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Communities, Landscapes, and Interaction in Neolithic Greece

Communities, Landscapes, and Interaction in Neolithic Greece

Apostolos Sarris | Evita Kalogiropoulou | Tuna Kalayci | Evagelia Karimali


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The last three decades have witnessed a period of growing archaeological activity in Greece that have enhanced our awareness of the diversity and variability of ancient communities. New sites offer rich datasets from many aspects of material culture that challenge traditional perceptions and suggest complex interpretations of the past. This volume provides a synthetic overview of recent developments in the study of Neolithic Greece and reconsiders the dynamics of human-environment interactions while recording the growing diversity in layers of social organization. It fills an essential lacuna in contemporary literature and enhances our understanding of the Neolithic communities in the Greek Peninsula.

Evita Kalogiropoulou is a Adjunct Lecturer of archaeology at the School of History, Archaeology and Social Anthropology, at the University of Volos, Greece. She is an archaeologist specialised in the architectural features involved with cooking practices, spatial analysis and settlement studies in the Greek Neolithic. She did her BA and MA degree at the University of Crete in Greece and she completed her doctoral diploma at Cardiff University in U.K. She is the author of several papers, and she is involved in various international projects in Greece as an expert at the study of cooking facilities, and the social interfaces developed around cooking practices.

Tuna Kalayci is a Marie Sklodowska Curie individual fellow at the Consiglio Nazionale delle Ricerche - Istituto per i Beni Archeologici e Monumentali (CNR-IBAM). He is a remote sensing archaeologist focusing on production landscapes, landscapes of movement, and urban landscapes. He is the assistant director of two field projects in Turkey and a member of the Computer Applications in Archaeology (CAA) scientific committee.

Evagelia Karimali is a prehistoric archaeologist (Ph.D. Boston University), with specialization at lithic technology. She has been an external researcher at FORTH. She has studied and published several articles on Aegean and Mediterranean lithic collections (Platia Magoula Zarkou, Orgozinos, Pefkakia and other Neolithic Thessalian sites; Paximadi Peninsula, Euboea; Halai, Lokris).

Apostolos Sarris is Director of Research at the GeoSat ReSeArch Lab of the Foundation for Research and Technology (FORTH), Adjunct Professor at the Cyprus University of Technology and Research Associate of the Field Museum of Natural History of Chicago. He has organized and participated in more than 220 geophysical/satellite remote sensing/GIS projects in Greece, U.S.A., Cyprus, Hungary, Albania, Italy, Turkey and Egypt & participated in 90 Greek and International/European large-scale research projects.

Table of Contents

Section Title Page Action Price
Communities, Landscapes,and Interaction in NeolithicGreece i
Copyright ii
Table of Contents iii
List of Contributors vii
List of Figures xiii
List of Tables xxv
Chapter 1. Communities, Landscapes, and Interaction 1
Part I: Communities, Social Spaces, and Dimensions of Neolithic Lifeways (and Death) 7
Chapter 2. The Transition from the Mesolithic to the Neolithic in a Circum-Aegean Perspective 8
Chapter 3. Opening a New Frontier in the Study of Neolithic Settlement Patterns of Eastern Thessaly, Greece 27
Chapter 4. A Road to Variation 49
Chapter 5. An Investigation of Neolithic Settlement Pattern and Plant Exploitation at Dikili Tash 60
Chapter 6. Koutroulou Magoula in Phthiotida, Central Greece 81
Chapter 7. The Environment and Interactions of Neolithic Halai 97
Chapter 8. Diros in Context 126
Chapter 9. Visviki Magoula Revisited 137
Chapter 10. Kouphovouno (Lakonia) 149
Chapter 11. Pictures of Home 167
Chapter 12. Community Interaction and (Intended) Land Use in Neolithic Greece 187
Chapter 13. Fluid Landscapes, Bonded People? 199
Part IΙ: Landscape Dynamics and Subsistence Strategies 217
Chapter 14. Islands Out of the Mainstream 218
Chapter 15. Cycladic or Mainland? 234
Chapter 16. Human–Landscape Interaction in Neolithic Kephalonia, Western Greece 247
Chapter 17. Submerged Neolithic Landscapes off Franchthi Cave 261
Chapter 18. Humans, Animals, and the Landscape in Neolithic Koutroulou Magoula, Central Greece 269
Chapter 19. Farming Strategies at Kouphovouno, Lakonia, in the MN–LN Periods 281
Chapter 20. Animal Husbandry and the Use of Space in the Greek Sector of the Late Neolithic Settlement of Promachon-Topolnica 292
Part ΙII: Interactions and MaterialPerspectives 317
Chapter 21. Social Interaction in the Farming Communities of Neolithic Greece 319
Chapter 22. Patterns in Contemporaneous Ceramic Traditions 324
Chapter 23. Pottery Exchange Networks Under the Microscope 339
Chapter 24. The Discovery of Painted Pottery in Caves 353
Chapter 25. Thoughts on the Preliminary Study of Early Neolithic Decorated Pottery from the Central Origma at Mavropigi-Filotsairi 374
Chapter 26. Emergent Networks and Sociocultural Change in Final Neolithic Southern Greece 388
Chapter 27. Ritual and Interaction During the Final Neolithic Period 399
Chapter 28. Making Choices in a Neolithic Landscape 415
Chapter 29. Chipped Stone Aspects of the Interaction among Neolithic Communities of Northern Greece 434
Chapter 30. Casting a Wide Network 446
Color Plates 463