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Field Guide to Wilderness Medicine E-Book

Field Guide to Wilderness Medicine E-Book

Paul S. Auerbach | Benjamin B. Constance | Luanne Freer


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Book Details


Based on Dr. Auerbach’s renowned Wilderness Medicine text, Field Guide to Wilderness Medicine, 5th Edition, is your portable, authoritative guide to the full range of medical and emergency situations that occur in non-traditional settings. Useful for experienced physicians as well as advanced practice providers, this unique medical guide covers an indispensable range of topics in a well-illustrated, highly condensed format – in print or on any mobile device – for quick access anytime, anywhere.

  • An easy-access presentation ensures rapid retrieval and comprehension of wilderness medical information, with "Signs and Symptoms" and "Treatment" sections, bulleted lists, and quick-reference text boxes in every chapter.
  • All chapters are thoroughly up to date, including new information on travel medicine, medications, immunizations, and field treatment of common conditions.
  • Step-by-step explanations from wilderness medicine experts cover the clinical presentation and treatment of a full range of wilderness emergencies and show you how to improvise with available materials.
  • Comprehensive coverage includes dive medicine and water-related emergencies, mountain medicine and wilderness survival, global humanitarian relief and disaster medicine, high-altitude medicine, pain management, and much more.
  • Line drawings and color plates help you quickly an accurately identify skin manifestations, plants, poisonous mushrooms, snakes, insects, and more.
  • Useful appendices address everything from environment-specific situations to lists of essential supplies, medicines, and many additional topics of care.

Table of Contents

Section Title Page Action Price
Front Cover cover
Inside Front Cover ifc1
Field Guide to Wilderness Medicine i
Copyright Page iv
Dedication v
Preface vii
Acknowledgments viii
Table Of Contents ix
1 High-Altitude Medicine 1
Definitions 1
High-Altitude Illness 1
High-Altitude Headache 1
Signs and Symptoms 1
Treatment 1
Acute Mountain Sickness 1
Primary Signs and Symptoms 2
Absence of Altitude Diuresis 2
Natural Course 2
Treatment (Box 1.1) 2
High-Altitude Cerebral Edema 4
Signs and Symptoms 4
Treatment 4
High-Altitude Pulmonary Edema 5
Signs and Symptoms 5
Treatment 5
Prevention 6
Other Altitude Disorders 6
Sleep Disturbances 6
2 Avalanche Safety and Rescue 13
Avalanche Safety and Rescue Equipment 13
Snow Shovel 13
Probe 13
Avalanche Rescue Transceivers (Beacons) 14
Avalanche Airbag System (Fig. 2.1) 15
AvaLung (Fig. 2.2) 15
Recco Rescue System 17
Crossing an Avalanche Slope 18
Surviving an Avalanche 18
Initiate Search and Scan for Clues 19
Rescue Transceivers and Probing After Transceiver Search 20
Probe Line Search (Only Applicable in the Initial Search if the Victim Is Without a Transceiver) 20
Shoveling 22
Strategic Shoveling 22
Snow Conveyor Belt 23
Calling for Help 26
Organized Rescue 26
Avalanche Victim (Table 2.1) 26
Care of the Patient (Fig. 2.7) 27
Medical Treatment and Resuscitation of Avalanche Burial Victims 27
3 Hypothermia 31
Definition 31
General Treatment 31
Disorders 31
Mild Hypothermia 31
Signs and Symptoms 31
Treatment 34
Moderate Hypothermia 34
Signs and Symptoms 34
Treatment 36
Severe Hypothermia 38
Signs and Symptoms 38
Treatment 39
Cardiopulmonary Resuscitation 39
4 Frostbite and Other Cold-Induced Tissue Injuries 42
Frostbite 42
Definitions 42
First-Degree Frostbite (see Plate 1) 42
5 Heat Illness 47
Definitions 47
Disorders 47
Heat Edema 47
Signs and Symptoms 47
Treatment 47
“Prickly Heat” (Miliaria Rubra) 48
6 Wildland Fires 55
Sensible Land Development Practices to Protect Against Wildfire 55
Urban Versus Wildland Fires 55
Early Warning Signals or Indicators Associated With Extreme Fire Behavior 56
Fuel 56
Weather 56
Topography 56
Fire Behavior 56
Conditions That Produce a Crown Fire 57
Ten Standard Firefighting Orders 57
“Watch Out!” Situations in the Wildland Fire Environment 57
Wildland-Urban “Watch Out!” Situations 59
Vehicle Behavior in a Fire Situation 59
Guidance for People in a Vehicle During a Wildland Fire 60
Advance Preparation 60
Encountering Smoke or Flames 60
Positioning Your Car 60
Inside Your Car 60
As the Fire Front Passes 60
Guidance for People in a Building During a Wildland Fire 61
If You Cannot Escape an Approaching Wildfire 62
Surviving a Wildland Fire Entrapment or Burnover 63
Personal Gear for a Rescue Mission on a Wildland Fire Incident 64
