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Understanding Nursing Research E-Book

Understanding Nursing Research E-Book

Susan K. Grove | Jennifer R. Gray


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Book Details


Edition after edition, Burns & Grove’s Understanding Nursing Research: Building an Evidence-Based Practice has been known as a leading textbook of nursing research for evidence-based practice (EBP). Now under the authorship of Drs. Grove and Gray, this streamlined and enhanced 7th edition gives you even sharper insights into understanding, appraising, and applying published research for evidence-based nursing practice. Known for its authoritative content, time-tested systematic approach, and unique research example format — the new edition of this bestselling textbook includes an enhanced EBP focus, new content on the emerging trend of mixed-methods research, and a spotlight on need-to-know information to equip you to apply the latest evidence to your clinical practice.

  • Clear, step-by-step organization introduces the research process and demonstrates how this systematic framework relates to EBP.
  • Research examples provide practice in working with published studies, with many of the examples including Critical Appraisal and Implications for Practice sections.
  • Critical Appraisal Guidelines boxes provide step-by-step guidance in appraising published research studies.
  • Balanced coverage of qualitative and quantitative research prepares you to approach research questions and clinical questions with an unbiased view of the researcher's methodology.
  • Authoritative content is written by pioneers and practitioners of nursing research, who offer unique, first-hand insights into the field.
  • Strong emphasis on evidence-based practice helps you develop skills in studying and appraising published research, so you are prepared for your role in working with research evidence.
  • NEW! Enhanced evidence-based practice focus equips you to apply the latest research findings to clinical practice.
  • NEW! Streamlined research examples serve as concise and clinically relevant exemplars of key contents.
  • NEW! Mixed-methods content focuses on need-to-know material on mixed-methods research, which is growing significantly in popularity.
  • NEW! Improved legibility, usability, visual appeal, and readability meets the needs of visual learners with easy-to-understand content.

Table of Contents

Section Title Page Action Price
Front Cover Cover
Inside Front Cover ES2
Contents i
Understanding Nursing Research: Building an Evidence-Based Practice iii
Copyright iv
Contributors And Reviewers v
Dedication vii
Preface viii
Learning resources to accompany understanding nursing research, 7th edition x
Evolve Instructor Resources x
Test Bank x
PowerPoint Slides xi
Image Collection xi
TEACH for Nurses xi
Evolve Student Resources xi
Study Guide xi
Acknowledgments xiii
Contents xiv
Chapter 1: Introduction to Nursing Research and Its Importance in Building an Evidence-Based Practice 1
What is nursing research? 2
What is evidence-based practice? 3
Evidence-Based Practice Guideline for High Blood Pressure 4
Delivery of Evidence-Based Care to a Selected Patient Population With Hypertension 5
Historical development of research in nursing 6
Florence Nightingale 6
Nursing Research in the 1900s Through the 1970s 6
Nursing Research in the 1980s and 1990s 8
Nursing Research in the 21st Century 10
Linking Quality and Safety Education for Nursing Competencies and Nursing Research 11
Acquiring knowledge in nursing 11
Traditions 11
Authority 11
Borrowing 12
Trial and Error 12
Personal Experience 12
Role Modeling 13
Intuition 13
Reasoning 13
Acquiring knowledge through nursing research 14
Introduction to Quantitative and Qualitative Research 15
Types of Quantitative and Qualitative Research 16
Introduction to Mixed Methods Research 17
Introduction to Outcomes Research 17
Purposes of research for implementing an evidence-based nursing practice 18
Description 18
Explanation 18
Prediction 19
Control 19
Understanding your role in nursing research 20
Determining the best research evidence for practice 21
Strategies Used to Synthesize Research Evidence 21
Levels of Research Evidence 23
Introduction to Evidence-Based Guidelines 24
Key points 25
References 26
Chapter 2: Introduction to Quantitative Research 29
What is quantitative research? 30
Types of Quantitative Research 30
Descriptive Research 30
Correlational Research 31
Quasi-Experimental Research 31
Experimental Research 32
Defining Terms Relevant to Quantitative Research 32
Basic Research 33
Applied Research 33
Rigor in Quantitative Research 34
Control in Quantitative Research 34
Extraneous Variables 35
Research Settings 35
