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Attosecond Molecular Dynamics

Attosecond Molecular Dynamics

Marc J J Vrakking | Franck Lepine


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Attosecond science is a new and rapidly developing research area in which molecular dynamics are studied at the timescale of a few attoseconds.

Within the past decade, attosecond pump–probe spectroscopy has emerged as a powerful experimental technique that permits electron dynamics to be followed on their natural timescales. With the development of this technology, physical chemists have been able to observe and control molecular dynamics on attosecond timescales. From these observations it has been suggested that attosecond to few-femtosecond timescale charge migration may induce what has been called “post-Born-Oppenheimer dynamics”, where the nuclei respond to rapidly time-dependent force fields resulting from transient localization of the electrons. These real-time observations have spurred exciting new advances in the theoretical work to both explain and predict these novel dynamics.

This book presents an overview of current theoretical work relevant to attosecond science written by theoreticians who are presently at the forefront of its development. It is a valuable reference work for anyone working in the field of attosecond science as well as those studying the subject.

Table of Contents

Section Title Page Action Price
Front Cover Cover
Attosecond Molecular Dynamics i
Contents v
Chapter 1 Introduction 1
1.1 Introduction 1
1.2 State-of-the-art of Molecular Attosecond Experiments 6
1.2.1 Electron Localization Following Attosecond Molecular Photoionization 11
1.2.2 Increasing the Complexity of the Molecule: N2 14
1.2.3 The Next Level of Complexity: Polyatomic Molecules 16
1.3 Contents of this Book 25
References 34
Chapter 2 Low-dimensional Models for Simulating Attosecond Processes in Atoms and Molecules 38
2.1 Introduction 38
2.2 Electron Dynamics in Strong Fields 39
2.2.1 Single Active Electron 1d Models 39
2.2.2 Emission Times in High Harmonic Generation 42
2.2.3 Short and Long Trajectories in Harmonic Generation: Quantum Path Interferences 45
2.2.4 Structural Minima in Harmonic Spectra from Molecules 47
2.2.5 Pros and Cons of 1d Models 51
2.3 Accounting for the Nuclear Motion 51
2.3.1 1d 1d Vibronic Model 51
2.3.2 Dynamics of Molecular Photoionisation 54
2.3.3 Influence of Nuclear Motion on High Harmonic Generation in Molecules 59
2.4 Conclusion 63
References 63
Chapter 3 First-principles Many-electron Dynamics Using the B-spline Algebraic Diagrammatic Construction Approach 68
3.1 Theoretical Method: Time-dependent B-spline ADC 68
3.1.1 Intermediate State Representation Approach to ADC Ab Initio Schemes 70
3.1.2 B-spline Basis Set 74
3.1.3 Computational Procedure 76
3.1.4 Time Propagation 83
3.2 Results and Discussion 87
3.2.1 Atomic Photoionisation Cross Sections by Combination of B-spline-ADC and Stieltjes Methods 87
3.2.2 ADC(1) High Harmonic Generation Spectra of Ar Atom and Aligned CO2 Molecules 89
3.2.3 Attosecond Transient Absorption Spectroscopy Calculation in a He Atom 95
3.3 Conclusions 97
References 99
Chapter 4 Ultrafast Electron Dynamics as a Route to Explore Chemical Processes 103
4.1 Problem Overview 103
4.1.1 Chemistry as Dynamics of Quantum Particles 103
4.1.2 Molecular States and Born–Oppenheimer Approximation 105
4.1.3 Describing Correlated Electrons 108
4.2 Correlated Electron Dynamics Following Ionization 111
4.2.1 The Hole Density 112
4.2.2 Choice of Cationic Basis and Initial State 115
4.2.3 Basic Mechanisms 117
4.3 Attochemistry 123
1 Dyson ADC 130
2 Non-Dyson ADC 133
References 134
