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A New Hope for Mexico

A New Hope for Mexico

Andrés Manuel López Obrador


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On 1 July 2018, Andrés Manuel López Obrador was elected as the next President of Mexico. AMLO’s decisive victory speaks volumes about the corrupt state of the Mexican political elite, the temperament of the country’s people, and the election of another outspoken politician, Donald Trump.

A progressive politician often compared to Jeremy Corbyn and Bernie Sanders, AMLO’s campaign galvanised people across Mexico. Here, in his own words, AMLO paints a picture of a country plagued by cronyism and neoliberalism, and declares the dawn of a new era, vowing to uplift poor and indigenous communities and provide jobs and welfare for all. As Trump publicly derides the Mexican people as ‘drug dealers, criminals and rapists’, AMLO is critical of Mexico’s capitulation to the US.

The election of a true progressive for the first time in recent history has huge implications for the Mexican people, for the United States, and for the international progressive Left. This manifesto is the foundation on which a new progressive Latin American politics could emerge.
'Andres Manuel Lopez Obrador has a dream: to defeat the corruption, violence and injustice hiding behind the veil of Mexico's neoliberal experiment'
Yanis Varoufakis
'Andres Manuel Lopez Obrador pinpoints the key problems facing today's Mexico, especially corruption at the highest level of government, and sets out what must be done to put them right. This book is essential'
Greg Grandin, author of Fordlandia

Table of Contents

Section Title Page Action Price
Cover Cover
Contents v
Translator and Editor's Note - Natascha Uhlmann vii
Introduction 1
1. A Gang of Thugs 7
2. Privatization is Theft 15
3. Voracious Nepotism 27
4. Killing the Goose that Lays the Golden Egg 39
5. White Collar Crime 59
6. Rescuing the State 81
7. Honesty is the Way Out 95
8. Republican Austerity 107
9. A Blueprint for Mexico's Economic and Social Revitalization 141
10. A Glimpse at 2024 201
Epilogue: Migrants, Motors of Growth - Elena Poniatowska 205
About the Author 211