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Mesoscale Modelling for Meteorological and Air Pollution Applications

Mesoscale Modelling for Meteorological and Air Pollution Applications

Ranjeet S. Sokhi | Alexander Baklanov | K. Heinke Schlünzen


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‘Mesoscale Modelling for Meteorological and Air Pollution Applications’ combines the fundamental and practical aspects of mesoscale air pollution and meteorological modelling. Providing an overview of the fundamental concepts of air pollution and meteorological modelling, including parameterization of key atmospheric processes, the book also considers equally important aspects such as model integration, evaluation concepts, performance evaluation, policy relevance and user training.

Ranjeet S. Sokhi is director of the Centre for Atmospheric and Climate Physics Research, School of Physics, Astronomy and Mathematics, University of Hertfordshire, UK. He was the coordinator of the COST 728 Action on Enhancing Mesoscale Meteorological Modelling for Air Pollution and Dispersion Applications and is a PI for the National Centre for Atmospheric Science, UK.

Alexander Baklanov is scientific officer of Research Department, World Meteorological Organization, Geneva, Switzerland, and affiliated professor at the Niels Bohr Institute of the University of Copenhagen, Denmark. He was the vice coordinator for the COST 728 Action on Enhancing Mesoscale Meteorological Modelling for Air Pollution and Dispersion Applications.

K. Heinke Schlünzen is professor for meteorology, head of the Mesoscale and Microscale Modelling group at Meteorological Institute, Center for Earth System Research and Sustainability, Universität Hamburg, Germany. She was the vice coordinator for the COST 728 Action on Enhancing Mesoscale Meteorological Modelling for Air Pollution and Dispersion Applications. Since 2016 she has been a member of the review board on Atmospheric Science, Oceanography and Climate Research of the Deutsche Forschungsgemeinschaft (DFG, German Research Foundation).

‘Mesoscale Modelling for Meteorological and Air Pollution Applications’ combines the fundamental and practical aspects of mesoscale air pollution and meteorological modelling. Providing an overview of the fundamental concepts of air pollution and meteorological modelling, including parameterization of key atmospheric processes, the book also considers equally important aspects such as model integration, evaluation concepts, performance evaluation, policy relevance and user training. Based on research topics that are the most relevant to the development, with models for high resolution meteorology and air quality simulations, and also based on the experience of a large number of meteorological services and air pollution modelling research and user groups, mainly from Europe and North America, ‘Mesoscale Modelling for Meteorological and Air Pollution Applications’ encapsulates the basic concepts of numerical modelling of air quality, model structures, operational characteristics and applications of air pollution mesoscale models for research as well as operational tasks.

