis 204
Indications and Goals of Surgery 205
Literature Review 205
Arthroscopic Findings 206
Treatment 206
Operative Technique (Video 10.1) 206
Examination Under Anesthesia 206
Positioning 206
Landmarks 206
Glenohumeral Joint Entry and Findings 207
Subacromial Entry and Findings 207
Bursectomy 207
Coracoacromial Ligament 209
Acromioplasty 211
Hemostasis 213
Os Acromiale 215
Postoperative Management 215
Causes of Failure 215
Failure of Thought 215
Unrealistic Expectations 215
Improper Diagnosis 215
Technical Failure 216
Inadequate Decompression 216
Excessive Decompression 216
Lateral Acromial Resection 216
Comparison of Open and Arthroscopic Approaches 216
Coracoid Impingement (Video 10.2) 217
Bibliography 218
11 Partial-Thickness Rotator Cuff Tears 220
Abstract 220.e1
Keywords 220.e1
Literature Review 220
Diagnosis 220
Nonoperative Treatment 220
Indications for Surgery 221
Operative Technique 221
Operative Findings 221
Intraoperative Decision Making 222
Management of Partial-Thickness Tears (Video 11.1) 223
Internal Impingement Lesion 226
Postoperative Treatment 226
Bibliography 227
12 Full-Thickness Rotator Cuff Tears 228
Abstract 228.e1
Keywords 228.e1
Historical Review 228
Diagnosis 229
Management 230
Surgery Discussion 230
Operative Technique 231
Anesthesia 231
Positioning 231
Portals 231
Glenohumeral Joint 232
Subacromial Space 233
Tear Classification 234
Coracoacromial Ligament and Acromioplasty 237
Acromioclavicular Joint 238
Cuff Mobilization 238
Repair Site Preparation 239
Anchor Selection 241
Anchor Design 241
Anchor Material 242
Suture Selection 242
Repair of Avulsion or Crescent-Shaped Tears of the Supraspinatus 242
Single-Row Repair of Supraspinatus Tendon (Videos 12.1–12.4) 243
Suture Placement 244
Suture Passing 244
Needle-Passing Device Technique 244
Knot Tying (Video 12.5) 245
Double-Row Repair 247
Types and Contrast of Techniques 247
Technique for Double Row (Video 12.6) 251
Technique for Transosseous Equivalent (Video 12.7) 255
Longitudinal Tears (Videos 12.8 and 12.9) 256
Horizontal Cleavage Tears (Video 12.10) 256
Subscapularis Tears (Video 12.11) 260
Postoperative Treatment 261
Complications 263
Stiffness 263
Failure of Healing 263
Bibliography 263
13 Massive Rotator Cuff Tears 266
Abstract 266.e1
Keywords 266.e1
Literature Review 266
Operative Technique (Videos 13.1–13.4) 267
Visualization 267
Cuff Mobilization and Tear Classification 267
Repair Sequence 278
Suture Management 278
Margin Convergence 278
Subscapularis Tears 279
Postoperative Management 281
Bibliography 281
14 Irreparable Rotator Cuff Tears 282
Abstract 282.e1
Keywords 282.e1
Literature Review 282
Diagnosis 283
Nonoperative Treatment 284
Indications for Surgery 284
Contraindications to Surgery 284
Operative Technique 284
Glenohumeral Joint 284
Subacromial Space 284
Postoperative Management 286
Complications 288
Bibliography 288
15 Acromioclavicular Joint Pathology 290
Abstract 290.e1
Keywords 290.e1
Literature Review 290
Diagnosis 290
Painful Conditions 290
Instability 290
Differential Diagnosis 290
Nonoperative Treatment 291
Injection 292
Indications for Surgery 292
Painful Conditions 292
Operative Technique (Video 15.1) 293
Postoperative Management 294
Complications 296
Instability 296
Operative Technique (Video 15.2) 296
Postoperative Management 299
Complications 301
Bibliography 301
16 Calcific Tendinitis 303
Abstract 303.e1
Keywords 303.e1
Literature Review 303
Diagnosis 303
Nonoperative Treatment 303
Indications for Surgery 306
Operative Technique (Video 16.1) 306
Postoperative Management 309
Complications 310
Bibliography 310
17 Fractures 312
Abstract 312.e1
Keywords 312.e1
Literature Review 312
Diagnosis 312
Nonoperative Treatment 312
Indications for Surgery 312
Contraindications to Surgery 315
Bibliography 316
18 Diagnostic Ultrasonography 317
Abstract 317.e1
Keywords 317.e1
Basic Terminology 317
The Basic Exam 318
Long Head of the Biceps Tendon 318
Subscapularis Tendon 321
Supraspinatus and Infraspinatus Tendons 324
Injections 330
Summary 330
Bibliography 331
19 Rehabilitation 333
Abstract 333.e1
Keywords 333.e1
Types of Exercises (Videos 19.1 and 19.2) 333
Surgical Procedures to Improve Motion 333
Surgical Procedures With No Repair and Intact Rotator Cuff 338
Irreparable Rotator Cuff Tears 340
Rotator Cuff Repair 340
Weeks 4 to 12 341
Index 342
A 342
B 343
C 344
D 345
E 345
F 346
G 346
H 347
I 347
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K 348
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M 349
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T 354
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V 354
W 354
Inside Back Cover ibc1