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Cardiovascular Magnetic Resonance

Cardiovascular Magnetic Resonance

Warren J. Manning | Dudley J. Pennell


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Book Details


  • Provides state-of-the-art coverage of CMR technologies and guidelines, including basic principles, imaging techniques, ischemic heart disease, right ventricular and congenital heart disease, vascular and pericardium conditions, and functional cardiovascular disease.
  • Includes new chapters on non-cardiac pathology, pacemaker safety, economics of CMR, and guidelines as well as new coverage of myocarditis and its diagnosis and assessment of prognosis by cardiovascular magnetic resonance, and the use of PET/CMR imaging of the heart, especially in sarcoidosis.
  • Features more than 1,100 high-quality images representing today’s CMR imaging.
  • Covers T1, T2 and ECV mapping, as well as T2* imaging in iron overload, which has been shown to save lives in patients with thalassaemia major
  • Discusses the cost-effectiveness of CMR.

Table of Contents

Section Title Page Action Price
Front Cover cover
ES2_Expert Consult ad IFC2
Common Abbreviations Used in the Text IFC3
Cardiovascular Magnetic Resonance i
Copyright Page iv
Dedication v
Contributors vii
Foreword xiii
Preface xv
Acknowledgments xvii
Table Of Contents xix
Braunwald’s Heart Disease Family of Books xxi
Braunwald’s Heart Disease Companions xxi
Braunwald’s Heart Disease Review and Assessment xxii
Braunwald’s Heart Disease Imaging Companions xxii
I Basic Principles of Cardiovascular Magnetic Resonance 1
1 Basic Principles of Cardiovascular Magnetic Resonance 1
Introduction 1
Detection of the MRI Signal 1
Alignment With the Main Magnetic Field 1
Radiofrequency Excitation 2
T1 Relaxation 3
T2* and T2 Relaxation: The Effects of Spin Phase 3
T2 Versus T2* 3
Spatial Localization 4
Magnetic Gradients 4
Slice-Selective Excitation: Position in Z 5
Frequency Encoding: Position in X 6
Phase Encoding: Position in Y 7
Raw k-Space Data and the Fast Fourier Transform 7
Pulse Sequences and Contrast 8
Spin Echo Imaging 8
Fast Spin Echo Imaging 10
Gradient Echo Imaging 10
Three-Dimensional Fast Gradient Echo: MR Angiography 11
Balanced Steady-State Free Precession 12
Echo Planar Imaging, Spiral and Radial 12
Preparation Pulses 13
New Hardware Advances 14
References 14
References 14.e1
2 Techniques for T1, T2, and Extracellular Volume Mapping 15
T1 and Extracellular Volume Mapping 15
Brief History of Methods for T1 Mapping in the Heart 16
T1-Mapping Methods 16
ECV Mapping Methods 18
Reproducibility: Accuracy, Precision, and Confounding Factors 19
Limitations and Potential Pitfalls 20
Summary 23
T2 Mapping 23
Methods 23
Reproducibility: Accuracy, Precision, and Confounding Factors 24
Limitations and Potential Pitfalls 26
Summary 26
Conclusion 26
Acknowledgments 26
References 26
References 26.e1
3 Cardiovascular Magnetic Resonance Contrast Agents 27
Introduction to the Biophysics of Magnetic Resonance Imaging 27
Commercial Contrast Agents and Those in Clinical Development 28
Extracellular Agents 28
Blood Pool Agents 29
Relaxivity 31
Contrast-Enhanced Tissue Relaxation 34
Novel Contrast Agents in Development 35
Safety 38
Conclusion 39
References 39
References 39.e1
4 Myocardial Perfusion Imaging Theory 40
Introduction 40
The Physiologic Basis for Measuring Myocardial Perfusion 40
First-Pass Imaging With Exogenous Tracers 41
Advanced Techniques for Perfusion Imaging Acceleration 43
Endogenous Contrast for the Assessment of Myocardial Perfusion 43
Quantitative Evaluation of Myocardial Perfusion 44
Arterial Input Function 46
Practical Aspects of Magnetic Resonance Perfusion Imaging 48
Conclusions 49
Acknowledgment 50
References 50
References 50.e1
5 Myocardial Perfusion Cardiovascular Magnetic Resonance 51
Advanced Techniques 51
Acceleration Methods 51
k-t Undersampling Techniques 51
Non-Cartesian Techniques 52
Compressed Sensing 54
High-Resolution Perfusion Cardiovascular Magnetic Resonance 56
Methods and Clinical Validation 56
Three-Dimensional Whole-Heart Perfusion Cardiovascular Magnetic Resonance 58
Methods and Clinical Validation 59
Limitations of Highly Accelerated Perfusion Cardiovascular Magnetic Resonance 60
Quantitative Analysis 61
Optimal Use of Acceleration 61
Conclusion 61
References 65
References 65.e1
6 Blood Flow Velocity Assessment 66
Time-of-Flight Methods 66
Phase Flow Imaging Methods 66
Phase Contrast Velocity Mapping 67
Fourier Flow Imaging 67
Improving the Accuracy of Phase Contrast Velocity Measurements 68
Rapid Phase Flow Imaging Methods 70
Visualizing Flow and Flow Parameters 71
Four-Dimensional Phase Contrast Flow Velocity Mapping 73
References 74
References 74.e1
