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Nunn's Applied Respiratory Physiology eBook

Nunn's Applied Respiratory Physiology eBook

Andrew B. Lumb



Nunn’s Applied Respiratory Physiology, Eighth Edition, is your concise, one-stop guide to all aspects of respiratory physiology in health, disease, and in the many physiologically challenging situations and environments into which humans take themselves – with coverage from basic science to clinical applications.

This most comprehensive single volume on respiratory physiology will be invaluable to those in training or preparing for examinations in anaesthesia, intensive care, respiratory medicine or thoracic surgery – as well as an essential quick reference for the range of practitioners requiring ready access to current knowledge in this field.

Now fully revised and updated, this eighth edition includes a new full-colour format to improve clarity and understanding – and it also comes with access to the complete, downloadable eBook version for the first time. This incorporates bonus chapters, handy topic summaries and new, interactive, self-assessment material. The result is a more flexible, engaging and complete resource than ever before.

Enhancements to this edition include: 

  • New full colour format - enhances the 250+ diagrams and allows a much clearer portrayal of physiological concepts
  • New figures reflect modern functional imaging techniques - which are now able to generate detailed pictures of lung ventilation and perfusion in humans
  • A new section on the aims, effects and physiological basis of respiratory physiotherapy - to help both physiotherapists and doctors better understand this common intervention for treating patients’ respiratory disease
  • Additional information on the significant impact of obesity on respiratory physiology in both health and disease
  • New sections on comparative respiratory physiology and respiratory physiology in veterinary practice - understanding respiration in less complex animals and the place of human respiration within the animal kingdom will be of interest to students/practitioners in biology, zoology or veterinary medicine, as well as enlightening in other contexts
  • Bonus eBook access – (printed book) includes access to the complete, fully searchable electronic text, via Expert Consult – incoporating extra chapters, handy chapter summaries and new self-assessment material to aid exam preparation

Key features include:

    • The three-part structure of pure physiology (basic principles), applied physiology and physiology of respiratory disease is retained
    • Use of clear, simple diagrams to illustrate the material.
    • Duplication of US and rest-of-the-world units
    • References to recent research material to allow readers to explore topics in more depth

Table of Contents

Section Title Page Action Price
Front Cover cover
Inside Front Cover ifc1
Nunn's Applied Respiratory Physiology i
Copyright Page iv
Table Of Contents v
Foreword ix
Preface to the Eighth Edition xi
1 Basic Principles 1
1 Functional Anatomy of the Respiratory Tract 3
Key Points 3
Mouth, Nose and Pharynx 3
The Larynx 5
Speech 5
Effort Closure 5
The Tracheobronchial Tree 5
Trachea (Generation 0) 6
Main, Lobar and Segmental Bronchi (Generations 1 to 4) 6
Small Bronchi (Generations 5 to 11) 7
Bronchioles (Generations 12 to 14) 7
Respiratory Bronchioles (Generations 15 to 18) 7
Alveolar Ducts (Generations 19 to 22) 7
Alveolar Sacs (Generation 23) 9
Pulmonary Acinus 9
Respiratory Epithelium 9
Ciliated Epithelial Cells10 9
Goblet Cells11 10
Submucosal Secretory Cells 10
Basal Cells 10
Mast Cells 10
Nonciliated Bronchiolar Epithelial (Clara) Cells 10
Neuroepithelial Cells 10
The Alveoli 10
The Alveolar Septa 10
The Fibre Scaffold 11
Alveolar Cell Types 13
Capillary Endothelial Cells 13
Alveolar Epithelial Cells: Type I 13
Alveolar Epithelial Cells: Type II 13
Alveolar Macrophages 13
The Pulmonary Vasculature 14
Pulmonary Arteries 14
Pulmonary Arterioles 14
Pulmonary Capillaries 14
Pulmonary Venules and Veins 15
Bronchial Circulation 15
Pulmonary Lymphatics 15
References 15
Chapter 1 Functional Anatomy of the Respiratory Tract 16.e1