How to Report a Wildland Fire to Local Authorities 65
Portable Fire Extinguishers 65
7 Burns and Smoke Inhalation 66
Types of Burns 66
Scald Burns 66
Flame Burns 66
Flash Burns 67
Contact Burns 67
Electrical Burns 67
Chemical Burns 68
General Treatment 68
Burn Classification 69
Superficial Burn (First-Degree Burn) 69
8 Solar Radiation and Photoprotection 75
Acute Sunburn 75
Signs and Symptoms 75
Treatment (Box 8.1) 75
Photoprotection 76
Sunscreens 76
Sun Protection Factor (Table 8.1) 76
Sunscreen Vehicles 77
Sunscreen Application 77
Ultraviolet A Protection 78
Ultraviolet A/Ultraviolet B Combined Protection 78
Substantivity 78
Stability 78
Clothing Protection 79
Sunglasses 80
Sun Avoidance 80
9 Lightning Injuries 81
Disorders 81
Signs and Symptoms 81
Treatment 82
Prevention 83
10 Emergency Airway Management 85
Recognition of Airway Obstruction 85
Signs and Symptoms 85
Additional Signs and Symptoms 85
Head and Tongue Positioning 86
Treatment of Airway Obstruction 86
Body Positioning 88
Manual Airway Techniques 88
Improvised Tongue Traction Technique 90
Mechanical Airway Adjuncts 91
Oropharyngeal Airway 91
Technique for Insertion of Oropharyngeal Airway 92
Nasopharyngeal Airway 92
Technique for Insertion of Nasopharyngeal Airway 93
Improvised Mechanical Airways 94
Foreign Body Aspiration 94
Suctioning 95
Rescue Breathing 96
Mouth-to-Mouth Ventilation 96
Technique 96
Mouth-to-Mask Ventilation 96
Technique 97
Bag-Valve-Mask Ventilation 97
Supraglottic/Alternative Airway Devices 98
Laryngeal Mask Airway 98
King LT Airway 98
Definitive Airway Management 98
Assessing the Airway 99
Immediate Oral Intubation (“Crash” Intubation) 99
Rapid Sequence Intubation 100
Technique Using the Seven Ps of RSI 101
Postintubation Management 101
Cricothyrotomy 104
Technique 104
11 Emergency Oxygen Administration 109
Indications 109
Contraindications 109
Pulmonary Oxygen Toxicity 109
Central Nervous System Oxygen Toxicity 110
Equipment 111
Cylinders 111
Valves 111
Regulators 113
Devices for Assisted Ventilation 113
Bag-Valve-Mask Device 113
Resuscitation Mask 115
Flow-Restricted Oxygen-Powered Ventilator/Positive-Pressure Demand Valve 115
Demand-Only, or Flow-Restricted Oxygen-Powered Ventilators in Demand Mode 116
Constant Flow Devices for Adequately Breathing Patients 116
Nonrebreather Mask 116
Nasal Cannula 117
Oxygen Rebreathers 117
Emergency Oxygen Administration at High Altitude 118
Oxygen Generator Systems 118
Hazards 118
12 Trauma Emergencies 119
Establishing Priorities 119
Basic Principles of Wilderness Trauma Management 119
Universal Precautions in the Wilderness 120
Primary Survey 120
Assess the Scene 120
Airway 120
Breathing and Ventilation 123
Circulation 129
External Bleeding 129
Internal Bleeding 129
Vascular Access 131
Cardiopulmonary Resuscitation and Circulation (See Also Chapter 25) 133
Disability and Neurologic Assessment 133
Cervical Spine 133
Exposure and Environmental Control 133
Secondary Survey 138
History 138
Neurologic, Head, and Face Evaluation 138
Evaluation of the Body 140
13 Shock 142
Definition 142
Disorders 142
Signs and Symptoms 142
Treatment 142
14 Head Injury 145
General Treatment 145
Evaluation of the Head-Injured Patient 145
Glasgow Coma Scale 145
Elements of the Glasgow Coma Scale Explained 147
Eye Response 147
Verbal Response 147
Motor Response 147
Simplified Motor Score 147
High Risk for Traumatic Brain Injury: Immediate Evacuation 148
Skull Fracture 148
15 Chest Trauma 152
Disorders 152
Rib Fracture 152
Signs and Symptoms 152
Treatment 152
Flail Chest 153
16 Intraabdominal Injuries 160
Penetrating Injuries 160
Gunshot Wound 160
17 Maxillofacial Trauma 162
General Treatment 162
Disorders 163
Lacerations 163
18 Orthopedic Injuries, Splints, and Slings 168
Physical Examination and Functional Considerations 168
Joint Function 168
Circulatory Function 168
Nerve Function 169
Evacuation Decisions 169
Special Considerations With Open Fracture 170
Special Considerations With Amputation 171
Special Considerations With Compartment Syndrome 171
Signs and Symptoms 172
Treatment 172
Splinting 172
Improvisation: General Guidelines 172
Extremity Splints: Basic Principles 173
Ensolite (Closed-Cell Foam) Pads 173
SAM Splint 174
Triangular Bandage 174
Disorders 175
Spine Fractures 175
Cervical, Thoracic, Lumbar, and Sacral Spine 175
Signs and Symptoms 175
19 Firearm and Arrow Injuries/Fishhook Injury 228
Firearm Injury 228
Treatment 228
Arrow or Spear Injury 229
20 Lacerations, Abrasions, and Dressings 233
Definition: Laceration 233
General Treatment 233
Examination 233
Anesthesia 233
Topical Anesthesia 233
Local Anesthesia 234
Cleaning and Debridement 235
