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Edexcel International GCSE (9-1) ICT Student Book

Edexcel International GCSE (9-1) ICT Student Book

Pete Bell


Additional Information

Book Details


The Edexcel International GCSE (9-1) ICT Student Book provides comprehensive coverage of the new specification and is designed to supply students with the best preparation possible for the examination. These new resource also have international relevance and support at their core.

  • Learning is embedded with differentiated exercises and exam practice throughout.

  • Provides free access to an ActiveBook, a digital version of the Student Book, which can be accessed online, anytime, anywhere supporting learning beyond the classroom.

  • Transferable skills, needed for progression into higher education and employment, are signposted allowing students to understand, and engage with, the skills they’re gaining.

  • Reviewed by a language specialist to ensure the book is written in a clear and accessible style for students whose first language may not be English.

  • Glossary of key terminology.

  • Teacher support materials available online.

Available: August-September 2017

Table of Contents

Section Title Page Action Price
Cover Cover
Contents iii
Course Structure iv
About this Book vi
Assessment Overview viii
Unit 1: Digital Devices 3
Chapter 1: Digital Devices 4
Types of Digital Devices 5
Desktops 5
Laptops 6
Single-Board Computers 7
Specialist Phones 7
Smartphones 8
Televisions 10
Sound Systems 11
Personal Video Recorders 11
Blu-Ray and Dvd Players 11
Features of Digital Devices 16
Command Line Interface (CLI) 16
Menu-Driven Interface 17
Graphical User Interface (GUI) 18
Voice Interface 18
Gesture Interface 19
Software Security 20
Physical Security 21
Types of Peripheral Devices 21
Keyboards 22
Pointing Devices 23
Scanner (Including OCR and OMR) 24
Barcode Scanner 24
Webcam 25
Microphone 26
Touch Screen 26
Biometric Scanner 27
Card Readers 29
Sensors 30
Monitor 32
Printer 33
Plotter 35
Data Projector 36
Speaker 36
Control Device 37
Devices 38
Media 39
Chapter 2: Software 42
System Software 42
Backup 42
Defragmentation 43
Compression 44
Formatting 44
Memory Management 45
Resource Management 46
Security 46
Print Spooling 46
Application Software 46
Word Processing 47
Desktop Publishing (DTP) 48
Spreadsheet 48
Database 49
Graphics Editors 50
Photo Editors 51
Web Browsers 55
Email 55
Social Media 55
SMS 56
MMS 56
Instant Messaging 56
Software Licensing 56
Software Updates 57
Chapter 3: Memory and Processors 59
Memory 59
Impact of the Size of RAM on the User 60
Processors 62
Unit 2: Connectivity 65
Chapter 4: Digital Communication 66
Speed and Volume of Data Transfer 66
Impact on User Experience 66
Impact on User Experience 68
Transfer Method 68
Interference 68
Blockages 68
Distance 68
Device-To-Device Communication 68
Network Communication 69
The Ways in Which Digital Devices Communicate 71
GPS 71
Television 71
Telephone 72
Military 73
Analogue Television and Radio 73
Digital Television 73
Digital Radio 74
WI-FI 75
Bluetooth 75
3G and 4G 76
Infra-Red (IR) 76
Near-Field Communication (NFC)\r 76
Benefits and Drawbacks of Wired vs Wireless 77
Broadband, Mobile Broadband and Cellular Networks 77
Chapter 5: Networks 79
Requirements for Connecting to Networks 79
Internet Protocol (IP) 80
Mac Address\r 82
Device Name 83
Components of Wired and Wireless Systems 83
Authentication Server 86
Print Server 86
File Server 86
Application Server 86
Web Server\r 86
Connecting to and Using the Internet 87
Local Area Networks (LANS) 88
Benefits of Using Client-Server Networks 89
Securing Data on Networks 90
Symmetric Key Encryption 91
Public Key Encryption 91
Wireless Encryption Protocol (WEP) 92
Wi-Fi Protected Access (WPA) 92
Unit 3: Operating Online 95
Chapter 6: Risks to Data and Personal Information 96
Risks to Data and Information 96
Phishing 98
Pharming 99
Anti-Virus 102
Anti-Adware 103
Anti-Spyware 103
Online Payment Systems 105
Chapter 7: Impact of the Internet 109
The Internet 110
Impact of the Internet on Individuals 110
Skill Requirements 112
New Job Opportunities as the Nature of Jobs Changes 112
Job Losses 113
Collaborative Working 113