2 Elastic Forces and Lung Volumes 17
Key Points 17
Elastic Recoil of the Lungs 17
The Nature of the Forces Causing Recoil of the Lung 18
The Alveolar Surfactant 18
Synthesis of Surfactant 19
Action of Surfactant 20
Other Effects of Surfactant 20
Alternative Models to Explain Lung Recoil 20
Transmural Pressure Gradient and Intrathoracic Pressure 21
Time Dependence of Pulmonary Elastic Behaviour 22
Hysteresis 23
Causes of Time Dependence of Pulmonary Elastic Behaviour 24
Factors Affecting Lung Compliance 25
Elastic Recoil of the Thoracic Cage 25
Factors Influencing Compliance of the Thoracic Cage 26
Pressure/Volume Relationships of the Lung Plus Thoracic Cage 26
Relationship between Alveolar, Intrathoracic and Ambient Pressures 26
Static Lung Volumes 26
Factors Affecting Static Lung Volumes 27
FRC in Relation to Closing Capacity 29
Principles of Measurement of Compliance 29
Static Compliance 30
Dynamic Compliance 30
Automated Measurement of Compliance 30
Principles of Measurement of Lung Volumes 31
Measurement of FRC 31
References 31
Chapter 2 Elastic forces and lung volumes 32.e1
3 Respiratory System Resistance 33
Key Points 33
Physical Principles of Gas Flow and Resistance 33
Laminar Flow 33
Quantitative Relationships 33
Turbulent Flow 34
Quantitative Relationships 35
Reynolds Number 35
Respiratory System Resistance 36
Airway Resistance 36
Tissue Resistance 36
Inertance as a Component of Respiratory System Resistance 37
Factors Affecting Respiratory Resistance 37
Volume-Related Airway Collapse 37
Effect of Lung Volume on Resistance to Breathing 37
Gas Trapping 38
Closing Capacity 38
Flow-Related Airway Collapse 38
Muscular Control of Airway Diameter 39
Neural Pathways 39
Parasympathetic System 39
Sympathetic System 40
Noncholinergic Parasympathetic Nerves 40
Humoral Control 41
Physical and Chemical Effects 42
Local Cellular Mechanisms 42
Drug Effects on Airway Smooth Muscle 42
β2-Agonists 42
The β2-Receptor 42
Phosphodiesterase Inhibitors 43
Anticholinergic Drugs 44
Acetylcholine Receptor 44
Leukotriene Antagonists 44
Compensation for Increased Resistance to Breathing 45
Inspiratory Resistance 45
Expiratory Resistance 45
Principles of Measurement of Respiratory Resistance and Closing Capacity 45
Respiratory System Resistance 45
Pressure–Flow Technique 46
Oscillating Air Flow 46
Body Plethysmograph 46
Interrupter Technique 47
End-Inspiratory Interruption 47
Measurement of Closing Capacity 48
References 49
Chapter 3 Respiratory system resistance 50.e1
4 Control of Breathing 51
Key Points 51
The Origin of the Respiratory Rhythm 51
Anatomical Location of the ‘Respiratory Centre’ 51
Central Pattern Generator 52
Cellular Mechanisms of Central Pattern Generation 53
Neurotransmitters Involved in Central Pattern Generator and Respiratory Control 54
Efferent Pathways from the Respiratory Centre 54
Central Nervous System Connections to the Respiratory Centre 55
The Pons 55
Cerebral Cortex 55
Ondine’s Curse (Primary Alveolar Hypoventilation Syndrome) 55
Peripheral Input to the Respiratory Centre and Nonchemical Reflexes 56
Reflexes Arising from the Upper Respiratory Tract 56
Nose 56
Pharynx 56
Larynx 56
Cough Reflex 56
Expiration Reflex 56
Reflexes Arising in the Lung 57
Pulmonary Stretch Receptors and Their Associated Reflexes 57
Head’s Paradoxical Reflex 58
Other Pulmonary Afferents 58
Reflexes Arising from Outside the Airway and Lungs 58
Phrenic Nerve Afferents 58
Baroreceptor Reflexes 58
Afferents from the Musculoskeletal System 58
The Influence of Carbon Dioxide on Respiratory Control 58
Localisation of the Central Chemoreceptors 59
Mechanism of Action 59
Compensatory Bicarbonate Shift in the CSF 59
The Pco2/Ventilation Response Curve 59
Time Course of Pco2/Ventilation Response 60
The Influence of Oxygen on Respiratory Control 61
Peripheral Chemoreceptors 61
Histology 61
Decrease of arterial Po2 61
Decrease of arterial pH 61
Hypoperfusion of the CBs 61
Blood temperature elevation 61
Blood glucose 61
Mechanism of Action of Peripheral Chemoreceptors 61
Other Effects of Stimulation 62
Time Course of the Ventilatory Response to Sustained Hypoxia 62
Acute Hypoxic Response 62
Hypoxic Ventilatory Decline 63
Ventilatory Response to Sustained Hypoxia 63