Irrigation Method 235
Definitive Wound Care 235
High-Risk Wounds 237
21 Sprains and Strains 246
Definitions 246
General Treatment 246
Disorders 246
Ankle Sprain 246
Signs and Symptoms 246
Treatment 247
Ruptured Achilles Tendon 247
Signs and Symptoms 247
22 Foot Problems and Care 252
Definition 252
Disorders 252
Hot Spots 252
23 Bandaging and Taping Techniques 259
Taping 259
Types of Tape 259
Skin Preparation 260
Ankle Taping 260
Toe Taping 264
Lower Leg Taping 264
Knee Taping 265
Patella Taping 265
Finger Taping 265
Thumb Taping 269
Wrist Taping 269
Bandaging 269
Types of Bandages 269
Securing Bandages 274
Ankle and Foot Bandaging 275
Knee Bandaging 276
Thigh and Groin Bandaging 276
Wrist and Hand Bandaging 276
Finger Bandaging 276
Thumb Bandaging 276
Shoulder Bandaging 276
Scalp Bandaging 280
Ear Bandaging 281
Eye Bandaging 281
24 Pain Management 283
First Contact 283
Evaluation of Pain 283
PRICE: Protection, Rest, Ice, Compression, and Elevation 284
Protection 284
Rest 284
Ice or Other Cold Application 284
Compression 285
Elevation 285
Topical Anesthetics 286
Local Anesthetic Pharmacology 286
Anesthetic Toxicity 286
Anesthetic Infiltration Techniques and Nerve Blocks 287
Digital Nerve Blocks 287
Wrist Blocks 287
Axillary Nerve Block 289
Ankle Blocks 291
Common Peroneal Nerve Block 292
Femoral Nerve Block (Fig. 24.9) 293
Trigger Point Injections 294
Pharmacologic Treatment of Pain 294
Nonnarcotic Analgesics 294
Narcotic Analgesics 295
Antineuropathic Drugs 299
Additional Agents 299
Narcotic Agonist-Antagonist Combinations 299
Ketamine 299
Muscle Relaxants 303
Complementary and Alternative Medicine Therapies 303
Acupuncture 303
Herbal/Botanical Remedies (Table 24.4) 303
25 Life-Threatening Emergencies (Rescue Breathing/CPR/Choking) 304
Basic Resuscitation 304
Adult 304
Defibrillation 304
Child and Infant 306
When to Stop Cardiopulmonary Resuscitation 308
Choking/Obstructed Airway 308
Signs and Symptoms 310
Treatment 310
26 Allergic Reactions 312
Anaphylaxis 312
Signs and Symptoms 312
Treatment 312
Allergic Rhinitis 315
Signs and Symptoms 315
Treatment 315
27 Cardiopulmonary Emergencies 318
Cardiac Emergencies 318
Acute Coronary Syndromes (Unstable Angina and Acute Myocardial Infarction) 318
Signs and Symptoms 318
Treatment 318
Heart Failure 318
Signs and Symptoms 319
Treatment 319
Pulmonary Emergencies 320
Pulmonary Embolism 320
28 Neurologic Emergencies 322
Stroke 322
Signs and Symptoms 322
29 Diabetes Emergencies 330
Definitions and Characteristics 330
Disorders 331
Hypoglycemia 331
Signs and Symptoms 331
Treatment 331
Glucagon Administration Instructions (GlucaGen HypoKit) 332
Diabetic Ketoacidosis 333
Signs and Symptoms 333
Treatment 333
Hyperglycemic Hyperosmolar State 334
Signs and Symptoms 334
Treatment 334
Air Travel and Diabetes Medications and Syringes 334
Foot Care 335
30 Genitourinary Tract Disorders 336
Urinary Tract Infection 336
Lower UTI (Uncomplicated UTI) 336
Signs and Symptoms 336
Treatment 336
Pyelonephritis 337
Signs and Symptoms 337
Treatment 337
Urinary Stones 338
Signs and Symptoms 338
Treatment 338
Acute Scrotal Pain 339
Epididymitis 339
Signs and Symptoms 339
31 Gynecologic and Obstetric Emergencies 343
Patterns of Menstrual Bleeding 343
Vaginal Bleeding Associated With Pregnancy 343
Ectopic Pregnancy 343
History 343
Signs and Symptoms 343
Treatment 344
Spontaneous Abortion (Miscarriage) 344
Types 344
Threatened 344
Inevitable 344
Incomplete 344
Complete 344
Missed 344
Septic 344
32 Wilderness Eye Emergencies 371
Ocular Procedures 371
Examination of Vision 371
Examination of Pupils 371
Estimation of Anterior Chamber Depth (i.e., Rule Out Narrow Angle, a Contributing Factor to Glaucoma) 371
Extraocular Muscle Testing 372
Visual Field Testing 373
Upper Eyelid Eversion 373
Fluorescein Examination 373
Eye Patching 374
Equipment 375
Procedure 375
Locating a Displaced Contact Lens 376
Disorders 376
Sudden Loss of Vision in White, “Quiet” Eye 376
Giant Cell (Temporal) Arteritis 376
Signs and Symptoms 376
Treatment 377
Red Eye (Fig. 32.3 and Box 32.2) 377
Acute Angle-Closure Glaucoma 377
Signs and Symptoms 377
Treatment 378
Corneal Abrasion 379
Signs and Symptoms 379
Treatment 379
Corneal Erosion 380
33 Ear, Nose, and Throat Emergencies 393
Epistaxis 393
Treatment 393
Esophageal Foreign Bodies 396
Foreign Body in the Ear 396
Signs and Symptoms 396
34 Dental Emergencies 400
Toothache (Pulpitis) 400
Signs and Symptoms 400
Treatment 400
Periapical Osteitis 400
35 Mental Health 410
Anxiety 411
36 Global Humanitarian Relief and Disaster Medicine 416
Categories of Disaster and Complex Humanitarian Emergencies With Far-Reaching Negative Impact 416
Needs in Humanitarian Crises 416