Sampling and Assignment of Participants to Groups 36
Study Interventions 36
Problem-solving and nursing processes: basis for understanding the quantitative research process 36
Comparing Problem-Solving With the Nursing Process 37
Comparing the Nursing Process With the Research Process 37
Identifying the steps of the quantitative research process 38
Research Problem and Purpose 38
Review of Relevant Literature 40
Study Framework 40
Research Objectives, Questions, or Hypotheses 41
Study Variables 42
Study Design 43
Population and Sample 43
Measurement Methods 44
Data Collection 45
Data Analysis 45
Discussion of Research Outcomes 46
Reading research reports 48
Sources of Research Reports 48
Content of Research Reports 48
Abstract Section 48
Introduction Section 50
Methods Section 50
Results Section 50
Discussion Section 51
References Section 51
Tips for Reading Research Reports 51
Practice reading a quasi-experimental study 52
Key Points 56
References 57
Chapter 3: Introduction to Qualitative Research 59
Identifying the steps of the qualitative research process 60
Qualitative research approaches 64
Phenomenological Research 64
Philosophical Orientation 64
Phenomenology’s Outcome 65
Grounded Theory Research 67
Intended Outcome 68
Ethnographic Research 70
Intended Outcome 71
Exploratory-Descriptive Qualitative Research 73
Intended Outcome 73
Sampling and recruitment 75
Selection of Participants 76
Researcher–Participant Relationships 76
Data collection methods 77
Interviews 77
Focus Groups 79
Observation 81
Examination of Documents and Media 82
Data management and analysis 84
Transcribing Interviews 84
Data Organization 84
Data Analysis 84
Codes and Coding 85
Themes and Interpretation 85
Rigor in qualitative research 86
Key Points 87
References 87
Chapter 4: Examining Ethics in Nursing Research 90
Unethical research: 1930s through the 1980s 91
Nazi Medical Experiments 91
Tuskegee Syphilis Study 91
Willowbrook Study 92
Jewish Chronic Disease Hospital Study 92
Ethical standards for research 92
International Standards 92
Standards in the United States 93
Federal Regulations for the Protection of Human Subjects 94
Protecting human subjects 95
Application of Ethical Principles 95
Right to Self-Determination 96
Persons With Diminished Autonomy and Research 97
Right to Privacy 99
Right to Anonymity and Confidentiality 100
Right to Protection From Discomfort and Harm 101
Right to Fair Selection and Treatment 102
Understanding informed consent 104
Four Elements of Informed Consent 104
Disclosure 104
Comprehension 105
Competence 106
Voluntary Agreement 106
Documentation of Informed Consent 106
Understanding institutional review 108
Institutional Review Board Composition and Function 108
Exempt and Expedited Levels of Reviews Conducted by Institutional Review Boards 109
Full Reviews Conducted by Institutional Review Boards 110
Current issues in research ethics 112
Genomics Research 112
Using Animals in Research 114
Research Misconduct 114
Key Points 115
References 116
Chapter 5: Examining Research Problems, Purposes, and Hypotheses 119
What are research problems and purposes? 120
Identifying the problem and purpose in quantitative and qualitative studies 122
Problems and Purposes in Types of Quantitative Studies 122
Problems and Purposes in Types of Qualitative Studies 125
Determining the significance of a study problem and purpose 127
Application to Nursing Practice 128
Expands Previous Research 128
Promotes Theory Testing or Development 128
Addresses Nursing Research Priorities 128
Examining the feasibility of a study problem and purpose 130
Researcher Expertise 130
Money Commitment 131
Availability of Subjects, Facilities, and Equipment 131
Ethical Considerations 132
Examining research objectives, questions, and hypotheses in research reports 132
Research Objectives 132
Research Questions 133
Hypotheses 135
Types of Hypotheses 135
Associative versus causal hypotheses 135
Simple versus complex hypotheses 137
Nondirectional versus directional hypotheses 138
Statistical versus research hypotheses 139
Testable Hypothesis 140
Understanding study variables and research concepts 140
Types of Variables in Quantitative Research 141
Research Variables 141
Independent and Dependent Variables 141
Extraneous Variables 142
Conceptual and Operational Definitions of Variables in Quantitative Research 142
Research Concepts Investigated in Qualitative Research 144
Demographic Variables 145
Key Points 146
References 147
Chapter 6: Understanding and Critically Appraising the Literature Review 150
Purpose of the literature review 151
Purpose of the Literature Review in Quantitative Research 151
Purpose of the Literature Review in Qualitative Research 152
Sources included in a literature review 153
Types of Publications 153
Content of Publications 154