Ventilatory Response to Progressive Hypoxia 63
Iatrogenic Loss of Peripheral Chemoreceptor Sensitivity 64
Central Hypoxic Depression of Breathing 65
Mechanisms of Hypoxic Depression of Ventilation 65
Integration of the Chemical Control of Breathing 65
Effects of Pco2 and pH on the Hypoxic Ventilatory Response 65
Effects of Pao2 and pH on Central Chemoreceptor Response 65
Periodic Breathing 66
Breath Holding 66
Influence of Pco2 and Po2 66
Effect of Lung Volume 66
Drug Effects on the Control of Breathing 67
Respiratory Depressants 67
Opioids 68
Benzodiazepines 68
Respiratory Stimulants 68
Methods for Assessment of Breathing Control 69
Sensitivity to Carbon Dioxide 69
2 Applied Physiology 215
12 Pregnancy, Neonates and Children 217
Key Points 217
Respiratory Function in Pregnancy 217
The Lungs before Birth 218
Embryology 218
Lung Liquid 219
Lung Development and Lung Function Later in Life 219
Foetal Circulation 219
Events at Birth 220
Factors in the Initiation of Breathing 221
Fate of the Foetal Lung Liquid 221
Changes in the Circulation 221
Mechanism of Reduced Pulmonary Vascular Resistance at Birth 221
Persistent Pulmonary Hypertension of the Newborn 221
Neonatal Lung Function 222
Mechanics of Breathing 222
Ventilation and Gas Exchange 222
Control of Breathing 222
Haemoglobin 223
Premature Birth and the Lungs 223
Respiratory Distress Syndrome 223
Bronchopulmonary Dysplasia 223
Sudden Infant Death Syndrome 224
Development of Lung Function During Childhood 224
References 225
Chapter 12 Pregnancy, neonates and children 226.e1
13 Exercise 227
Key Points 227
Oxygen Consumption during Exercise 227
Time Course of the Increase in Oxygen Consumption 227
Maximal Oxygen Uptake 228
Response of the Oxygen Delivery System 229
Oxygen Delivery 229
Oxygen Extraction 229
Anaerobic Metabolism 229
Oxygen Debt 230
Excess Postexercise Oxygen Consumption 230
Ventilatory Response to Exercise 230
Time Course 230
Ventilation Equivalent for Oxygen 231
Minute Volume and Dyspnoea 231
Control of Ventilation 231
Neural Factors 232
Arterial Blood Gas Partial Pressures and the Chemoreceptors 232
Humoral Mechanisms 232
Fitness and Training 232
Minute Volume of Ventilation 233
Ventilation Equivalent for Oxygen 233
Exercise-Induced Arterial Hypoxaemia 233
Cardiorespiratory Disease 233
Exercise Testing 233
References 234
Chapter 13 Exercise 234.e1
14 Sleep 235
Key Points 235
Normal Sleep 235
Respiratory Changes 235
Ventilation 235
Chemosensitivity 236
Effect of Age 236
Pharyngeal Airway Resistance 236
Snoring 237
Sleep-Disordered Breathing 237
The Mechanism of Airway Obstruction 239
Anatomical Factors 239
Respiratory Control and Arousal in SAHS 239
Drug Effects in SAHS 241
Effects of SAHS 241
Principles of Therapy 241
Conservative Treatment 241
Surgical Relief of Obstruction 242
Upper Airway Stimulation 242
References 242
Chapter 14 Sleep 243.e1
15 High Altitude and Flying 245
Key Points 245
Equivalent Oxygen Concentration 245
Respiratory System Responses to Altitude 245
Physiological Effects of Exposure to Altitude 247
Ventilatory Changes 247
Signs and Symptoms 247
Acclimatization to Altitude 247
Ventilatory Control 247
Blood Gas Partial Pressures 249
Haemoglobin Concentration and Oxygen Affinity 249
Adaptation to Altitude 250
Chronic Mountain Sickness (Monge Disease) 251
Exercise at High Altitude 251
Capacity for Work Performed 251
Ventilation Equivalent of Oxygen Consumption 251
Pco2 and Po2 251
Altitude Illness 252
Acute Mountain Sickness 252
High-Altitude Pulmonary Oedema 253
Other Medical Problems at Altitude 253
Therapy for Altitude-Induced Illness 254
Flying 254
Altitude Exposure 254
Depressurization 255
Air Travel in Patients with Respiratory Disease 255
Cabin Air Quality 255
References 256
Chapter 15 High altitude and flying 258.e1
16 High Pressure and Diving 259
Key Points 259
Exchange of Oxygen and Carbon Dioxide 259
Effect of Pressure on Alveolar Pco2 and Po2 259
Effect on Mechanics of Breathing 261
Effect on Efficiency of Gas Exchange 261
Oxygen Consumption 262
Exercise 262
Effects Attributable to the Composition of the Inspired Gas 262
Air 262
Oxygen 262
Nitrogen 262
Helium/Oxygen Mixtures (Heliox) 262
Helium/Oxygen/Nitrogen Mixtures (Trimix) 263
