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The Fire Now

The Fire Now

Azeezat Johnson | Remi Joseph-Salisbury | Beth Kamunge | Christina Sharpe | George Yancy



Not so long ago, many spoke of a ‘post-racial’ era, claiming that advances made by people of colour showed that racial divisions were becoming a thing of the past. But the hollowness of such claims has been exposed by the rise of Trump and Brexit, both of which have revealed deep seated white resentment, and have been attended by a resurgence in hate crime and overt racial hatred on both sides of the Atlantic.

At a time when progress towards equality is not only stalling, but being actively reversed, how should anti-racist scholars respond? This collection carries on James Baldwin’s legacy of bearing witness to racial violence in its many forms. Its authors address how we got to this particular moment, arguing that it can only be truly understood by placing it within the wider historical and structural contexts that normalise racism and white supremacy. Its chapters engage with a wide range of contemporary issues and debates, from the whiteness of the recent women’s marches, to anti-racist education, to the question of Black resistance and intersectionality. Mapping out the problems we face, and the solutions we need, the book considers how anti-racist scholarship and activism can overcome the setbacks posed by the resurgence of white supremacy.

Remi Joseph-Salisbury is a senior lecturer at the Carnegie School of Education, Leeds Beckett University. He is a founding member of the Critical Race and Ethnicities Network (CREN), and a Trustee for the Racial Justice Network. A committed activist, his writing has appeared in the Independent and the Voice.

Azeezat Johnson is a lecturer in Human Geography at Queen Mary University of London. She completed her PhD at University of Sheffield on the clothing practices of Black Muslim women in Britain. Her research interests are focused on critical race studies, Black feminism, Muslim women and Islamophobia.

Beth Kamunge is an African black-feminist and doctoral researcher in food politics, at the University of Sheffield’s department of Geography.

‘This powerful collection captures the voices of a new generation of revolutionary writers and activists who declare “no more!” to racial injustice. The Fire Now will burn in your thoughts for as long as racism and white privilege prevail.’
Heidi Safia Mirza, UCL Institute of Education (Emeritus)

‘These eloquent essays offer an inspiring landscape of resistance to white supremacy and racist violence in the age of Trump and Brexit. It belongs on the bookshelves of everyone who refuses to be silent in the face of profound injustice.’
Chandra Talpade Mohanty, Syracuse University

‘A clarion call and a collaborative love letter, The Fire Now is a ferocious and diligent reckoning with newly energised forces of racism and white supremacy.’
Yasmin Gunaratnam, Goldsmiths University of London

‘Mobilizes the global resources of anti-racist activism and scholarship, bringing light and heat to a world desperately in need of both. The writing it contains is brilliant, timely and essential.’
Fred Moten, New York University

'An important book for the unpredictable and dangerous times in which we live. Now, more than ever, we need to understand the function of white supremacy and the anti-racist theories and practices to effectively combat it.'
Akwugo Emejulu, Warwick University

‘A handbook for those who wish to undertake anti-racist work in resurgently racist times. By curating a timely and diverse set of critical interventions, the editors have provided an indispensable book with which to confront our current political climate.’
Robbie Shilliam, Johns Hopkins University