Quality of Sources 155
Critically appraising literature reviews 155
Critical Appraisal of a Literature Review in a Quantitative Study 156
Critical Appraisal of a Literature Review in a Qualitative Study 158
Reviewing the literature 160
Preparing to Review the Literature 160
Clarify the Purpose of the Literature Review 160
Select Electronic Databases and Search Terms 161
Conducting the Literature Review 161
Search the Selected Databases 161
Use a Table or Other Method to Document the Results of Your Search 162
Refine Your Search 162
Review the Abstracts to Identify Relevant Studies 163
Obtain Full-Text Copies of Relevant Articles 163
Ensure That Information Needed to Cite the Source Is Recorded 163
Processing the Literature 163
Read the Articles 163
Appraise, Analyze, and Synthesize the Literature 164
Writing the Review of the Literature 166
Develop an Outline to Organize the Information From the Review 166
Write Each Section of the Review 167
Create the Reference List 167
Check the Review and the Reference List 169
Key Points 169
References 169
Chapter 7: Understanding Theory and Research Frameworks 172
Understanding the elements of theory 173
Theory 174
Philosophy 174
Concepts 174
Statements 177
Levels of theoretical thinking 177
Grand Nursing Theories 178
Middle Range and Practice Theories 179
Research Frameworks 180
Examples of critical appraisal of research frameworks 181
Framework From a Grand Nursing Theory 182
Framework Based on Middle Range Theory 183
Framework From a Tentative Theory 184
Framework for a Physiological Study 186
Key Points 188
References 189
Chapter 8: Clarifying Quantitative Research Designs 191
Identifying quantitative research designs in nursing studies 192
Understanding concepts relevant to quantitative research designs 194
Causality 194
Multicausality 194
Probability 194
Bias 195
Prospective Versus Retrospective 195
Control 196
Manipulation 196
Examining the design validity of quantitative studies 196
Construct Validity 196
Inadequate Definitions of Constructs 198
Mono-Operation Bias 198
Experimenter Expectancies (Rosenthal Effect) 199
Internal Validity 199
Participant Selection and Assignment to Groups 199
Participant Attrition 199
History 200
Maturation 200
External Validity 200
Interaction of Selection and Intervention 200
Interaction of Setting and Intervention 201
Interaction of History and Intervention 201
Statistical Conclusion Validity 201
Low Statistical Power 201
Reliability or Precision of Measurement Methods 202
Fidelity of the Intervention Implementation 202
Extraneous Variances in the Study Setting 202
Descriptive designs 202
Simple Descriptive Design 204
Comparative Descriptive Design 205
Correlational designs 206
Descriptive Correlational Design 207
Predictive Correlational Design 208
Model Testing Design 210
Elements of designs examining causality 211
Examining Interventions in Nursing Studies 211
Experimental and Control or Comparison Groups 213
Quasi-experimental designs 214
Pretest and Posttest Designs With Comparison Group 214
Experimental designs 218
Classic Experimental Pretest and Posttest Designs With Experimental and Control Groups 218
Posttest-Only With Control Group Design 220
Randomized Controlled Trials 222
Key Points 226
References 226
Chapter 9: Examining Populations and Samples in Research 228
Understanding the key concepts of sampling theory 229
Populations and Elements 229
Sampling or Eligibility Criteria 230
Representativeness of a sample in quantitative research 231
Random and Systematic Variation of Study Participants’ Values 232
Acceptance and Refusal Rates in Studies 232
Sample Attrition and Retention Rates in Studies 233
Sampling Frames 236
Sampling Methods or Plans 236
Probability sampling methods 237
Simple Random Sampling 237
Stratified Random Sampling 239
Cluster Sampling 240
Systematic Sampling 241
Nonprobability sampling methods commonly used in quantitative research 242
Convenience Sampling 242
Quota Sampling 244
Sample size in quantitative studies 244
Effect Size 245
Types of Quantitative Studies 246
Number of Variables 246
Measurement Sensitivity 246
Data Analysis Techniques 246
Sampling in qualitative research 248
Purposeful Sampling 248
Network Sampling 249
Theoretical Sampling 250
Sample size in qualitative studies 251
Scope of the Study 252
Nature of the Topic 252
Quality of the Information 252
Study Design 252
Research settings 254
Natural Setting 254
Partially Controlled Setting 255
Highly Controlled Setting 255
Key Points 256
References 257
Chapter 10: Clarifying Measurement and Data Collection in Quantitative Research 259
Concepts of measurement theory 260
Directness of Measurement 260
Levels of Measurement 261
Nominal-Level Measurement 261
Ordinal-Level Measurement 262
Interval-Level Measurement 262