Types of Diving Activity and Their Respiratory Effects 263
Breath-Hold Diving 263
Lung Volume 263
Alveolar Po2 263
Alveolar Pco2 263
Limited Duration Dives 264
Saturation Dives 264
Respiratory Aspects of Decompression Illness 264
Barotrauma 265
Decompression Sickness 265
Altitude Decompression Sickness 265
References 266
Chapter 16 High Pressure and Diving 266.e1
17 Respiration in Closed Environments and Space 267
Key Points 267
Closed-System Anaesthesia 267
Accumulation of Other Gases in Closed Circuits 267
Submarines 268
Diesel Powered 268
Nuclear Powered 268
Atmosphere Regeneration 268
Physiological Effects of Prolonged Hypercapnia 269
Respiratory Changes 269
Calcium Metabolism 269
Space 269
Atmosphere Composition 269
Oxygen Supply 270
Carbon Dioxide Removal 271
Atmospheric Contamination 271
Long-Term Space Travel 271
Microgravity 272
Lung Volumes 272
Topographic Inequality of Ventilation and Perfusion 273
Other Changes to Respiratory Physiology in Microgravity 273
Biospheres 273
Small-Scale Biological Atmospheric Regeneration 273
Biosphere 2 274
Outcome from the 2-Year Closure 274
References 275
Chapter 17 Respiration in Closed Environments and Space 275.e1
18 Drowning 277
Key Points 277
Physiology of Immersion 277
Physiological Mechanisms of Drowning 277
Drowning without Aspiration of Water 278
Drowning with Aspiration of Water 278
Freshwater 278
Seawater 278
Postmortem Tests of Drowning 278
The Role of Hypothermia 278
Principles of Therapy for Near-Drowning 279
Immediate Treatment 279
Hospital Treatment 279
References 280
Chapter 18 Drowning 280.e1
19 Smoking and Air Pollution 281
Key Points 281
Tobacco Smoke 281
Constituents of Tobacco Smoke 281
Gaseous Phase 281
Particulate Phase 282
Individual Smoke Exposure 282
Quantity of Cigarettes Smoked 282
Pattern of Inhalation 282
e-Cigarettes 282
Respiratory Effects of Smoking 282
Airway Mucosa 283
Airway Diameter 283
Ventilatory Capacity 283
Passive Smoking 283
Maternal Smoking 283
Smoking and Perioperative Complications 284
Mechanisms of Smoking-Related Lung Damage 285
Oxidative Injury 285
Direct Oxidative Damage 285
Cell-Mediated Oxidative Damage 285
Carcinogenesis 285
Immunological Activation 285
Air Pollution 286
Sources of Pollutants 286
Respiratory Effects of Pollutants 286
Indoor Air Pollution 288
Allergens 288
Carbon Monoxide 288
Nitrogen Dioxide 288
References 288
Chapter 19 Smoking and air pollution 290.e1
20 Anaesthesia 291
Key Points 291
Control of Breathing 291
Unstimulated Ventilation 291
Effect on Pco2/Ventilation Response Curve 292
Effect on Po2/Ventilation Response Curve 293
Implications of the Depression of Acute Hypoxic Ventilatory Response by Anaesthetic Agents 294
Pattern of Contraction of Respiratory Muscles 294
Pharynx 295
Maintenance of Pharyngeal Airway Patency 296
Inspiratory Muscles 296
Expiratory Muscles 296
Change in Functional Residual Capacity 296
Cause of the Reduction in FRC 297
Atelectasis During Anaesthesia 297
Causes of Atelectasis 298
Prevention of Atelectasis 299
Inspired Oxygen Concentration 299
Nitrous Oxide 300
Positive Airway Pressures 300
Reexpansion of Atelectasis 300
Continuous Positive Airway Pressure Manoeuvres 300
Positive End-Expiratory Pressure 301
Respiratory Mechanics 301
Calibre of the Lower Airways 301
Effect of Reduced FRC 301
Inhalational Anaesthetics 302
Other Sites of Increased Airway Resistance 303
Compliance 303
Gas Exchange 305
Dead Space 305
Shunt 306
Magnitude of the Change during Anaesthesia 306
Cause of Venous Admixture during Anaesthesia 306
Ventilation/Perfusion Relationships 307
Effect of Age on Ratios during Anaesthesia 307
Effect of Positive End-Expiratory Pressure 307
Other Factors Affecting Ratio during Anaesthesia 308
Summary 308
Artificial Ventilation during General Anaesthesia 309
Other Effects of General Anaesthesia on the Respiratory System 310
Response to Added Resistance 310
Hypoxic Pulmonary Vasoconstriction 311
Special Conditions Arising during Anaesthesia 311
Obesity 311
Patient Position 311
Lateral 311
Prone 311
Laparoscopic Surgery 312
Respiratory Mechanics 312
Carbon Dioxide Absorption 312
Regional Anaesthesia 312
Control of Breathing 313
Respiratory Function in the Postoperative Period 313
Early Postanaesthetic Recovery 313
