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Staying Power

Staying Power

Peter Fryer


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Book Details


Staying Power is a panoramic history of black Britons. Stretching back to the Roman conquest, encompassing the court of Henry VIII, and following a host of characters from Mary Seacole to the abolitionist Olaudah Equiano, Peter Fryer paints a picture of two thousand years of Black presence in Britain.

First published in the '80s, amidst race riots and police brutality, Fryer's history performed a deeply political act; revealing how Africans, Asians and their descendants had long been erased from British history. By rewriting black Britons into the British story, showing where they influenced political traditions, social institutions and cultural life, was - and is - a deeply effective counter to a racist and nationalist agenda.

This new edition includes the classic introduction by Paul Gilroy, author of There Ain't No Black in the Union Jack, in addition to a brand-new foreword by Guardian journalist Gary Younge, which examines the book's continued significance today as we face Brexit and a revival of right wing nationalism.
'Encyclopedic, courageous and passionately written there is no more important and no more ground breaking a book on Black British history than 'Staying Power'. Everyone who has researched or written on the subject since its publication in 1984 owes something to Fryer'
David Olusoga, author of 'Black and British: A Forgotten History'
'For this retrieval of the lost histories of black Britain Mr Fryer has my deep gratitude. An invaluable book, which manages the rare feat of combining scholarship with readability'
Salman Rushdie
'A fascinating account of the growth of the black community in Britain over the past centuries'
Lenny Henry
'Rare in its mastery'
CLR James

Table of Contents

Section Title Page Action Price
Cover Cover
Contents vii
Foreword - Paul Gilroy xi
Introduction - Paul Gilroy xiii
Preface xvii
1. 'Those kinde of people' 1
2. 'Necessary Implements' 14
3. Britain's slave ports 34
4. The black community takes shape 69
5. Eighteenth-century voices 91
6. Slavery and the law 115
7. The rise of English racism 135
8. Up from slavery 194
9. Challenges to empire 241
10. Under attack 303
11. The settlers 378
12. The new generation 394
Appendixes 409
Notes 461
Suggestions for further reading 602
Index 605