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The Simple Guide to Understanding Shame in Children

The Simple Guide to Understanding Shame in Children

Betsy de Thierry | Emma Reeves



· What is shame?
· How does it affect children?
· How can adults help?

The perfect starting point for any adult or carer working with children who have experienced shame, this guide provides straightforward answers and explanations to both common and complex questions.

At a time when children are more likely than ever to experience shame, the accessible advice in this book helps adults to boost children's self-esteem. Betsy de Thierry navigates the need to understand its impact and the reasons behind it, as well as how to reduce its hold on self-confidence. Reassuring advice will also help revitalize adults' abilities to face the challenges of supporting children affected by shame. It will teach them how to restore self-esteem.

Betsy de Thierry is a mum of four brilliant boys, a practising psychotherapist, a qualified primary school teacher, and founder of two organisations that offer therapy and therapeutic education in many cities in the UK. She lives in Bath.

Table of Contents

Section Title Page Action Price
The Simple Guide to Understanding Shame in Children by Betsy de Thierry 1
Foreword 6
Preface 9
Ch 1. What is Shame? 13
The difference between shame and guilt 16
Shaming 18
What does shame feel like? 20
Shame exists on a continuum 22
Overcoming shame 27
Social attitudes to shame 29
Reflection points 30
Ch 2. The Impact of Shame 31
Humans need to belong 31
The body’s response to shame 32
Problems caused by coping mechanisms 34
Reflection points 41
Ch 3. The Neuroscience of Shame 42
The threat response – digging deeper 42
Shame in toddlers 44
When you can’t fight or flee 45
Shame as a tool to stay safe 48
The problem with trying to remember or talk about past shame experiences 49
The impact of toxic shame can be minimalized when an adult is empathetic and kind 50
Reflection points 51
Ch 4. Sources of Shame 52
Parenting techniques 53
Abuse, neglect, secret family problems 55
Online peer pressure 57
Being compared 57
Having your needs dismissed 58
Self-blame 59
Shame used to silence victims 60
Expectation of being perfect 61
Confusing boundaries 61
Adolescence 62
School systems that shame children 62
Religious influence 64
Reflection points 65
Ch 5. Shame Symptoms: When Children Withdraw 66
Running away, hiding or becoming silent 66
Loneliness and withdrawing emotionally 67
Apologizing continually 68
Wearing masks 69
Compliance and fear of risk-taking 71
Reflection points 72
Ch 6. Shame Symptoms: When Children Deceive or Blame 73
Lying 73
Deceit 74
Being critical of others and projection 74
Reflection points 77
Ch 7. Shame Symptoms: When Children Hate Themselves 78
Anger 79
Self-destructive behaviours 80
Reflection points 82
Ch 8. Shame Symptoms: When Children Shut Down or Dissociate 83
Emotional shut-down 83
Dissociation 85
Addiction 86
Reflection points 87
Ch 9. Overcoming Shame 88
Provide healing emotional connection with the child 89
Tips for emotional connection with a child or young person 90
Understanding normal human behaviour 91
Speak up for cultures of vulnerability and kindness 92
Help wake up the child’s frontal lobes! 93
Self-compassion 94
Reflection points 95
Ch 10. Shame Resilience and Healing 96
Ten ways to promote healing from shame 97
Beware perfection! 99
How to help when a child’s behaviour shows shame-based coping mechanisms 100
Top tips on how to respond to a crying or angry child 101
Praising children for their good character, wise decisions and gifts 102
Conclusion 103
Reflection points 103
References and Recommended Reading 104
Index 106