Health Care in the Emergency Phase 417
Principles of Health Assessment in Disasters and Crises 418
Fundamental Humanitarian Principles 418
Professional Characteristics of the Aid Worker 418
How to Prepare for A Mission 419
After Returning From a Mission 419
Suggested Packing List 419
Documents 419
Gifts to Bring Your Team 420
Address or Contact List* 420
Gear 420
Electronics 421
First-Aid Kit 421
Toiletries 422
Extras 422
37 Snake and Other Reptile Bites 423
Definitions and Characteristics 423
Pit Viper Envenomation 424
Signs and Symptoms 424
Treatment 425
Coral Snake Envenomation 427
Signs and Symptoms 428
Treatment 428
Envenomation by Non–North American Snakes 430
Signs and Symptoms 430
Treatment 431
Venomous Lizard Bites 431
Signs and Symptoms 431
Treatment 433
38 Arthropod and Mosquito Bites and Stings 434
Disorders 434
Spider Bites 434
Brown (“Fiddleback” or “Recluse”) Spiders 434
Signs and Symptoms 434
Treatment 435
Widow Spiders 435
Signs and Symptoms 435
Treatment 436
Funnel-Web Spiders 436
Signs and Symptoms 436
39 Protection From Blood-Feeding Arthropods 465
Personal Protection 465
Habitat Avoidance 465
Physical Protection 465
Repellents 468
Chemical Repellents 468
DEET 470
IR3535 (Ethyl Butylacetylaminoproprionate) 473
Picaridin 474
Botanical Repellents 474
Citronella 474
Bite Blocker 475
BioUD (2-Undecanone) 476
Lemon Eucalyptus 476
Ingested Repellents 476
Insecticides 476
Permethrin 476
Reducing Local Mosquito Populations 477
Integrated Approach to Personal Protection 478
Ticks 479
40 Toxic Plants 482
Toxic Plant Ingestions 482
General Considerations 482
Organ System Principles 482
Central Nervous System 482
Anticholinergic Plants (Tropane Alkaloids) 482
Anticholinergic Syndrome 482
Central 482
Peripheral 483
Jimsonweed (Fig. 40.1) 483
Deadly Nightshade 484
Treatment 484
Nicotinic Plants (Pyridine-Piperidine Alkaloids) 484
Tobacco Plants 484
Nicotinic Syndrome 484
Early Stage 484
Late Stage 485
Betel Nut 485
Quinolizidine Alkaloids 486
Treatment 486
Hallucinogenic Plants 486
Morning Glory (Ipomoea violacea) 486
Nutmeg (Myristica fragrans) 486
Cannabis (Cannabis sativa) 486
Peyote Cactus (Lophophora williamsii) 487
Mescal Bean Bush or Texas Mountain Laurel (S. secundiflora) 487
Khat or Evergreen Khat Tree (Catha edulis) 487
Anticholinergic Plants 487
Treatment 487
Sedating Plants (Isoquinoline Alkaloids) 487
Poppy 487
Neuromuscular-Blocking Plants (Indole Alkaloids) 487
Convulsant Plants (Indoles, Resins) 488
Strychnine 488
41 Mushroom Toxicity 502
Disorders Caused by Gastrointestinal Toxins (Table 41.1) 502
Signs and Symptoms 502
Treatment 502
Disorders Caused by Disulfiram-Like Toxins (Table 41.2) 503
Signs and Symptoms 503
42 Animal Attacks 509
Wound Care 509
Wound Infection 511
Specific Animal Considerations 511
Dog 511
Cat 511
Porcupine 511
Skunk 512
Herbivores 512
Pigs 512
Alligators and Crocodiles 512
Avoiding and Mitigating Animal Attacks 512
Bear Attack Prevention and Risk Reduction 513
Prevent Predatory Behavior 513
Avoiding an Encounter 513
Avoiding an Attack 513
If a Grizzly Bear Attacks 513
If a Black Bear Attacks 514
43 Zoonoses 515
Definition 515
Disorders 515
Rabies 515
Signs and Symptoms 515
Postexposure Treatment 516
Prevention 518
Preexposure Prophylaxis 519
Cat-Scratch Disease 519
Signs and Symptoms 519
Treatment 519
Leptospirosis 520
Signs and Symptoms 520
Treatment and Prevention 520
Rat-Bite Fever 521
Signs and Symptoms 521
Treatment 521
Tularemia 521
Signs and Symptoms 522
Treatment 522
Brucellosis 523
44 Diarrhea and Constipation 531
Traveler’s Diarrhea 531
Definition 531
Etiology 531
Signs and Symptoms 531
Treatment (Tables 44.3 and 44.4) 533
Symptomatic Therapy 536
Antimicrobial Therapy 537
Prevention 539
Cholera 540
Food Poisoning 540
Signs and Symptoms 540
Treatment 541
Infection Caused by Intestinal Protozoa 541
Giardia lamblia 541
Signs and Symptoms 541
Treatment 542
Entamoeba histolytica 543
Nondysenteric Disease 543
45 Field Water Disinfection 547
Risk and Etiology 547
Specific Etiologic Agents 547
Viruses 547
Protozoa 547
Chemical Hazards 547
Definitions 547
Heat 548
Filtration, Adsorption, and Clarification (Fig. 45.1) 550
Filtration 550
Microfiltration, Ultrafiltration, and Nanofiltration 551
Adsorption Using Granular Activated Carbon 551
Reverse Osmosis 552
Forward Osmosis 552
Chemical Disinfection (Tables 45.4 and 45.5) 553
Halogens (Chlorine and Iodine) 553
Factors Affecting Halogen Disinfection (Table 45.6) 554
Concentration and Demand 554
Cold and Concentration (See Table 45.5) 554
Contaminants 554
pH 556
Pathogen Sensitivity 556
Chlorine 556
Iodine 556
Recommendations 556
Improving the Taste of Water Disinfected With Halogens 557