Late Postoperative Respiratory Changes 313
References 314
Chapter 20 Anaesthesia 318.e1
21 Changes in the Carbon Dioxide Partial Pressure 319
Key Points 319
Causes of Hypocapnia 319
Causes of Hypercapnia 320
Effects of Carbon Dioxide on the Nervous System 320
Effects on Consciousness 320
Cerebral Blood Flow 321
Mechanisms 321
Anaesthesia 321
Effects on the Autonomic and Endocrine Systems 322
Effects on Other Physiological Systems 322
Respiratory System 322
Pulmonary Circulation 322
Oxygenation of the Blood 322
Cardiovascular System 323
Myocardial Contractility and Heart Rate 323
Arrhythmias 323
Blood Pressure 323
Effect on the Kidney 323
Effect on Blood Electrolyte Levels 323
Hypercapnia in Clinical Practice 324
Clinical Signs 324
Gross Hypercapnia 324
References 324
Chapter 21 Changes in the carbon dioxide partial pressure 325.e1
22 Hypoxia 327
Key Points 327
Biochemical Changes in Hypoxia 327
Depletion of High-Energy Compounds 327
End Products of Metabolism 327
Initiation of Glycolysis 328
Mechanisms of Hypoxic Cell Damage 328
Immediate Cellular Responses to Hypoxia 329
Potassium and Sodium Flux 329
Calcium 329
Excitatory Amino Acid Release 329
Delayed Cellular Responses to Hypoxia 330
Hypoxia-Inducible Factor 1 330
Ischaemic Preconditioning 330
Early Protection 330
Late Protection 331
Remote Ischaemic Preconditioning 331
Agents Used for Preconditioning 331
Po2 Levels at Which Hypoxia Occurs 331
Cellular Po2 331
Critical Arterial Po2 for Cerebral Function 331
Effects of Hypoxia 332
References 334
Chapter 22 Hypoxia 334.e1
23 Anaemia 335
Key Points 335
Pulmonary Function 335
Gas Exchange 335
Haemoglobin Dissociation Curve 335
Arterial Oxygen Content 336
Oxygen Delivery 336
Effect of Anaemia on Cardiac Output 336
Acute Anaemia 336
Chronic Anaemia 337
The Influence of Cardiac Output on Oxygen Delivery 338
Relationship between Oxygen Delivery and Consumption 338
Anaemia and Exercise 338
Using Haemoglobin to Enhance Athletic Performance 339
What is the Optimal Haemoglobin Concentration in the Clinical Setting? 339
References 340
Chapter 23 Anaemia 340.e1
24 Oxygen Toxicity and Hyperoxia 341
Key Points 341
Hyperoxia 341
Oxygen Toxicity 341
The Oxygen Molecule and Reactive Oxygen Species 341
Singlet Oxygen 342
Superoxide Anion 342
Hydroperoxyl Radical 342
Hydrogen Peroxide 342
Three-Stage Reduction of Oxygen 343
Secondary Derivatives of the Products of Dioxygen Reduction 344
Sources of Electrons for the Reduction of Oxygen to Superoxide Anion 344
Mitochondrial Enzyme 344
NADPH Oxidase System 345
Xanthine Oxidoreductase and Reperfusion Injury 345
Ferrous Iron 345
High Po2 345
Exogenous Compounds 345
Biological Effects of ROS 346
Defences Against Reactive Oxygen Species 347
Antioxidant Enzymes 347
Superoxide Dismutase 347
Endogenous Antioxidants 348
Exogenous Antioxidants 348
Normobaric Hyperoxia 348
Increasing the Inspired Oxygen Concentration 349
Fixed Performance Devices 349
Variable Performance Devices 350
Retinopathy of Prematurity 350
Pulmonary Oxygen Toxicity 350
Symptoms 351
Cellular Changes 351
Limits of Survival 351
Clinical Studies 351
Pulmonary Absorption Collapse 351
Bleomycin Lung Toxicity 352
Hyperoxia in Clinical Practice 352
Therapeutic Use of Normobaric Hyperoxia 352
Oxygen Use in Acute Medicine 352
Hyperbaric Oxygenation 353
Oxygen Convulsions (The Paul Bert Effect) 353
Incidence 353
Therapeutic Hyperbaric Oxygen 353
Clinical Applications of Hyperbaric Oxygenation 354
References 355
Chapter 24 Oxygen Toxicity and Hyperoxia 356.e1
25 Comparative Respiratory Physiology 357
Key Points 357
Designs of Respiratory System 357
Structural Designs for Gas-Exchange Apparatus 359
Factors Affecting Respiratory System Design 360
Respiratory Medium for Breathing 360
Body Temperature 361
Metabolic Rate 361
Respiratory Systems of Major Phyla 361
Aquatic Respiration 362
Diffusion Respiration in Small Species 362
Echinodermata 362
Mollusca 362
Crustacea 363
Fish 363
Amphibians 364
Air Respiration 365
Annelida 365
Arthropoda 365
Reptiles 366
Mammals 366
Birds 366
Carriage of Gases in Blood 368
Circulation Configurations 368
Fish 368
Amphibians 368
Reptiles 368
Birds and Mammals 368
Oxygen-Carrying Molecules 369
Haemerythrin 369