7 Use of Navigator Echoes in Cardiovascular Magnetic Resonance and Factors Affecting Their Implementation 75
Use of Navigator Information 75
Multiple Breath-Hold Methods 75
Free-Breathing Methods 76
Navigator Echo Implementation 78
Method of Column Selection 78
Correction Factors 78
Column Positioning 80
Multiple Column Orientations 80
Navigator Timing 81
Precision of Navigator Measurement 81
More Recent Approaches 82
Other Forms of Navigators 82
Projection-Based Self-Navigators 82
Image-Based Navigators 82
Motion Models 82
Computer Architecture 83
Conclusion 83
References 83
References 83.e1
8 Cardiovascular Magnetic Resonance Assessment of Myocardial Oxygenation 84
Myocardial Oxygenation: Supply Versus Demand 84
Biophysics of Myocardial BOLD Contrast 85
Vasodilators in the Assessment of Myocardial Oxygenation 85
Common Pharmacologic Vasodilators 85
Hypercapnia as a New Potent Coronary Vasodilator 86
Myocardial BOLD CMR: Preclinical Studies 87
T2*- and T2-Prepared Methods 87
Steady-State BOLD CMR: Cardiac Phase–Resolved Imaging of Myocardial Oxygenation 87
Clinical Experience With BOLD CMR 89
T2*-Based BOLD CMR in Patients 89
T2-Prepared BOLD CMR in Patients 91
CP-BOLD CMR in Patients 91
Visualization and Quantification of BOLD Effects via Image Processing 92
Detecting and Quantifying Pixel-Level BOLD Changes Under Vasodilator Stress With ARREAS 92
Automating the Detection of Area-at-Risk Under Rest With CP-BOLD CMR 94
Need for Better Myocardial Registration and Segmentation 94
Evolving Importance and Need for Pixel-Level Detection of BOLD Contrast 94
Toward a More Reliable Stress BOLD CMR Examination 95
Future Directions of Myocardial BOLD CMR 95
Acknowledgment 96
References 96
References 96.e1
9 Cardiac Magnetic Resonance Spectroscopy 97
Introduction 97
Physical Principles 97
Experimental Foundations 98
31P-MRS 98
1H-MRS 99
13C-MRS 100
23Na-CMR 100
Other Nuclei 100
Clinical Magnetic Resonance Spectroscopic Studies 100
Methodologic Considerations 100
Healthy Volunteers 102
Athlete’s Heart and Hypertension 102
Diabetes and Obesity 102
Heart Failure 103
Specific Gene Defects With Cardiac Pathology 105
Valvular Heart Disease 105
Ischemic Heart Disease 105
Magnetic Resonance Spectroscopy Stress Testing to Detect Ischemia 105
Myocardial Viability Assessment 106
Hypoxia/Altitude 107
Magnetic Resonance Spectroscopy at 3 T and 7 T 107
Modeling Studies 107
Perspective and General Conclusions 107
Acknowledgments 107
References 107
References 107.e1
10 Special Considerations for Cardiovascular Magnetic Resonance 108
Safety of Cardiovascular Magnetic Resonance 108
General Issues 108
Biologic Effects 108
Ferromagnetism 108
Effect of Rapidly Switched Magnetic Fields 109
Radiofrequency Time-Varying Field 110
Auditory Considerations 110
Superconducting System Issues 111
Psychological Effects 111
Safety Considerations Associated With CMR Contrast Agents 111
Patient Safety During Stress Conditions 111
Patient Monitoring and Electrocardiographic Setup 112
Contraindications to Cardiovascular Magnetic Resonance 113
General Contraindications to Cardiovascular Magnetic Resonance 113
Coronary Stents 113
Valvular Prostheses and Structural Heart Disease Intervention Devices 114
Cardiac Implantable Electronic Devices 114
Conclusion 116
References 117
References 117.e1
11 Pacemaker and Implantable Cardioverter-Defibrillator Safety and Safe Scanning 118
Cardiac Implanted Electronic Devices and Magnetic Resonance Imaging Interactions 118
Clinical Studies With Nonmagnetic Resonance Imaging Conditional Devices 118
Up to 1.5 T 118
Retained/Orphaned Leads 120
High-Field Magnetic Resonance 120
Recommendations 121
The Johns Hopkins Protocol 121
Magnetic Resonance Imaging Conditional Devices 121
Cardiac Implantable Electronic Device–Related Artifacts 124
Implantable Long-Term Loop Recorders 124
Future Directions 124
Conclusion 124
Conflict of Interest 124
References 124
References 124.e1
12 Special Considerations 125
Generalized Protocol of CMR for Congenital Heart Disease 126
Anatomic Imaging (Noncontrast) 126
Function/Anatomy: Cine CMR (Fig. 12.5) 126
Anatomy: Gadolinium-Based CMR (Figs. 12.9–12.11) 128
Blood Flow: Phase Contrast CMR (Figs. 12.7, 12.8, and 12.12) 130
Tissue Characterization (Figs. 12.13 and 12.14) 132
Late Gadolinium Enhancement Imaging 132
Perfusion 134
Myocardial Iron 134
Myocarditis 134
T1 Mapping 134
Other Important Techniques Used in Congenital Heart Disease 134
Real-Time Cine Imaging and Phase Contrast CMR 134
Coronary Artery Imaging 134
Exercise Cardiovascular Magnetic Resonance 134
Myocardial and Blood Tagging 134
Tumor/Mass Characterization (see Fig. 12.14) 134
Arrhythmogenic Right Ventricular Cardiomyopathy 134
Technical Considerations in Pediatric CMR 136
Spatial and Temporal Resolution 136
Inability of Pediatric Patients to Breath-Hold 137