Superchlorination-Dechlorination 557
Miscellaneous Disinfectants 558
Chlorine Dioxide (Table 45.7) 558
Mixed Species Disinfection (Miox Purifier) 558
Silver 558
Potassium Permanganate 559
Hydrogen Peroxide 559
Ultraviolet Light and Sunlight 559
Choosing the Preferred Technique (Table 45.9) 562
46 Hydration and Dehydration 563
Hydration and Dehydration Assessment and Treatment 563
Urine Markers 563
Urine Color 563
Urine Specific Gravity and Osmolality 563
Treatment 563
Hydration Strategies 564
47 Malaria 567
Clinical Manifestations and Complications (Table 47.1) 567
Diagnosis 571
History 571
Blood Smears 571
Antibody-Based Rapid Diagnostic Tests 571
Prevention 573
Treatment of Uncomplicated Malaria 573
Presumptive Self-Treatment 573
General Approach 581
Treatment of Uncomplicated Malaria 585
Plasmodium falciparum, or a Species Not Identified, Acquired in Areas With Chloroquine-Sensitive Malaria 585
Plasmodium falciparum, or Species Not Identified, Acquired in Areas With Chloroquine-Resistant Malaria 585
Plasmodium malariae and Plasmodium knowlesi 596
Plasmodium vivax and Plasmodium ovale 596
Pregnant Women 604
Treatment of Severe Malaria 605
Supportive Care for Severe Malaria 606
48 Travel-Acquired Illnesses 608
Sources of Information 608
Malaria 609
Dengue Fever 609
Signs and Symptoms 610
Treatment 610
Yellow Fever 611
Signs and Symptoms 611
Treatment 612
Prevention 612
Rabies Exposure 612
Hepatitis Viruses 613
Hepatitis A 613
Signs and Symptoms 613
Treatment 613
Prevention 614
Hepatitis B 614
Signs and Symptoms 614
Treatment 614
Prevention 615
Hepatitis C 615
Signs and Symptoms 615
Treatment 615
Prevention 616
Hepatitis D 616
Hepatitis E, F, and G 616
Typhoid and Paratyphoid Fever 617
Signs and Symptoms 617
Treatment 617
Prevention 618
Cholera 618
Signs and Symptoms 618
Treatment 618
Japanese B Encephalitis 619
49 Immunizations for Travel 625
Required Travel Vaccines 625
Yellow Fever Vaccine 625
Cholera Vaccine 633
Smallpox Vaccine 634
Recommended Travel Vaccines 635
Hepatitis A Vaccine 635
Hepatitis B Vaccine 636
Typhoid Fever Vaccine 636
Meningococcal Vaccine 637
Japanese Encephalitis Virus Vaccine 637
Rabies Vaccine 638
Tick-Borne Encephalitis Vaccine 638
Bacille Calmette-Guérin Vaccine for Tuberculosis 639
Varicella-Zoster Virus (Chickenpox) Vaccine 639
Influenza Vaccine 639
Other Vaccines 640
Routine Vaccines 640
50 Drowning and Cold-Water Immersion 641
Pathophysiology of Drowning 641
Cold-Water Immersion 641
Cold Shock Response 641
On-Scene Rescue and Patient Management 642
Drowning Classifications and General Treatment 644
The Asymptomatic Patient: Grades 0 and 1 644
The Symptomatic Patient: Grades 2, 3, and 4 644
The Patient in Respiratory or Cardiopulmonary Arrest: Grades 5 and 6 645
Prognosis and Termination of Resuscitation 647
Prevention 648
51 Scuba Diving–Related Disorders 649
Dysbarism 649
Barotrauma of Descent 649
Mask Barotrauma 649
Signs and Symptoms 649
Treatment 649
Sinus Barotrauma 649
Signs and Symptoms 650
52 Injuries From Nonvenomous Aquatic Animals 661
General Treatment 661
Wound Management 661
Antibiotic Therapy 662
Injuries Caused by Sharks and Barracuda 663
Treatment 663
Prevention of Shark Attacks 663
Moray Eel Injury 664
53 Envenomation by Marine Life 666
Anaphylaxis 666
Reaction to Sponges 666
Signs and Symptoms 666
Treatment 666
Prevention 667
Jellyfish Stings (Also Fire Coral, Hydroids, and Anemones) 667
Signs and Symptoms 667
Treatment 668
Prevention 669
Sea Bather’s Eruption 669
Signs and Symptoms 669
54 Seafood Toxidromes 681
Ciguatera Fish Poisoning 681
Signs and Symptoms 681
55 Aquatic Skin Disorders 691
Disorders 691
Sargassum Algal Dermatitis 691
56 Search and Rescue 703
Basic Stages of a SAR Mission 703
Overview 703
Preplanning 704
Research the Location 704
Rescue Resources 704
Support Services 705
Personal Preparation 705
Fitness 705
General Safety Guidelines 706
Training (Box 56.1) 706
Personal Equipment 706
Search and Rescue Operations 708
Sequence of Events in Backcountry Rescue (Box 56.3) 708
Making the Decision to Get Help 708
Locate Phase 708
First Notice 709
Planning Data and Their Uses 709
Search Tactics 710
Clues and Their Value 710
Search Resources 710
Dogs 711
Human Trackers 711
Ground Search Teams 711
Hasty Teams 711
Grid Teams 711
Aircraft and Drones 711
Search Planning Considerations 712
Search Theory 712
Lost Subject Behavior 712
Access Phase 712
Stabilization Phase (Box 56.4) 713
Transport Phase 715
Additional Patient Evacuation Considerations 715
Additional Litter Evacuation Considerations 716
Patient Evaluation and Treatment During Transport 717
Patient Communication and Monitoring 717
