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Oral Manifestations of Systemic Diseases, An Issue of Atlas of the Oral & Maxillofacial Surgery Clinics, E-Book

Oral Manifestations of Systemic Diseases, An Issue of Atlas of the Oral & Maxillofacial Surgery Clinics, E-Book

Joel J. Napeñas


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This issue of the Atlas of the Oral and Maxillofacial Surgery Clinics, edited by Dr. Joel J. Napeñas, focuses on Oral Manifestations of Systemic Diseases. Articles will feature Evaluation of the Patient; Oral Manifestations of Gastrointestinal Disorders; Oral Manifestations of Immunodeficiencies and Transplantation Medicine; Oral Manifestations of Autoimmune and Connective Tissue Disorders; Oral Manifestations of Drug-induced Disorders; Oral Manifestations of Neurologic Disorders; Oral Complications of Nonsurgicial Cancer Therapies; Oral Complications of Hematologic Disorders; Oral Complications of Systemic Viral Infections; Oral Complications of Allergies and Immunologically Mediated Diseases; Oral Complications of Multi-Organ Disorders; Oral Complications of Endocrine Disorders; Oral Complications of Systemic Bacterial and Fungal Infections; Dental and Periodontal Manifestations of Systemic Disease; Oral Complications of Dermatologic Disorders, and more!

