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Teen Mental Health in an Online World

Teen Mental Health in an Online World

Victoria Betton | James Woollard


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This essential book shows practitioners how they can engage with teens' online lives to support their mental health. Drawing on interviews with young people it discusses how adults can have open and inquiring conversations with teens about both the positive and negative aspects of their use of online spaces.

For most young people there is no longer a barrier between their 'real' and 'online' lives. This book reviews the latest research around this topic to investigate how those working with teenagers can use their insights into digital technologies to promote wellbeing in young people. It draws extensively on interviews with young people aged 12-16 throughout, who share their views about social media and reveal their online habits. Chapters delve into how teens harness online spaces such as YouTube, Instagram and gaming platforms for creative expression and participation in public life to improve their mental health and wellbeing. It also provides a framework for practitioners to start conversations with teens to help them develop resilience in respect of their internet use. The book also explores key risks such as bullying and online hate, social currency and the quest for 'likes', sexting, and online addiction.

This is essential reading for teachers, school counsellors, social workers, and CAMHS professionals (from psychiatrists to mental health nurses) - in short, any practitioner working with teenagers around mental health.

Table of Contents

Section Title Page Action Price
Teen Mental Health in an Online World: Supporting Young People around their Use of Social Media, Apps, Gaming, Texting and the Rest by Victoria Betton and James Woollard 2
Acknowledgements 7
A note about terminology 9
1. Introduction 11
2. Social media, digital technologies and the internet: Introducing teens’ connected realities 23
3. Getting creative: The affordances of digital for good mental health 55
4. Developmental frameworks and perspectives 83
5. From digital natives to digital differences 109
6. Understanding adverse experiences online 127
7. Digital resilience and digital rights 173
8. A three-step framework for supporting teens’ digital resilience 197
9. Implications of digital technologies for young people’s services 231
Conclusion 253
References 267
Further reading 279
About the authors 281
Index 283
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