Respiratory Guidelines 718
Circulatory Considerations 718
Nervous System Considerations 719
Musculoskeletal System Considerations 719
Gastrointestinal and Genitourinary Considerations 719
Mission Termination Criteria 720
Returning to Base 720
Additional Rescue Considerations 720
Self-Rescue: Signaling 720
Rescue Communications 720
Distress Radio Beacons 721
Emergency Position-Indicating Radio Beacons (Marine EPIRBs) 722
Emergency Locator Transmitters (Aviation Emergency Locator Transmitters) 722
Personal Locator Beacons 722
Satellite Communicators 722
Knowledge, Skills, and Equipment Needed by Extended Rescue Teams 723
57 Improvised Litters and Carries 727
Scene Size-Up 727
Drags and Carries 728
Blanket Drag (Fig. 57.1A) 728
Fireman’s Drag (see Fig. 57.1B) 729
Fireman’s Carry (Fig. 57.2) 729
Three-Person Wheelbarrow Carry (Fig. 57.3) 729
Two-Hand Seat 729
Four-Hand Seat (Fig. 57.4) 731
Ski Pole or Ice Axe Carry (Fig. 57.5) 731
Split-Coil Seat (“Tragsitz”) (Fig. 57.6) 733
Commercial Tragsitz Harness (Fig. 57.8) 733
Two-Rescuer Split-Coil Seat (Fig. 57.9) 733
Backpack Carry 733
Nylon Webbing Carry (Fig. 57.11) 734
Papoose-Style Sling 735
Litter Improvisation 736
Litters (Nonrigid) 736
Blanket Litter (Fig. 57.12) 737
Tree Pole Litter 738
Parka Litter 740
Internal Frame Pack Litter 740
Sledge (Fig. 57.15) 740
Life Jacket Litter 741
Rope Litter (Fig. 57.16) 741
Improvised Rigid Litters 742
Continuous Loop System (Daisy Chain Litter, Cocoon Wrap, Mummy Litter) (Fig. 57.17) 742
Backpack Frame Litters (Fig. 57.19) 744
Travois 744
Kayak System 744
Canoe System 746
Improvised Rescue Sled or Toboggan 746
Patient Packaging 747
Improvised Short-Board Immobilization 748
Internal Frame Pack and Snow Shovel System 748
Inverted Pack System 748
Snowshoe System 748
During Transport 749
Securing a Patient Within the Litter 749
Carrying a Loaded Litter 751
High Angle or Vertical 751
Low Angle 751
Nontechnical Evacuation 751
Carrying a Litter in the Wilderness 751
58 Aeromedical Transport 753
Common Aeromedical Transport Problems 753
Pretransport Preparation 753
Patient Comfort 753
Patient Movement 753
Oxygen Availability for Flight 755
Noise 756
Cold 756
Eye Protection 756
Respiratory Distress 756
Transport of Dive-Related Injuries (e.g., Decompression Sickness, Arterial Gas Embolism) 757
Cardiopulmonary Resuscitation and Cardiac Defibrillation 757
Patient Combativeness 757
Endotracheal Intubation 758
Thrombolysis 759
Flight Safety 759
Approaching the Aircraft 759
Helicopters (Fig. 58.1 and Box 58.3) 759
Fixed-Wing Aircraft 759
Safety Belt Use 759
Proper Use of Aircraft Equipment 761
In-Flight Obstacle Reporting 761
Flight Crew–Ground Coordination 761
Emergency Procedures 762
Survival 762
Landing Zone Operations 762
Ground-to-Air Signaling 763
Using a Ground Guide 764
Hoist Operations 765
Night Operations 766
Dispatch and Communications 766
Appropriate Use of Aeromedical Services 767
59 Survival 768
Cold Weather Survival 768
Shelter 768
Types of Shelters 769
Constructed Shelters 769
Tarpaulins 769
Plastic Bag Shelters (Fig. 59.1) 770
Tube Tents (Fig. 59.2) 770
Tents and Bivouac Sacks 771
Natural Shelters 771
Snow Shelters 772
Snow Trenches (Figs. 59.4 and 59.5) 772
Snow Caves (Fig. 59.6) 775
Quinzhee (Snow Dome) 775
Igloos (Fig. 59.7) 777
Fire 779
Fire Building 779
Fire Starting 782
Additional Concepts and Fire-Building Tips 783
Food 785
Water 786
Emergency Snow Travel 787
Stalled or Wrecked Vehicle 788
Automobile 788
Airplane 789
Hot Weather/Desert Survival 790
Practical Methods for Adjusting to Hot Weather 790
Desert Water Procurement 791
Navigation 794
Compass 794
Topographic Maps 794
Global Positioning System 794
Weather 795
General Aspects of Survival 795
Injured Team Member 795
Signaling 796
60 Knots 798
Terminology 798
Anatomy of a Knot 798
Stopper Knots (Figs. 60.1 and 60.2) 799
End-of-Line Knots (Figs. 60.3 to 60.6) 800
Midline Knots 801
Knots to Join Two Ropes 803
Knot Safety 806
Hitches (Figs. 60.17 to 60.20) 806
Prusik Hitch 808
Trucker’s Hitch 811
Clove Hitch 811
Munter Hitch 811
Additional Knots and Hitches 811
61 Wilderness Medical Kits 814
Medical Kits 814
Design 814
Organization 815
Personal Kit 815
Comprehensive Group Medical Kit 815
General Guidelines for Expedition Drugs 818
Antibiotics 849
Wilderness Medications 849
62 Children in the Wilderness 850
What Makes Children Different 850
Food and Drink 850
Equipment 851
Age-Specific Expectations for Wilderness Travel 852
Environmental Illnesses 852
Dehydration 852
Signs and Symptoms 852
Treatment 852
Hypothermia (See Chapter 3) 854
Prevention 854
Signs and Symptoms (Table 62.4) 854
Treatment 854
Hyperthermia (See Chapter 5) 854