Flexible Working 113
Social Interaction 114
Cyberbullying 115
Physical Activity 116
Zip IT 117
Block IT 117
Flag IT 117
Online Working from Home 119
Impact of the Internet on Organisations 122
Improved Communication 122
Access to Global Markets 122
Access to Global Workforce 123
How Information is Managed and Used 123
Security Issues 124
Greater Competition 125
Impact of the Internet on Society 125
Chapter 8: Online Communities 132
Features and Functions of Different Online Communities 132
The Function of Social Networking Communities 133
Features that Enable the Function of Social Networking Communities 133
Additional Features of Social Networking Communities 137
The Function of Online Gaming Communities 138
Features that Enable the Function of Online Gaming Communities 138
The Function of Online Work Spaces 139
Features that Enable the Function of Online Work Spaces 139
The Function of VLES 139
Features that Enable the Function of VLES 139
Forums 141
Video-Sharing and Photo-Sharing Sites 141
Blogs and Vlogs 142
The Function of Social Bookmarking Sites 143
Features that Enable the Function of Social Bookmarking Sites 143
The Use of Online Communities for Communication and Collaboration on a Global Scale 143
How to Stay Safe Online 143
Chapter 9: Implications of Digital Technologies 147
Data Protection 147
Copyright Legislation 149
Monitoring Individuals 150
Safe and Responsible Practice 153
Sustainability Issues 153
Health and Safety Issues 154
Chapter 10: Online Information 159
Information Sources 159
Search Engines 160
And (+) 163
Not (-) 163
Phrase Matching (“”) 163
Fitness for Purpose 163
Copyright 164
Plagiarism 164
Unit 4: Online Goods and Services 167
Chapter 11: Online Services 168
Types of Service 168
The Impact on Lifestyle and Behaviour 172
The Impact on the Ways that Organisations do Business 173
Transactional Data 174
Chapter 12: The Cloud 176
Hosted Applications Software 176
Online Data Storage 178
The Impact of the Cloud 178
Unit 5: Applying Information and Communication Technology 181
Chapter 13: Applying ICT 182
Effective and Appropriate Use of Software 182
The Difference Between Data and Information 183
Different Types of Data 184
Enter, Organise, Develop, Refine and Format Information, Applying Editing Techniques to Meet Needs 185
Purpose 186
User 186
Layouts 186
House Styles 188
Font Styles 189
Colour Choice 190
Checking Content 193
Reviewing Outcomes 194
Evaluation 197
Unit 6: Software Skills 201
Chapter 14: File Management 202
Saving Work 202
Securing Files 203
Naming Files 204
Versioning 204
Folders 205
File Formats 206
Chapter 15: Word Processing 208
Enter and Edit Text 208
Spelling, Punctuation and Grammar (SPAG) 211
Formatting 212
Bullet Points 212
Numbering 214
Tabs (Indentation) 216
Lines Spacing 216
Text Wrap 217
Colour 217
Font Size and Style 218
Columns 219
Tables 220
Page Layout 223
Document Elements 229
Document Types 230
Mail Merge 236
Chapter 16: Graphics 239
Features of Image Types 239
Create Images 241
Edit Images 243
Chapter 17: Presentation 248
Template and Master Slide 248
Date and Time, Footer and Slide Number 250
Slides 253
Print 258
Chapter 18: Web Authoring 262
Template 262
Hyperlinks 264
Background Colours 265
Banners 266
Menu or Navigation 267
Page Name (File Name) 268
Content 269
ALT Text 269
Format 270
HTML 271
Bold 274
Italic 274
Underline 274
Chapter 19: Spreadsheets 276
Columns, Rows and Cells 276
Ranges 277
Data Types 277
Formatting 278
Formulae 284
Functions 288
Conditions 291
Text Functions 293
Multiple Worksheets 293
Cross-Sheet Referencing 294
Sorting 294
Filtering 295
Graphs and Charts 297
Pie Chart 298
Bar Chart or Column Chart 299
Scattergram 300
Formatting Charts 302
Printing 303
Chapter 20: Database Management 307
Data Types 307
Database Structure 308
Tables 308
Create a Database 308
Creating Relationships Between Tables 313
Validation 315
Types of Validation Check 315
Sorting Data 317
Inputting Information Consistently 319
Queries 319
Logical Operators 321
Relational Operators 323
Outputting Data from a Database 324
Reports 324
Mail Merge Documents 329
Specified Fields 330
Design View 330
Data or Datasheet View 332
Answers to End-of-Chapter Questions 334
Glossary 340
Index 348