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Study Guide for Understanding Nursing Research E-Book

Study Guide for Understanding Nursing Research E-Book

Susan K. Grove | Jennifer R. Gray | Christy Bomer-Norton


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Book Details


Designed to reinforce your understanding through hands-on work with high-quality published studies, the Study Guide for Understanding Nursing Research, 7th Edition, provides both time-tested and innovative exercises for each chapter in the Grove & Gray textbook. This new edition includes an expanded focus on evidence-based practice, with each chapter featuring Terms and Definitions, Linking Ideas, Web-Based Activities, and Conducting Critical Appraisals to Build an Evidence-Based Practice. The Study Guide is built around three high-quality published research studies located in the appendices and referenced throughout the book. These full-text articles, selected for particular relevance to you, will help you better understand the research and evidence-based practice processes and help you learn to appraise and apply research findings to clinical settings.

  • Time-tested and innovative exercises include brief Introductions, Key Terms exercises, Key Ideas exercises, Making Connections exercises, Exercises in Critical Appraisal, and Going Beyond exercises to promote in-depth learning for a variety of learning styles.
  • Answer key allows you to check your understanding and learn from your mistakes (formative assessment).
  • Quick-reference printed tabs have been added to differentiate the answer key and each of the book's three published studies appendices (four tabs total) for improved navigation and usability.
  • Learning activities for each textbook chapter reinforce key concepts and guide you in application to evidence-based clinical practice.
  • NEW! Increased emphasis on evidence-based practice corresponding to the EBP emphasis in the text to help you see the value of understanding the research process and apply it to evidence-based nursing practice.
  • NEW! Hands-on practice with three current, high-quality published studies to help you better understand the research and evidence-based practice processes and help you learn to appraise and apply research findings to clinical settings.
  • NEW! Enhanced key terms activities compensate for the deletion of the key terms lists from the textbook that are now addressed in Study Guide activities.
  • NEW! New Appraisal Guidelines help you to critically appraise research articles.
  • NEW! Updated full-text articles ensure that the examples provided reflect the most current, high-quality studies that are meaningful.

