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Energy Storage Options and Their Environmental Impact

Energy Storage Options and Their Environmental Impact

R E Hester | R M Harrison



Recent decades have seen huge growth in the renewable energy sector, spurred on by concerns about climate change and dwindling supplies of fossil fuels. One of the major difficulties raised by an increasing reliance on renewable resources is the inflexibility when it comes to controlling supply in response to demand. For example, solar energy can only be produced during the day. The development of methods for storing the energy produced by renewable sources is therefore crucial to the continued stability of global energy supplies.

However, as with all new technology, it is important to consider the environmental impacts as well as the benefits. This book brings together authors from a variety of different backgrounds to explore the state-of-the-art of large-scale energy storage and examine the environmental impacts of the main categories based on the types of energy stored.

A valuable resource, not just for those working and researching in the renewable energy sector, but also for policymakers around the world.

Table of Contents

Section Title Page Action Price
Cover Cover
Preface v
Contents ix
Editors xv
List of Contributors xvii
Energy Sources and Supply Grids – The Growing Need for Storage 1
1 Introduction 2
2 Energy Sources 3
2.1 Generation of Electricity from Combustion of Fossil Fuels 3
2.2 Nuclear Power 7
2.3 Renewables: Solar, Wind, Wave, Tidal and Hydro 9
2.4 Geothermal, Combined Heat and Power, Biomass Combustion and Waste Incineration 13
3 Operation of Electricity Networks 16
3.1 Transmission Network 18
3.2 Distribution Network 19
3.3 Distributed Generation 19
3.4 Mini Grids 20
4 Stabilisation of the Electricity Grid 23
4.1 System Support Services 23
4.2 Impact of Renewables on Operation of Electricity Grid 25
4.3 Corrective Measures for Mitigating RoCoF 27
4.4 Demand-side Solutions and Smart Grids 28
4.5 Need for Energy Storage 30
5 Electric Vehicles and the Electricity Grids 31
5.1 Slow Charging 33
5.2 Fast Charging 33
5.3 End-of-life Usage 35
5.4 Implications of Connecting Electric Vehicles to the Electricity Grid 35
6 Conclusion 36
References 38
Mechanical Systems for Energy Storage – Scale and Environmental Issues. Pumped Hydroelectric and Compressed Air Energy Storage 42
1 Introduction 42
2 Pumped Hydroelectric Storage - Introduction to the Technology, Geology and Environmental Aspects 45
2.1 Efficiencies and Economics 49
2.2 UK Deployment of PHS 51
2.3 Environmental and Regulatory Factors in PHS 53
3 Compressed Air Energy Storage - Introduction to the Technologies, Geology and Environmental Aspects 65
3.1 Applications of CAES 69
3.2 CAES Configurations - DCAES, ACAES/AACAES, ICAES 69
3.3 Geological Storage Options 73
3.4 Operational Modes of CAES ‘Reservoirs' 78
3.5 UK Potential for Deployment of CAES 80
3.6 Planning and Regulatory Environment for CAES 81
3.7 Environmental Performance, Emissions, Sustainability and Economics of CAES Systems 85
3.8 Safety Record of CAES and Some Potential Risks (Human and Environmental) 97
Acknowledgments 98
References 98
Electrochemical Energy Storage 115
1 Introduction 116
1.1 Electrolytic and Voltaic Cells 116
1.2 Batteries, Fuel Cells and Flow Batteries 117
2 Lead-Acid Batteries 118
2.1 Fundamental Aspects of Lead-Acid Batteries 119
2.2 Electrodes 121
2.3 Cell Designs 122
2.4 Cycle Depth 124
2.5 Environmental Aspects 124
3 Lithium and Lithium-ion Batteries 125
3.1 Basic Theory, Structure and Operation 125
3.2 Materials 127
3.3 Electrolytes 127
3.4 Separators 129
3.5 Sustainability of Lithium-ion Batteries 129
4 Other Battery Chemistries 130
4.1 Sodium-Sulfur Batteries 130
4.2 Nickel-Metal Hydride Batteries 131
5 Fuel Cells 131
5.1 Low-temperature Fuel Cells 132
5.2 High-temperature Fuel Cells 135
5.3 Fuel Cells for Energy Storage 136
5.4 Environmental Issues with Hydrogen Production and Distribution 137
6 Flow Batteries 138
6.1 Traditional Redox Flow Batteries: The All-vanadium Flow Battery 139
6.2 Hybrid Flow Batteries: The Zinc-Bromine Flow Battery 141
6.3 Slurry Flow Batteries: The All-iron Flow Battery 141
6.4 Other Flow Battery Systems 142
