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Losses in Water Distribution Networks

Losses in Water Distribution Networks

M. Farley | Stuart Trow


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Book Details


This is a best practice manual for addressing water losses in water distribution networks worldwide. Systems and methodologies are presented for improving water loss and leakage management in a range of networks, from systems with a well-developed infrastructure to those in developing countries where the network may need to be upgraded. The key feature of the manual is a diagnostic approach to develop a water loss strategy - using the appropriate tools to find the right solutions - which can be applied to any network. The methods of assessing the scale and volume of water loss are outlined, together with the procedures for setting up leakage monitoring and detection systems. As well as real losses (leakage) procedures for addressing apparent losses, by introducing regulatory and customer metering policies are explained. Suggestions are made for demand management and water conservation programmes, to complement the water loss strategy. Recommendations are made for training workshops and operation and maintenance programmes to ensure skills transfer and sustainability. The manual is illustrated throughout with case studies. Losses in Water Distribution Networks will appeal to a wide range of practitioners responsible for designing and managing a water loss strategy. These include consultants, operations managers, engineers, technicians and operational staff. It will also be a valuable reference for senior managers and decision makers, who may require an overview of the principles and procedures for controlling losses. The book will also be suitable as a source document for courses in Water Engineering, Resource Management and Environmental Management.

Table of Contents

Section Title Page Action Price
Losses in Water Distribution Networks ii
Contents vi
Preface x
The authors xii
Acknowledgements xiv
1 Introduction 1
1.1 Understanding the network 1
1.2 A strategy for water loss 2
2 Assessing losses 6
2.1 Defining water loss and leakage 6
2.2 Comparisons of water losses 8
2.3 Experience of the UK water industry 8
2.4 Water balance – UK methodology 10
2.5 The IWA international standard 10
2.6 An example water balance calculation 18
2.7 Measuring or estimating the components of water balance 20
2.8 Techniques for reviewing the network operating practices 24
2.9 Techniques for quantifying leakage 25
3 International comparisons 35
3.1 Performance indicators and target setting 35
3.2 The IWA performance measures structure 36
3.3 Non-revenue water: financial performance indicators 36
3.4 Apparent losses 39
3.5 Real losses 39
3.6 Performance indicators in England and Wales 45
4 Developing a strategy 48
4.1 Introduction 48
4.2 Economics of water loss 50
4.3 Economic level of leakage 54
4.4 Setting targets for leakage 59
4.5 The impact of regulation on the water industry 61
4.6 A practical approach 62
4.7 Computer models to assess lossess 70
4.8 Designing and introducing a strategy 78
5 Upgrading the network 82
5.1 Introduction 82
5.2 The zoning concept 82
5.3 Flow metering 84
5.4 Zonal metering 86
5.5 Network records and recording systems 90
5.6 Surveying the network 91
5.7 Pilot study areas 92
5.8 Mains renewal and rehabilitation to reduce leakage 95
6 Leakage monitoring and control 100
6.1 Criteria and choice of methodology 100
6.2 Sectorisation and zonal monitoring 102
6.3 Leak detection and location in DMAs 109
6.4 Leak detection policies and procedures 122
6.5 Choice of leak detection technique 124
6.6 Types of contract 130
6.7 Management of leakage detection operations 134
6.8 Repair techniques 137
6.9 Leak detection in networks with intermittent supply 140
7 Pressure management 145
7.1 Introduction 145
7.2 Benefits of pressure management 146
7.3 Potential problems 151
7.4 The relative importance of pressure management 151
7.5 Pressure/leakage relationships 152
7.6 Economics and cost–benefit analysis 155
7.7 Policy issues 158
7.8 Design of pressure management schemes 160
7.9 Operation of PRVs 165
7.10 Flow modulation 171
7.11 Factors restricting the scope for pressure reduction 173
7.12 Cavitation 174
7.13 PRV installation 176
7.14 Predicting a pressure-managed regime 179
7.15 Hour to day factors 180
8 Changing policies 183
8.1 Customer demand 184
8.2 Options for meeting increasing demand 185
8.3 Demand management policies 187
8.4 Customer metering 192
8.5 Case studies 193
9 Ensuring sustainability 206
9.1 Staffing levels 207
9.2 Education and training 209
9.3 Operation and maintenance 214
9.4 Assessing and monitoring performance 216
Case study 1: An evaluation of the water distribution system for system losses in Sarina Shire Council, Australia 221
Case study 2: Leakage control in southern Europe (Italy) 233
Case Study 3: Leakage control and unaccounted-for water analysis – Water Works Corporation, Malta 241
Appendix A: Potential savings from leakage management 254
Appendix B: Meter installation design and schedule of materials for a zone/DMA meter 257
Appendix C: Network records 259
Appendix D: Conducting a water use audit 265
Appendix E: Example training programmes 270
Index 273