Contrast-Based Techniques 137
Worked Examples of CMR for Congenital Heart Disease 137
Transposition of the Great Arteries (see Figs. 12.6, 12.9, and 12.11) 137
Single Ventricles (Figs. 12.2, 12.16, 12.17, and 12.18) 138
Coarctation of the Aorta (Figs. 12.4, 12.8, 12.19, and 12.20) 139
A Taste of the Future 139
Conclusion 141
References 141
References 141.e1
13 Human Cardiac Magnetic Resonance at Ultrahigh Fields 142
Enabling Technical Innovations for UHF-CMR 142
Enabling Radiofrequency Antenna Technology 143
Multichannel Radiofrequency Transmission 144
Progress in Pulse Sequence Development 144
Ancillary Hardware Tailored for Ultrahigh Frenquency-Magnetic Resonance 145
Safety of Human Cardiovascular Magnetic Resonance at 7 T 146
Radiofrequency Power Deposition 146
Radiofrequency-Induced Heating of Passive Conductive Devices 147
Early Applications and Clinical Studies 149
Black-Blood Imaging 149
Cardiac Chamber Quantification 149
First-Pass Myocardial Perfusion Imaging 151
Myocardial T2* Mapping 151
Myocardial T1 Mapping 155
Fat-Water Imaging 155
Coronary Artery Imaging 156
Vascular Imaging 156
Real-Time Imaging 156
Opportunities for Discoveries 156
Sodium MRI 158
Phosphorus Magnetic Resonance 158
Looking at the Horizon 158
Acknowledgments 160
References 160
References 160.e1
14 Clinical Cardiovascular Magnetic Resonance Imaging Techniques 161
Scouting (“Scan” = “Scout”) 161
Morphology (“Scan” = “Morphology”) 163
Contractile Function (“Scan” = “Cine”) 165
Perfusion at Stress and Rest (“Scan” = “Perfusion”) 167
Viability and Infarction (“Scan” = “Late Gadolinium Enhancement”) 172
Flow/Velocity Imaging (“Scan” = “Flow/Velocity”) 173
Angiography (“Scan” = “Angiography”) 175
Conclusion 177
References 177
References 177.e1
15 Normal Cardiac Anatomy 178
Anatomic Variants 182
Common Variants 183
Cardiac Motion Artifacts (Fig. 15.4A and B) 183
Respiratory Motion Artifacts (see Fig. 15.4A and B) 185
Metal Artifact (Fig. 15.4C to I) 185
Chemical Shift Artifact (Fig. 15.4J to K) 186
Normal Cardiac Systolic and Diastolic Function 186
Left Ventricle 186
Right Ventricle 186
Stroke Volume 186
Ventricular Mass 187
Left and Right Atria 187
Effect of Imaging Sequence and Magnetic Field Strength on Ventricular Volumes and Mass, and Implications for Reference Standards 187
Aortic Flow 189
Pulmonary Artery Flow 189
Normal Valvular Function 189
Conclusion 191
References 191
References 191.e1
II Ischemic Heart Disease 192
16 Assessment of Cardiac Function 192
The Population Impact of Cardiac Dysfunction 192
The Importance of Measuring Cardiac Function 192
Techniques for Assessing Cardiac Function 192
Echocardiography 192
Nuclear Cardiology 193
Computed Tomography 194
Cardiovascular Magnetic Resonance 195
From Gradient Echo to Steady-State Free Precession Cine Sequences 197
Steady-State Free Precession Cine Sequences at 1.5 T vs. 3 T Magnetic Fields 199
Accuracy and Reproducibility of Cardiovascular Magnetic Resonance 199
A Practical Guide to Functional Cardiovascular Magnetic Resonance 201
Other Cardiovascular Magnetic Resonance Measures of Global Function: Brief Synopsis 203
Systolic Function 203
Diastolic Function 204
Regional Function 204
The Future 207
References 207
References 207.e1
17 Stress Cardiovascular Magnetic Resonance 208
Intravenous Dobutamine and Atropine 208
Safety Profile of Dobutamine and Atropine Stress Testing 208
Dobutamine Stress Echocardiography 209
Dobutamine Stress Cardiovascular Magnetic Resonance 209
Utility of Dobutamine Stress Cardiovascular Magnetic Resonance for Identifying Inducible Ischemia 210
Utility of Dobutamine Stress Cardiovascular Magnetic Resonance for Identifying Contractile Reserve 215
Determination of Cardiac Prognosis 217
Tissue Tagging During Dobutamine Stress Cardiovascular Magnetic Resonance 219
Role of Dobutamine Perfusion Imaging 222
Limitations to Left Ventricular Wall Motion Assessments During Dobutamine Stress 222
Adenosine and Dipyridamole as Wall Motion Stress Agents During Cardiovascular Magnetic Resonance 223
Left Ventricular Wall Motion During Exercise Stress Cardiovascular Magnetic Resonance 224
Conclusion 225
References 225
References 225.e1
18 Stress Cardiovascular Magnetic Resonance 226
The Rationale for Perfusion Imaging 226
The Perfusion Cardiovascular Magnetic Resonance Protocol 226
Stress-Only Versus Stress-Rest Examination for the Detection of Hemodynamically Significant Lesions 226
Options for Inducing Stress in Cardiac Perfusion Studies 227
Endogenous Versus Exogenous Contrast Media 228
Endogenous Contrast Media 228
Exogenous Contrast Media for Perfusion Cardiovascular Magnetic Resonance 229
Extravascular Contrast Media 229
Intravascular Contrast Media 229
Hyperpolarized Contrast Media 229
Perfusion Cardiovascular Magnetic Resonance: What Is Established and What Is Not 229
