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Yoga Therapy for Arthritis

Yoga Therapy for Arthritis

Dr Steffany Moonaz | Erin Byron | Dr. Clifton O Bingham III, MD



Yoga therapy is commonly used for the management of arthritis, but often focusses exclusively on adaptation of the physical poses and on structural solutions. This book moves beyond the traditional routines to present yoga as a lifestyle designed to improve quality of life and overall well-being for individuals living with arthritis and rheumatic conditions. By incorporating the ancient practices of yoga as both physical and mental exercises involving a model of 5-koshas or sheaths (physical, energetic, mental/emotional, wisdom, and spiritual), the yoga therapy practice presented here will help reduce pain and shift the perspective of the individual living with arthritis.

This therapy uses a whole-person approach that employs a broad range of tools to address the biopsychosocial effects of arthritis through the application of yoga practices and philosophy. Useful as a guide for people living with arthritis, this book is full of inspiration for self care along with instructions for yoga teachers and medical professionals to guide their clients using this whole-person perspective.

Table of Contents

Section Title Page Action Price
Foreword by Dr. Clifton O. Bingham III, MD 11
Acknowledgements 15
Introduction 21
Activity List 32
Part I. Living with Arthritis 35
Chapter 1. What Is Yoga Therapy for Arthritis? 37
Chapter 2. Arthritis Is a Whole‑Person Disease 59
Chapter 3. Yoga Is a Whole‑Person Practice 74
Chapter 4. Yoga, the Physical Body, and Arthritis (Annamaya Kosha) 89
Chapter 5. The Energy Layer (Pranamaya Kosha) 104
Part II. Thriving with Arthritis 121
Chapter 6. Arthritis and Energy Levels 122
Chapter 7. Pain in the Brain (Manomaya Kosha) 138
Chapter 8. Arthritis and a Healthy Mind 155
Chapter 9. Wisdom and Perspectives on Arthritis (Vijanamaya Kosha) 171
Chapter 10. Spirituality in Arthritis (Anandamaya Kosha) 186
Part III. Yoga Therapy Practices for Arthritis 207
Chapter 11. Yoga Therapy at Home 209
Chapter 12. Sequences for Specific Intentions 228
Chapter 13. Where to Go from Here 249
Appendix: Adapting and Modifying Postures 271
Resources 318
Endnotes 321
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