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Men in Early Years Settings

Men in Early Years Settings

David Wright | Simon Brownhill


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Book Details


This book explores the role of male professionals in early years settings and provides guidance for early years practitioners, managers and policy makers on building a more mixed-gender workforce by successfully attracting, recruiting, retaining and developing men in their teams.

Men make up less than 2% of the early years workforce in England. This book considers the reasons for the current situation, asks whether there is a case for change and suggests ways of achieving a more mixed-gender early years workforce. The voices of male and female practitioners, providers and parents help to illustrate the barriers to men entering and successfully working in the sector, whilst also suggesting ways these barriers can be broken down.

Table of Contents

Section Title Page Action Price
Acknowledgements 6
Contents 7
Glossary/Abbreviations 9
Introduction 11
Chapter 1 - Men in the Early Years – Where Are We At? 21
Chapter 2- Reasons for the 2%ers 48
Chapter 3 - What is it Like for Men Working in the Early Years? 74
Chapter 4 - Do We Need Men? Do They Make a Difference? 99
Chapter 5 - Exploring the Perceived Benefits of a Mixed Gender Early Years Workforce 125
Chapter 6 - Building and Normalising a Mixed Gender Culture 150
Chapter 7 - A Call To Action! 175
Chapter 8 - Resources 204
Concluding comments 219
About the Authors 225
Subject Index 227
Author Index 231
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