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Studio 1 Pupil Book (11-14 French)

Studio 1 Pupil Book (11-14 French)

Anneli Mclachlan | Clive Bell


Additional Information

Book Details


  • Lots of photographs and topics to capture your pupils' interest right from the start.
  • A wide variety of vocabulary helps pupils build a personal picture and talk about things that really interest them.
  • Activities for all four skills in every unit make sure pupils cover what they need to progress.
  • Accès Studio page references show where to go to pause and revise the basic topics.
  • Tips on every spread throughout the course teach essential language-learning skills such as using a French dictionary.
  • Every unit in Studio has a grammar objective supported by activities and clear explanations.

Audio files to accompany our Pupil Books are sold separately.

Table of Contents

Section Title Page Action Price
Front Cover Front Cover
Tableau des contenus 3
Module 1: C’est perso 6
Unite 1: Mon autoportrait 8
Talking about likes and dislikes 8
Using regular –er verbs (je, tu, il/elle) 8
Unite 2: Mon kit de survie 10
Talking about your survival kit 10
Using avoir (je, tu, il/elle) 10
Unite 3: Comment je me vois 12
Describing yourself 12
Understanding adjective agreement (singular) 12
Unite 4: Et les autres? 14
Talking about other people 14
Understanding adjective agreement (plural) 14
Unite 5: Il est hypercool! 16
Describing a musician 16
Using the present tense (je, tu, il/elle) 16
Bilan et Revisions 18
En plus: C’est moi! 20
Introduction yourself in detail 20
Studio Grammaire 22
Vocabulaire 24
Module 2: Mon college 26
Unite 1: Mes matieres 28
Talking about school subjects 28
Asking questions 28
Unite 2: C’est genial! 30
Giving opinions and reasons 30
Agreeing and disagreeing 30
Unite 3: J’ai cours! 32
Describing your timetable 32
Using the 12-hour clock 32
Unite 4: Au college enFrance 34
Describing your school day 34
Using on to say ‘we’ 34
Unite 5: Miam-miam! 36
Talking about food 36
Using the partitive article (du/de la/de l’/des) 36
Bilan et Revisions 38
En plus 1: Mon college au paradis 40
Schools in other French-speaking countries 40
En plus 2: Joyeux Noel! 42
Talking about winter celebrations 42
Studio Grammaire 44
Vocabulaire 46
Module 3: Mes passetemps 48
Unite 1: Mon ordi et mon portable 50
Talking about computers and mobiles 50
Using regular–er verbs 50
Unite 2: Tu es sportif/sportive? 52
Talking about which sports you play 52
Using jouer a 52
Unite 3: Qu’est-ce que tu fais? 54
Talking about activities 54
Using the verb faire 54
Unite 4: J’aime faire ca! 56
Saying what you like doing 56
Using aimer + the infinitive 56
Unite 5: Ils sont actifs! 58
Describing what other people do 58
Using ils and elles 58
Bilan et Revisions 60
En plus: J‘adore les sports extremes! 62
Talking about winter celebrations 62
Studio Grammaire 64
Vocabulaire 66
Module 4: Ma zone 68
Unite 1: La ou j’habite 70
Talking about your town/village 70
Using il y a …/il n’y a pas de … 70
Unite 2: Perdu dans le parc d’attractions! 72
Giving directions 72
Understanding when to use tu and vous 72
Unite 3: Le weekend 74
Talking about where you go 74
Using a + the definite article 74
Unite 4: Coucou! 76
Asking someone to go somewhere 76
Using je veux/tu veux + infinitive 76
Unite 5: Qu’est-ce qu’on peut faire a … ? 78
Saying what you can do in town 78
Using on peut + infinitive 78
Bilan et Revisions 80
En plus: Destination France 82
Facts about France 82
Studio Grammaire 84
Vocabulaire 86
Module 5: 3… 2… 1 Partez! 88
Unite 1: Les vacances, mode d’emploi 90
Using nous to say ‘we’ 90
Talking about your holidays 90
Unite 2: Je me prépare … 92
Talking about getting ready to go out 92
Using reflexive verbs (singular) 92
Unite 3: Au Café de la Plage 94
Buying drinks and snacks 94
Using higher numbers 94
Unite 4: Je vais aller en colo! 96
Talking about holiday plans 96
Using the near future tense 96
Unite 5: Mes reves 98
Saying what you would like to do 98
Using je voudrais + infinitive 98
Bilan et Revisions 100
En plus: Tu vas aller ou? 102
Talking about where people go on holiday 102
Studio Grammaire 104
Vocabulaire 106
Module 6: Studio découverte 108
Unite 1: Animaux 110
Talking about animals 110
Unite 2: Poesie 112
Writing a poem 112
Unite 3: Peintures 114
Describing a painting 114
Studio Grammaire 116
A toi 118
Verb tables 128
Dictionary skills 130
Mini-dictionnaire 131
Instructions 144
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