Chapter 5 Time-dependent Multiconfigurational Theories of Electronic and Nuclear Dynamics of Molecules in Intense Laser Fields 139
5.1 Introduction 139
5.2 Multiconfiguration Time-dependent Hartree–Fock Theory 142
5.2.1 EOMs for the Spin-orbitals 145
5.2.2 The EOMs for CI Coefficients 148
5.2.3 Time-dependent Natural Orbitals 149 Definition of Instantaneous Natural Spin-orbitals 149 EOMs for Time-dependent Natural Spin-orbitals 150
5.3 Nuclear Dynamics of Molecules in Intense Near-infrared Fields: Time-Dependent Adiabatic State Approach 151
5.4 Extension of MCTDHF to Treat Molecular Dynamics 153
5.5 Results and Discussion 156
5.5.1 Application of MCTDHF to Anisotropic Ionization of CO 156 Ionization 157 Effective Potential 157
5.5.2 Application of the Basic Concept of the Time-dependent Adiabatic state Approach to H2 160
5.5.3 Application to an Ethanol Molecule in an Intense Laser Field 164
5.5.4 Protonic Structure in CH3OH 170
5.5.5 Comparison With Born–Huang Expansion for the Ground-state Wave Function of a One-dimensional H2 Model 173
5.6 Conclusions 176
References 178
Chapter 6 Light-induced Conical Intersections 183
6.1 Introduction 183
6.2 Theory 186
6.2.1 The Hamiltonian 186
6.2.2 Nuclear Wave Packet Propagation and Dynamical Properties 188
6.3 Results and Discussions 190
6.3.1 Nuclear Wave Packet Quantum Interference 190
6.3.2 Direct Signature of the Light-induced Conical Intersection 197
6.3.3 A Quantum Control Strategy Using Light-induced Conical Intersections 200
6.3.4 Competition of Intrinsic and Light-induced Nonadiabatic Phenomena 205
6.4 Conclusions 211
References 212
Chapter 7 Theoretical Methodsfor Attosecond Coupled Electron-nuclear DynamicsIn Molecular Photoionization 218
7.1 Introduction 218
7.2 General Theoretical Background to Describe Ultrafast Dynamics in Molecular Photoionization 221
7.2.1 Time-dependent Schrödinger Equation 221
7.2.2 Electronic Continuum States 224 The Single Channel Approximation 225 Beyond the Single-channel Approximation 225 Evaluation of Continuum Orbitals 226
7.3 Theory for the Simplest One- and Two-electron Molecules H2+ and H2 228
7.3.1 One-electron Diatomic Molecule: H2 228
7.3.2 Two-electron Diatomic Molecule: H2 230
7.3.3 The Time Dependent Feshbach Close-coupling Method for H2 231 Bound States and Resonance States in QQQQ Subspace. 234 Continuum States in PPPP Subspace. 235
7.3.4 Nuclear Motion 239
7.3.5 Relation with H2 Experiments 240
7.4 Results from Full Dimensional Ab Initio Approaches (Hydrogenic Molecules) 242
7.4.1 One-electron Diatomic Molecules 243
7.4.2 Hydrogen Molecule 249 Rabi Oscillations 251
7.5 Beyond H2: Electron Dynamics in More Complex Diatomic Molecules 254
7.6 Ultrafast Dynamics in Larger Molecules 257
7.7 Conclusions 263
References 264
Chapter 8 How Nuclear Motion Affects Coherent Electron Dynamics in Molecules 275
8.1 Introduction 275
8.2 Theoretical Methods 279
8.2.1 Ehrenfest Method 281
8.2.2 DD-vMCG Method 283
8.3 Implementation Details 285
8.3.1 Implementation of the Ehrenfest Method 285
8.3.2 Implementation of the DD-vMCG Method 287
8.4 Applications 291
8.4.1 Effect of (Mean-field) Nuclear Motion 292
8.4.2 Effect of Nuclear Spatial Delocalization 295
8.4.3 Effect of Quantum Nuclear Motion 297
8.4.4 Design of Molecular Targets for Longer-lived Coherence 299
8.5 Conclusion 303
References 305
Chapter 9 Attophotochemistry: Coherent Electronic Dynamics and Nuclear Motion 308
9.1 The Basics 308
9.2 The Grid 313
9.3 Mass Effects 320
9.4 Short Time Nuclear Dynamics 321
9.5 Computing on the Fly 322
9.6 Illustrative Examples 323
9.6.1 Steering of Selective Dissociation in LiH 324
9.6.2 LiH Computed on the Fly 328
9.7 Excitation of N2 in the Far UV 332
9.8 Dissociation Dynamics in HCN and DCN 334
9.9 Concluding Remarks 343
References 343
