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Suicide Prevention Techniques

Suicide Prevention Techniques

Joy Hibbins


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An unprecedented insight into the approach used by the innovative Suicide Crisis charity, a crisis centre that has so far achieved a zero suicide rate amongst their clients. This book explains their ethos, how they work and the ways in which their services operate.

The idea for the service grew out of the author's own lived experience of suicidal crisis, and her inability to find the right kind of help. This experience provides an understanding and awareness of what suicidal clients go through and the kind of help they require, and the success rate of the charity proves that the techniques used are effective. Covering relationship-building, providing intensive support, achieving a balance between protecting clients and giving them control, engaging high-risk men least likely to seek help, assessing risk accurately and more, this groundbreaking approach provides what is needed to save lives of people in suicidal crisis.

The author's royalties for this book are being donated to the charity Suicide Crisis.

Table of Contents

Section Title Page Action Price
Contents 7
Introduction to the Author 10
Chapter 1 - Lived Experience: How it Impacts on our Services 11
Chapter 2 - The Relationship with Clients 15
Building a strong connection with clients 15
Creating an enduring connection 21
Recognising the experience of the individual 26
Providing individualised care 27
Celebrating unique individuals 32
Communicating care non-verbally 35
Connecting with the families of people at risk 36
Chapter 3 - The Safety Net 41
Chapter 4 - How to Balance Protecting Clients with Giving them Control 53
‘It’s your decision’ 53
Being in control 59
Chapter 5 - Responding Effectively to Clients in Severe Distress 67
Post-traumatic responses, distress and fear: supporting clients effectively 67
Responding to clients expressing intense anger 74
Chapter 6 - Assessing Risk Accurately 79
Formal training in assessing risk 79
Knowledge of the client 82
Chapter 7 - Men and Suicide 93
Chapter 8 - The Team 105
Team members: personal qualities, skills and training 105
Support staff and their vital role in helping to save lives 110
Changing the power balance between clinician and service user 111
Chapter 9 - Working with other Services 117
The barriers 117
Working in partnership 123
Chapter 10 - The Future 131
Zero suicide: a helpful term or a hindrance? 131
New crisis services 136
References 143
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