Prevention 855
Signs and Symptoms 855
Treatment 855
High-Altitude Illness (See Chapter 1) 855
Prevention 856
Signs and Symptoms 856
Treatment 856
Traveler’s Diarrhea 856
Prevention 857
Signs and Symptoms 857
Treatment 857
Medications 857
63 Emergency Veterinary Medicine 858
Pretrip Animal Health Considerations 858
Horses, Mules, and Donkeys 858
Llamas 858
Dogs 861
Canine Physiology and Physical Examination 861
Temperature 861
Cardiac Evaluation 862
Mucous Membrane Color 862
Capillary Refill Time 862
Pulse 862
Hydration Status 862
Emergency Restraint 862
Conditions Common to All Species 864
Trauma 864
Foot, Hoof, and Nail Problems 864
Hyperthermia (Heat Stress, Heat Exhaustion) 865
Clinical Signs 865
Treatment 865
Tick Paralysis 866
Clinical Signs 866
Diagnosis 866
Management 866
Skunk Odor Removal 866
Management of Odor Removal 866
Plant Poisoning 867
Lightning Strike 867
Snakebite 870
Clinical Signs 870
Management 870
Choke 870
Management 871
Wound Dressing and Bandaging 871
Cardiopulmonary Resuscitation 871
Rescue Breathing 871
West Nile Viral Encephalitis 872
Signs in Horses, Llamas, and Humans 872
Management 872
Unique Disorders of Horses, Mules, and Donkeys 873
Laminitis (Founder) 873
Clinical Signs 873
Management 873
Saddle, Cinch, and Rigging Sores 875
64 Leave No Trace 888
Sustainability in the Wilderness 888
Plan Ahead and Prepare 888
Travel and Camp on Durable Surfaces 889
Dispose of Waste Properly 889
Leave What You Find 889
Minimize Campfire Impacts 890
Respect Wildlife 890
Be Considerate of Other Visitors 890
Sustainability in Special Environments 890
The Mountains 890
Snow 890
Water 891
Tundra 891
Desert 891
A Avalanche Resources 892
General Avalanche Information 892
Regional Avalanche Information 892
B Glasgow Coma Scale, Simplified Motor Score, and Other Measures of Responsiveness 894
C SCAT5 Sport Concussion Assessment Tool 896
D Lake Louise Score for the Diagnosis of Acute Mountain Sickness 905
Self-Report Questionnaire 905
E Contingency Supplies for Wilderness Travel 907
F Repair Supplies for Wilderness Travel 911
Backcountry Skiing or Climbing 911
G Priority Medical Equipment 912
Airway/Breathing/Circulation 912
Wound Management 912
Bandages, Splints, and Slings 912
Over-the-Counter Medications and Remedies 913
Prescription Medicines 913
Miscellaneous Items 913
H Antimicrobials 915
I Wilderness Eye Kit 918
Medications 918
Miscellaneous 918
J Recommended Oral Antibiotics for Prophylaxis of Domestic Animal and Human Bite Wounds 919
For Established Infections When the Organisms Are Known 919
When Organisms Are Unknown (Dog and Most Other Bites) 919
K Therapy for Parasitic Infections 921
L Suggested Basic Contents of a Survival Kit for Temperate to Cold Weather 928
M Sample Winter Survival Kit 932
N Sample Desert Survival Kit 933
O Sample Camp and Survival Gear for Jungle Travel 934
P Vehicle Cold Weather Survival Kit 936
Q Pediatric Wilderness Medical Kit: Basic Supplies 938
Equipment 938
Medications 939
R Drug Stability in the Wilderness 943
Environmental Factors Influencing Drug Stability 943
Expiration Dates and Shelf Life 943
Packaging 944
Sterility 944
Storage 944
How to Read the Drug List 945
Drug List 945
Acetaminophen Capsules, Tablets, Oral Solution, and Suppositories (OTC) 945
Acetaminophen With Codeine Tablets and Oral Solution (S III) 945
Acetaminophen With Hydrocodone Tablets and Oral Solution (S II) 945
Acetazolamide Tablets, Extended-Release Capsules, Oral Solution, and Injection (Rx) 946
Acetic Acid Otic Solution (OTC) 946
Albuterol Tablets, Syrup, and Inhaled Formulation (Rx) 946
Aloe Vera Gel, Ointment, and Laxatives (OTC) 947
Antacids (OTC) 947
Aspirin Tablets, Oral Solution, and Suppositories (OTC) 947
Atenolol Tablets (Rx) 947
Atropine Injection and Ophthalmic Solution (Rx) 947
Azithromycin Tablets, Oral Solution, Injection, and Ophthalmic Solutions (Rx) 947
Bacitracin Topical Formulation (OTC) 948
Bismuth Subsalicylate Tablets and Oral Solution (OTC) 948
Bupivacaine Injection (Rx) 948
Calcium Chloride, Calcium Gluceptate, and Calcium Gluconate Injection (Rx) 948
Calendula Topical Formulation (OTC) 948
Ceftriaxone Injection (Rx) 948
Cephalexin Capsules, Tablets, and Oral Solution (Rx) 949
Charcoal, Activated (OTC) 949
Ciprofloxacin Tablets, Capsules, Oral Solution, Injection, Ophthalmic Solution, and Otic Solutions (Rx) 949
Crotalidae Antivenom (Rx) 949
Deet (N,N-Diethyl-Meta-Toluamide, Diethyltoluamide)-Containing Insect Repellent (OTC) 949
Dermabond (2-Octyl Cyanoacrylate) Topical Skin Adhesive (Rx) 949
Dexamethasone Tablets and Oral, Injection, Implantation, Intravitreal, and Ophthalmic Solutions (Rx) 950