Table of Contents

Section Title Page Action Price
Front Cover Cover
Inside Front Cover ES2
Study Guide for Understanding Nursing Research: Building an Evidence-Based Practice i
Copyright ii
Dedication iii
Reviewers iv
Preface v
How to get the most out of this study guide v
Exercise 1: Terms and Definitions vi
Exercise 2: Linking Ideas vi
Exercise 3: Web-Based Information and Resources vi
Exercise 4: Conducting Critical Appraisals to Build an Evidence-Based Practice vi
Answer Key vi
Published Studies vi
Contents vii
Chapter 1: Introduction to Nursing Research and Its Importance in Building an Evidence-Based Practice 1
Introduction 1
Exercise 1: terms and definitions 1
Acquiring Knowledge and Research Methods 1
Terms 1
Definitions 1
Evidence-Based Practice Terms 2
Terms 2
Definitions 2
Synthesizing Research Evidence 3
Terms 3
Definitions 3
Exercise 2: linking ideas 3
How Research Influences Practice 3
Historical Events Influencing Nursing Research 4
Acquiring Knowledge in Nursing 5
Linking Research Methods to Types of Research 6
Research Methods 6
Types of Research 6
Nurses' Roles in Research 7
Nurses' Educational Preparation 7
Research Activities 7
Determining the Strength of Levels of Research Evidence 7
Exercise 3: web-based information and resources 8
Exercise 4: conducting critical appraisals to build an evidence-based practice 8
Research Methods 8
Articles 8
Researchers' Credentials 9
Study Titles and Abstracts 10
Chapter 2: Introduction to Quantitative Research 11
Introduction 11
Exercise 1: terms and definitions 11
Terms 11
Definitions 11
Exercise 2: linking ideas 12
Control in Quantitative Research 12
Steps of the Research Process 13
Reading Research Reports 14
Types of Quantitative Research 15
Type of Quantitative Research 15
Examples of Study Titles 15
Exercise 3: web-based information and resources 16
Exercise 4: conducting critical appraisals to build an evidence-based practice 17
Type of Quantitative and/or Qualitative Research 17
Type of Research 17
Study 17
Type of Setting 17
Type of Research Conducted (Applied or Basic) 18
Type of Nursing Research 18
Study 18
Chapter 3: Introduction to Qualitative Research 19
Introduction 19
Exercise 1: terms and definitions 19
Definitions Related to Qualitative Research 19
Terms 19
Definitions 19
Definitions Related to Ethnography 20
Terms 20
Definitions 20
Definitions in Your Own Words 20
Exercise 2: Linking Ideas 21
People and Their Contributions to Qualitative Research 21
Description 21
Names 21
Qualitative Research Methodology 21
Approaches to Qualitative Research 22
Qualitative Approach 22
Characteristics 22
Exercise 3: web-based information and resources 22
Exercise 4: conducting critical appraisals to build an evidence-based practice 24
Chapter 4: Examining Ethics in Nursing Research 27
Introduction 27
Exercise 1: terms and definitions 27
Terms 27
Definitions 27
Exercise 2: linking ideas 28
Historical Events, Ethical Codes, and Regulations 30
Unethical Study 30
Description 30
Ethical Principles 30
Ethical Principle 30
Example 31
Federal Regulations Influencing the Conduct of Research 31
Federal Regulation 31
Content or Definition 31
Ethics of Published Studies 31
Ethical Term 31
Examples of Ethical Content From Published Studies 32
Exercise 3: web-based information and resources 32
Exercise 4: conducting critical appraisals to build an evidence-based practice 33
Chapter 5: Examining Research Problems, Purposes, and Hypotheses 35
Introduction 35
Exercise 1: terms and definitions 35
Terms 35
Definitions 35
Types of Hypotheses 36
Type of Hypothesis 36
Definitions 36
Exercise 2: linking ideas 36
Research Problem and Purpose 36
Understanding Hypotheses 37
Terms 37
Hypotheses 37
Identifying Types of Study Variables 38
Type of Variable 38
Example Variables 38
Understanding Study Variables 39
Terms 39
Examples 39
Exercise 3: web-based information and resources 39
Exercise 4: conducting critical appraisals to build an evidence-based practice 40
Problem and Purpose 40
Hallas, Koslap-Petraco, and Fletcher (2017) Study 40
Erikson and Davies (2017) Study 41
Wendler, Smith, Ellenburg, Gill, Anderson, and Spiegel-Thayer (2017) Study 43
Objectives, Questions, and Hypotheses 44
Hallas et al. (2017) Study 44
Erikson and Davies (2017) Study 45
Wendler et al. (2017) Study 45
Study Variables or Concepts 46
Hallas et al. (2017) Study 46
Wendler et al. (2017) Study 47
Chapter 6: Understanding and Critically Appraising the Literature Review 49
Introduction 49
Exercise 1: terms and definitions 49
Definitions 49
Terms 49
Exercise 2: linking ideas 50
Examples of Main Ideas From the Chapter 50
Theoretical and Empirical Sources 51
Primary and Secondary Sources 51
Exercise 3: web-based information and resources 52
Exercise 4: conducting critical appraisals to build an evidence-based practice 53
Chapter 7: Understanding Theory and Research Frameworks 57
Introduction 57
Exercise 1: terms and definitions 57
Terms 57
Definitions 57
Types of Theories 58
Terms 58
Exercise 2: linking ideas 58
Key Theoretical Ideas 58
Levels of Abstraction 59
Elements of Theory 59
Examples of Frameworks 60
Theorist(s) 60
Middle Range Theory 60
Example of Grand Nursing Theory Used in a Study 61
Exercise 3: web-based information and resources 61
Exercise 4: conducting critical appraisals to build an evidence-based practice 62
Hallas, Koslap-Petraco, and Fletcher (2017) 62