Ratio-Level Measurement 263
Measurement Error 263
Reliability 264
Reliability Testing 264
Validity 267
Readability Level of Measurement Methods 269
Accuracy, precision, and error of physiological measures 269
Accuracy 269
Precision 270
Error 270
Use of sensitivity, specificity, and likelihood ratios to determine the quality of diagnostic tests 272
Sensitivity, Specificity, and Predictive Values of Diagnostic Tests 272
Likelihood Ratios 275
Measurement strategies in nursing 276
Physiological Measures 276
Observational Measurement 277
Interviews 280
Questionnaires 281
Scales 282
Rating Scales 283
Likert Scale 283
Visual Analog Scales 284
Data collection process 286
Recruitment of Study Participants 286
Consistency in Data Collection 286
Control in the Study Design 287
Studies Obtaining Data From Existing Databases 287
Key Points 289
References 290
Chapter 11: Understanding Statistics in Research 292
Understanding theories and concepts of the statistical analysis process 293
Probability Theory 293
Decision Theory, Hypothesis Testing, and Level of Significance 294
Inference and Generalization 295
Normal Curve 295
Tailedness 297
Type I and Type II Errors 297
Power: Controlling the Risk of a Type II Error 298
Degrees of Freedom 299
Identifying the steps of the data analysis process 299
Management of Missing Data 299
Description of the Sample 300
Reliability of Measurement Methods 300
Exploratory Analyses 300
Inferential Statistical Analyses 300
Statistics conducted to describe variables 301
Frequency Distributions 301
Ungrouped Frequency Distributions 301
Grouped Frequency Distributions 301
Percentage Distributions 302
Measures of Central Tendency 302
Mode 304
Median 304
Mean 304
Measures of Dispersion 304
Range 305
Variance 305
Standard Deviation 305
Confidence Interval 305
Standardized Scores 306
Scatterplots 306
Understanding Descriptive Statistical Results 307
Determining the appropriateness of inferential statistics in studies 309
Critical Appraisal Guidelines for Data Analysis and Results Presented in Studies 310
Statistics conducted to examine relationships 312
Pearson Product-Moment Correlation 312
Interpreting Pearson Product-Moment Correlation Analysis Results 313
Testing the Significance of a Correlation Coefficient 314
Factor Analysis 316
Statistics conducted to predict outcomes 317
Regression Analysis 317
Interpreting Regression Analysis Results 317
Statistics conducted to examine differences 319
Chi-Square Test of Independence 320
Interpreting Chi-Square Results 320
t-Test 321
Interpreting t-Test Results 322
Analysis of Variance 323
Interpreting Analysis of Variance Results 324
Analysis of Covariance 325
Interpreting research outcomes 326
Types of Results 326
Significant and Predicted Results 326
Nonsignificant Results 326
Significant and Unpredicted Results 326
Mixed Results 326
Unexpected Results 327
Findings 327
Exploring the Significance of Findings 327
Clinical Importance of Findings 327
Limitations 328
Conclusions 328
Generalizing the Findings 328
Implications for Nursing 328
Recommendations for Further Studies 328
Key Points 330
References 331
Chapter 12: Critical Appraisal of Quantitative and Qualitative Research for Nursing Practice 333
Purpose of conducting critical appraisals of studies in nursing 334
Students’ Critical Appraisal of Studies 334
Critical Appraisal of Studies by Practicing Nurses, Nurse Educators, and Researchers 335
Critical Appraisal of Research Following Presentation and Publication 335
Critical Appraisal of Research for Presentation and Publication 336
Critical Appraisal of Research Proposals 336
Key principles for conducting intellectual critical appraisals of quantitative and qualitative studies 336
Understanding the quantitative research critical appraisal process 338
Step 1: Identifying the Steps of the Research Process in Studies 343
Step 2: Determining the Strengths and Weaknesses in Studies 343
Step 3: Evaluating the Credibility and Meaning of Study Findings 344
Example of a critical appraisal of a quantitative study 344
Understanding the qualitative research critical appraisal process 357
Step 1: Identifying the Components of the Qualitative Research Process in Studies 361
Step 2: Determining the Strengths and Weaknesses in Studies 361
Step 3: Evaluating the Trustworthiness and Meaning of Study Findings 362
Example of a critical appraisal of a qualitative study 362
Key Points 384
References 385
Chapter 13: Building an Evidence-Based Nursing Practice 387
Benefits and challenges related to evidence-based nursing practice 388
Benefits of Evidence-Based Nursing Practice 388
Challenges to Evidence-Based Nursing Practice 390
Developing clinical questions to search for existing research-based evidence for use in practice 390
Evidence Focused on Aspiration During Intramuscular Injections 392