Haemocyanin 369
Haemoglobin 369
Animals at Physiological Extremes 369
Mammals at Altitude 369
Oxygen Carriage 369
Pulmonary Vasculature 370
Collateral Ventilation 370
Exercising Horses 370
Diving Mammals 371
Pathophysiology of Animal Respiratory Diseases in Veterinary Practice 372
Ruminants 372
Bovine Respiratory Disease (BRD) Complex 372
Acute Interstitial Pneumonia 372
Vena Caval Thrombosis 372
Equine Respiratory Disease 373
References 374
Chapter 25 Comparative Respiratory Physiology 375.e1
3 Physiology of Pulmonary Disease 377
26 Ventilatory Failure 379
Key Points 379
Definitions 379
Pattern of Changes in Arterial Blood GASES 379
Time Course of Changes in Blood Gases in Acute Ventilatory Failure 379
Causes of Ventilatory Failure 380
Increased Dead Space 383
Relationship between Ventilatory Capacity and Ventilatory Failure 383
Metabolic Demand and Ventilatory Failure 383
Breathlessness 384
The Origin of the Sensation 385
Treatment of Breathlessness 385
Principles of Therapy for Ventilatory Failure 385
Treatment of Hypoxaemia due to Hypoventilation by Administration of Oxygen 385
Improvement of Alveolar Ventilation 386
References 386
Chapter 26 Ventilatory failure 387.e1
27 Airways Disease 389
Key Points 389
Asthma 389
Clinical Features 389
Cellular Mechanisms of Asthma 391
Causes of Airway Obstruction in Asthma 393
Airway Smooth Muscle 393
Inflammation 393
Airway Remodelling 393
Aetiology of Asthma 394
Genetics 394
Allergy 394
Infection 394
Hygiene Hypothesis 394
Smoking and Air Pollution 395
Gastric Reflux 395
Obesity 395
Paracetamol (Acetaminophen) 395
Aspirin-Induced Asthma 395
Mechanism of Aspirin Sensitivity 396
Principles of Therapy 396
Chronic Obstructive Pulmonary Disease 396
Aetiology of Chronic Obstructive Pulmonary Disease 397
Emphysema 397
Airway Obstruction 398
Hyperinflation 398
Respiratory Muscles in Chronic Obstructive Pulmonary Disease 399
Obesity and Chronic Obstructive Pulmonary Disease 399
Principles of Therapy 399
Smoking Cessation 399
Medical Treatment 399
Supplemental oxygen 399
Pulmonary Rehabilitation 399
Oxygen Therapy in Chronic Obstructive Pulmonary Disease 400
Cystic Fibrosis 400
Aetiology of CF 400
Biochemical Abnormality 400
Causes of Lung Disease 401
Principles of Therapy 402
Correcting the Abnormal CFTR 402
Assessment of Airway Disease by Exhaled Breath Analysis 402
Exhaled Nitric Oxide 402
Exhaled Breath Condensate 402
References 403
Chapter 27 Airways disease 405.e1
28 Pulmonary Vascular Disease 407
Key Points 407
Pulmonary Oedema 407
Anatomical Factors 407
Pulmonary Fluid Dynamics 407
Fluid Exchange across the Endothelium 408
Fluid Dynamics within the Interstitial Space 409
Fluid Exchange across the Alveolar Epithelium 409
Stages of Pulmonary Oedema 409
Stage I: Interstitial Pulmonary Oedema 409
Stage II: Crescentic Filling of the Alveoli 410
Stage III: Alveolar Flooding 410
Stage IV: Froth in the Air Passages 411
Aetiology of Pulmonary Oedema 411
Increased Capillary Pressure (Haemodynamic Pulmonary Oedema) 411
Increased Permeability of the Capillary/EG/Alveolar Barrier (Permeability Oedema) 411
Decreased Osmotic Pressure of the Plasma Proteins 411
Other Causes of Pulmonary Oedema 411
Principles of Therapy 412
Haemodynamic Pulmonary Oedema 412
Permeability Pulmonary Oedema 412
Artificial Ventilation and Positive End-Expiratory Pressure 412
Measurement of Extravascular Lung Water 412
Pulmonary Embolism 412
Thromboembolism 413
Diagnosis of Pulmonary Thromboembolus 413
Pathophysiology 414
Principles of Therapy 415
Air Embolism 415
Detection of Air Embolism 415
Pathophysiology of Air Embolus 415
Paradoxical Air Embolism 415
Fat Embolism 415
Amniotic Fluid Embolism 416
Pulmonary Hypertension 416
Secondary Pulmonary Arterial Hypertension 416
Primary Pulmonary Arterial Hypertension 416
Pathophysiology of Vascular Remodelling 417
Treatment 417
Hepatopulmonary Syndrome 417
References 417
Chapter 28 Pulmonary vascular disease 418.e1
29 Diseases of the Lung Parenchyma and Pleura 419
Key Points 419
Pulmonary Collapse 419
Loss of Forces Opposing Retraction of the Lung 419
Absorption of Trapped Gas 420
The Effect of Respired Gases 420
Magnitude of the Pressure Gradients 420
Effect of Reduced Ventilation/ Perfusion Ratio 421