Cardiovascular Magnetic Resonance Data Readout 229
Magnetization Preparation 230
Field Strength: 1.5 T Versus 3 T 231
Analysis of Perfusion Data 231
Visual Assessment 231
Quantitative Approach 232
Quantitative Approach: Perfusion-Related Parameters 232
Quantitative Approach: Absolute Tissue Perfusion 233
Clinical Performance of Perfusion Cardiovascular Magnetic Resonance 235
Single-Center Studies: Visual Interpretation 235
Single-Center Studies: Quantitative Semiautomatic Analysis 237
Multicenter Studies 237
Perfusion Cardiovascular Magnetic Resonance and Prediction of Outcome 238
Perspectives 238
References 240
References 240.e1
19 Acute Myocardial Infarction 241
Cardiovascular Magnetic Resonance for Detecting Acute Coronary Syndrome and Acute Myocardial Infarction 241
Late Gadolinium Enhancement of Acute Myocardial Infarction 243
Validation of Late Gadolinium Enhancement in Acute Myocardial Infarction 243
Microvascular Obstruction After Acute Myocardial Infarction 245
T1, T2, T2*, and ECV as Quantitative CMR Characteristics of AMI 245
Prognosis in Patients With Acute Myocardial Infarction Related to Cardiovascular Magnetic Resonance Characteristics 247
Cardiovascular Magnetic Resonance to Assess Complications of Acute Myocardial Infarction 248
Conclusion 250
References 250
References 250.e1
20 Acute Myocardial Infarction 251
Ventricular Volumes, Ejection Fraction, and Mass 251
Regional Contractility 253
Wall Thickening and Endocardial Displacement: Cine Cardiovascular Magnetic Resonance 253
Strain Imaging 254
Tissue Tagging 254
Phase-Based Strain Imaging 254
Feature Tracking 255
Myocardial Fiber Structure: Diffusion Tensor Magnetic Resonance Imaging 255
Tissue Characterization 255
Infarct Characterization and Predictors of Left Ventricular Remodeling 255
Late Gadolinium Enhancement 255
No-Reflow Phenomenon: Microvascular Obstruction and Intramyocardial Hemorrhage 256
Intramyocardial Hemorrhage 257
T1 Mapping: Infarct Characterization and Extracellular Volume 258
Area at Risk and Myocardial Salvage 258
Cardiovascular Magnetic Resonance in the Assessment of Post-MI Remodeling Therapies 258
Animal Studies 259
Human Studies 260
Conclusion 261
References 261
References 261.e1
21 Myocardial Viability 262
Features of Viable Myocardium Detectable by Cardiovascular Magnetic Resonance 262
Scar Formation and Left Ventricular Wall Thickness 262
Contractile Reserve of Viable Myocardium 263
Noninvasive Observation of Tissue Edema 263
No-Reflow Phenomenon and Early Hypoenhancement With Gadolinium 263
Late Gadolinium Enhancement in Infarcted Tissue 264
High-Energy Phosphates and Viability 264
Cardiovascular Magnetic Resonance to Detect Viable Myocardium in Acute Myocardial Infarction 264
Signal Intensity Changes on T2-Weighted Images 264
Late Enhancement With Gadolinium in Acute Infarction 264
No-Reflow by Cardiovascular Magnetic Resonance 268
Late Gadolinium Enhancement and Recovery of Function 269
Combining T2-Weighted Images and Late Enhancement Images for Evaluation of Myocardial Salvage After Early Reperfusion 269
Wall Thickness and Wall Thickening Measurements 270
Cardiovascular Magnetic Resonance in Chronic Myocardial Infarction 271
Myocardial Wall Thickness as a Feature of Viable Myocardium 271
Contractile Reserve During Low-Dose Dobutamine Infusion 272
Late Gadolinium Enhancement in Chronic Infarction 272
Viability by Late Gadolinium Enhancement Cardiovascular Magnetic Resonance and Recovery Following Revascularization 273
Thickness of the Viable Epicardial Rim and Recovery of Function 275
Comparison of Late Contrast Enhancement With Other Imaging Modalities 275
Comparison of Different Cardiovascular Magnetic Resonance Techniques for the Diagnosis of Viability 276
Viability Testing After Surgical Treatment for Ischemic Heart Failure Trial 278
Conclusion 281
References 281
References 281.e1
22 Cardiovascular Magnetic Resonance Tagging for Assessment of Left Ventricular Diastolic Function 282
Cardiac Motion 282
Systolic and Diastolic Heart Motion 282
Assessment of Cardiac Rotation/Motion: Noncardiovascular Magnetic Resonance Methods 282
Assessment of Cardiac Rotation/Motion: Cardiovascular Magnetic Resonance Methods 282
Complementary Spatial Modulation of Magnetization: Technical Developments 283
Complementary Spatial Modulation of Magnetization Tagging 283
Complementary Spatial Modulation of Magnetization With Slice-Following 283
Data Acquisition Trajectory in Complementary Spatial Modulation of Magnetization 284
Complementary Spatial Modulation of Magnetization Sequence Development Approaches 286
Magnitude Reconstruction 286
Real-Part Reconstruction 287
Fat Suppression in Complementary Spatial Modulation of Magnetization 287
Off-Resonance Insensitive–Complementary Spatial Modulation of Magnetization 287
