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Alexis Quinn



Alexis Quinn has always known she was different. Academically and athletically gifted, she soared through her years in education but failed to socialise adequately with her peers. Somehow, social norms just passed her by. But her difference had always been her strength, until the birth of her child and the death of her brother, Josh; then her difference became her downfall.

Unable to deal with the reality of what happened with Josh, Alexis was detained under the mental health act against her will. She found herself struggling for years, with diagnosis after diagnosis landing on her shoulders. Told repeatedly by doctors that she was dangerous, Alexis tried to become the person the system wanted her to be: someone normal. But it seemed that normal was always just out of reach.

As time went by, she realised that the care she thought was going to help her might just be the very thing that would destroy her.

Raw and honest, Unbroken tells the story of a strong woman learning how to live beyond diagnosis.

Trigger are proud to announce Theinspirationalseries partner to their innovative Pullingthetrigger range. Theinspirationalseries promotes the idea that mental illness should be talked about freely and without fear. Find out more at

"Alexis’ description of her experiences left me breathless. She truly captures the Kafkaesque horror of being an autistic person trapped in a mental health system that doesn’t understand our needs. This is an important book which demands to be widely read." - Katherine May, author of The Electricity of Every Living Thing and award-winning autism awareness blogger

"Alexis offers us such a painful and raw account of being abused by a system, and shares her hope that she might, one day, use her voice and story to help others. That box is well and truly ticked! What a survivor. What a warrior!" - Jo Watson, psychotherapist and founder of Drop the Disorder