Table of Contents

Section Title Page Action Price
Cover Cover
Praise for the Book i
About the Editors ii
Title iii
Copyright iv
Contents v
About the Contributors ix
Foreword: The Heat and the Burdens of the Day xv
Notes xix
References xix
Changing Our Fate in The Fire Now 1
Note 8
References 8
Part I. Transforming Academia 11
1. I Am Not a Writer 13
2. An Academic Witness: White Supremacy within and beyond Academia 15
Academia and White Supremacy: Contextualising Brexit and Trump 17
Critiquing Whiteness in Academia 19
Black Feminism and Dialogue 21
Moving Forward 22
Note 23
References 24
3. Understanding Racism within the Academy: The Persistence of Racism within Higher Education 26
Introduction 26
Understanding the Persistence of Racism in Higher Education 28
Understanding the Impact of Racial Micro-aggression in Academia 32
Conclusion 34
References 35
4. Black Study 38
Introduction 38
An Opening 42
References 43
5. Confronting My Duty as an Academic: We Should All Be Activists 44
Be Aware and Critical of the Historical and Contemporary Role of the University 46
Speak Truth to Power 47
Be Supportive and Be Supported 49
Know the Wider Communities 50
Being Reflexive: Are We Doing More Harm Than Good? 51
Conclusion 53
Notes 53
References 53
Part II. Intersectional Identities, Intersectional Struggles 57
6. Majority Monitoring 59
7. Crippin’ Blackness: Narratives of Disabled People of Colour from Slavery to Trump 60
Re-materialising Race and Disability 63
Locating Hope in Times of Increasing Despair 69
References 71
8. Intersectionality before the Courts: The Face Veil Cases 74
Introduction 74
The Human Rights Framework 75
From Partial Bans to Total Bans 80
Conclusion 82
Notes 83
References 84
9. Colour-Blind Racism and the 2017 Women’s March: White Feminism, Activism and Lessons for the Left 86
Introduction 86
Racism and the Rise of the Right 87
Racism Prior to the Women’s March 88
Racism at the Women’s March on Washington 91
Racism in Social Movements in the Trump Era 92
Conclusion 93
Note 95
References 96
10. ‘The Climate Crisis is a Racist Crisis’: Structural Racism, Inequality and Climate Change 99
Introduction: Environmental and Climate Justice 99
Strange Weather Bears Strange Fruit 102
When Will Black Lives Matter? 104
‘The Climate Crisis Is a Racist Crisis’ (Black Lives Matter UK, 2016) 105
Debts Due, Not Aid Promised: Climate Justice Now! 107
Note 109
References 110
Part III. Lessons from History, Connections Across Spaces 115
11. Beware the Northern Fox: Keeping a Focus on Systematic Racism Post Trump and Brexit 117
Southern Fox and the Northern Wolf 118
Beware of the Fox Post-Brexit 123
References 127
12. This Ain’t Nothing New: Contextualising Black Responses to Trump’s America 129
History Rewards Our Research 130
Back to the Future: A Sleeping Giant Awakens 134
References 140
13. Understanding the Present through the Past: Struggles against Racism 142
Introduction 142
The Fight against Racism and the Open Resistance to Eurocentrism 142
The Anti-Racism Struggle of Women in the Black Diaspora 144
Anti-racism Today: How Far We Have Come 145
Conclusion 148
References 149
14. Fighting for Survival: Lessons from the Pan African Resistance 150
Introduction 150
Black Collectivism against Western Discrimination and Exploitation 153
Counteracting Western Negativity wi th Positive Black Liberation 156
The Legacy of Black Resistance 158
References 160
15. Could It Happen Here? Canada’s Multicultural Oasis and Global Right-Wing Drift 162
Canada’s Multiculturalism and the Pretensions of Colour-Blindness 163
Canada above the Fray? 166
Defending Canadian Values, Canadian Family and the Place of ‘Old Stock’ Canadians 169
Conclusion 171
Notes 172
References 173
16. Domesticating Trump 175
Banal Misogyny: From Kenya to the US 177
Anti-racist Solidarity? 183
Notes 185
References 185
Part IV. Understanding And Reframing Oppression 187
17. Writing in the Fire Now: Beth Dialogues with Wambui and Osop 189
Writings to and from Wambui and Beth 190
Writings to and from Osop and Beth 194
References 197
18. Movements through Trauma: How to See Ourselves 198
Mundane Monstrosity 198
The Morality of Trauma 201
Political Identities 202
Movements of Trauma 204
I’m Here for a (Good) Time, Not a Long Time 206
References 207
19. Fundamental British Values: Moving Towards Anti-Racist and Multicultural Education? 209
Introduction 209
The Stranger on the Shores of Britain 210
Fundamental British Values (FBV) 212
Reclaiming Multiculturalism, Rejecting Fundamental British Values 213
Researching Youth Voices on Britishness and Belonging 215
Conclusion: Examining British Identities through a Critical Lens 217
Notes 218
References 219
20. Teaching White Innocence in an Anti-Black Social Order: British Values and the Psychic Life of Coloniality 223
Promoting Fundamental British Values 223
Pursue, Protect, Prepare and Prevent: The Story of a Shipwreck and a Desert Island 224
Winning Hearts and (Especially) Minds 227
The Psychic Life of White Supremacy 230
Conclusion 231
References 232
21. ‘Be Exactly Who You Are’: Black Feminism in Volatile Political Realities 235
Introduction 235
2016 Political Context 236
Being-ness, Radicality and Black Feminism 237
The Radicality of Being Exactly Who You Are 238
Deregulating Blackness as an Intervention into White Supremacy 240
Black Women Who Paved the Way in Volatile Times 241
Surviving and Thriving: Listening to Black Women 242
Psychological Disorientation and the Consequences of Taking Up Space 243
Affirmation and Caring 244
Paying It Forward: Community 246
The Value of Being Exactly Who You Are 247
Notes 248
References 248
22. Laughter and the Politics of Place-Making 250
Introduction 250
Divisive Nostalgia in Post-Brexit Britain 250
Making Place as Shared Matter 252
The Wonder of Place as Material Archive 254
Laughter as Unpredictable Key to Place as Material Archive 256
Conclusions 258
Notes 259
References 259
23. Demanding the Impossible: Responding to The Fire Now 261
Note 265
References 265
Afterword 266
References 274
Index 275