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International Perspectives on Reminiscence, Life Review and Life Story Work

International Perspectives on Reminiscence, Life Review and Life Story Work

Faith Gibson | Barbara Haight | Thomas W. Pierce | Ann N. Elliott | Bob Woods | Peter G. Coleman | Christine Ivani-Chalian | Maureen Robinson | Robyn Fivush | Jordan Booker | TsuAnn Kuo | Elizabeth MacKinlay | Emily Mroz | Susan Bluck | Cheryl Svensson | Brian de Vries | Jeffrey D. Webster | Christine Bryden | Philippe Cappeliez | Kate de Medeiros | Sara Stemen | Marian Ferguson | Geraldine Gallagher | Pam Schweitzer | Juliette Shellman | Julia McNeil | Gerben J. Westerhof | Mary O'Brien Tyrrell | Assumpta A. Ryan | Loriena Yancura | Esther Gieschen


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Book Details


Examining recent research and practice on reminiscence, life review and life story work, this book offers critical accounts of the rapidly growing and extensive global literature, and highlights the continuing relevance and effectiveness of these therapeutic methods.

The book includes examples of international practical projects, involving people of all ages, life circumstances, and levels of physical and cognitive functioning. Contributions from contemporary practitioners and researchers give a nuanced appraisal of the methods of engagement and creativity arising from the purposeful recall of our personal pasts. Chapters include reviews of technology, ethical issues including end of life care, working with people with mental health conditions, and working with people with dementia.

Table of Contents

Section Title Page Action Price
International Perspectives on Reminiscence, Life Review and Life Story Work, edited by Faith Gibson 3
Foreword by Barbara Haight 11
Acknowledgements 14
Part 1: Recent and Contemporary Research 15
1. Introduction by Faith Gibson 17
2. Recent Progress in Reminiscence Research by Thomas W. Pierce and Ann N. Elliott 38
3. Reminiscence Work with People with Dementia: Making Sense of the Evidence Base by Bob Woods 60
Part 2: Age and Cultural Variations and Applications 85
4. Reminiscence and Life Review in Later Life: The Southampton Longitudinal Study by Peter G. Coleman, Christine Ivani-Chalian and Maureen Robinson 86
5. Developmental Foundations of Lifelong Reminiscing by Robyn Fivush and Jordan A. Booker 109
6. Reminiscence and Life Review Work in Taiwan by TsuAnn Kuo 125
7. Spiritual Reminiscence in Later Life by Elizabeth MacKinlay 145
8. The Loss of a Loved One: Remembering the Life and the Dying Days by Emily L. Mroz and Susan Bluck 162
9. Guided Autobiography: Scope, Implementation and International Applications by Cheryl Svensson and Brian de Vries 180
10. Reminiscence, Narrative and the Presence of Meaning in Life by Jeffrey Dean Webster 200
Part 3: Implications of Reminiscence, Life Review and Life Story Work for Health and Wellbeing 211
11. The Narrative Self in the Lived Experience of Dementia by Christine Bryden 212
12. Self Reminiscences of Clinically Depressed Older Adults and the Tripartite Functional Model Revisited by Philippe Cappeliez 225
13. Reminiscence, Self and Meaningful Connections: A Case Example of Bill by Kate de Medeiros and Sara Stemen 244
15. Reminiscence Arts: Creative Exploration of the Past in the Present by Pam Schweitzer 281
16. The Structured Life Review by Juliette Shellman and Julia McNeil 304
17. Life Review: Lifespan Development, Meaning Processes and Interventions by Gerben J. Westerhof 312
Part 4: Technology in Reminiscence Practice, Training and Development 327
18. Memoir Writing: The Challenge of Leaving a Legacy by Mary O'Brien Tyrrell 328
19. The Contribution of Information Technology to Reminiscence, Life Review and Life Story Work: The Perspective of People Living with Dementia and their Families by Assumpta Ryan 341
20. Increasing the Use of Reminiscence and Life Review: Experiences with the Development, Implementation, and Evaluation of an Online International Certificate Course by Juliette Shellman, Loriena Yancura and Esther Gieschen 359
21. Afterword by Faith Gibson 372
References 381
List of Contributors 417
Subject Index 423
Author Index 429
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