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Apprenticeship Customer Service Practitioner L2 Handbook + ActiveBook

Apprenticeship Customer Service Practitioner L2 Handbook + ActiveBook

Lambert Stewart | Elizabeth Blaikie | Sue Tissiman | Julie Smith


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An ideal companion to support apprentices throughout their on-programme learning of Customer Service Practitioner Level 2 Apprenticeship Standard


Apprenticeship Handbook for Customer Service Practitioner (Level 2) provides apprentices with all the support they will need throughout the on-programme component of the Customer Service Practitioner Level 2 Apprenticeship Standard. It is a course companion that covers all the knowledge required by the apprenticeship Standard and set out in the Pearson EPA Amplification. It will also help apprentices identify and understand how to apply the appropriate skills and behaviours in the workplace.

Table of Contents

Section Title Page Action Price
Front Cover Front Cover
Contents iii
About this book iv
About the authors vi
Chapter 1: Understanding the organisation 1
The purpose of an organisation and its brand promise 2
Business sectors 2
Branding 2
Core values and how they link to service culture 4
Core values 4
Service culture 4
Core values and competitiveness 7
Policies, procedures and legislation 8
Digital media policies 12
Digital guidelines 12
Social media 12
Chapter 2: Meeting regulations and legislation 15
Know the legislation and regulations that affect your organisation 16
Legislation you need to know 16
Equality 18
Equality in your job role 18
Know your responsibility in relation to legislation and how to apply it when delivering customer service 20
Why is it important to keep information confidential within an organisation? 20
What information needs to be kept confidential within your organisation? 22
Health and safety 24
What are your responsibilities under the Health and Safety at Work Act (1974)? 24
What are your employer’s responsibilities under the Health and Safety at Work Act (1974)? 24
Codes of practice and ethical standards 26
The consequences of not following codes of practice and ethical standards 26
Non-compliance with regulations 27
Codes of practice relevant to you as a customer service practitioner 27
Ethical considerations and customer service 27
Chapter 3: Your role and responsibility 29
Understand your role and responsibility within your organisation 30
Your job role and responsibility 30
Know the targets and goals you need to deliver against and how your actions impact on others 32
Setting targets 32
How your actions affect others 33
Chapter 4: Systems and resources 37
Using systems, equipment and technology to meet your customers’ needs 38
Systems 38
Equipment 43
Technology 45
Understand types of measurement and evaluation tools available to monitor customer service levels 46
Monitoring and measuring customer service levels 46
Why is it important to monitor and measure customer service levels? 46
Evaluation tools to monitor customer service levels 47
Chapter 5: Product and service knowledge 53
What are products and services, features and benefits? 54
Explaining the features and benefits of products and services 54
Knowing your products and services 55
Knowing your customer 56
Updating your knowledge of your organisation’s products and services 58
Maintaining product and service knowledge 60
Selling products or services 60
Chapter 6: Knowing your customers 63
Understanding your customers 64
What is a customer? 64
Types of customer 64
Different customer groups 66
Buying patterns 67
Benefits of building good customer relationships 68
Customer satisfaction 68
Customer retention 68
Customer recommendations 69
Profitability 69
Increased sales 69
Understanding the difference between internal and external customers 70
Internal customers 70
External customers 71
Managing internal and external customer relationships 72
Clarity 72
Formality 72
Face-to-face or telephone communication 73
Your company’s policies and procedures 74
What your company should do 74
What you should do 74
What is the purpose of customer service? 76
Understanding customer wants and needs 76
Needs versus wants 77
What are the priorities for the customer? 77
Customer expectations: actions speak louder than words 78
How can good customer service affect an organisation’s success? 78
Knowing when to adapt your customer service to meet customers’ needs and expectations 80
Adapting your customer service approach 80
Balancing the needs of your customer and your organisation 81
Responding to different customer types 82
Fair treatment of customers 84
Chapter 7: Customer experience 87
What is a customer-focused experience? 88
How to create a customer-focused experience 88
How to respond appropriately using information from the customer 89
Understanding how to build trust with a customer 90
Why is building customer trust important? 90
How can you start to build trust with a customer? 91
Dealing with customer conflict and challenge 92
Conflict 92
Challenge 93
Using signposting to meet customers’ needs and manage expectations 94
Maintaining communication with the customer during service recovery 95
Equality: treating all customers fairly and as individuals 96
Chapter 8: Communication 99
Using verbal and non-verbal communication skills 100
Verbal communication 100
Non-verbal communication 100
Confirming your customers’ needs and expectations and those of your organisation 102
Using summarising language to check your understanding 102
Communication and your organisation’s brand 103
‘Right first time’ 104
Chapter 9: Interpersonal skills 107
Interpersonal communication 108
Elements of interpersonal communication 108
Demonstrating eff ective interpersonal skills to engage your customer 109
The impact of cultural differences on non-verbal communication 114
Recognising customer needs and building and maintaining a rapport 115
Working together as a team to help customers efficiently 116
Interpersonal skills for effective teamwork 116
Sharing personal learning 117
Act on, and seek, feedback from others 118
Chapter 10: Influencing skills 121
Customer needs and expectations 122
Influencing your customers 122
Understanding your customers 122
Offering products or services to customers 124
Influencing and negotiating 124
Handling customer objections to build and maintain rapport 126
Techniques for overcoming barriers 126
Chapter 11: Personal organisation 129
Agree goals and deadlines for completing tasks 130
Why do you need to meet work standards and deadlines? 130
How does your work contribute to the team effort? 130
How can you agree your goals and deadlines? 130
Prioritise and plan the completion of tasks to meet deadlines 132
What is the best way to set deadlines? 132
Create an effective action plan 133
Use tools and techniques to monitor progress of tasks 133
Make adjustments to priorities to meet agreed deadlines 135
Develop yourself 136
Take ownership of keeping your service knowledge and skills up to date 136
Consider your personal goals and any development that would help achieve them 137
Your end-point assessment 143
Preparing for your end-point assessment 143
What is your end-point assessment? 143
Preparing your apprentice showcase 144
Presenting a storyboard 146
Presenting a reflective journal 147
Practical observation 148
Preparing for your observation 148
Professional discussion 149
Preparing for your professional discussion 149
Glossary 151
Index 153
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