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Can I Tell You About Being a Young Carer?

Can I Tell You About Being a Young Carer?

Jo Aldridge | Jack Aldridge Deacon



This illustrated book is an introduction to life as a young carer. Follow Carly as we learn what responsibilities she has in the home why she cares for her mum, her worries and concerns, as well as all the positive aspects of being a carer. Carly's story raises awareness about the needs of young carers for children, families and professionals.

Table of Contents

Section Title Page Action Price
Can I Tell You About…Being a young carer? 3
Contents 5
Acknowledgments 7
Introduction 8
Introducing Carly who is a young carer 11
The kinds of things I do as a young carer 15
Why do I care for my mum? 19
How does caring make me feel? 21
What are my worries and concerns as a young carer? 25
How does caring affect my relationships? 29
Caring can be good 33
What can I do to help myself? 37
What can others do to help me? 41
Useful resources, organisations and websites 45
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