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Turning Points in Play Therapy and the Emergence of Self

Turning Points in Play Therapy and the Emergence of Self

Lorri Yasenik | Ken Gardner


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Effective clinical practice requires a thorough understanding of how turning points surface in the play therapy process. These moments can indicate a change in a child's thought or behaviour. The play therapist is the facilitator of these moments and this book will provide guidance on how they can promote these moments.

This edited collection demonstrates successful implementation of the author's proven Play Therapy Dimensions Model. Each chapter uses this framework, as well as other theories, to discuss the markers that can reflect shifts and growth in a child's development. Full of applied guidance, this book will prove to be invaluable for practitioners, instructors and students.

Table of Contents

Section Title Page Action Price
Contents 5
Acknowledgements 7
Introduction 9
Chapter 1 - Turning Points and Understanding the Development of Self Through Play Therapy 15
Chapter 2 - Emergence of Self through Learn to Play Therapy 43
Chapter 3 - Just Like a Kid!: Adlerian Play Therapy 59
Chapter 4 - “You can be the door”: Establishing Safety and Facilitating Growth of Personal Identity with a Traumatized Child 83
Chapter 5 - Turning Points in Treating Complex Trauma in Carlos, a Foster Care Child 103
Chapter 6 - Shame Can Get Stuck in Your Throat: The Rise of Consciousness for Five-Year-Old Freddy 125
Chapter 7 - Corrie and the T-Rex: Courage Reclaimed 147
Chapter 8 - Acknowledging the Unexpressed beneath Trauma: An Encounter of Subjectivities through Play Therapy 161
Chapter 9 - The Therapeutic Dance: The Role of Affective Synchrony in Guiding Therapists When to Lead and When to Follow in Psychotherapy with Traumatized Children 187
Chapter 10 - The Container: Piecing Together a Life Story 207
Chapter 11 - To Kill or Not to Kill While Figuring Out How to Love Me Forever: A Child Loves Her Play, Not Because It’s Easy, But Because It’s Hard 223
Chapter 12 - Symbolic Solutions: Establishing a Sense of Safety for Relationship Repair 237
Chapter 13 - From Isolation to Invigoration: Five Canadian Play Therapists Share an Emergence of Selves through the Power of Finding Belonging in a Professional Community 255
Chapter 14 - Discussion and Summary 273
The Editors 283
The Contributors 285
Appendix A 291
Appendix B 302
Subject Index 305
Author Index 310
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