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BTEC Tech Award Digital Information Technology Student Book

BTEC Tech Award Digital Information Technology Student Book

Rob Cadwell | Alan Jarvis


Additional Information

Book Details


  • full coverage of all three components, structured to match the spec
  • content broken down into 1 hour lessons to help with your planning and delivery
  • plenty of case studies and examples that students can relate to
  • additional features including key terms, 'did you know' sections and plenty of assessment practice

Table of Contents

Section Title Page Action Price
Front Cover Front Cover
Contents iii
About this book v
How to use this book vi
Component 1: Exploring User Interface Design Principles and Project Planning Techniques 2
Introduction to user interfaces 4
What is a user interface? 4
Example uses of user interfaces 5
Basic user interfaces 6
Text interfaces 6
Form interfaces 6
Menu interfaces 7
Complex user interfaces 8
Graphical interfaces 8
Sensor interfaces 8
Speech interfaces 9
Choosing a user interface 10
Performance 10
User requirements 10
Ease of use 10
User experience 10
Accessibility 10
Storage space 11
How hardware and software affect user interfaces 12
Impacts of hardware and software on user interfaces 12
User accessibility needs 14
Accessibility needs 14
User skills and demographics 16
User skills 16
User demographics 16
Design principles: visual elements 18
Use of colour 18
Use of font styles and sizes 19
Design principles: text elements 20
Use of language 20
Amount of information 20
Design principles: layout 22
Consistency 22
Placement of items 22
Matching user expectations 22
Grouping related tasks together 22
Navigational components 22
Input controls 23
Design principles: user expectations 24
Colour 24
Symbols 24
Sound 25
Visuals 25
Design principles: keeping the user engaged 26
Grab attention 26
Uncluttered screens 26
Tip text 26
Labels 26
Default values 27
Autofill 27
Design principles: intuitive design 28
Graphics to illustrate what buttons do 28
Helpful pop-up messages 28
Easy reversal of actions 28
Help features 28
Ensure consistency 29
Improving the speed of user interfaces 30
Keyboard shortcuts 30
Reversal of actions 30
Informative feedback 30
Distinguishable objects 31
Reducing the user selection time 32
Appropriate object sizes 32
Object emphasis 33
Group related objects 33
Learning aim A: assessment practice 34
How you will be assessed 34
Project methodologies 36
Waterfall methodology 36
Iterative methodology 37
Co-ordinating project tasks 38
Gantt charts 38
PERT charts 38
Critical path diagrams 39
Basic project planning tools 40
Task lists 41
Graphical descriptions 41
Written descriptions 41
Mood boards 41
Planning the project basics 42
Aims and objectives 42
Audience 43
Purpose 43
Defining the project requirements 44
User requirements 44
Output requirements 44
Input requirements 45
User accessibility requirements 45
Project constraints and risks 46
Constraints 46
Potential risks and contingency planning 47
Planning project timescales 48
Overall timescales 48
When tasks will be completed 48
Key milestones 48
Resources 49
What is a design specification? 50
What requirements does a design specification need to meet? 50
What should the design specification allow for? 50
Creating sketches and storyboards 52
Sketches 52
Storyboards 52
Defining the hardware, software and testing strategy 54
Software requirements 54
Hardware requirements 54
Test strategy 54
Learning aim B: assessment practice 56
How you will be assessed 56
Developing a functional user interface 58
What is a system? 58
Showing the outputs 58
Showing the inputs 58
Showing the navigation methods 59
Showing the key aspects of a user interface 60
Show awareness of intended device 60
Show how the project requirements have been met 60
Show the overall look 61
Show the overall feel 61
Show the ease of use 61
Refining the user interface 62
Refining your user interface 62
Documenting the changes 63
Reviewing the user interface 64
Reviewing the user interface checklists 64
What areas could be developed further? 65
Component 2: Collecting, Presenting and Interpreting Data 70
Data and information 72
What is data? 72
What is information? 72
Giving structure and meaning to data 73
How to present information 74
Text 74
Numbers 74
Tables 74
Graphs and charts 75
Infographics 75
Making data suitable for processing 76
Validation methods 76
Verification methods 77
Collecting data 78
Data collection and data collection features 78
Big data 79
Why quality is important 80
The quality of information 80
Who uses data modelling? 82
Sectors and uses 82
Data security for individuals 84
Invasion of privacy 84
Fraud 85
Targeting vulnerable groups 85
Inaccurate information 85
Learning aim A: assessment practice 86
How you will be assessed 86
What is a dashboard? 88
Dashboards 88
Importing data 90
Importing data from other fi les 90
Importing data from the internet 91
Text to columns 91
Data sources 91
Spreadsheet formulae 92
Structure and format of a spreadsheet 92
Common formulae 92
Creating a formula 93
Operator precedence 93
Cell referencing 94
Relative addressing 94
Named ranges 95
Decision-making functions 96
The IF function 96
