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Motherhood Missed

Motherhood Missed

Lois Tonkin | Jody Day



Many women expect to become mothers but are childless through social rather than biological reasons - perhaps they haven't met the right person or they prioritised career or education earlier in life. Featuring international interviews by grief counsellor and researcher Lois Tonkin, this collection of first-person stories provides insight into the under-discussed situation of being childless by circumstance.

Each story highlights the different aspects of being childless by circumstance, as women move through their 30s, 40s, and 50s, and beyond their ages of fertility. The book explores feelings of grief and loss, and also how women adapt positively to their changed life expectations, finding excitement in the alternative, rich and complex shapes their lives have taken.

Dr Lois Tonkin is a counselling lecturer at the University of Canterbury, New Zealand. She has worked in private practice as a writer, counsellor, supervisor, and educator about loss and grief for over 25 years.

Table of Contents

Section Title Page Action Price
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Foreword 11
Acknowledgements 21
Introduction 23
Gina\x03,\x03 43, Lives in the US 32
Toni\x03,\x03 46, Lives in New Zealand 38
Andrea\x03,\x03 47, Lives in England 43
Lynne\x03,\x03 39, Lives in New Zealand 48
Molly\x03,\x03 44, Lives in New Zealand 54
Leeann\x03,\x03 42, Lives in Australia 59
Bron\x03,\x03 38, Lives in New Zealand 66
Persephone\x03,\x03 44, Lives in England 71
Sonja\x03,\x03 55, Lives in New Zealand 77
Claudia\x03,\x03 35, Lives in Australia 84
Louise\x03,\x03 40, Lives in New Zealand 89
Hannah\x03,\x03 45, Lives in Spain 93
Maree\x03,\x03 33, Lives in New Zealand 100
Julia\x03,\x03 48, Lives in New Zealand 104
Raewyn\x03,\x03 47, Lives in India 110
Genevieve\x03,\x03 45, Lives in England 119
Holly\x03,\x03 36, Lives in New Zealand 125
Bridget\x03,\x03 43, Lives in New Zealand 130
Yvonne\x03,\x03 46, Lives in England 136
Deborah\x03,\x03 45, Lives in New Zealand 142
Brigitte\x03,\x03 40, Lives in England 147
Georgina\x03,\x03 49, Lives in New Zealand 152
Rebecca\x03,\x03 48, Lives in Australia 158
Rachael\x03,\x03 46, Lives in New Zealand 164
Teena\x03,\x03 47, Lives in New Zealand 170
Rose\x03,\x03 41, Lives in New Zealand 176
Shanti\x03,\x03 46, Lives in England 180
Shelley\x03,\x03 50, Lives in New Zealand 186
Kathryn\x03,\x03 45, Lives in New Zealand 192
Stella\x03,\x03 57, Lives in New Zealand 198
Vicki\x03,\x03 44, Lives in New Zealand 205
Natasha\x03,\x03 55, Lives in England 210
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