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The Future of Humanity

The Future of Humanity

Zhouying Jin


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Book Details


The Future of Humanity seeks to answer the question: ‘What kind of global civilization should human beings pursue?’, a question that has preoccupied scholars, philosophers and politicians for centuries. In doing so, the book tackles concepts as challenging as the keys to happiness, alien intelligence, immortality, morality and China’s possible role in bringing about a better world. To navigate these many and complex topics, Jin combines the spiritual insights of ancient Chinese thinkers with a deep respect for the accomplishments and discoveries of modern Western science, and explores and explains her vision for a better, global, civilization.

Table of Contents

Section Title Page Action Price
Cover Cover
Half Title i
Title iii
Copyright iv
Contents v
Preface : Theodore Jay Gordon ix
Preface : Hazel Henderson xiii
Preface : Guangbi Dong xv
Comment xvii
Acknowledgments xix
Introduction: Where are Human Beings Headed? 1
Where is humanity headed? 3
Concerning human evolution 4
What is technology? 4
On future civilization 5
Sustainable development and human beings 5
Understanding China 6
Chapter 1: Deep Concern Over the Direction of Technology Development 7
The technological revolution now unfolding 9
The syndrome of technology worship 22
Anxiety disorder due to technology 25
Concerns over the direction of human evolution 28
Chapter 2: What Is Technology? 39
Technology in the broad sense 41
Soft technology has been ignored for a long time 44
The significance of understanding soft technology 50
What determines the direction of technological innovation? 55
Chapter 3: The Crisis in Human Civilization Driven by the Theory of Scientific and Technological Omnipotence 67
The imminent disaster facing science and technology 69
The crisis of human civilization 72
The integration of hard and soft technologies in the field of human life and its risks 78
Human progress as the ability to control their own destiny 82
Chapter 4: What Kind of Civilization Should Human Beings Pursue? 91
Exploring the future evolution of humanity from social-humanity perspectives 94
What kind of civilization should human beings pursue after the Industrial Civilization? 96
The Global Civilization: The cultural foundation for jointly building future human happiness 98
Chapter 5: Future Civilization and Sustainable Human Development 113
Redefining sustainable development 115
Human sustainability depends on what civilization we choose 120
Realizing sustainable development by adopting a systemic solution (the example of China) 123
Chapter 6: The Difficult Task of Creating a Global Civilization 147
The transformation of civilization has a long way to go 149
The development mode of each country can and should be unique 159
Basic principles 162
Beyond Global Civilization: The most worthy goal for human beings 164
Prospect of the Great Civilization 167
Chapter 7: Can Humans Eventually Create a Great Civilization? 179
The power of education and persuasion 182
Human beings can and should agree on common values 183
Ideal human societies have certain characteristics in common 184
Human beings have never stopped striving to realize the ideal society 185
Chapter 8: Global Civilization and China’s Rejuvenation 207
Promoting green and innovative production activities (transforming the economic development model) 210
Protecting and recycling natural resources and economizing to attain reasonable development (transforming the resource application model) 213
Repairing, restoring, and protecting the environment (transforming the ecological protection model) 219
Promoting social progress, building a harmonious society (transforming the social development model) 224
Population trial (transforming the population development model) 228
Striving to build an innovative country (from imitative innovation to independent innovation) 232
Institutional experiment (implementing a socialist system with Chinese characteristics) 248
China 2050: A splendid future lies ahead, but dangers still exist 257
Chapter 9: The Responsibility of Our Generation 267
Reaching a consensus is key 269
Changing how we think is the precondition for achieving consensus 270
Education 273
A better future cannot be predicted, but it can be created 274
Tolerance and visionary thinking 275
Be bold to take responsibility 275
Transmitting the goal of realizing the Great Civilization to the next generation 276
Bibliography 279
Notes on the Author 297
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