Chapter 10 General Trajectory Surface Hopping Method for Ultrafast Nonadiabatic Dynamics 348
10.1 Introduction 348
10.2 Electronic State Representations 349
10.3 Nonadiabatic Dynamics: SHARC 353
10.3.1 From Quantum Dynamics to Molecular Dynamics 353
10.3.2 From Born–Oppenheimer Molecular Dynamicsto Surface Hopping 354
10.3.3 From Surface Hopping to SHARC 358
10.3.4 Practical Aspects of SHARC Simulations 360
10.4 Electronic Structure Methods 362
10.4.1 Excited-state Energies and Gradients 362
10.4.2 Nonadiabatic Couplings 365
10.4.3 Spin–orbit Coupling and Scalar Relativistic Effects 366
10.4.4 Dipole Moments and Dyson Norms 367
10.5 Analysis 368
10.5.1 Simulation of Observables 368
10.5.2 Analysis of Electronic Evolution 371
10.5.3 Analysis of Nuclear Evolution 372
10.6 Example Application 373
10.7 Summary 377
References 378
Chapter 11 Time-dependent Restricted-active-space Self-consistent-field Theory for Electron Dynamics on the Attosecond Timescale 386
11.1 Introduction 386
11.2 Brief Overview of Wavefunction-based Many-electron Theories 387
11.3 Philosophy of the TD-RASSCF Theory 390
11.4 Formulation of the TD-RASSCF Theory 392
11.4.1 Equations of Motion for the Amplitudes 395
11.4.2 Equations of Motion for the Orbitals 396 Equations of Motion for the Q-space Orbitals 396 Equations of Motion for the P-space Orbitals 398 Even Excitation RAS Scheme 400 General RAS Scheme 401
11.5 Extraction of Observables from the TD-RASSCF Wavefunction 403
11.5.1 Photoelectrons and High-order Harmonic Generation 404 Photoelectrons 404 High-order Harmonic Generation 406
11.6 Properties of the TD-RASSCF Theory 407
11.6.1 Gauge Invariance 407
11.6.2 Numerical Performance 408
11.7 Illustrative Applications of the TD-RASSCF Theory 410
11.7.1 High-order Harmonic Generation 411
11.7.2 Photoionization of Be 413 Correlation Effects in Time-delays in Photoionization 415
11.8 Summary and Conclusion 418
References 419
Chapter 12 Real-time and Real-space Time-dependent Density-functional Theory Approach to Attosecond Dynamics 424
12.1 Introduction 424
12.2 TDDFT in Real Time 426
12.2.1 Perturbation Theory Approaches 431
12.2.2 Electron–ion Dynamics 434
12.2.3 Computational Issues 436
12.3 Photon Absorption 438
12.3.1 Equilibrium Linear Response 438
12.3.2 Non-equilibrium Linear Response 441
12.4 Photoelectron Spectroscopy 445
12.4.1 Formalism 445
12.4.2 Example 450
12.5 Control of Electron Dynamics 452
12.6 Conclusions and Remarks 454
References 456
Chapter 13 Elements of Structure Retrieval in Ultrafast Electron and Laser-induced Electron Diffraction from Aligned Polyatomic Molecules 462
13.1 Introduction 462
13.2 Conventional Gas-phase Electron Diffraction and the Independent Atom Model 464
13.3 Structure Retrieval from Electron Diffractionof Aligned Molecules 465
13.3.1 Genetic Algorithm for Reconstructing the Diffraction Pattern Corresponding to Perfectly 1-DAligned Molecules 467
13.3.2 Calculating a Diffraction Pattern after Rotationand Averaging of the Angular Distribution 468
13.3.3 Application of the Genetic Algorithm to Symmetric Top Molecules 469
13.3.4 Application of the Genetic Algorithm to Asymmetric Top Molecules 471 Expressing the Diffraction PatternsUsing Cylindrical Harmonics 472 Applying the Genetic Algorithm 474 Iterative Phase Retrieval Algorithm 474
13.4 Laser-induced Electron Diffraction 477
13.4.1 Historic Background and the Basic Ingredientsof the LIED 477
13.4.2 Quantitative Rescattering Theory 479 Atomic Targets 479 Molecular Targets 480
13.4.3 Application of the IAM to the LIED 482
13.4.4 Recent LIED Experiments with Polyatomic Molecules 485
13.4.5 Retrieval of the 2D Molecular Structure from the LIED Experiment with Aligned Molecules 486
13.5 Summary and Conclusions 490
References 492
Subject Index 494