Diagnosis of Pulmonary Collapse 421
Principles of Therapy 422
Pulmonary Consolidation (Pneumonia) 422
Effects on Gas Exchange 423
Pathophysiology 423
Margination of Neutrophils 423
Interstitial Lung Disease and Pulmonary Fibrosis 424
Causes of Pulmonary Fibrosis 425
Cellular Mechanisms of Pulmonary Fibrosis 425
Principles of Therapy 426
Lung Cancer 426
Epidemiology 426
Tobacco 426
Radon 427
Carcinogenesis of Lung Cancer 427
Radiation 427
Tobacco Smoke Carcinogens 427
Molecular Mechanisms of Carcinogenesis 427
Target Genes for Pulmonary Carcinogenesis 430
Clinical Aspects 430
Pathology 430
Clinical Features 431
Principles of Therapy for Lung Cancer 431
Pleural Disease 432
Physiology of the Pleural Space 432
Pleural Effusion 433
Pneumothorax 433
Tension Pneumothorax 433
Principles of Therapy for Spontaneous Pneumothorax 434
Absorption of Air from the Pleura 434
Empyema 436
References 436
Chapter 29 Diseases of the lung parenchyma and pleura 437.e1
30 Acute Lung Injury 439
Key Points 439
Clinical Aspects of Acute Lung Injury 439
Definition 439
Scoring Systems 439
Predisposing Conditions and Risk Factors for Acute Lung Injury 440
Pulmonary and Extrapulmonary Acute Lung Injury 440
Incidence and Mortality 441
Clinical Course 441
Pathophysiology 441
Alveolar/Capillary Permeability 441
Maldistribution of Ventilation and Perfusion 441
Lung Mechanics 442
Mechanisms of Acute Lung Injury 442
Histopathology 442
Acute Stage 442
Fibroproliferative Stage 442
Cellular Mechanisms 443
Principles of Therapy 445
Artificial Ventilation in ARDS 445
Tidal Volume 445
Ventilation Mode 445
Positive End-Expiratory Pressure 445
Protective Ventilation Strategy 446
Prone Positioning 447
Alternative Ventilatory Strategies 447
Other Therapeutic Options 447
References 448
Chapter 30 Acute lung injury 449.e1
31 Respiratory Support and Artificial Ventilation 451
Key Points 451
Respiratory Physiotherapy 451
Physiology of Respiratory Interventions 451
To Increase Lung Volume 451
To Decrease the Work of Breathing 452
To Clear Secretions 452
Noninvasive Ventilation 452
Negative Pressure Ventilation 452
Noninvasive Positive Pressure Ventilation 453
Clinical Applications 453
Intermittent Positive Pressure Ventilation 454
Phases of the Respiratory Cycle 454
Inspiration 454
Expiration 454
Time Course of Inflation and Deflation 454
Effect of Changes in Inflation Pressure, Resistance and Compliance 455
Effect of Changes in Compliance and Resistance 455
Overpressure 456
Deviations from True Exponential Character of Expiration 457
Alternative Patterns of Application of Inflation Pressure 457
Control of Duration of Inspiration 458
The Inspiratory to Expiratory (I : E) Ratio 459
Clinical Use of IPPV 459
Interactions Between Patient and Ventilator 459
Pressure Sensing 460
Flow Sensing 460
Neurally Adjusted Ventilatory Assist 460
Ventilatory Modes in Common Use 460
Mandatory Minute Volume 460
Assist-Control Ventilation 460
Airway Pressure Release Ventilation 460
Synchronized Intermittent Mandatory Ventilation 462
Pressure Support Ventilation 462
High-Frequency Ventilation 462
Weaning 463
Predicting Successful Weaning 463
Techniques for Weaning 464
Positive End-Expiratory Pressure 464
Intrinsic PEEP 465
Physiological Effects of Positive Pressure Ventilation 465
Respiratory Effects 465
Distribution of Ventilation 465
Apparatus Dead Space 465
Physiological Dead Space 466
Lung Volume 467
Arterial Po2 467
Valsalva Effect 467
Cardiovascular Effects of Positive Pressure Ventilation 468
Cardiac Output 468
Oxygen Delivery 469
Arterial Blood Pressure 470
Interpretation of Vascular Pressures 470
Transmission of Airway Pressure to Other Intrathoracic Structures 470
Haemodynamic Response in Heart Failure 470
Other Physiological Effects 470
Renal Effects 470
Pulmonary Neutrophil Retention 470
Ventilator-Induced Lung Injury 471
Barotrauma 471
Volutrauma 471
Atelectrauma 471
Prevention of VILI 472
PEEP 472
Artificial Ventilation for Resuscitation 472
Expired Air Ventilation 472
Extrapulmonary Gas Exchange 473
Factors in Design 473
Factors Favouring Performance 473
Unfavourable Factors 473
Bubble Oxygenators 473
Membrane Oxygenators 474
Diffusion Properties. 474
Biocompatibility. 474