Orthogonal Complementary Spatial Modulation of Magnetization 287
Tagging Analysis 287
Clinical Applications 288
Ventricular Rotation 288
Ventricular Hypertrophy 289
Aortic Stenosis 289
Diastolic Heart Failure 289
Limitations 289
Conclusion 290
References 290
References 290.e1
23 Magnetic Resonance Imaging of Coronary Arteries 291
Coronary Magnetic Resonance Imaging 291
Cardiac-Induced Motion 292
Respiratory-Induced Motion 292
Image Quality Assessment 294
Coronary Magnetic Resonance Imaging—Advanced Methods 296
Coronary Artery Wall Imaging 298
Coronary Vein Cardiovascular Magnetic Resonance 299
References 299
References 299.e1
24 Coronary Artery Imaging 300
Identification of Anomalous Coronary Arteries 300
Coronary Artery Aneurysms and Kawasaki Disease 300
Native Vessel Coronary Artery Stenoses 301
Comparison of Coronary Artery CMR and Other CMR Components 303
Coronary Artery Cardiovascular Magnetic Resonance and Prognosis 304
Comparison of Coronary Artery Cardiovascular Magnetic Resonance With Multidetector Computed Tomography 305
Coronary Artery Cardiovascular Magnetic Resonance for Coronary Artery Bypass Graft Assessment 306
Conclusion 308
References 308
References 308.e1
25 Coronary Artery and Sinus Velocity and Flow 309
Indirect Assessment of Total Coronary Flow and Flow Reserve 309
Coronary Sinus Flow 309
Total Coronary Flow Reserve From Measurements in the Aortic Root 311
Direct Assessment of Coronary Artery Velocity 312
Bolus Tagging 312
Echo Planar Time-of-Flight Technique 313
Gradient Echo Phase Velocity Mapping 313
Breath-Hold Techniques 313
Navigator Techniques 314
Interleaved Spiral Phase Velocity Mapping 316
Coronary Flow, Coronary Flow Reserve and Coronary Flow Velocity Reserve 316
Validation and Feasibility Studies 316
Patient Studies 321
Conclusion and Future Developments 323
References 324
References 324.e1
26 Coronary Artery Bypass Graft Imaging and Assessment of Flow 325
Imaging Modalities Capable of Evaluating Grafts 325
Cardiovascular Magnetic Resonance of Bypass Grafts 325
Bypass Graft Anatomic Imaging Techniques 325
Conventional Spin Echo and Gradient Echo Imaging 325
Two-Dimensional Breath-Hold Cardiovascular Magnetic Resonance Angiography 326
Three-Dimensional Respiratory-Gated Cardiovascular Magnetic Resonance Angiography 326
Three-Dimensional Contrast-Enhanced Breath-Hold Cardiovascular Magnetic Resonance Angiography 327
Imaging Strategy 328
Cardiovascular Magnetic Resonance Quantification of Graft Flow and Flow Reserve 329
Limitations 333
Indications 334
Conclusion 334
References 334
References 334.e1
27 Atherosclerotic Plaque Imaging 335
Pathobiology of Atherosclerosis 335
Imaging Atherosclerosis 336
Assessments of Plaque Burden 336
Plaque Characteristics 336
Positive Remodeling 336
Multicontrast Magnetic Resonance 337
Imaging Acute Thrombus and Plaque Hemorrhage 337
Early Imaging of Aortic Stenosis and Calcification 337
Angiogenesis 337
Fibrous Cap 338
Three-Dimensional Plaque Imaging 338
Molecular Magnetic Resonance Imaging of Atherosclerosis 338
Plaque Inflammation 339
Endothelial Adhesion Molecules 340
Angiogenesis 340
Thrombus 340
Extracellular Matrix 341
High-Density Lipoprotein Imaging 341
Hybrid Positron Emission Tomography/Cardiac Magnetic Resonance Imaging 341
Conclusion and Future Directions 342
Acknowledgments and Funding 342
References 342
References 342.e1
28 Atherosclerotic Plaque Imaging 343
Diagnostic Performance of Coronary Magnetic Resonance Imaging 343
Technical Challenges 343
Coronary Magnetic Resonance Imaging Techniques 343
Motion Compensation Techniques 344
Cardiac Motion Compensation 344
Respiratory Motion Compensation 344
Self-Navigation 344
Accelerated Imaging Techniques 345
K-Space Filling 345
Pulse Sequences 345
Noncontrast Magnetic Resonance Imaging of Coronary Artery Disease 345
Vascular Remodeling and Plaque Burden 345
Contrast-Enhanced Magnetic Resonance Imaging of Coronary Artery Disease 347
Targeted Contrast Agents for Biological Characterization of Atherosclerosis 347
Hybrid Positron Emission Tomography/Cardiovascular Magnetic Resonance 349
Assessment of Endothelial Function by Noncontrast–Cardiovascular Magnetic Resonance 350
Conclusion 350
References 351
References 351.e1
29 Assessment of the Biophysical Mechanical Properties of the Arterial Wall 352
Arterial Structure 352
Definition of Vascular Wall Stiffness 353
Measurement of Arterial Wall Stiffness 353
Cardiovascular Magnetic Resonance of Regional Aortic Compliance 353
Cardiovascular Magnetic Resonance of Flow Wave Velocity 353
Reflected Waves 356
Clinical Use of Cardiovascular Magnetic Resonance for Assessing Arterial Wall Stiffness 357
Assessment of Endothelial Function 360
Arterial Wall Shear Stress 361
Conclusion 364
Acknowledgments 364