Table of Contents

Section Title Page Action Price
Cover Cover1
Front Matter i
Half-title iii
Title page v
Copyright information vi
Table of contents vii
List of Illustrations xi
Preface xvii
Acknowledgements xix
List of Abbreviations xxi
List of Contributors xxxiii
Chapter Int-9 1
Chapter One Introduction 1
1.1 Advent of Mesoscale Models for Air Pollution Applications 1
1.2 Growth of Air Pollution Mesoscale Models 2
1.3 Requirements for Air Pollution Applications 3
1.4 Evaluation of Model Performance 4
1.5 Policy Relevance of Mesoscale Models 4
1.6 Scope of the Book 5
Chapter Two Basic Concepts of Mesoscale Modelling for Air Pollution Applications 7
2.1 Introduction 7
2.2 Main Components of an Air Pollution Modelling System 8
2.3 Dynamical and Physical Processes in the Model 9
2.3.1 Parameterization of Meteorological Processes 10
(i) Advection-Diffusion 11
(ii) Convection 12
(iii) Cloud Microphysics 14
(iv) Radiation Schemes 15
(v) Planetary Boundary Layer 17
(vi) Vertical Structure and Turbulence Processes 17
(vii) Turbulent Flux at the Surface 19
2.3.2 Chemistry-Transport Processes 20
(i) Treatment of Atmospheric Chemistry in Mesoscale Models 20
(ii) Transport and Diffusion Algorithms 22
(iii) Aerosols and Clouds 23
(iv) Deposition 25
2.4 Operational Aspects of Mesoscale Air Pollution \nModelling Systems 26
2.4.1 Model Configuration 26
2.4.2 Grid Size and Nesting 27
2.4.3 Data Assimilation Methods 28
2.4.4 Preprocessing of Input Data 30
2.5 Visualization of Atmospheric Data 31
2.6 Examples of Mesoscale Modelling Applications to Air Pollution 31
2.7 Summary 38
Chapter Three Representation of Surface Processes in Mesoscale Models 41
3.1 Parameterizations over Flat and Homogeneous Terrain 41
3.2 Parameterizations over Water 45
3.2.1 Waves 45
3.2.2 Stability Functions over Sea 46
(i) Convective Conditions 46
(ii) Stable Conditions 47
3.2.3 Roughness Length 47
3.2.4 Roughness Length for Heat and Humidity 49
3.2.5 Additional Processes 49
(i) Skin Temperature 49
(ii) Sea Spray 50
3.3 Parameterization of Urban Areas 50
3.3.1 Momentum and Turbulence Production/Destruction 52
3.3.2 Radiation 53
3.3.3 Heat Storage 54
3.3.4 Anthropogenic Heat Flux 55
3.3.5 Sensible and Latent Heat Flux 55
3.4 Forest Parameterization 56
3.4.1 Momentum Flux 57
3.4.2 Sensible and Latent Heat Fluxes 59
3.4.3 Radiative Fluxes 61
3.5 Subgrid-Scale Parameterization and Averaging 62
3.5.1 Model Resolution 62
3.5.2 Reynolds Number Similarity 63
3.5.3 Example on Water-Phase Change 65
3.6 Summary and Model Evaluation Challenges 66
Chapter Four Representation of Boundary-Layer, Radiation, Cloud and Aerosol Processes in Mesoscale Models 69
4.1 Boundary-Layer Parameterizations 69
4.1.1 Boundary-Layer over Homogeneous Terrain 70
4.1.2 Boundary-Layer in Coastal Areas 73
(i) Performance of PBL Parameterizations in Coastal Areas 74
(ii) Urban Effects in Coastal Areas 76
4.2 Radiation Parameterizations 79
4.2.1 Offline and Noninteractive Online Air Quality Models 79
4.2.2 Online Interactive Models 82
4.3 Parameterization of Convection and Clouds 83
4.3.1 Unresolved Precipitating Convection 84
4.3.2 Parameterization of Shallow Non-precipitating Convection 87
4.3.3 Resolved-Scale Clouds (Microphysical Parameterizations) 92
(i) Statistical Cloud Schemes 92
4.4 Parameterization of Aerosol and Gas Forcing on Clouds \nand Radiation 94
4.5 Deposition Processes 95
4.5.1 Dry Deposition 96
4.5.2 Gravitational Settling 98
4.5.3 Material Flux from the Surface Layer to the Ground \nDue to Resistance 99
4.5.4 Wet Deposition 100
4.5.5 Washout 101
4.5.6 Rainout 104
4.5.7 Scavenging by Snow 104
4.6 Summary and Future Challenges 105
Chapter Five Integration and Implementation of Models and Interfaces 107
5.1 Structure of Mesoscale Models 107
5.2 Model Classification 107
5.3 Online and Offline Coupling of Meteorological and Air \nQuality Models: Advantages and Disadvantages 114
5.3.1 One-way Integration (Offline Coupling) 114
5.3.2 Two-way Integration 114
(1) Online coupling 121
(2) Offline coupling 121
5.4 Implementation of Feedback Mechanisms, Direct \nand Indirect Effects of Aerosols 122
5.4.1 Main Feedback Mechanisms 122
One-way integration (offline) 124
Two-way integration 124
5.4.2 Parameterizations Allowing Physics and Chemistry Interactions 124
5.4.3 Overview of Feedbacks Implementation in Online Models 125
5.5 Advanced Interfaces between NWP and ACT Models 130
5.5.1 Introduction to Model Interfaces 130
5.5.2 Application: Offline-coupled Models and Interfaces 132
5.5.3 Interface Functions and Capabilities 133
5.5.4 Interface Problems 134
5.5.5 Interface Effects on Results of AQ Models 136
5.5.6 Advanced Interfaces: Towards Harmonization and Standardization 140
5.5.7 Summary of Interfaces for Mesoscale Modelling 142
5.6 Methods for the Model Down-Scaling and Nesting 143
5.6.1 Introduction to Model Nesting 143
5.6.2 Scale Interaction and Model Nesting from Meso- to Micro-Scales 143
5.6.3 Issues of Macro-Meso-Scale Model Nesting 146
5.6.4 Remarks on Nesting 148
5.7 Data Assimilation Techniques in ACTM Systems 149
