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Holocaust Escapees and Global Development

Holocaust Escapees and Global Development

David Simon



The thousands uprooted and displaced by the Holocaust had a profound cultural impact on the countries in which they sought refuge, with numerous Holocaust escapees attaining prominence as scientists, writers, filmmakers and artists. But what is less well known is the way in which this refugee diaspora shaped the scholarly culture of their new-found homes and international policy. In this unique work, David Simon explores the pioneering role played by mostly Jewish refugee scholars in the creation of development studies and practice following the Second World War, and what we can learn about the discipline by examining the social and intellectual history of its early practitioners.

Through in-depth interviews with key figures and their relatives, Simon considers how the escapees' experiences impacted their scholarship, showing how they played a key role in shaping their belief that ‘development’ really did hold the potential to make a better world, free from the horrors of war, genocide and discrimination they had experienced under Nazi rule. In the process, he casts valuable new light on the origins and evolution of development studies, policy and practice from this formative postwar period to the present.

David Simon is Director of Mistra Urban Futures, Gothenburg, and Professor of Development Geography at Royal Holloway, University of London. His previous books include Rethinking Sustainable Cities (2016) and the co-edited collection Fifty Key Thinkers on Development (2008).

‘A fascinating and important book about the extraordinary contributions to global development by those who escaped the Holocaust. The lessons of these remarkable people are of deep and enduring value.’
Nicholas Stern, LSE, and former Chief Economist for the World Bank

‘Tells the remarkable story of a group of holocaust survivors and escapees who were among the most influential thinkers in the nascent field of development studies. The book consecrates its author as one of the leading chroniclers of the history of development.’
Arturo Escobar, University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill

‘A genuinely insightful and moving book which shows just how profoundly the study of international development was shaped by the political and personal biographies of Jewish refugees from tyranny. A necessary and outstanding volume.’
Stuart Corbridge, Durham University

‘A superb book exploring its subject with delicacy and depth. It adds to the social history of Holocaust escapees, and provides intriguing intellectual biographies of people who have had an enduring influence on development studies.’
Christopher Cramer, SOAS University of London

‘A profoundly human account of the relationships between the personal lifeways of Holocaust escapees and their contributions to development thought. A fascinating book to be read with pain, pleasure, emotion and reflexivity.’
Anthony Bebbington, Clark University

‘In honouring the remarkable though neglected contribution of Jewish refugees to the emergence of development studies, Simon has written a unique, moving and thought provoking book that will richly inform current critical thinking across the discipline.’
Uma Kothari, University of Manchester

‘Reveals new insights into the ideas and lives of key development thinkers who escaped the holocaust. By revealing the often hidden context to their ideas Simon greatly enriches our understanding of the evolution of development studies.’
Cristóbal Kay, author of Latin American Theories of Development and Underdevelopment

‘Simon has undertaken a novel and also an unusual quest, one which sheds new light on the genius and creativity that the Nazis set out to destroy by the Holocaust.’
Reinhart Kössler, Arnold-Bergstraesser-Institut, Freiburg

‘Simon pieces together a puzzle of history: Why were so many of the pioneer scholars in development escapees from the Nazis? In this fascinating book, he tells the story of how these scholars helped to define a field.’
Jonathan Rigg, National University of Singapore

Table of Contents

Section Title Page Action Price
Cover Cover
Praise for the Book i
About the Author ii
Title iii
Copyright iv
Dedication v
Contents vii
Abbreviations and Acronyms xi
Acknowledgements xiii
To Hell and Back xv
1. Introduction 1
Origins, Originality and Intellectual Context 1
Boundaries and Definitions 13
Key Characteristics of the Sample 18
The Research and Analysis Process 21
Structure of the Book 24
Postscript 26
2. European Childhoods, Nazi Rule and Escape 27
Adult Émigrés during the Nazi Era (1933 Onwards) 28
Teenage and Child Émigrés during the Nazi Era (1933 Onwards) 52
Austrian Experiences 53
Childhood in Hitler’s Germany 61
Eastern European Childhoods 64
Young Children Growing Up in the Netherlands 68
Discussion 69
3. Surviving the War in the UK 71
Ambiguities and Ambivalences: The Reception of Refugees in the UK 73
Refugees and Refugee Organisations 77
Inhospitable Hospitality: Internment of ‘Enemy Aliens’ 1940–41 83
Making the Best of Hard Times in ‘Civvy Street’ 97
Military Service 104
Reflections 107
4. Wartime Tracks in Europe and North America 109
Alexander Gerschenkron: An Unlikely Shipbuilder and Wartime Advisor 110
Hirschman’s War: Military Service, Resistance Work, Escape, University Research and a Different Army 111
Theodor Bergmann 113
Shlomo Reutlinger: A Teenager Dodging the Nazis and Escaping to Palestine 114
Youthful Transits through Europe to the USA 117
The Netherlands: Occupation and After 120
Reflections 136
5. Adult Escapees: Rebuilding Lives, (Re)Shaping Careers 138
Involvement in Landmark Postwar Development Programmes and Institution Building 140
Nationalised Industry Economic Advisor and Cross-cultural Explorer 151
Academic Careers Blended with Consultancy and Official Advisory Work 156
The Activist Academic: Theodor Bergmann 177
The Archetypical Academic: Alexander Gerschenkron 180
Conclusions 182
6. The Younger Generation: Postwar Education and Careers in Higher Education 185
Higher Education in the UK as Prelude to Academic Careers 186
US Education and University Careers 198
Reflections 220
7. The Younger Generation: International Agency Staff and Influential Consultants 222
Shlomo Reutlinger 223
Michael Cernea 229
Ernie Stern 240
John Friedmann 247
Gerry Helleiner 252
Conclusions 260
8. Conclusions: Interpreting the Mosaic 262
The Role of Nazi-Era and Holocaust Experiences in Shaping Personalities and Careers 265
Legacies of War: The Effect of Immediate Postwar Engagements in Reconstruction and Development 273
The Role of Holocaust Experiences in Career Choices 275
Contributions of this Study 281
Epilogue 284
Appendix: Biographical Sketches of People Excluded from the Study by Virtue of the Threshold Conditions 286
Pre-Nazi Emigrants 286
Children of Pre-Nazi Emigrants or Escapees/Survivors 289
Notes 291
References 296
Index 315