Table of Contents

Section Title Page Action Price
Front Cover Cover
Copyright ii
Contributors iii
Contents v
Preface: Oral Manifestations of Systemic Diseases v
Introduction to Oral Manifestations of Systemic Diseases: Evaluation of the Patient v
Oral Manifestations of Gastrointestinal Disorders v
Oral Manifestations of Immunodeficiencies and Transplantation Medicine v
Oral Manifestations of Autoimmune and Connective TissueDisorders vi
Drug-Induced Oral Complications vi
Oral Complications of Nonsurgical Cancer Therapies vii
Oral Manifestations of Hematologic Disease vii
Oral Manifestations of Viral Infections vii
Oral Manifestations of Immunologically Mediated Diseases viii
Oral Complications of Multiorgan Disorders viii
Head and Neck Manifestations of Endocrine Disorders ix
Oral Complications of Systemic Bacterial and Fungal Infections ix
Oral Complications of Dermatologic Disorders x
March 2018 xi
September 2018 xi
March 2017 xi
September 2016 xi
Preface:\rOral Manifestations of Systemic Diseases xiii
Introduction to Oral Manifestations of Systemic Diseases 85
History of present condition and medical history 85
Source and reliability 85
Chief complaint 85
History of present illness 85
Past medical, family, and social history 86
Occupational and environmental history 86
Review of systems 86
Examination 86
Vital signs 86
General evaluation 86
Cranial nerve examination 86
American Society of Anesthesiologists classification of physical status 86
Head and neck examination 87
Lymph nodes 87
Muscles of mastication 87
Temporomandibular joints 88
Salivary glands 88
Intraoral examination 88
Imaging studies 88
Intraoral radiographs 88
Three-dimensional imaging 88
Diagnostic tests and studies 90
Urinalysis 91
Blood testing 91
Smear and culture 91
Biopsy 92
Biopsy techniques 92
Mucosal biopsies 92
Immunostaining and immunofluorescence 92
Oral smears for cytology 92
Oral brush biopsy 92
Labial salivary gland 92
References 92
Oral Manifestations of Gastrointestinal Disorders 93
Introduction 93
Gastroesophageal reflux disease 93
Medical management 94
Oral manifestations and considerations 94
Inflammatory bowel disease 95
Ulcerative colitis 95
Medical management 95
Oral manifestations and considerations 96
Crohn’s disease 97
Oral manifestations and considerations 97
Dental management 97
Liver disease 99
General overview 100
Manifestations of liver disease 100
Jaundice 100
Portal hypertension 100
Ascites 101
Hepatic encephalopathy 101
Splenomegaly 101
Blood abnormalities 101
Light stools or dark urine 101
Peripheral edema 101
Abdominal pain 101
Oral manifestations and considerations 101
Protection 101
Other considerations 101
Dental drugs 102
Summary 102
Acknowledgment 102
References 102
Oral Manifestations of Immunodeficiencies and Transplantation Medicine 105
Introduction 105
Early effects 105
Mucositis 105
Infection 106
Viral 106
Human herpes virus 106
Fungal 107
Candidiasis 107
Deep fungal infections 107
Bacterial 108
Late effects 108
Malignancy 108
Graft versus host disease (lichenoid, xerostomia) 108
Postinflammatory hypermelanosis 109
Neutropenic ulcer 109
Drug-related effects 109
Drug-induced gingival hyperplasia 109
Mammalian target of rapamycin inhibitor–associated stomatitis 110
Other effects 110
References 111
Oral Manifestations of Autoimmune and Connective Tissue Disorders 113
Introduction 113
Autoimmune and autoinflammatory-related blistering and ulcerative diseases 113
Pemphigus vulgaris 113
Incidence, predilection, and genetics 113
Clinical features 113
Diagnosis and histopathology 113
Treatment considerations 114
Mucous membrane pemphigoid 116
Incidence, predilection, and genetics 116
Clinical features 116
Diagnosis and histopathology 116
Treatment considerations 116
Oral lichen planus 117
Incidence, predilection, and genetics 117
Clinical features 117
Diagnosis and histopathology 117
Treatment considerations 117
Behçet disease 117
Incidence, predilection, and genetics 118
Clinical features 119
Diagnosis and histopathology 119
Treatment considerations 119
Connective tissue diseases 119
Systemic lupus erythematosus 119
Incidence, predilection, and genetics 119
Clinical features 120
Diagnosis and histopathology 120
Differential diagnosis 120
Treatment considerations 120
Sjögren syndrome 120
Incidence, predilection, and genetics 121
Clinical features 121
Diagnosis and histopathology 122
Differential diagnosis 123
Oral Complications of Nonsurgical Cancer Therapies 133
Introduction 133
Oral mucosal complications 133
Mucositis 133
Neutropenic ulcer 134
Lichenoid, erythema, and ulcers (chronic graft-versus-host-disease) 135
Pyogenic granuloma 135
Targeted therapy–associated stomatitis 135
Targeted therapy–associated lichenoid 135
Chemotherapy-associated hyperpigmentation 135
Targeted therapy–associated hyperpigmentation 135
Salivary gland complications 136
Salivary gland hypofunction 136
Sialoadenitis 138
Mucocele 138
Musculoskeletal complications 138
Osteoradionecrosis 138
Medication-related osteonecrosis of the jaw 138
Impaired mastication 139