The SUMIF function 97
Lookup functions 98
The VLOOKUP function 98
Count functions 100
The COUNT function 100
The COUNTIF function 100
The COUNTBLANK function 101
Component 3: Effective Digital Working Practices 138
Communication technologies 140
Ad hoc networks 140
Security issues with open networks 141
Performance issues with ad hoc networks 141
Issues affecting network availability 141
Cloud storage 142
What is cloud storage? 142
Cloud computing 144
Using online applications 144
Selection of platforms and services 146
Platform selection 146
Number and complexity of features 147
Using cloud and traditional systems together 148
Synchronising content over devices 148
Choosing cloud technologies 150
Disaster recovery policies 150
The impact of cloud technologies on data security 150
Compatibility issues 151
Maintenance, set up and performance considerations 152
How cloud storage solutions are maintained 152
Setting up cloud service/storage 152
Performance considerations 153
Collaborative technologies 154
The benefits of collaborative technologies 154
Using modern technology when managing teams: communication and collaboration 156
Tools for collaboration 156
Communicating as a team 156
Using modern technology when managing teams: scheduling and planning 158
Scheduling and planning 158
Using scheduling and planning software to manage teams 159
Communication with stakeholders 160
Technologies for communication 160
Accessibility and inclusivity 162
Interface design 162
Interface layout 162
Accessibility features 162
Inclusivity 163
How modern technologies impact on an organisation 164
Infrastructure 164
Security of distributed/dispersed data 164
24/7 access 165
How technologies impact the way organisations operate 166
Impact of technology on collaboration 166
Technology and inclusivity 166
Technology and accessibility 167
Technology and remote working 167
How technology impacts individuals 168
How technology impacts an individual’s wellbeing 168
Working flexibly and choosing your working style 169
A: assessment practice 170
How you will be assessed 170
Why systems are attacked 172
Reasons why systems are attacked 172
External threats to digital systems and data security 174
Unauthorised access/hacking 174
Phishing 174
Pharming 175
Man-in-the-middle attacks 175
Internal threats to digital systems and data security 176
Internal threats 176
Impact of security breach 177
User access restriction 178
Physical security measures 178
Passwords 178
Using correct settings and levels of permitted access 179
Biometrics 179
Two-factor authentication 179
Data level protection: firewalls and anti-virus software 180
Firewalls 180
Software/interface design 180
Anti-virus software 181
Data level protection: device hardening and encryption 182
Device hardening 182
Procedures for backing up and recovering data 182
Finding weaknesses and improving system security 184
Ethical hacking 184
Penetration testing 184
Security policies 186
Who takes responsibility for what? 186
How to plan for disaster recovery 187
Defining security parameters: passwords 188
Password policy 188
Defining security parameters: policies 190
Why is there an acceptable software policy? 190
How an acceptable software policy is enforced 191
Use of unapproved software 191
Actions to take after an attack 192
Actions performed after an attack 192
Investigation 192
Response 193
How is the response to the attack managed? 193
How does an organisation recover? 193
What needs to be analysed? 193
B: assessment practice 194
How you will be assessed 194
Sharing data 196
Accessing shared data 196
Transactional data 196
Data exchange between services 196
Using shared data 197
Using shared data responsibly 197
The impact of technology on the environment 198
Making, using and disposing 198
Upgrading and replacing 199
Usage and settings 199
Equal access to information and services 200
Benefits to individuals 200
Benefits to organisations 200
Benefits to society 201
Legal requirements and professional guidelines 202
The legal requirements 202
Professional guidelines/accepted standards 203
Net neutrality 204
What is net neutrality? 204
The UK 204
Acceptable use policies 206
Acceptable use policy 206
Use of social media for business purposes 207
Impact of digital systems on professional life 207
Data protection principles 208
Data and the use of the internet 210
Right to be forgotten 210
Appropriate and legal use of cookies and other transactional data 210
Cookies 210
Intellectual property 212
Why intellectual property is important 212
How to protect intellectual property 212
Plagiarism 213
Using other people’s intellectual property 213
The criminal use of computer systems 214
How criminals use computer systems 214
How malware can be spread 214
C: assessment practice 216
How you will be assessed 216
Forms of notation 218
Which is better – text or diagrams? 218
Developing systems 219
Interpreting data flow diagrams 220
Interpreting flow charts 222
Interpreting system diagrams 224
Tables and written information 226
Tables 226
Written information 227
Creating data flow diagrams 228
Creating flow charts 230
D: assessment practice 232
How you will be assessed 232
Glossary 234
Index 238
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