Damage to Blood 474
Systems for Extrapulmonary Gas Exchange 475
Extracorporeal Membrane Oxygenation 475
Extracorporeal Carbon Dioxide Removal 475
Intravascular Oxygenators 475
Clinical Applications 476
Neonates and Infants 476
Adults 476
References 476
Chapter 31 Respiratory support and artificial ventilation 478.e1
32 Pulmonary Surgery 479
Key Points 479
Physiological Aspects of Common Interventions 479
Bronchoscopy 479
Flexible Bronchoscopy 479
Rigid Bronchoscopy 480
Thoracoscopy 480
Thoracotomy 481
Lung Resection 482
Assessing Patient Fitness for Lung Resection 482
Partial Lung Resection 482
Pneumonectomy 482
Lung Injury following Pneumonectomy 483
Surgery for Emphysema 484
Pleurodesis 485
One-Lung Ventilation 485
Lung Isolation Techniques 485
Physiology of One-Lung Ventilation 486
Patient Position 487
Open Chest 487
Perfusion of the Nonventilated Lung 488
Management of One-Lung Ventilation 489
Artificial Ventilation during One-Lung Ventilation 489
Management of the Nonventilated Lung 490
Summary of the Clinical Management of One-Lung Ventilation 490
Lung Transplantation 490
Clinical Aspects 490
Indications 490
Types of Transplant 491
Outcome Following Transplant 492
Rejection 492
Physiological Effects of Lung Transplant 492
Denervated Lung 492
Relationships 493
Mucociliary Clearance 493
References 493
Chapter 32 Pulmonary Surgery 495.e1
33 The Atmosphere e1
Key Points e1
Evolution of the Atmosphere e1
Formation of the Earth and the Prebiotic Atmosphere e1
Significance of Mass of Earth and Distance from Sun e2
Origin of Life and the Development of Photosynthesis e4
Appearance of Oxygen in the Atmosphere e4
Biological Consequences of an Oxidizing Environment e4
Changes in Carbon Dioxide Levels e5
Carbon Dioxide and the Ice Ages e5
Recent Changes in Carbon Dioxide Levels e6
Greenhouse Effect e7
Other Greenhouse Gases e7
Turnover Rates of Atmospheric Gases e7
Oxygen, Ozone and Ultraviolet Screening e8
Evolution and Adaptation e9
References e9
34 The History of Respiratory Physiology e10
Key Points e10
Ancient Civilizations e10
Egyptian Physiology e10
Medical Papyri e10
Ancient Greece e11
Roman Medicine and Galen (ad 129–199) e11
Galen’s System of Physiology and Anatomy e11
Experiments on Respiration e12
Functions of Breathing e12
Galen’s Legacy e13
After Galen e13
The Renaissance e13
Leonardo da Vinci (1452–1519) e13
da Vinci and the Bronchial Circulation e14
Anatomy in the Renaissance e15
Pulmonary Circulation e15
Experimental Physiology in the Seventeeth Century e16
Discoveries to Assist the Respiratory Physiologists e16
Circulation e16
Atmospheric Pressure e16
The Microscope e16
Oxford Physiologists and the ‘Use of Breathing’ e17
Robert Boyle (1627–1691) e17
Robert Hooke (1635–1702) e17
Richard Lower (1631–1691) e17
John Mayow (1641–1679) e18
Physiology Hibernates e19
Chemistry and Respiration e19
Different Types of Air e19
Phlogiston e19
Fixed Air and Vitiated Air e19
Dephlogisticated Air e20
Fire Air e20
Oxygen e20
Early Development of Current Ideas of Respiratory Physiology e21
Tissue Respiration e21
Blood Gases e21
Partial Pressure e21
Haemoglobin and Its Dissociation Curve e22
Oxygen Secretion Controversy e23
Lung Mechanics e23
Control of Ventilation e25
Chemical Control of Breathing e25
References e25
Appendix A Physical Quantities and Units of Measurement 497
SI Units 497
Volume (Dimensions: L3) 497
Fluid Flow Rate (Dimensions: L3/T or L3.T−1) 497
Force (Dimensions: MLT−2) 498
Pressure (Dimensions: MLT−2/L2 or ML−1T−2) 498
Compliance (Dimensions: M−1L4t2) 498
Resistance to Fluid Flow (Dimensions: ML−4T−1) 499
Work (Dimensions: ML2T−2, Derived From MLT−2 × L or ML−1T−2 × L3) 499
Power (Dimensions: ML2T−2/T or ML2T−3) 499
Reference 499
Appendix B The Gas Laws 501
Appendix C Conversion Factors for Gas Volumes 503
Conversion of Gas Volume—ATPS to BTPS 503
Derivation of Conversion Factors 503
Conversion of Gas Volume—ATPS to STPD 503
Appendix D Symbols and Abbreviations 505
Reference 505
Appendix E Mathematical Functions Relevant to Respiratory Physiology 507
Linear Function 507
Index 515
A 515
B 519
C 520
D 523
E 524
F 525
G 526
H 527
I 529
J 530
K 530
L 530
M 532
N 532
O 533
P 535
R 538
S 540
T 541
U 542
V 543
W 544
X 544
Z 544