7 Summary and Conclusions 142
References 144
Electrical Storage 150
1 Introduction 150
2 Supercapacitor and Supercapattery 151
2.1 Basics of Energy Storage Devices 151
2.2 Pseudobattery-type Electrode Materials 156
2.3 Supercapattery Performance 163
2.4 Prospects and Future 165
3 Superconducting Magnetic Energy Storage (SMES) 166
3.1 Basic Aspects of SMES 166
3.2 State-of-the-Art, Trends and Challenges for SMES 167
4 Flywheels, Flywheel Batteries and Synchronous Condensers 169
4.1 Fundamental Theory of Mechanical Energy Storage 169
4.2 Basic Aspects of Flywheels 171
4.3 Basic Aspects of Synchronous Motors, Generators and Condensers 175
4.4 Current Trends and Challenges for Flywheels 177
References 179
Photochemical Energy Storage 184
1 Introduction 184
2 Classes of Solar Fuels and Feedstocks 186
2.1 Sustainable H2 Production 188
2.2 Sustainable Carbon Fuels Through CO2 Reduction 189
3 Reaction Enhancement and Selectivity by Catalysis 192
4 Current Status of Light-driven Fuel Production 194
4.1 PV-driven Electrolysis of Water to Generate H2 194
4.2 PV-driven Electrolysis for CO2 Reduction 196
4.3 Photochemical and Photoelectrochemical Cells 198
5 Summary and Conclusions 204
References 204
Thermal and Thermochemical Storage 210
1 Introduction 210
2 Latent Heat Storage 211
2.1 Principle of LHS 211
2.2 Materials for LHS 212
2.3 Encapsulation and Composite Technology for LHS 212
2.4 Heat Exchangers for LHS 215
2.5 Applications of LHS 216
3 Thermochemical Energy Storage 219
3.1 Principle of TCES 219
3.2 Variety of TCES 222
3.3 Material and Reactor Technologies for TCES 223
3.4 Applications of TCES 225
3.5 Challenges and Barriers to Implementation 226
References 226
Smart Energy Systems 228
1 Smart Energy Systems 229
1.1 General Objectives 229
1.2 Reducing the Need for Fuels 230
1.3 Smart Electric, Thermal and Gas Grids 232
1.4 Coupling of Energy Sectors 233
2 Potential of Smart Energy Systems and Sector Coupling 236
2.1 IDA Energy Vision 2050 236
2.2 Smart Energy Europe 238
2.3 The Energy System Analysis Tool EnergyPLAN 240
3 The Need for Storage in a Smart Energy Systems Perspective 241
3.1 Assessment of Storage Needs: A Function of the Demands 241
3.2 Comparison of Costs for Different Storage Types 242
4 The Relevance of Storage in a Smart Energy System 247
4.1 Renewable Fuels 247
4.2 Large-scale Hydroelectric Storage 250
4.3 Local Electric Storage in Electric Vehicles 252
4.4 Thermal Storage 253
5 Conclusion 255
References 257
Life-cycle Analysis for Assessing Environmental Impact 261
1 Introduction to Life-cycle Assessment 262
2 Life-cycle Assessment of Energy Storage Systems 263
3 Selection of Impact Indicators 264
4 Case Study 1: Life-cycle Assessment of Pumped Hydroelectric Storage and Battery Storage 267
4.1 Goal and Scope 267
4.2 Description of Compared Systems and Functional Equivalency 268
4.3 Underlying Data 269
4.4 Results 271
4.5 Sensitivity Analysis 273
4.6 Discussion 274
5 Case Study 2: Life-cycle Assessment of Different Lithium-ion Battery Chemistries for a Small-scale Energy System 276
5.1 Goal and Scope 276
5.2 Underlying Data 277
5.3 Results 280
5.4 Discussion 285
6 Case Study 3: Life-cycle Assessment of Energy Scenarios with Various Uses of Heat and Battery Storage for a Small-scale Energy System 286
6.1 Goal and Scope 286
6.2 Description of Compared Systems and Functional Equivalency 287
6.3 Underlying Data 288
6.4 Results 288
6.5 Discussion 290
7 Conclusion 291
Abbreviations 292
Acknowledgments 292
References 293
Business Opportunities and the Regulatory Framework 296
1 Introduction 297
2 Economic Value of Storage 301
2.1 Matching Technologies to Applications 301
2.2 Merit Order of Alternative Storage Options 305
2.3 Location and Energy Density of Storage Units 307
2.4 Optimal Sizing of Storage Units 308
2.5 Economic Impact of Aging of Batteries 309
2.6 Prosumer Concept 309
2.7 Energy Cloud Concepts 310
3 Value Creation for Business Models 310
3.1 Subsidies and Tariff Schemes 310
3.2 Economic Value from Energy (Self-) Supply 311
3.3 Economic Value from Ancillary Services 312
3.4 Economic Value from Arbitrage 314
3.5 Virtual Power Plants (VPPs) with Storage 316
4 Regulatory Considerations 319
5 Conclusion 320
References 320
Subject Index 327