References 364
References 364.e1
III Functional Disease 365
30 Valvular Heart Disease 365
Basic Principles 367
Slice Thickness and the Visualization of Thin Structures 367
Visualization and Planimetry of Jets by Cine Imaging 368
Phase Contrast Velocity Mapping 369
Jet Velocity Mapping for the Assessment of Stenoses 370
Regurgitant Flow Measurements 370
Fourier Cardiovascular Magnetic Resonance Velocity Traces 370
Stenotic Heart Valve and Outflow Tract Lesions 370
Aortic Valve Stenosis 370
Emerging Role of Cardiovascular Magnetic Resonance for Selecting Anatomically Suitable Patients for Transcatheter Aortic Valve Implantation 371
Subaortic Stenosis 372
Pulmonary and Other Stenoses of the Right Ventricular Outflow Tract 373
Mitral and Tricuspid Valve Stenosis 374
Valvular Regurgitation 374
General Principles 374
Aortic Regurgitation 374
Pulmonary Regurgitation 375
Mitral Regurgitation 376
Tricuspid Regurgitation 378
Cardiovascular Magnetic Resonance in Patients With Mechanical Heart Valves 378
Assessment of Interstitial Myocardial Fibrosis in Valvular Heart Disease 378
Myocardial Late Gadolinium Enhancement 378
Myocardial T1 Mapping 379
Conclusion 382
Acknowledgments 382
References 382
References 382.e1
31 Role of Cardiovascular Magnetic Resonance in Dilated Cardiomyopathy 383
Background 383
Treatment 383
Cardiovascular Magnetic Resonance Assessment of Dilated Cardiomyopathy 384
Morphology and Function 384
Tissue Characterization 384
Fibrosis 385
Late Gadolinium Enhancement Cardiovascular Magnetic Resonance and Midwall Replacement Fibrosis 386
Confirming the Diagnosis 387
Research Techniques 387
T1 Mapping and Interstitial Fibrosis 387
Perfusion Imaging 387
Metabolic Imaging 387
Left Ventricular Noncompaction Cardiomyopathy 388
IV Right Ventricular and Congenital Heart Disease 454
39 Cardiovascular Magnetic Resonance Assessment of Right Ventricular Anatomy and Function 454
Normal Right Ventricular Anatomy 454
Importance of Assessing Right Ventricular Dimensions and Function 454
Techniques for Assessing Right Ventricular Dimensions and Function 455
Echocardiography 455
Radionuclide Angiography 457
Multislice Computed Tomography 457
Cardiovascular Magnetic Resonance 457
Imaging Strategies for Cardiovascular Magnetic Resonance of the Right Ventricle 457
Normal Right Ventricular Volumes and Systolic Function 461
Cardiovascular Magnetic Resonance Assessment of Right Ventricular Anatomy and Function in Disease 467
Right Ventricular Assessment in Heart Failure 467
Right Ventricular Assessment in Ischemic Heart Disease 467
Right Ventricular Assessment in Arrhythmogenic Right Ventricular Cardiomyopathy 467
Congenital Heart Disease 467
Pulmonary Hypertension and Lung Transplantation 468
Conclusion 468
References 468
References 468.e1
40 Simple and Complex Congenital Heart Disease 469
Principles of Cardiovascular Magnetic Resonance Evaluation in Congenital Heart Disease 469
Atrial Septal Defects and Other Interatrial Communications 469
Cardiovascular Magnetic Resonance 471
Before Closure 471
After Closure 472
Ventricular Septal Defects 472
Cardiovascular Magnetic Resonance 473
Patent Ductus Arteriosus 474
Cardiovascular Magnetic Resonance 474
Partially Anomalous Pulmonary Venous Connection 475
Cardiovascular Magnetic Resonance 475
Preoperative 475
Postoperative 476
Coarctation of the Aorta 476
Cardiovascular Magnetic Resonance 476
Preintervention and Postintervention 476
Tetralogy of Fallot 477
Cardiovascular Magnetic Resonance 478
Preoperative 478
Postoperative 478
Transposition of the Great Arteries 479
Cardiovascular Magnetic Resonance 479
Preoperative 479
Postoperative Atrial Switch Operation 479
Postoperative Arterial Switch Operation 480
Single Ventricle 481
Cardiovascular Magnetic Resonance 485
Before the First Operation 485
Before the Superior Cavopulmonary Anastomosis Operation 485
Before the Fontan Operation 485
After the Fontan Operation 485
Conclusion 485
Acknowledgment 485
References 485
References 485.e1
41 Simple and Complex Congenital Heart Disease 486
Ebstein Anomaly 486
Anatomy and Natural History 486
Surgical Repairs 486
Cardiovascular Magnetic Resonance Evaluation of Ebstein Anomaly 486
Tricuspid Valve Anatomy and Tricuspid Regurgitation Fraction 486
Right Atrial and Right Ventricular Size and Function 486
Associated Cardiac Abnormalities 487
Coarctation of the Aorta 487
Anatomy and Natural History 487
Surgical Repairs 488
Cardiovascular Magnetic Resonance Evaluation of Aortic Coarctation 488
Aortic Arch 488
Left Ventricular Cavity Size and Function 488
Associated Cardiac Lesions 488
Tetralogy of Fallot 488
Anatomy and Natural History 488
Surgical Repairs 489
Cardiovascular Magnetic Resonance Evaluation of Tetralogy of Fallot Repair 489
Right Ventricular Outflow Tract Obstruction and Pulmonary Arteries 489
