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Job Coaches for Adults with Disabilities

Job Coaches for Adults with Disabilities

Karola Dillenburger | Ewa Matuska | Marea de Bruijn | Hanns Rüdiger Röttgers | Blazej Piasek | Norman Sterritt | Lyn McKerr | Caterina Metje | Trish MacKeogh | Marcia Scherer | Angelika Anderson | Brian Fennell | Lucie Procházková | Helena Vadurová


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Book Details


Defining the role of a job coach, this book sets out EU-wide training standards for helping people with disabilities gain and maintain meaningful employment.

The book includes the perspectives of both people with disabilities and their job coaches, offering first-hand experience of the specific issues faced by those who want to enter the competitive open jobs market. It describes how to provide bespoke support for people with an intellectual disability, physical disability, as well as for autistic people and individuals with mental health conditions. Guidance on functional assessment, task analysis, collaborating with employers and training for new and student job coaches is also included.

Table of Contents

Section Title Page Action Price
Job Coaches for Adults with Disabilities. Edited by Karol Dillenburger 1
Foreword by Blazej Piasek 7
Foreword by Norman Sterritt 9
Introduction 11
Ch 1. What is a Job Coach for Adults with Disabilities? by Ewa Matuska 15
Ch 2. Having a Job Coach: Insider Perspectives by Caterina Metje and Lyn McKerr 37
Ch 3. Job Coaches for Adults with Mental Health Conditions Hanns Rüdiger Röttgers 52
Ch 4. Job Coaches for Adults with Physical and Sensory Disabilities by Trish MacKeogh and Marcia J. Scherer 70
Ch 5. Job Coaches for Adults with Intellectual Disabilities by Ewa Matuska 88
Ch 6. Job Coach for Adults on the Autism Spectrum by Lyn McKerr and Karola Dillenburger 100
Ch 7. On-The-Job Functional Assessments by Angelika Anderson 118
Ch 8. Dealing with Crisis and Challenging Behaviours by Brian Fennell and Karola Dillenburger 137
Ch 9. Collaborating with Employers by Lucie Procházková and Helena Vaďurová 151
Ch 10. Being a Job Coach: Insider Perspectives by Lyn McKerr and Marea de Bruijn 167
Ch 11. Training Job Coaches: Framework, Principles and Practical Illustrations by Marea de Bruijn 185
Appendix 1. Job Coaching Curriculum snd Skills: \nPractice Examples 200
Appendix 2. Job Coaching Employees with Specific Disabilities 207
About the Contributors 212
Subject Index 216
Author Index 220
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