Swallowing dysfunction 140
Speech disorder 140
Restricted mouth opening in chronic graft-versus-host disease 140
Sensory disturbances 141
Dysgeusia 141
Neuropathy: tooth neuropathy and orofacial neuropathy 141
Teeth and gingivae 142
Increased dental demineralization and caries (see dry mouth) 142
Pulp necrosis and obliteration (chronic graft-versus-host disease) 143
Gingival enlargement 143
Desquamative gingivitis (chronic graft-versus-host disease) 143
Acute periodontal infections 144
Bleeding 144
Infections: bacterial, viral, and fungal 144
Malignancy 145
Developmental disturbances of teeth and craniofacial growth occur in pediatric patients. 146
Summary 146
References 146
Oral Manifestations of Hematologic Disease 149
Introduction 149
White blood cell disorders 149
Lymphoma 149
Non-Hodgkin lymphoma 149
Epidemiology 149
Clinical presentation 149
Histopathology 150
Differential diagnosis 150
Treatment 150
T-cell lymphoma 151
Multiple myeloma 151
Epidemiology 151
Clinical presentation 151
Histopathology 151
Differential diagnosis 151
Treatment 151
Leukemia 152
Epidemiology 152
Clinical presentation 152
General signs and symptoms 152
Oral signs and symptoms 152
Histopathology 152
Differential diagnosis 153
Treatment 153
Dental considerations 154
Neutropenia 154
Epidemiology 154
Clinical presentation 154
Differential diagnosis 154
Treatment 154
Red blood cell disorders 154
Iron deficiency anemia 155
Causes of iron deficiency anemia 155
Oral Manifestations of Viral Infections 163
Introduction 163
Herpes simplex type 163
Description 163
Epidemiology 163
Primary oral herpes 163
Clinical presentation and differential diagnosis 163
Management 163
Secondary oral herpes 164
Clinical presentation 164
Differential diagnosis 164
Management 164
Varicella-zoster virus 165
Varicella zoster (chicken pox) 165
Oral Manifestations of Immunologically Mediated Diseases 171
Introduction 171
Swellings 171
Orofacial granulomatosis 171
Description 171
Prevalence 171
Histopathology 172
Diagnosis 172
Treatment 172
Ulcers 173
Recurrent aphthous stomatitis 173
Description 173
Prevalence 173
Clinical presentation 173
Histopathology 175
Diagnosis 176
Treatment 176
Behçet disease 177
Description 177
Prevalence 177
Clinical presentation 177
Histopathology 177
Diagnosis 177
Treatment 178
Erythema multiforme 178
Description 178
Prevalence 179
Clinical presentation 179
Histopathology 180
Diagnosis 180
Treatment 180
Red and white lesions 181
Lichen planus 181
Description 181
Prevalence 181
Clinical presentation 181
Histopathology 181
Diagnosis 181
Treatment 182
Oral lichenoid lesions 182
Lichenoid contact reaction to dental materials, particularly amalgam 182
Description 182
Prevalence 182
Clinical presentation 182
Patch testing for allergy to amalgam or mercury 182
Histopathology 183
Diagnosis 183
Differential diagnosis 183
Treatment 184
Contact stomatitis—cinnamon reaction 184
Description 184
Prevalence 185
Clinical presentation 185
Histopathology 185
Diagnosis 185
Treatment 185
References 185
Oral Complications of Multiorgan Disorders 187
Amyloidosis 187
Brief description 187
Clinical features 187
Incidence, predilection, genetics 187
Histopathology 188
Differential diagnoses 188
Treatment considerations 188
Sarcoidosis including Heerfordt syndrome 188
Brief description 188
Incidence, predilection, genetics 188
Clinical features 189
Histopathology 189
Differential diagnosis 189
Treatment considerations 190
Granulomatosis with polyangiitis 190
Brief description 190
Incidence, predilection, genetics 190
Clinical features 190
Histopathology 190
Differential diagnosis 191
Treatment considerations 191
IgG4-related disease 191
Brief description 191
Prevalence, predilection, genetics 191
Presenting features 191
Histopathology 191
Differential diagnoses 191
Treatment considerations 192
Systemic sclerosis (systemic scleroderma) including CREST syndrome 192
Brief description 192
Incidence, predilection, genetics 192
Clinical features 192
Histopathology 193
Differential diagnosis 193
Treatment considerations 193
References 193
Further readings 195
Amyloidosis 195
IgG4-related disease 195
Granulomatosis with polyangiitis 195
Systemic sclerosis (systemic scleroderma) including CREST syndrome 195
Head and Neck Manifestations of Endocrine Disorders 197
Introduction 197
Pituitary gland disorders 197
Hypopituitarism 197
Etiology and epidemiology 197
Clinical manifestations 197
Differential diagnosis 197
Hyperpituitarism 198
Etiology and epidemiology 198
Clinical manifestations 198
Differential diagnosis 198
Treatment considerations 198
Thyroid gland disorders 199
Hypothyroidism 199
Oral Complications of Systemic Bacterial and Fungal Infections 209
Introduction 209
Bacterial infections 209
Tuberculosis 209
Causative pathogen 209
Clinical presentation 209
Oral manifestations 209
Oral Complications of Dermatologic Disorders 221
Introduction 221
Oral lichen planus 221
Mucous membrane pemphigoid 223
Pemphigus vulgaris 224
Epidermolysis bullosa 224
Psoriasis 226
Further readings 227