Pulmonary Regurgitation 489
Right Ventricular Size and Function 490
Tricuspid Regurgitation 490
Ascending Aorta 490
Myocardial Fibrosis 490
D-Loop Transposition of the Great Arteries 492
Anatomy and Natural History 492
Surgical Repairs 492
Cardiovascular Magnetic Resonance Evaluation of the Atrial Switch Operation 493
Baffle Complications 493
Systemic Right Ventricle and Tricuspid Valve 493
Left Ventricular Outflow Tract Obstruction 494
Cardiovascular Magnetic Resonance Evaluation of the Arterial Switch Operation 494
Supravalvar Pulmonic Stenosis and Branch Pulmonary Artery Stenosis 494
Neoaortic Dilation and Regurgitation 494
Coronary Arteries 494
L-Loop Transposition of the Great Arteries 494
Anatomy and Natural History 494
Surgical Repairs 495
Cardiovascular Magnetic Resonance Evaluation of L-Loop Transposition of the Great Arteries Following Physiologic Repair 496
Systemic Right Ventricle 496
Tricuspid Valve 496
Double Outlet Right Ventricle 496
Anatomy and Natural History 496
Surgical Repairs 496
Cardiovascular Magnetic Resonance Evaluation of Double Outlet Right Ventricle 497
Single Ventricle (Fontan Procedure) 497
Anatomy and Natural History 497
Surgical Repairs 497
Cardiovascular Magnetic Resonance Evaluation of the Patient After Fontan Repair 497
Fontan Baffle, Branch Pulmonary Arteries, and Pulmonary Veins 497
Ventricular Size and Function 498
Ventricular Outflow Tract Obstruction 498
Systemic Venous to Pulmonary Venous Collaterals 498
Conclusion 499
References 499
References 499.e1
V Vascular/Pericardium 500
42 Pulmonary Vein and Left Atrial Imaging 500
Imaging Methods: Pulmonary Veins 500
Image Display 500
Pulmonary Vein Embryology 501
Normal and Variant Pulmonary Venous Anatomy 501
Congenital Pulmonary Venous Anomalies 503
Pulmonary Veins and the Pathophysiology of Atrial Fibrillation 504
Imaging Before and After Atrial Fibrillation Ablation 504
Quantification of Pulmonary Vein Size Before and After Ablation 505
Left Atrial and Left Atrial Appendage Morphology 505
Late Gadolinium Enhancement of the Left Atrium and Pulmonary Veins 506
Scar and Fibrosis Measurement 506
Postablation Assessments of Atrial Scar 508
Atrial Fibrosis by Late Gadolinium Enhancement to Predict Atrial Fibrillation Recurrence Postablation 508
References 508
References 508.e1
43 Thoracic Aortic Disease 509
Principles of Cardiovascular Magnetic Resonance in Aortic Imaging 509
Spin Echo Cardiovascular Magnetic Resonance 509
Gradient Echo Cardiovascular Magnetic Resonance and Flow Mapping 509
Magnetic Resonance Angiography 510
Dissection of the Thoracic Aorta 511
Aortic Intramural Hematoma 513
Penetrating Aortic Ulcer 514
Thoracic Aortic Aneurysm 514
Trauma to the Aorta 514
Aortic Coarctation 516
Aortitis 516
Interventional Cardiovascular Magnetic Resonance 517
Conclusion 517
References 517
References 517.e1
44 Cardiovascular Magnetic Resonance Angiography 518
Contrast-Enhanced Magnetic Resonance Angiography: Technical Approach 518
Three-Dimensional Contrast-Enhanced Magnetic Resonance Angiography Pulse Sequences 519
Bolus Timing 519
Contrast-Enhanced Versus Non–Contrast-Enhanced Magnetic Resonance Angiography 519
Black-Blood Imaging 519
Bright-Blood Imaging: Time of Flight 520
Bright-Blood Imaging: Phase-Contrast Angiography 520
Bright-Blood Imaging: Steady-State Free Precession 520
Bright-Blood Imaging: Dixon 520
Four-Dimensional Flow Visualization 520
Artifacts in Contrast-Enhanced Magnetic Resonance Angiography 521
Magnetic Resonance Angiography of Extracranial Carotid Arteries 521
Aortic Magnetic Resonance Angiography 522
Renal Artery Magnetic Resonance Angiography 524
Magnetic Resonance Angiography of the Mesenteric Arteries 525
Magnetic Resonance Angiography of the Peripheral Arteries 527
References 528
References 528.e1
45 Pulmonary Artery 529
Pulmonary Embolism 529
Pulmonary Artery Hypertension 530
Congenital Vascular Disorders 531
Pulmonary Artery Tumors 532
Conclusion 533
References 533
References 533.e1
46 The Pericardium 534
Imaging Modalities 534
Chest X-Ray 534
Echocardiography 534
Computed Tomography 534
Cardiovascular Magnetic Resonance Imaging 534
Normal Pericardial Anatomy 535
Imaging Findings of Normal Anatomy 535
Pericardial Diseases 536
Pericardial Defects 536
Imaging Findings of Pericardial Defects 536
Pericardial Cysts 536
Imaging Findings of Pericardial Cysts 536
Pericarditis 536
Imaging Findings of Pericarditis 537
Pericardial Effusion 537
Imaging Findings of Pericardial Effusion 537
Constrictive Pericarditis 539
Imaging Findings of Constrictive Pericarditis 539
Pericardial Tumors 540
Primary Pericardial Tumors 540
Imaging Findings of Primary Pericardial Tumors 540
Secondary Malignant Pericardial Tumors 541
Imaging Findings of Metastatic Pericardial Tumors 541
Conclusion 541