Dextrose Oral Solution (OTC) and Injection (Rx) 950
Diazepam Tablets, Oral Solution, Suppositories, and Injection (S IV) 950
Diltiazem Tablets, Oral Solution, and Injection (Rx) 950
Diphenhydramine Tablets, Oral Solution (OTC), and Injection (Rx) 950
Domeboro (Acetic Acid and Aluminum Acetate) Otic Solutions (OTC) 951
Dopamine Hydrochloride Injection (Rx) 951
Doxycycline Capsules, Tablets, Oral Solution, and Injection (Rx) 951
EMLA (Lidocaine/Prilocaine) Topical Formulation (Rx) 951
Epinephrine Injection and Topical, Inhaled, and Intranasal Formulations (Rx) 951
Erythromycin Tablets, Oral Solution, and Topical Ointment (Rx) 952
Famotidine Tablets (OTC) and Injection (Rx) 952
Fentanyl Oral Lozenges, Sublingual Tablets, Sublingual Spray, Buccal Film, Injection, and Intranasal Formulation (Rx) 952
Fluocinolone Acetonide Topical Ointment, Otic Solution, and Shampoo (Rx) 952
Furosemide Tablets, Solution, and Injection (Rx) 952
Glucagon Injection (Rx) 953
Haloperidol Tablets and Injection (Rx) 953
Hydrocortisone Tablets, Solution, Injection, and Topical Cream (Rx) 953
Hydromorphone Tablets, Solution, Suppositories, and Injection (S II) 953
Ibuprofen Tablets and Solution (OTC) 953
Insulin (Regular) Injection and Inhaled Formulation (Rx) 953
Intravenous Solutions (D5W, NS, LR, D5NS, and Other Admixtures) 953
Ivermectin Tablets (Rx) 953
Kaletra (Lopinavir/Ritonavir) Tablets (Rx) 954
Ketoconazole Tablets, Shampoo, Foam, and Gel (Rx) 954
Lemon Grass (Cymbogogon) Citronella Oil Topical Formulation (OTC) 954
Levetiracetam Tablets, Oral Solution, and Injection (Rx) 954
Levofloxacin Tablets, Solution, Injection, and Ophthalmic Formulation (Rx) 954
Lidocaine Injection and Topical, Intradermal, and Ophthalmic Solutions (Rx) 954
Lidocaine/Epinephrine/Tetracaine (LET) Topical Solution (Rx) 955
Lindane (Gamma-Hexachlorocyclohexane) Lotion and Shampoo (Rx) 955
Loperamide Hydrochloride Capsules (OTC) 955
Lorazepam Tablets, Oral Solution, and Injection (S IV) 955
Malarone (Atovaquone/Proguanil) Tablets (Rx) 955
Mebendazole Tablets (Rx) 955
Metoprolol Tablets, Oral Solution, and Injection (Rx) 955
Metronidazole Capsules, Tablets, and Injection (Rx) 955
Midazolam Oral Solution and Injection (S IV) 956
Modafinil Tablets (S IV) 956
Morphine Sulfate Tablets, Epidural Suspension, and Injection (S II) 956
Moxifloxacin Tablets, Oral Solution, Injection, and Ophthalmic Route (Rx) 956
Mupirocin Topical Formulation (Rx) 956
Nalbuphine Hydrochloride Injection (Rx) 957
Naloxone Hydrochloride Injection (Rx) 957
Neosporin Ointment (OTC) 957
Nifedipine Capsules, Tablets, Oral Solution, and Injection (Rx) 957
Nitroglycerin Capsules, Sublingual Tablets and Sprays, Injection, Patches, and Topical Formulation (Rx) 957
Ofloxacin Tablets, Injection, Ophthalmic Solution, and Otic Solution (Rx) 958
Penicillin G Procaine Injection (Rx) 958
Penicillin GK and G Sodium Injection (Rx) 958
Phenobarbital Tablets, Solution, and IM and IV Injections (S IV) 958
Phenylephrine Injection and Ophthalmic Solution (Rx) and Nasal Spray (OTC) 958
Phenytoin Capsules, Tablets, Oral Solution, and Injection (Rx) 959
Polysporin Ointment (Rx) 959
Potassium Permanganate Astringent Solution (OTC) 959
Povidone-Iodine Solution (OTC) 959
Prednisone Tablets and Oral Solution (Rx) 959
Prochlorperazine Capsules, Tablets, Oral Solution, and Injection (Rx) 959
Promethazine Capsules, Tablets, Solution, Injection, and Suppositories (Rx) 959
Pseudoephedrine and Pseudoephedrine/Triprolidine Capsules and Tablets (OTC) 960
Rocuronium Injection (Rx) 960
Sildenafil Tablets (Rx) 960
Simethicone Capsules, Tablets, Drops, and Ultrasound Suspension (OTC) 960
Sodium Bicarbonate Tablets, Injection, and Suppositories (Rx) 960
Sodium Sulfacetamide Tablets, Cream, Lotion, Ointment, and Ophthalmic Route (Rx) 960
Succinylcholine Injection (Rx) 960
Tetanus Toxoid, Tetanus Toxoid/Diphtheria/Acellular Pertussis, and Hyperimmune Tetanus Globulin Vaccine Solutions (Rx) 961
Tetracaine Hydrochloride Ophthalmic Solution (Rx) 961
Tetracycline Capsules, Tablets, Oral Solution, Injection, and Topical Ointment (Rx) 961
Trimethoprim/Sulfamethoxazole (80 mg/400 mg) Tablets, Oral Solution, and Injection (Rx) 961
Truvada (Emtricitabine/Tenofovir) Tablets (Rx) 961
Zinc Salts (OTC) 961
Zolpidem Tablets, Sublingual Tablets, and Spray (S IV) 962
S Guide to Initial Dosage of Certain Antivenoms for Treating Bites by Medically Important Snakes Outside the Americas 963
Index 970
A 970
B 975
C 978
D 983
E 987
F 989
G 992
H 993
I 996
J 998
K 998
L 999
M 1001
N 1004
O 1006
P 1008
Q 1013
R 1013
S 1014
T 1020
U 1024
V 1024
W 1026
X 1027
Y 1027
Z 1027
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