5.7.1 Introduction to Data Assimilation 149
5.7.2 Chemical Data Assimilation for Air Quality Modelling Systems 150
(i) Time Frequency for Assimilating Chemical Data into a Chemistry-transport Model 150
(ii) Error and Representativeness Issues 150
(iii) Boundary Conditions 151
(iv) Assimilation Methods 151
(v) Data Needs and Data Availability 152
5.8 Summary and Recommendations 153
5.8.1 Online and Offline Coupling of NWP and ACT Models 154
5.8.2 Implementation of Feedback Mechanisms 155
5.8.3 Advanced Interfaces between NWP and ACTM Models 157
5.8.4 Challenges and Future Directions 158
(i) Scientific Questions to Be Addressed by Online Systems 159
(ii) Implementation Strategies and Milestones 159
(iii) Coordination Plan and Logistics 159
Chapter Six Applications of Mesoscale Models for Air Pollution Research 161
6.1 High PM10 over Germany in Winter 2003: Stable Atmospheric Conditions Due to a High-Pressure System 162
6.1.1 Background 162
6.1.2 Case Study Description 162
6.1.3 Results and Remarks 163
(i) Comparison to Ground-Based Observations of Aerosol Components 164
(ii) Vertical Distribution of Aerosol Components 166
(iii) Influence of Meteorological Parameters on the Model Results 168
6.2 Anthropogenic and Fire-Induced Pollution over Europe \nin Spring 2006 – Stable Atmospheric... 171
6.2.1 Background 171
6.2.2 Case Study Description 172
(i) Participating Models 172
(ii) Fire Emission Outlook 172
(iii) Observations 173
6.2.3 Results and Remarks 174 Outlook and Comparison of the Main Patterns 174 Comparison of Model Predictions with Observations 174
6.3 The Case of Forest Fires in Portugal in 2003 – High \nMaximum Temperatures,... 182
6.3.1 Background 182
6.3.2 Case Study Description 182
6.3.3 Results and Remarks 182
6.4 The Po Valley Complex Terrain Case Study: The Role of \nSurface Wind Speed and Wind Direction 191
6.4.1 Background 191
6.4.2 Case Study Description 191
6.4.3 Results and Remarks 193
6.5 Summary and Areas of Model Improvement 197
Chapter Seven Evaluating the Performance of Mesoscale Meteorology Models Used for Air Quality Simulations 199
7.1 Meteorological Parameters Relevant for Air Quality Modelling 199
7.2 Comparison Data 206
7.3 Model Ensembles for Evaluation 212
7.4 Recommendations for Model Evaluation Guidelines for \nModel Developers and Model Users 215
7.4.1 Objectives of Evaluation 217
7.4.2 Part I: General Evaluation, Scientific Evaluation, \nBenchmark Tests, Evaluation Document 218
7.4.3 Part II: Operational Evaluation 221
7.5 Guidance for End Users and Non-experts to Evaluate Meteorological Model Results 222
7.6 Future Developments in Model Evaluation 224
Chapter Eight Policy Relevance and Support Provided by Mesoscale Models 227
8.1 Policy, Scientific and Regulatory Considerations 227
8.2 Example of an Operational Evaluation 230
8.3 Example of a Dynamic Evaluation 231
8.4 Options and Requirements for Model Evaluation Including \nData Needs and Availability 232
8.5 Policy Application to European Air Quality Legislation 235
8.6 Example of a Power Station Footprint 237
8.7 Urban Pollution Studies and Health 238
8.8 Integrated Assessment Modelling 241
8.9 Example of Mesoscale Modelling for Policy Applications 242
8.10 Mesoscale Modelling of Transcontinental Transport 246
8.11 Targets for Air Pollution for the Year 2050 and Climate Change 246
8.12 Uncertainty and Ensemble Calculations 247
8.13 Summary 249
Chapter Nine User Training for Mesoscale Modelling Applications to Air Pollution 251
9.1 Introduction: Why Is User Training Important? 251
9.2 Objectives of Training 252
9.2.1 Trainees in Focus 252
(i) Users of Model Output 252
(ii) Users of Mesoscale Models 253
(iii) Developers of Mesoscale Models 253
9.2.2 Model Applications for Which Training Is Required 254
9.3 Approaches to Current Training 254
9.3.1 Status of User Training 254
9.3.2 Scope of Existing Training 254
9.3.3 Target Audience 255
9.3.4 Objectives of Existing Training Courses 255
9.3.5 Requisite Knowledge for Existing Training Courses 255
9.3.6 Contents of Existing Training Courses 256
9.3.7 Format of Existing Training Courses and Teaching Methods 256
9.3.8 Final Remarks on Provisions of User Training 257
9.4 Guidelines for Mesoscale Model Training 257
9.4.1 Model Aspects Relevant for Users of Model Output 257
(i) Objectives of the Training of Output Users 257
(ii) Content of the Training of Output Users 258
9.4.2 Model Aspects Relevant for Model Users 260
9.4.3 Model Aspects Relevant for Model Developers 263
9.5 Specific Examples of Mesoscale Model Training Courses 266
9.5.1 Developer and Modeller, University Course: METRAS 267
9.5.2 Developer and Modeller, Community Course: Enviro-HIRLAM 267
9.5.3 Output User, Model User and Developer Course: \nWMO GURME Project 269
9.5.4 Developer and Modeller, Community Interaction Worldwide 270
9.6 Future Developments: Next-Generation Training Methods 270
9.6.1 E-learning 270
9.6.2 Blended Learning 271
9.6.3 Serious Gaming 272
9.6.4 3D and 4D Visualization Tools 272
End Matter 273
References 273
Index 325