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Global Governance and Public Health

Global Governance and Public Health

Geoffrey B. Cockerham


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Global health issues transcend national borders and state sovereignty. As a result, a collective response at the international level is necessary to effectively address these problems. This response, however, is not simply based on medical expertise or technology, but is largely dependent on politics. Health has become inextricably linked to policies developed by global governance, whether these policies involve the surveillance and the prevention of the spread of infectious disease across borders, the distribution and consumption of goods that pose a health risk through international commerce, the right to quality health for everyone, or the protection of human health from climate change and environmental degradation.

International relations theories provide a key analytical tool for understanding the dynamics of the political process in global governance in addressing health issues in an increasingly globalized world. Each chapter will features boxes highlighting case studies relevant to the material, discussion questions, and suggested readings.

Cockerham provides a superb introduction to the international politics of global health. The book gives a wide-ranging overview of the main actors and the key issues, and sets these firmly in the context of contemporary approaches to International Relations theory. A fantastic resource for students and others new to the rapidly-developing field of global governance and health.

Simon Rushton, Lecturer in Politics, University of Sheffield
Geoffrey Cockerham is associate professor of political science at Utah Valley University in Orem, Utah.
Cockerham (political science, Utah Valley Univ.) identifies the role of theories of international relations in global heath and global health governance. The first chapter covers theories such as realism and neorealism, liberalism and neoliberalism, constructivism, Marxism, and Neo-Marxism. Cockerham applies these theories to expectations of global health governance, and three major themes are addressed. First, theories are used to assess the barriers and opportunities that confront global health governance. Second, Cockerham examines the increasing importance of intergovernmental organizations (IGOs) and non-state organizations to promote public health. Examples of these IGOs include the World Health Organization, the World Bank, the World Trade Organization, the International Monetary Fund, and the United Nations. The author uses each of the theories of international relations to assess how these IGOs have influenced global governance in public health. Finally, Cockerham assesses international law and agreements to assess their role in resolving problems and conflicts in global health. Critical global problems that are assessed with this perspective include controlling infectious or communicable diseases, global health security, chronic or non-communicable diseases, health as a right, and the environment.

Summing Up: Recommended. Advanced undergraduates through faculty and professionals.

Table of Contents

Section Title Page Action Price
Global Governance and Public Health Cover
Contents v
Preface and Acknowledgements ix
List of Abbreviations xi
List of Boxes and Tables xv
1 International Relations Theory and Global Health 1
Realism 5
Liberalism and Its Variants 8
Constructivism 13
Marxism and Neo-Marxism 16
International Relations Theory and Global Health Governance 18
Plan of the Book 25
Discussion Questions 26
Suggested Readings 27
2 Intergovernmental Organizations and Global Health Governance 29
International Sanitary Conventions 29
Post–World War II Developments 32
The World Health Organization 32
The World Bank 44
The International Monetary Fund 49
The World Trade Organization 51
Intergovernmental Organizations as Actors in Global Health 59
Conclusion 64
Discussion Questions 65
Suggested Readings 65
3 Non-State Actors and Global Health Governance 67
Multinational Corporations 70
Non-Governmental Organizations 79
Global Health Public-Private Partnerships 92
Non-State Actors, Global Health Governance, and International Relations Theory 96
Conclusion 98
Discussion Questions 99
Suggested Readings 100
4 Controlling Infectious Diseases: Malaria, Tuberculosis, and HIV/AIDS 101
Malaria 104
Tuberculosis 109
Assessing Global Health Governance's Responsiveness to Infectious Diseases 121
Conclusion 127
Discussion Questions 127
Suggested Readings 128
5 Securitizing Global Health 129
Emergence of Health as a Global Security Issue 131
Pandemic Threats and Emerging\r Infectious Diseases 136
Biosecurity: Biological Weapons and Bioterrorism 145
Global Governance and the Securitization of Health 152
Conclusion 157
Discussion Questions 157
Suggested Readings 158
6 The Global Politics of Chronic Diseases 159
Tobacco Control 162
Management of Diet and Obesity 170
Consumption of Alcohol 175
Global Health Governance and the Burden of Chronic Disease 178
Conclusion 184
Discussion Questions 185
Suggested Readings 185
7 Health as an International Human Right 187
The Development of International Human Rights Law after World War II 188
The Right to Health 195
Is There an International Right to Health 199
HIV/AIDS and Human Rights 204
Chronic Diseases and Human Rights 209
Prospects for Implementation and Enforcement of a Right to Health 211
Conclusion 215
Discussion Questions 216
Suggested Readings 216
8 Global Health and the Environment 217
Environmental Politics and Global Governance 218
Climate Change 228
Depletion of the Ozone Layer 237
Air Pollution 241
Addressing the Environment’s Impact on Global Health 243
Conclusion 248
Discussion Questions 249
Suggested Readings 249
Bibliography 251
Index 285
About the Author 299