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Edexcel GCSE (9-1) Chemistry Student Book

Edexcel GCSE (9-1) Chemistry Student Book

Mark Levesley | Nigel Saunders | Iain Brand | Sue Robilliard | John Ling


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This Student Book uses the Pearson Checkpoint learning approach, which has been designed to help students to develop the skills required for the exams.

The Checkpoint Teaching and Learning approach will help students to remember the key learning points from each topic, and to use their learning to apply, analyse and evaluate in new contexts. This support will help to develop the full range of skills that will be assessed in the exam.

Other key features of the Student Book include:


  • a Preparing for the Exam section at the end of every Topic, to help students understand how six mark questions will be assessed
  • Core Practical pages that give students the opportunity to practice answering practical-based exam questions
  • Questions that are all rated on a scale of 1 to 12 using the Pearson Steps system, encouraging students to answer increasingly difficult questions as they progress through the course.



Table of Contents

Section Title Page Action Price
Front Cover Front Cover
Contents ii
Teaching and learning iv
SC1: States of Matter / SC2: Methods of Separating and Purifying Substances (Paper 1) 1
SC1a: States of matter 2
The particle model 2
State changes 3
SC2a: Mixtures 4
Melting points 5
SC2b: Filtration and crystallisation 6
Crystallisation 6
Filtration and crystallisation in the lab 7
SC2c: Paper chromatography 8
SC2d: Distillation 10
Fractional distillation 11
SC2d: Core practical – Investigating inks 12
SC2e: Drinking water 14
Purifying sea water 14
Water for chemical analysis 14
Water for drinking 15
SC1-2: Preparing for your exams 16
SC3: Atomic Structure (Paper 1 and Paper 2) 17
SC3a: Structure of an atom 18
The structure of atoms 18
SC3b: Atomic number and mass number 20
The nuclear atom 20
Atomic number 20
Mass number 21
SC3c: Isotopes 22
Relative atomic masses 23
SC3: Preparing for your exams 24
SC4: The Periodic Table (Paper 1 and Paper 2) 25
SC4a: Elements and the periodic table 26
Organising elements 26
Making predictions 26
SC4b: Atomic number and the periodic table 28
Atomic number 28
Pair reversals 29
Filling gaps 29
SC4c: Electronic configurations and the periodic table 30
Electron shells 30
Working out configurations 30
Connections with the periodic table 31
SC4: Preparing for your exams 32
SC5: Ionic Bonding / SC6: Covalent Bonding / SC7: Types of Substance (Paper 1 and Paper 2) 33
SC5a: Ionic bonds 34
SC5b: Ionic lattices 36
Working out ionic formulae 36
SC5c: Properties of ionic compounds 38
Melting points and boiling points 38
Electrical conductivity 38
SC6a: Covalent bonds 40
Working out molecular formulae 41
SC7a: Molecular compounds 42
Melting and boiling points 42
Conduction of electricity 43
Polymers 43
SC7b: Allotropes of carbon 44
Fullerenes 44
Graphene 44
Giant structures of carbon 45
SC7c: Properties of metals 46
Metallic structure and bonding 46
Metals are malleable 47
Metals conduct electricity 47
SC7d: Bonding models 48
Problems with bonding models 49
SC5-7: Preparing for your exams 50
SC8: Acids and Alkalis (Paper 1) 51
SC8a: Acids, alkalis and indicators 52
Indicators and pH 52
Ions in acids and alkalis 53
SC8b: Looking at acids 54
SC8c: Bases and salts 56
Preparing soluble salts 57
SC8c: Core practical – Preparing copper sulfate 58
SC8d: Alkalis and balancing equations 60
Modelling reactions of alkalis with acids 60
SC8d: Core practical – Investigating neutralisation 62
SC8e: Alkalis and neutralisation 64
Ions and neutralisation 64
Soluble salts from alkalis 65
Titration 65
SC8f: Reactions of acids with metals and carbonates 66
Acids and metals 66
Acids and carbonates 67
SC8g: Solubility 68
Preparation of insoluble salts 69
SC8: Preparing for your exams 70
SC9: Calculations Involving Masses (Paper 1 and Paper 2) 71
SC9a: Masses and empirical formulae 72
Relative formula mass 72
Finding an empirical formula 73
SC9b: Conservation of mass 74
Concentrations of solutions 74
Conservation of mass in reactions 74
Calculating the masses of reactants or products 75
SC9c: Moles 76
Reactions 76
SC9: Preparing for your exams 78
SC10: Electrolytic Processes / SC11: Obtaining and Using Metals / SC12: Reversible Reactions and Equilibria / SC13: Transition Metals, Alloys and Corrosion (Paper 1) 79
SC10a: Electrolysis 80
Reactions at the electrodes 81
SC10a: Core practical – Electrolysis of copper sulfate solution 82