Critically appraising research syntheses: systematic reviews and meta-analyses 394
Critically Appraising Systematic Reviews 394
Step 1: Did the title indicate if a systematic review or meta-analysis was conducted? 394
Step 2: Did the abstract include a structured summary of the research synthesis? 396
Step 3: Was a significant, clear clinical question developed to direct the research synthesis? 396
Step 4: Were the purpose and/or the objectives or aims of the review expressed? 397
Step 5: Was the literature search criteria clearly identified? 397
Step 6: Was a comprehensive, systematic search of the research literature conducted? 397
Step 7: Was the process for selecting the studies for review detailed? 398
Step 8: Were publication biases addressed? 400
Step 9: Were key elements of the studies presented? 400
Step 10: Were the studies critically appraised and the risks for biases described? 400
Step 11: Was a meta-analysis conducted as part of the systematic review? 401
Step 12: Were the results of the review clearly presented? 401
Step 13: Did the report conclude with a clear discussion section? 402
Step 14: Was a clear and concise report developed for publication? 402
Critically Appraising Meta-Analyses 402
Clinical Question Directing a Meta-Analysis 404
Purpose and Questions to Direct a Meta-Analysis 404
Search Criteria and Strategies for Meta-Analyses 404
Possible Biases for Meta-Analyses 405
Results of Meta-Analysis 406
Critically appraising meta-syntheses 406
Introducing and Framing the Meta-Synthesis 407
Searching the Literature and Selecting Sources 408
Critical Appraisal of Studies and Analysis of Data 410
Discussion of Meta-Synthesis Findings 410
Critically appraising mixed-methods systematic reviews 410
Introduction of the Mixed-Methods Systematic Review 412
Literature Search Methods and Selection of Sources 412
Critical Appraisal of Studies and Results 413
Findings, Conclusions, and Implications for Research and Practice 413
Models to promote evidence-based practice in nursing 414
Stetler Model of Research Utilization to Facilitate Evidence-Based Practice 414
Phase I: Preparation 414
Phase II: Validation 414
Phase III: Comparative Evaluation/Decision Making 415
Phase IV: Translation/Application 416
Phase V: Evaluation 416
Iowa Model of Evidence-Based Practice 416
Application of the Iowa Model of Evidence-Based Practice 418
Implementing evidence-based guidelines in practice 420
Resources for Evidence-Based Guidelines 421
Implementing an Evidence-Based Guideline for Management of Hypertension in Adults 421
Authors of the Guidelines 422
Significance of Healthcare Problem 422
Strength of Research Evidence 423
Link to National Standards and Cost-Effectiveness of Evidence-Based Guideline 424
Implementation of the Evidence-Based Guideline in Practice 424
Introduction to evidence-based practice centers 425
Introduction to translational research 425
Key Points 426
References 427
Chapter 14: Introduction to Additional Research Methodologies in Nursing: Mixed Methods and Outcomes Research 430
Mixed methods research and design 431
Philosophical Foundations of Mixed Methods Designs 431
Overview of Mixed Methods Designs 431
Convergent Concurrent Strategy 432
Exploratory Sequential Strategy 433
Explanatory Sequential Strategy 435
Challenges of Mixed Methods Designs 436
Combining Quantitative and Qualitative Data 436
Use of Resources 436
Funding 437
Critically Appraising Mixed Methods Designs 437
Significance 437
Expertise 438
Appropriateness 439
Sampling 439
Methods 439
Findings 440
Conclusions and Implications 441
Contributions to Knowledge 441
Outcomes research 441
Theoretical Basis of Outcomes Research 442
Nursing-Sensitive Outcomes 443
Origins of Outcomes and Performance Monitoring 445
National Initiatives in Outcomes Research 446
Agency for Healthcare Research and Quality 446
Patient-Centered Outcomes Research 446
National Quality Forum 447
National Database of Nursing Quality Indicators 447
Oncology Nursing Society 449
Advanced Practice Nursing Outcomes Research 449
Outcomes Research and Nursing Practice 449
Evaluating Outcomes of Care 449
Evaluating Structure of Care 452
Evaluating Process of Care 453
Standards of care. 453
Practice styles, practice patterns, and evidence-based practice. 453
Methodologies for Outcomes Studies 453
Samples and Sampling 454
Large databases as sample sources. 454
Study Designs 455
Prospective cohort studies. 456
Retrospective cohort studies. 456
Population-based studies. 457
Economic studies. 458
Measurement Methods 458
Statistical Methods for Outcomes Studies 459
Analysis of Change 459
Analysis of Improvement 459
Critical Appraisal of Outcomes Studies 459
Key Points 462
References 463
Glossary 467
Index 487
Inside Back Cover ES3