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Comparative Stylistics of Welsh and English

Comparative Stylistics of Welsh and English

Steve Morris | Kevin Rottet


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Book Details


The comparative analysis of Welsh and English found in this book is based on a translation corpus consisting of just over thirty novels and autobiographies from the late nineteenth century up to the early twenty-first century. Many of the original Welsh texts contain stylistic features which, in a context of intense bilingualism with English, benefit from the deliberate discussion and analysis in this volume. However, the work is intentionally descriptive rather than prescriptive, laying out patterns that are observed in the corpus, and making them available to Welsh writers and translators to adopt if or as required. As similarly the classic work in the field by Vinay and Darbelnet, this book examines its topics through the lens of translation techniques such as transposition, modulation and adaptation.

Table of Contents

Section Title Page Action Price
Cover i
Title Page iv
Copyright v
Contents vi
Rhagair / Preface viii
Acknowledgements xiv
1: Comparative Stylistics and Translation Techniques 1
2: Nouns and Pronouns 29
3: Prepositions 65
4: Welsh possessive constructions 121
5: Issues in the Verb Phrase: Tense/Mood/Aspect and Modality 157
6: Phrasal Verbs 219
7: Cael and Get 273
8: Adjectives and Adverbs 297
9: Lexical Issues: Word formation and collocations 337
10: Welsh Verbless Clauses and Verb-noun Clauses 437
11: Information structure: Topic and focus 473
Bibliography 501
Index of Terms 509
Index of Words and Expressions 517
Back Cover 529