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Acupuncture Strategies for Complex Patients

Acupuncture Strategies for Complex Patients

Skya Abbate


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Skya Abbate has been a practising acupuncturist for over three decades, and is an experienced and senior teacher at Southwest Acupuncture College. She has published books on Auricular Acupuncture, Palpatory Diagnosis and Advanced Techniques in Oriental Medicine.

Table of Contents

Section Title Page Action Price
Acupuncture Strategies for Complex Patients: From Consultation to Treatment by Skya Abbate, DOM 1
Preface 15
Ch 1. Building the Foundation, the Infrastructure of Treatment 17
What is Illness? 19
Western and Oriental Views of Illness 20
The Natural Care of Life 26
The Diagnosis 28
The Prognosis 30
Ch 2. The Interview, the Heart of the Clinical Encounter 33
Initial and Follow-Up Interviews 34
Interview Skills 35
Interview Tips 37
Patient Education 40
Ch 3. The Relationship Between the Methods of Diagnosis and Therapeutic Effectiveness 41
Case 1: Treating the Foundation: Insomnia and Pulses at the Adaptive Level 48
Ch 4. Thoughts on Needling Within the Clinical Encounter 53
Ch 5. The Stages of Needling 57
The Six Stages of Needling 57
Reaction 64
Ch 6. What Is an Acupuncture Point? 67
Ch 7. The Importance of Standard Nomenclature of the Acupuncture Meridians and Points 75
The World Health Organization (WHO) Standard Nomenclature for Meridians 78
Ch 8. The Point Classification System 81
The Points of the Fourteen Channels 82
Case 2: Numbness treated through the Jing (well) points 100
Ch 9. The Rules of Point Selection and General Treatment Strategies 103
The Rules of Point Selection 105
Selection of Treatment Strategies 108
Needling Strategies 110
Case 3: The use of distal points for knee pain 114
The Treatment of Headaches with Unusual Clinically Effective Points, Local and Distal Points 115
Case 4: Food poisoning headache treated with a combination of local and distal points 116
Ch 10. Written Communications, Patient Plans, and Consent Forms 119
The Clinical Report Form 120
Patient Handout Plan 124
Informed Consent for Acupuncture 126
Informed Consent for Moxibustion 127
Ch 11. Acupuncture Emergencies 137
Needle shock and managing accidents 137
Ch 12. Ten Needle Technique 139
Clinical energetics of the points 141
Applications 143
Case 5: The application of Ten Needle Technique in the treatment of emotions 146
Ch 13. Eight Needle Technique 149
Clinical Energetics of the Eight Needle Technique Points 151
Case 6: Eight Needle Technique for back pain and overall tonification 155
Ch 14. Intradermals 157
Clinical Adaptation: Frown Syndrome 159
Ch 15. Luo Points: Special Vessels of Communication Between Channels 161
Chinese Methods 165
English Methods 165
Rationale 169
Case 7: Luo points in excess conditions 169
Ch 16. The Eight Curious Vessels in Oriental Medicine 173
General Functions 173
Applications of the Eight Curious Vessels: Jing Treatments 184
Ch 17. The Clinical Significance of the Confluent Points and Their Applications in Gynecology 191
The Confluent points 191
Case 8: The treatment of menopause with the Eight Curious Vessels 200
Ch 18. Six Division Treatments, Three Paradigms of Treatment 203
Case 9: Six Divisions: an energetic, philosophical model for pain and blockage in the treatment of back pain 208
Ch 19. Heat Differentiations 211
True heat and Yin deficiency heat 211
Qi deficiency heat 212
Ch 20. A Synopsis of Bloodletting Techniques 217
Types of Bleeding 218
The Treatment of Blood Stasis with Bleeding Techniques 222
Case 10: Blood stasis patterns in the occipital region 225
Case 11: Additional case of Blood stasis patterns in the occipital region 227
Common Uses of the Plum Blossom Needle 228
Case 12: The application of the plum blossom needle in the treatment of hair loss 229
Gwa Sha: Scraping Evil Wetness 231
Conclusion: Nourishing the Foundation, the Beginning of Health 235
Glossary 237
References 241
List of Points 243
Index 251
About the Author 269