References 541
References 541.e1
VI Interventional 542
47 Interventional Cardiovascular Magnetic Resonance 542
Interventional Cardiovascular Magnetic Resonance Laboratory Configuration 542
Communication, Monitoring and Image Display 542
Interventional Cardiovascular Magnetic Resonance Real-Time Scanner Interface 544
Safety Considerations 544
Real-Time Imaging 544
Interventional Cardiovascular Magnetic Resonance Catheter Devices 545
Passive Devices 546
Active Devices 546
Device Solutions for Cardiovascular Applications 547
Applications 547
Extra-Anatomic Bypass 547
Endomyocardial Biopsy 548
Aortic Aneurysm, Dissection and Coarctation Stenting 548
Atrial Transseptal Procedures 548
Transthoracic Cardiac Access and Closure 548
Invasive Coronary Artery Imaging 550
Peripheral Vascular Disease 550
X-Ray Fused With Magnetic Resonance Imaging 551
Diagnostic Right Heart Catheterization 551
Tissue Delivery and Ablation 551
Cardiac Electrophysiology 552
Conclusion 553
References 553
References 553.e1
48 Pediatric Interventional Cardiovascular Magnetic Resonance 554
Interventional Cardiovascular Magnetic Resonance Systems 554
Merits of Cardiovascular Magnetic Resonance Guidance 554
Improved Visualization of Cardiac Anatomy 554
Reduced Ionizing Radiation 555
Physiologic Information 555
Magnetic Instrumentation and Visualization Strategies 555
Passive Catheter Tracking and Visualization 555
Active Catheter Tracking and Visualization 557
Safety Issues 558
Bioeffects of Magnetic Fields 558
Heating and Electrical Safety of Interventional Equipment 561
Magnetic Force and Torque 562
X-Ray and Cardiovascular Magnetic Resonance Guidance 562
X-Ray and Cardiovascular Magnetic Resonance Facility Design 562
Performing X-Ray and Cardiovascular Magnetic Resonance Interventions 563
Early Experience in Humans 564
Interventional Cardiac Applications 564
Electrophysiology and Radiofrequency Ablation 564
Future Directions 566
Conclusion 566
Acknowledgments 566
References 567
References 567.e1
VII Economics and Guidelines 568
49 Cost-Effectiveness Analysis for Cardiovascular Magnetic Resonance Imaging 568
Basic Terminology 568
Cost-Minimization Analysis 568
Cost-Benefit Analysis 568
Cost-Effectiveness Analysis 568
Quality-Adjusted Life Year 569
Cost-Utility Analysis 569
Societal Perspective 570
Time Horizon 570
Cost-Effectiveness Thresholds 570
Challenges in Conducting Cost-Effectiveness Analysis in Cardiovascular Imaging 570
Cost-Effective Analyses of Cardiovascular Magnetic Resonance 570
US Perspective 570
European Perspective 571
Conclusion 573
References 573
References 573.e1
50 Cardiac Positron Emission Tomography/Magnetic Resonance 574
Technical Aspects and Implementation 574
Positron Emission Tomography/Magnetic Resonance Scanners and Instrumentation 574
Attenuation Correction in Positron Emission Tomography/Magnetic Resonance 574
Motion Correction 575
Electrocardiogram Gating 575
Magnetic Resonance-Based Motion Correction 575
Image Postprocessing, Visualization, and Quantification 575
Common Pitfalls 575
Segmentation and Misalignment Errors 575
Truncation of Field of View 575
Patient Preparation for Fludeoxyglucose Positron Emission Tomography/Magnetic Resonance Studies 575
Radiation Exposure 576
Coronary Artery Disease 576
Suspected and Known Coronary Artery Disease 576
Acute Coronary Syndrome 576
Inflammatory Heart Disease 576
Myocarditis 578
Cardiac Sarcoidosis 578
Endocarditis 579
Cardiac Tumors 579
Reporting 580
Conclusion 581
References 581
References 581.e1
51 Guidelines for Cardiovascular Magnetic Resonance 582
References 584
References 584.e1
52 Noncardiac Pathology 585
What Is an Incidental Noncardiac Finding? 585
Classification of Incidental Noncardiac Findings Based on Clinical Significance 585
Importance of the Incidental Noncardiac Findings 586
Prevalence of Incidental Findings in the Literature 586
Prevalence of Important Incidental Findings on Cardiovascular Magnetic Resonance 587
Impact of Patient’s Gender on Incidental Findings 588
Impact of Patient’s Age on Incidental Findings 588
Cardiology and Radiology Reviewing of Cardiovascular Magnetic Resonance 588
Impact of Different Cardiovascular Magnetic Resonance Sequences in Detecting Incidental Pathology 589
Cost Effectiveness of Reporting Incidental Noncardiac Pathologies 589
Incidental Findings Classified by Body System 589
Conclusion: Pros and Cons of Reporting Incidental Findings 592
References 592
References 592.e1
Appendix A CMR Screening Form: Beth Israel Deaconess Medical Center (BIDMC)—CMR Center 593
Appendix B CMR Sequence Protocols in Use (2018) at the Beth Israel Deaconess Medical Center (BIDMC)—CMR Center 595
Appendix C Analogous CMR Terminology Used by Various Vendors 596
Index 598
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