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Sunbathing in the Rain

Sunbathing in the Rain

Gwyneth Lewis


Additional Information


Sunbathing in the Rain is undoubtedly the best book I have ever read about one person's experience of depression.'

- Dorothy Rowe, author of Breaking the Bonds

'This upbeat, very readable and engaging view of depression as a temporary retrenchment, a breathing space in which to adjust better to life, makes encouraging reading.'

- Spectator

'Gwyneth Lewis writes with clarity, beauty and metaphorical precision. She conveys the darkness, the silence, the selfishness, the mental clutter of depression brilliantly.'

- Simon Hattenstone, Guardian

'Welsh poet Gwyneth Lewis shares her personal story of wrestling with clinical depression and describes what she learned along the way about coping with the disease. The text is aimed primarily at those who are currently depressed and are struggling to recover. The emphasis throughout is on the healing power of self-acceptance and truth-telling. This is a reprint of a book first published in London by Flamingo in 2002.'


This might well be the Age of Depression. More people than ever now experience the disease directly or see a friend or relative succumb to it. Among their number is Gwyneth Lewis. And she set about writing this book simply because she wished something like it had existed for her when she was in the middle of her depression.

Depression is assassination. The depressive is both victim and detective - charged with tracking down the perpetrator of his or her own murder. By drawing on her own experience of struggling with the affliction, by highlighting ways of coping, ways of truth-telling, and ways of thriving, in a straightforward, robust fashion full of casual wisdom and easy wit, Gwyneth re-embarks on a journey that nearly killed her first time round and returns with this, perhaps the first truly undogmatic, undemanding, downright useful book about depression.

Gwyneth Lewis was appointed Wales' first National Poet in 2005. She has published six books of poetry in Welsh and English, as well as four libretti for the Welsh National Opera. She is a Fellow of the Royal Society of Literature, a member of the Welsh Academy and a NESTA Fellow. She spent three years in the US as a Harkness Fellow.

Sunbathing in the Rain is undoubtedly the best book I have ever read about one person's experience of depression.' --Dorothy Rowe, author of Breaking the Bonds

'This upbeat, very readable and engaging view of depression as a temporary retrenchment, a breathing space in which to adjust better to life, makes encouraging reading.' --Spectator

'Gwyneth Lewis writes with clarity, beauty and metaphorical precision. She conveys the darkness, the silence, the selfishness, the mental clutter of depression brilliantly.

Simon Hattenstone, Guardian
Welsh poet Gwyneth Lewis shares her personal story of wrestling with clinical depression and describes what she learned along the way about coping with the disease. The text is aimed primarily at those who are currently depressed and are struggling to recover. The emphasis throughout is on the healing power of self-acceptance and truth-telling. This is a reprint of a book first published in London by Flamingo in 2002.

Table of Contents

Section Title Page Action Price
Sunbathing in the Rain: A Cheerful Book About Depression 5
Introduction 13
1 Day for Night 21
2 Previous Convictions 43
3 Basic Investigative Guidelines 63
4 My Life as a Ghost 75
5 Portrait of a Missing Person 95
6 A Resurrection 107
7 Identifying the Body 125
8 The Alibi that Wouldn’t Let Go 135
9 Learning to Fall 145
10 A ReliableWitness 163
11 Dos in Depression 175
12 Burying the Dead 191
PS: Ideas, Interviews and Features… 207