Wendler, Smith, Ellenburg, Gill, Anderson, and Spiegel-Thayer (2017) 62
Chapter 8: Clarifying Quantitative Research Designs 64
Introduction 64
Exercise 1: Terms and definitions 64
Understanding Common Design Terms 64
Terms 64
Definitions 64
Design Validity Terms 65
Terms 65
Definitions 65
Exercise 2: Linking ideas 66
Determining Types of Design Validity in Studies 67
Types of Design Validity 67
Study Examples 67
Identifying a Design Model 68
Control and Designs for Nursing Studies 68
Choices 68
Exercise 3: Web-based information and resources 70
Exercise 4: Conducting critical appraisals to build an evidence-based practice 71
Hallas, Koslap-Petraco, and Fletcher (2017) Study 71
Wendler, Smith, Ellenburg, Gill, Anderson, and Spiegel-Thayer (2017) Study 72
Chapter 9: Examining Populations and Samples in Research 74
Introduction 74
Exercise 1: terms and definitions 74
Terms 74
Definitions 74
Exercise 2: linking ideas 75
Sampling Methods for Quantitative and Qualitative Studies 77
Sampling Method 77
Examples 77
Determining Sample Size for Quantitative and Qualitative Studies 78
Type of Research 78
Criteria 78
Exercise 3: web-based information and resources 79
Exercise 4: conducting critical appraisals to build an evidence-based practice 79
Hallas, Koslap-Petraco, and Fletcher (2017) Study 79
Erikson and Davies (2017) Study 81
Wendler, Smith, Ellenburg, Gill, Anderson, and Spiegel-Thayer (2017) Study 82
Chapter 10: Clarifying Measurement and Data Collection in Quantitative Research 84
Introduction 84
Exercise 1: Terms and definitions 84
Measurement Concepts and Methods 84
Terms 84
Definitions 84
Reliability, Validity, Accuracy, and Precision in Measurement 85
Terms 85
Definitions 85
Data Collection 86
Terms 86
Definitions 86
Exercise 2: Linking ideas 86
Measurement Error 87
Type of Error 87
Measurement Methods 87
Chapter 11: Understanding Statistics in Research 95
Introduction 95
Exercise 1: terms and definitions 95
Terms 95
Definitions 95
Exercise 2: linking ideas 96
Linking Statistics With Analysis Techniques 98
Statistics 98
Analysis Techniques 98
Linking Levels of Measurement With Analysis Techniques 98
Levels of Measurement for Data 98
Statistical Analysis Techniques 98
Statements, Inferences, and Generalizations 99
Statement Categories 99
Example Studies 99
Describing the Sample 100
Measures of Central Tendency 100
Name That Statistical Analysis Technique! 101
Statistical Analysis Results 101
Statistical Analysis Techniques 101
Significance of Results 101
Exercise 3: web-based information and resources 102
Exercise 4: conducting critical appraisals to build an evidence-based practice 103
Hallas, Koslap-Petraco, and Fletcher (2017) 103
Wendler, Smith, Ellenburg, Gill, Anderson, & Spiegel-Thayer (2017) Study 105
Chapter 12: Critical Appraisal of Quantitative and Qualitative Research for Nursing Practice 108
Introduction 108
Exercise 1: Terms and definitions 108
Terms 108
Definitions 108
Exercise 2: Linking ideas 109
Determination of Quantitative Study Strengths and Weaknesses 109
Examples 109
Determination of Qualitative Study Strengths and Weaknesses 110
Examples 110
Exercise 3: Web-based information and resources 111
Exercise 4: Conducting critical appraisals to build an evidence-based practice 112
Chapter 13: Building an Evidence-Based Nursing Practice 116
Introduction 116
Exercise 1: Terms and definitions 116
Terms 116
Definitions 116
Exercise 2: Linking ideas 117
Understanding Research Syntheses 119
Types of Research Synthesis 119
Synthesis Strategies 119
Application of the Phases of Stetler's Model 120
Phases 120
Descriptions 120
Application of the Iowa Model of Evidence-Based Practice 120
Steps 121
Descriptions 121
Agency's Readiness for Evidence-Based Practice 121
Exercise 3: Web-based information and resources 122
Exercise 4: Conducting critical appraisals to build an evidence-based practice 123
Additional Evidence-Based Practice Projects 125
Chapter 14: Introduction to Additional Research Methodologies in Nursing: Mixed Methods and Outcomes Research 127
Introduction 127
Exercise 1: Terms and definitions 127
Terms 127
Definitions 127
Exercise 2: Linking ideas 128
Key Ideas for Mixed Methods Research 128
Key Ideas for Outcomes Research 129
Mixed Methods Research Methodologies 130
Methodologies 130
Descriptions 130
Outcomes Research Methodologies 131
Methodologies 131
Descriptions 131
Exercise 3: Web-based information and resources 132
Mixed Methods Research 132
Outcomes Research 132
Exercise 4: Conducting critical appraisals to build an evidence-based practice 133
Mixed Methods Research 133
Outcomes Research 135
Answer Key to Study Guide Exercises 137
Appendix A: Donna Hallas, Mary Koslap-Petraco and Jason Fletcher Study 181
Appendix B: Alyssa Erikson and Betty Davies Study 189
Appendix C: M. Cecilia Wendler, Katherine Smith, Wanda Ellenburg, Rita Gill, Lea Anderson and Kim Spiegel-Thayer Study 197
Appendix D: Appraisal Guidelines 210
Critical appraisal guidelines for a quantitative study 210
Step 1: Identifying the Steps or Elements of the Study; and Step 2: Determining the Study Strengths and Limitations 210
Step 3: Evaluating the Credibility and Meaning of the Study Findings 214
Critical appraisal guidelines for a qualitative study 215
Step 1: Identifying the Steps of the Research Process in Studies; and Step 2: Determining 215
Study Strengths and Weaknesses 215
Step 3: Evaluating the Credibility and Meaning of Study Findings 217