SC10b: Products from electrolysis 84
Electrolysis of salt solutions 84
SC11a: Reactivity 86
Displacement reactions 87
SC11b: Ores 88
Biological methods of metal extraction 89
SC11c: Oxidation and reduction 90
Metal extraction is reduction 90
Corrosion 91
SC11d: Life cycle assessment and recycling 92
Recycling metals 92
Life cycle assessment 93
SC12a: Dynamic equilibrium 94
SC13a: Transition metals 96
Physical properties 96
Chemical properties 97
SC13b: Corrosion 98
Rusting 99
Sacrificial protection 99
SC13c: Electroplating 100
Carrying out electroplating 100
Galvanising and tin plating 101
SC13d: Alloying 102
Alloy steels 102
Alloys and strength 103
SC13e: Uses of metals and their alloys 104
SC10-13: Preparing for your exams 106
SC14: Quantitative Analysis / SC15: Dynamic Equilibria, Calculations Involving Volumes of Gases / SC16: Chemical Cells and Fuel Cells (Paper 1) 107
SC14a: Yields 108
Why is the yield less than expected? 109
SC14b: Atom economy 110
Reaction pathways 111
SC14c: Concentrations 112
Concentrations in mol dm−3 113
SC14d: Titrations and calculations 114
SC14d: Core practical – Acid–alkali titration 116
SC14e: Molar volume of gases 118
Avogadro’s law 118
Molar gas volume 118
SC15a: Fertilisers and the Haber process 120
Ammonium nitrate 120
Ammonium sulfate 120
SC15b: Factors affecting equilibrium 122
Equilibria and industrial processes 122
Choosing reaction pathways 123
SC16a: Chemical cells and fuel cells 124
Fuel cells 124
SC14-16: Preparing for your exams 126
SC17: Groups in the Periodic Table / SC18: Rates of Reaction / SC19: Heat Energy Changes in Chemical Reactions (Paper 2) 127
SC17a: Group 1 128
SC17b: Group 7 130
SC17c: Halogen reactivity 132
Redox 133
SC17d: Group 0 134
SC18a: Rates of reaction 136
SC18b: Factors affecting reaction rates 138
SC18b: Core practical – Investigating reaction rates 140
SC18c: Catalysts and activation energy 142
SC19a: Exothermic and endothermic reactions 144
Temperature changes during reactions 145
SC19b: Energy changes in reactions 146
Breaking and making bonds 146
Bond energy calculations 147
SC17-19: Preparing for your exams 148
SC20: Fuels / SC21: Earth and Atmospheric Science (Paper 2) 149
SC20a: Hydrocarbons in crude oil and natural gas 150
Crude oil 150
Fuels 151
SC20b: Fractional distillation of crude oil 152
In the fractionating column 152
Properties of fractions 153
SC20c: The alkane homologous series 154
Molecular formulae 154
General formulae 155
Trends in physical properties 155
Similar chemical properties 155
SC20d: Complete and incomplete combustion 156
Complete combustion 156
Incomplete combustion 157
Incomplete combustion problems 157
SC20e: Combustible fuels and pollution 158
Sulfur dioxide 158
Oxides of nitrogen 159
SC20f: Breaking down hydrocarbons 160
Cracking 160
Fuels for cars 161
SC21a: The early atmosphere 162
Earth’s early atmosphere 162
The oceans 163
Oxygen 163
SC21b: The changing atmosphere 164
Oceans 164
Oxygen 164
SC21c: The atmosphere today 166
Correlation and climate change 166
Evaluating the evidence 167
SC21d: Climate change 168
Effects of climate change 168
Limiting the impact 169
SC20-21: Preparing for your exams 170
SC22: Hydrocarbons / SC23: Alcohols and Carboxylic Acids / SC24: Polymers (Paper 2) 171
SC22a: Alkanes and alkenes 172
Alkanes 172
Alkenes 173
Isomers 173
SC22b: Reactions of alkanes and alkenes 174
Combustion 174
The bromine water test 175
Addition reactions 175
SC23a: Ethanol production 176
SC23b: Alcohols 178
SC23b: Core practical – The combustion of alcohols 180
SC23c: Carboxylic acids 182
SC24a: Addition polymerisation 184
Naturally occurring polymers 185
SC24b: Polymer properties and uses 186
SC24c: Condensation polymerisation 188
SC24d: Problems with polymers 190
SC22-24: Preparing for your exams 192
SC25: Qualitative Analysis: Tests for Ions / SC26: Bulk and Surface Properties of Matter Including Nanoparticles (Paper 2) 193
SC25a: Flame tests and photometry 194
Flame photometry 195
SC25b: Tests for positive ions 196
Testing for metal ions 196
Testing for ammonium ions 197
SC25c: Tests for negative ions 198
Testing for carbonate ions 198
Testing for sulfate ions 198
Testing for halide ions 199
SC25c: Core practical – Identifying ions 200
SC26a: Choosing materials 202
Glass and clay ceramics 202
Polymers 203
Metals 203
SC26b: Composite materials 204
Reinforcement and matrix 204
Laminates 205
SC26c: Nanoparticles 206
Nanoparticulate materials 206
Uses of nanoparticulate materials 207
Risks of nanoparticles 207
SC25-26: Preparing for your exams 208
Glossary 209
Index 214
The Periodic table of the elements 216
Back Cover Back Cover